Black Sabbath / Brescia 1973 50th Anniversary Edition / 1CD

Black Sabbath / Brescia 1973 50th Anniversary Edition / 1CD/ Zodiac
Palazzo E.I.B., Brescia, Italy 21st February 1973


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A brush-up of the absolute recording that conveys the scene of Sabbath’s climax. Introducing a press CD that permanently preserves the highest peak updated sound!
What is engraved on this work is “February 21, 1973 Brescia performance”. It is the super best audience recording. I’m sure many of you have already noticed this. This work is an upgraded version of “DEFINITIVE BRESCIA 1973″ which caused a shock a few years ago. This is the most important album of the Sabbath collection, along with Mike Millard’s super masterpiece “DEFINITIVE LONG BEACH 1975 (Zodiac 600)”.
All of a sudden, I started talking about it as a “super masterpiece” and “the most important record.” For those who don’t know about the already released version, let’s explain from the beginning. Speaking of 1973, it is the year of “Bloody Sabbath”, but this work is the previous “VOL.4 Tour”. In order to understand the current situation, let’s first take a look at the overview of the activities at the time.

・January 24th – February 24th: UK #1 (20 performances)
・March 1st – April 2nd: North America #1 (31 performances)
《Completion of “VOL.4” in May》
・May 7th: Paris performance
*July 7th – September 15th: North America #2 (26 performances) ← *DAYTON 1972
[“VOL.4” released on September 25th] ●1973
*January 5th-19th: Oceania (7 performances)
*February 15th – March 3rd: Europe (15 performances) ←★Here★
*March 9th-18th: UK #2 (10 performances) ← *Official LIVE AT LAST
・August 2nd: LONDON MUSIC FESTIVAL appearance
《Bloody Sabbath” produced in September → Released in November》
・December 9th-17th: UK #3 (4 performances)
*Note: “*” mark is “VOL.4 Tour”.

[The champion master discovered on the 50th anniversary of his debut] This is BLACK SABBATH in 1972/1973. The “VOL.4 Tour” runs from “North America #2” in the summer of 1972 to “UK #2” in the spring of 1973. The Brescia performance of this work was the 6th concert of the “European” leg, which was about three weeks before the official “LIVE AT LAST”.
This show has long been known for its famous recordings, but the original master was discovered in 2020. This was a revolutionary discovery. After all, until then, the image of “VOL.4 Tour” was “no bad recordings”. There was certainly a press masterpiece “DAYTON 1972 (Zodiac 526)”, but only that one is suitable for permanent preservation. For decades, we’ve been given up on it because we have LIVE AT LAST.
But! Master Omoto’s “DEFINITIVE BRESCIA 1973″ completely overturned that common sense. Their extremely high-quality sound not only instantly usurped the title of “the pinnacle of VOL.4 Tour,” but also made them the “most likely candidate to inherit the throne” in all of their recordings from the 1970s. In the same year, Millard’s work “LONG BEACH 1975” was also discovered, making 2020, the 50th anniversary of his debut, a “miraculous year” for Sabbath collectors.

[Thoroughly corrected mastering suitable for the 50th anniversary of recording] The introduction has become quite long, but this work is an upgraded version that updates the highest peak of such super famous recordings. It is a definitive board that has refined the historical Omoto master. The sound is truly the ultimate. “DEFINITIVE BRESCIA 1973” was almost “excavation master”, but this work has been thoroughly polished with careful mastering. Of course, we do not do anything to increase sound pressure. We carefully perform work that is faithful to the basics, such as correcting pitch and phase shifts and treating minute noises that you may or may not notice. Each one is a very detailed close-up, but when the dust accumulates, it becomes a mountain.
Of these, the easiest to understand is band balance. Analyzes each band from treble to deep bass and adjusts it to approximate the sound output of the band itself. It felt like the deep bass and treble were brought to the front. This is not just about improving the balance of the ensemble. This widens the range (especially the cymbal reverberation in the left channel) and gives a more stereophonic feel.

In the end, which Sabbath recording is the “King of the 70’s Audience”? The final nominated works are Millard’s work “DEFINITIVE LONG BEACH 1975” from the “SABOTAGE Tour”, “DEFINITIVE FRESNO 1978 (Zodiac 572)” from the “NEVER SAY DIE Tour”, or this work. There are other masterpieces whose rarity is the point, but if you focus on the basic “highest sound quality + complete recording”, these three works are outstanding. After that, it will be up to each individual to decide on the “champion” based on their preferences at different times. In other words, the horizon on which this work stands is at such a high level.
This is a definitive edition that has refined the original master discovered on the 50th anniversary of his debut (2020) and achieved a quality worthy of commemorating the 50th anniversary of the live performance (2023). An absolute masterpiece that has survived half a century of masterpiece wars. Please enjoy it anytime and forever with the permanent preservation press CD.

