Steve Hillage / Rock Goes To College Japanese Broadcast / 1DVDR

Steve Hillage / Rock Goes To College Japanese Broadcast / 1DVDR/ Amity
Sports Hall, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK 28th February 1979 PRO-SHOT

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Steve Hillage in 1979, who was at the height of creativity, folding “LIVE HERALD”, “RAINBOW DOME MUSICK” and “OPEN”. The symbolic image of the turning point era is now available as a superb master.
This work was filmed at the “Kent University on February 28, 1979” performance. It is a multi-camera pro shot broadcasted on the prestigious BBC program “ROCK GOES TO COLLEGE”. This program is popular for the live performances of popular artists of the season, but as the name suggests, the venue is the university campus. The University of Kent, Canterbury, is a national university that Hillage graduated from. Only Hillage with few images, the official professional shot of the famous program has reigned as a classic standard for many years. Officialization has also been realized from the progressive rock excavation label Voiceprint. This work is a copy of such an official product. . . No, then. It is a 2007 digital rebroadcast version by a certain satellite broadcasting station’s music program “ROCK MASTERS”.
Before the quality that bothers me, first of all is the position of the show. As mentioned above, in 1979, there were three official works in a row, and “RAINBOW DOME MUSICK” was a turning point that made a big turn to the ambient route. Even a slight difference in timing can change the meaning completely. So, let’s first unravel from the schedule at that time.

《“LIVE HERALD” released on January 26》
・ February 21-March 4: UK #1 (11 performances) ← Coco
・ March 15-April 6: Europe (13 performances)
・ April 9: London performance
《“RAINBOW DOME MUSICK” released on April 13》
・ April 28: London performance ← *Official BBC RADIO 1 LIVE
《“OPEN” released on October 12th》
・ October 29th-November 20th: UK # 2 (9 performances)

This is Steve Hillage in 1979. At the beginning of the year, the live album “LIVE HERALD”, which summarizes his solo career up to that point, will be released, and in early spring, “RAINBOW DOME MUSICK” will be born. The appearance of “ROCK GOES TO COLLEGE” of this work is in between. It was a concert that was the 8th performance of “British # 1”.
By the way, this work, which conveys such a stage, is a “completely official class”. In our shop, we have archived a number of music programs with the best master of core recording mania, and this work is the hillage edition. Moreover, the broadcast time is also a point. The year 2007 when it was rebroadcast was also the time when the officialization of the Voiceprint label was realized. The set is the same as the official DVD, and maybe the official master was played as it was. However, they are not exactly the same. It is also a special version with many original productions as well as live performances. One of them is Japanese subtitles. Subtitles are also attached to Hillage’s MC and song titles (although the live date “March 10, 1979” seems to be wrong: bitter smile). Especially delicious is the band introduction by moderator Pete Drummond. Here, the story that Hillage was a student at the University of Kent was also shown, and the venue was a blast. I can intuitively understand the sense of humor, including the punchline of dropping out in the end. The commentary corner is also unique to the program. The guide is a certain critic who has the nickname of “Japan’s Metal God”, but he is also famous for his love of prog. The complex Canterbury personal connections are also happily told.
“Bonus footage is even more impressive.” HATFIELD AND THE NORTH’s “Fitter Stoke Has A Bath” live will also be played. I think it’s to fill up the program slots, but it’s quite exciting to suddenly switch with a single word, “Because of Canterbury music, there are also live performances of representative bands…”
The story of the bonus footage comes first, but the highlight is of course Hillage’s live performance. The set is almost “live herald to see with your eyes”, and among the 6 songs that will be shown, all except “Unidentified (Flying Being)” of “GREEN” are related to “LIVE HERALD”. There is no ambient color yet, Hillage’s first-class spacey progressive rock is fully open. In such a situation, another guitarist has a point that “LIVE HERALD” does not have. Kano Dave Stewart participates and adds a flower.
It’s a completely official-quality rebroadcast, and you can watch commentary corners not found on the official DVD, as well as the live performance of HATFIELD AND THE NORTH. It is a great masterpiece with plenty of umami unique to Japanese broadcasting. A rare item that will not be able to expect further rebroadcasts. Please take this opportunity to fully enjoy the highest quality.

In May of this year, Steve Hillage Band & Gong is scheduled to perform again in Japan. ・You can fully enjoy Hillage’s gallant figure in high image quality. Multi-camera pro shot of “Kent University on February 28, 1979” performance. A digital rebroadcast version of the 2007 classic video of the famous program “ROCK GOES TO COLLEGE”. Not only is it completely official quality, but it is also equipped with original productions that are not found in official DVDs, such as Japanese subtitles and commentary corners. In addition, you can watch the live video “Fitter Stoke Has A Bath” of HATFIELD AND THE NORTH as a bonus video unique to the program.

