Pink Floyd / Definitive Budokan 1988 / 6CD+1Bonus DVDR

Pink Floyd / Definitive Budokan 1988 / 6CD+1Bonus DVDR / Sigma 282
Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 2nd & 3rd March 1988 plus Ltd Bonus DVDR “Budokan 1988 The Video”

Play sample :

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The last performance in 1988 in 16 years. The super-name recording that has reigned as a symbol of that is brushed up. Introducing the Permanent Preservation Press 6CD, which has been refined by obsessive mastering by “GRAF ZEPPELIN”.

[Legendary recording artist collection that captured the last visit to Japan] Two performances are recorded in the symbolic recording. It is a transcendental audience recording of the performance of “March 2nd + 3rd, 1988: Nippon Budokan”. I think there are some people who have already come. Yes, this work is the highest peak update board that refined that super famous board “THE GREAT GIG IN THE BUDOKAN”. If you have experienced “THE GREAT GIG IN THE BUDOKAN”, you may have already decided on your mind, but this work is a super masterpiece that we would like you to experience not only for enthusiastic collectors but also for the general public. Therefore, I would like to start with basic knowledge so that anyone can understand it. First of all, from the position of the show.

・ March 2: Nippon Budokan ← ★ This work DISC 1-3 ★
・ March 3: Nippon Budokan ← ★ This work DISC 4-6 ★
・ March 8: Osaka Castle Hall
・ March 9: Osaka Castle Hall
・ March 11: Nagoya Rainbow Hall
* Note: Only representative press titles are available on each day.

This is PINK FLOYD’s last Japan tour that was realized in 1988. At our shop, there are two super masterpieces that have also been made into presses, one is “DEFINITIVE YOYOGI OLYMPIC POOL 1988 (Sigma 216)” which sets 3 performances of Yoyogi Olympic Pool, and the other is this work, which was the source It is “THE GREAT GIG IN THE BUDOKAN”. These two works complemented each other and not only completed the 5 performances in Tokyo, but were also sister works of the same recorder. Moreover, the recorder is not just a person. A person who was active mainly in the 1980s and left a lot of historical super-name recordings such as Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Mick Jagger, Stones Paul McCartney and so on. “THE GREAT GIG IN THE BUDOKAN” is a super-famous recording that was whispered as the best masterpiece of a famous recording artist who is no longer an exaggeration to say that it is the history of Japanese recording itself, and it is an inscription directly made into a CD from the master cassette. It was a brand name in the product.

[Brush up the treasure of Western music history] Actually, the sound is strange. The extra-thick core has no fine dust such as a sense of distance, and the hall noise gives the core luster and dynamism, and does not cause cloudiness or turbidity at all. The transparency that conveys the fine details shines like crystal glass, and all the notes are beautifully separated from the deep bass vibe to the endless treble. The beauty is similar to the sister work “DEFINITIVE YOYOGI OLYMPIC POOL 1988”, but the direct feeling is even higher due to the sound of the venue. Actually, the conversation voice was also recorded at the encore (DISC 6) on the second day, where we talked about “I have to bring sunglasses, from now on”, “I have to blink, it’s amazing lighting”, “It’s hot” ing. From now on, it seems that it was recorded from a distance (probably the front row) where you can directly feel the hot air of the lighting, and it is a sound that seems to be true. In a word, it’s like a “sound board”, but that doesn’t really express its true value. Not only the sound board but also the beauty of the official work level, it has a natural feeling because it is a one-shot recording. It was a miracle recording that surpassed even the officials with the elegance of a once-in-a-lifetime meeting.
I have exhausted my compliments, but so far the story of “THE GREAT GIG IN THE BUDOKAN”. This work is a 6-disc set that has further brushed up such super-famous recordings and achieved a peak. The point is a remaster with extreme accuracy. As you may know if you have noticed this article, the highest peak recording of “A MOMENTARY LAPSE OF REASON Tour” has been remastered with “GRAF ZEPPELIN”, but this work is a beautiful rush. It is the latest bullet.
“GRAF ZEPPELIN” has a good reputation for vintage recording archives, but its accuracy is thorough. The pitch, volume, and sound pressure leveling, which are the basics of mastering, are stable in an instant, and the phase is pursued up to 1/1000 second. The performance itself is balanced in each band, and even if you listen carefully with spray noise or headphones, the level of ultra-fine petit noise is thoroughly processed one by one. It is arranged at the coming resonance level. It is a delicate point whether you can judge by listening to the effect of each such work, but it is amazing because it is certainly beautiful when you listen to it in total. Mania is somewhat paranoid, but what is sealed in this work is the sound that could be produced because of the semi-pathological commitment. And the original sound was a miracle recording that was so outstanding that it could bring out that commitment.