★Superb audience recording of “February 21, 1973 Brescia Performance”. 50th Anniversary Edition that has been refined from the original master of “Best Recordings of VOL.4 Tour”. The precision of pitch/phase, noise processing, and balance adjustment is also the highest ever. In particular, the deep bass and treble have been improved, which has widened the range and improved the stereo feel. Along with Millard’s works “DEFINITIVE LONG BEACH 1975” and “DEFINITIVE FRESNO 1978,” this is the most important work that will be nominated for the final competition for the “70s Recording King.”

そんな本作に刻まれているのは「1973年2月21日ブレシア公演」。その超極上オーディエンス録音です。もうピンと来られている方も多いことでしょう。本作は数年前に衝撃を巻き起こした『DEFINITIVE BRESCIA 1973』のアップグレード盤。あのマイク・ミラードによる超名盤『DEFINITIVE LONG BEACH 1975(Zodiac 600)』と並び称されるサバス・コレクションの最重要盤です。
いきなり「超名盤」だの「最重要盤」だのとまくし立ててしまいました。既発盤をご存じない方のためにも、イチからご説明していきましょう。1973年と言えば『血まみれの安息日』の年ですが、本作は1つ前の“VOL.4 Tour”。その辺の状況を知る意味でも、まずは当時の活動概要を俯瞰しておきましょう。

*7月7日ー9月15日:北米#2(26公演)←※DAYTON 1972
*3月9日ー18日:英国#2(10公演)←※公式LIVE AT LAST
※注:「*」印が“VOL.4 Tour”。

これが1972年/1973年のBLACK SABBATH。1972年夏の「北米#2」から翌1973年春の「英国#2」までが“VOL.4 Tour”。本作のブレシア公演は、公式『LIVE AT LAST』の約3週間前となる「欧州」レッグの6公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
このショウは以前から名録音が残された事で知られてきたのですが、その大元マスターが発掘されたのが2020年のこと。これがもう、とにかく革命的な発掘でした。何しろ、それまで“VOL.4 Tour”のイメージは「ろくな録音がない」。確かにプレス名盤『DAYTON 1972(Zodiac 526)』もありましたが、永久保存に相応しいのはその1本だけ。何十年も「まあ、LIVE AT LASTがあるからいいか」で諦められてきたのです。
ところがッ! その常識を一気に覆したのが大元マスターの『DEFINITIVE BRESCIA 1973』。凄まじくハイクオリティなサウンドは一瞬にして「VOL.4 Tourの頂点」の玉座を奪い取っただけでなく、70年代の全録音でも「王位継承の最有力候補」にまで登り詰めた。同年にミラード作品『LONG BEACH 1975』も発掘されたことで、デビュー50周年であった2020年はサバス・コレクターにとって「奇跡の年」ともなったのです。

前置きがすっかり長くなりましたが、本作はそんな超・名録音の最高峰を更新したアップグレード盤。歴史的な大元マスターを磨き込んだ決定盤なのです。そのサウンドは、まさに究極。『DEFINITIVE BRESCIA 1973』はほとんど「発掘マスターそのまんま」だったわけですが、本作は細心マスタリングで徹底的に磨き込み。もちろん、無闇矢鱈な音圧稼ぎなどはしておりません。ピッチや位相ズレの補正や気づくか気づかないかの微細ノイズのトリートメントなど、基本に忠実な作業を入念に施している。その1つひとつは非常に細かいアップなのですが、塵も積もれば山となるのです。

結局、サバスにおける「70年代オーディエンスの王」とはどの録音なのか? その最終最終ノミネート作品と言えば“SABOTAGE Tour”のミラード作品『DEFINITIVE LONG BEACH 1975』か、“NEVER SAY DIE Tour”の『DEFINITIVE FRESNO 1978(Zodiac 572)』、あるいは本作です。この他にもレア度がポイントの名作はありますが、基本の「最高音質+完全収録」を重視したらこの3作品こそがズバ抜けている。あとは個々人で異なる時期の好みで「王者」を決めていただくことになるでしょう。つまり、本作の立つ地平とはそれほどの高みにあるのです。

★「1973年2月21日ブレシア公演」の超極上オーディエンス録音。「VOL.4 Tourのベスト録音」を大元マスターから磨き込んだ50周年記念盤。ピッチ/位相はもちろんノイズ処理やバランス調整の精度も過去最高。特に重低音や高音のヌケが良くなったことでレンジが広がり、ステレオ感まで向上しました。ミラード作品『DEFINITIVE LONG BEACH 1975』や『DEFINITIVE FRESNO 1978』と並んで「70年代録音の王」決定戦に最終ノミネートされる最重要作品です。


1. Intro
2. Tomorrow’s Dream
3. Sweet Leaf
4. War Pigs
5. Snowblind
6. Killing Yourself To Live
7. Wicked World
8. Guitar Solo incl. Orchid
9. Instrumental Jam
10. Wicked World (reprise)
11. Embryo/Children Of The Grave
12. Paranoid


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