『LIVE HERALD』『RAINBOW DOME MUSICK』『OPEN』を畳みかけ、創造性の極みにあった1979年のスティーヴ・ヒレッジ。ターニングポイント時代の象徴映像が極上マスターで登場です。
そんな本作が撮影されたのは「1979年2月28日ケント大学」公演。名門BBCの番組“ROCK GOES TO COLLEGE”で放送されたマルチカメラ・プロショットです。この番組は旬の注目アーティストのライヴが人気なのですが、その番組名の通り会場は大学構内。ケント大学カンタベリーにある国立大学で、ヒレッジの出身校でもありました。映像の少ないヒレッジだけに、名物番組のオフィシャル級プロショットは長年に渡って定番中の大定番に君臨。プログレ系の発掘レーベルVoiceprintから公式化も実現しました。本作は、そんな公式品のコピー。。。では、ありません。某衛星放送局の音楽番組“ROCK MASTERS”による2007年デジタル再放送バージョンなのです。
その気になるクオリティの前に、まずはショウのポジション。前述のように、1979年は公式作品が3つも連発し、しかも『RAINBOW DOME MUSICK』はアンビエント路線に大きく舵を切ったターニングポイント。わずかな時期の違いでも意味がまるで変わってしまう。そこで、まずは当時のスケジュールから紐解いてみましょう。

《1月26日『LIVE HERALD』発売》
・4月28日:ロンドン公演 ←※公式BBC RADIO 1 LIVE

これが1979年のスティーヴ・ヒレッジ。年始にはそれまでのソロキャリアを総括するライヴ盤『LIVE HERALD』がリリースされ、春先には『RAINBOW DOME MUSICK』が誕生する。本作の“ROCK GOES TO COLLEGE”出演は、その合間。「英国#1」の8公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
さらに極めつけなのがボーナス映像。HATFIELD AND THE NORTHの「Fitter Stoke Has A Bath」ライヴも流されるのです。番組枠を埋めるためだとは思いますが、「カンタベリー・ミュージックという事で、代表するバンドのライヴも……」のひと言でいきなり切り替えるのもなかなか豪快です、
ボーナス映像の話が先になってしまいましたが、最大の見どころは当然ヒレッジのライヴ本編。セットはほぼ「目で観るLIVE HERALD」で、披露される6曲のうち『GREEN』の「Unidentified (Flying Being)」以外はすべて『LIVE HERALD』絡み。まだアンビエント色もなく、ヒレッジ一流のスペーシーなプログレッシヴ・ロックが全開なのです。そんな中で『LIVE HERALD』にはないポイントがもうひとりのギタリスト。かのデイヴ・スチュワートが参加し、華を添えているのです。
完全オフィシャル級クオリティの再放送にして、公式DVDにはない解説コーナーやHATFIELD AND THE NORTHのライヴまで観られる。日本放送ならではのうま味もたっぷりな大傑作です。さらなる再放送はなかなか望めないであろうレアな銘品。どうぞ、この機会に最高峰クオリティで存分にお楽しみください。

★今年の5月にはスティーヴ・ヒレッジ・バンド&ゴングの再来日公演が予定されてますが、本作は70年代末期、ニューウェイヴの嵐の中、ヴィンテージなパフォーマンスでイギリスの観客を魅了するスティーヴ・ヒレッジの勇姿を高画質でたっぷりと楽しめます。「1979年2月28日ケント大学」公演のマルチカメラ・プロショット。名物番組“ROCK GOES TO COLLEGE”の大定番映像で、2007年のデジタル再放送バージョン。完全オフィシャル級クオリティなだけでなく、日本語字幕や解説コーナーなど公式DVDにはない独自演出も完備。さらに番組独自のボーナス映像としてHATFIELD AND THE NORTHのライヴ映像「Fitter Stoke Has A Bath」まで観られます。

1. Introduction
2. VJ Talks
3. The Salmon Song
4. Introduction by Pete Drummond
5. New Age Synthesis (Unzipping The Zype)
6. Hurdy Gurdy Man
7. 1988 Aktivatior
8. Unidentified (Flying Being)
9. It’s All Too Much
10. VJ Talks

Steve Hillage – Guitar, Vocals, Synthesizer
John McKenzie – Bass, Vocal
Andy Anderson – Drums
Dave Stewart ? Guitar, Vocals
Miquette Giraudy – Synthesizer, Vocals

Hatfield And The North
Live at Rainbow Theatre, London, UK 1975
11. Fitter Stoke Has A Bath

Richard Sinclair – vocals, bass
David Stewart – keyboards
Phil Miller – guitars
Pip Pyle – drums


Amity 713

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