Gilmour muttered “God, it’s quiet” after “Learning To Fly” on the first day (DISC 1) due to the excessive concentration of the audience. When I came to Japan for the first time in 16 years, I was so nervous that a crystal-clear sound world appeared in every corner. What is sealed in this work is a miracle created by folding all the events including the tension, the skill of a famous recorder who recorded it thoroughly, and the possibility of the original master. It’s a sound that has been pulled out by the devoted mastering work.
PINK FLOYD This work is a treasure created by the history of Japanese Western music, just as the third visit was an incident. It is a world-class super masterpiece from Japan. A set of 6 permanent preservation presses that challenged all possibilities and further enhanced the brilliance of miracles. Please experience it to your heart’s content.

★ Recorded a transcendental audience for the performance of “March 2 + 3, 1988: Nippon Budokan”. The ultimate masterpiece that has been digitized from the original master by a legendary master recorder, and further refined by super-precision mastering by “GRAF ZEPPELIN”. In fact, the extra-thick core has no fine dust such as a sense of distance, and the hall noise gives the core luster and dynamism, and does not cause cloudiness or turbidity at all. The transparency that conveys the fine details shines like crystal glass, and all the notes are beautifully separated from the deep bass vibe to the endless treble. While full of beauty at the level of official works, it has a natural feeling because it is a one-shot recording. It is a miracle live album that surpasses even the official with the elegance of the once-in-a-lifetime meeting.

(Remaster memo)

★ March 2

・ Phase correction
・ High frequency noise removal
・ Lower the spray noise part
・ Volume up (originally small)
・ Re-roll the track (I shook the chapter in “Round And Round”)

★ March 3

・ Phase correction
・ Lower the spray noise part
・ Further lowering the band around 9-20 km
・ Re-roll the track (I shook the chapter in “Round And Round”)
・ From “Time” to “Machine” and other places, petit noise removal that can be heard occasionally on the left channel (maybe there were 100 places) ★

16年ぶりにして最後となった1988年の来日公演。その象徴として君臨してきた超名録音がブラッシュ・アップ。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」による執念マスタリングで磨き込まれた永久保存プレス6CDが登場です。

その象徴録音に記録されているのは2公演。「1988年3月2日+3日:日本武道館」公演の超絶級オーディエンス録音です。もうピンと来た方もいらっしゃるのではないでしょうか。そう、本作はあの超名盤『THE GREAT GIG IN THE BUDOKAN』を磨き込んだ最高峰更新盤なのです。『THE GREAT GIG IN THE BUDOKAN』を体験された方なら既に心を決められていると思いますが、本作は熱心なコレクターだけに留まらず、広く一般にまで体験していただきたい超・名作。そこでどなたでもご理解いただけるよう基礎知識から始めたいと思います。まずは、ショウのポジションから。

・3月2日:日本武道館 ←★本作DISC 1-3★
・3月3日:日本武道館 ←★本作DISC 4-6★

これが1988年に実現したPINK FLOYD最後のジャパン・ツアー。当店ではプレス化も実現した超名作が2タイトルあり、1つが代々木オリンピックプール3公演をセットした『DEFINITIVE YOYOGI OLYMPIC POOL 1988(Sigma 216)』で、もう1つが本作であり、その元となった『THE GREAT GIG IN THE BUDOKAN』なのです。この2作は互いを補完して東京5公演をコンプリートするだけでなく、同じ録音家の姉妹作でもありました。しかも、その録音家というのがただ者ではない。80年代を中心に活動し、エリック・クラプトンやジェフ・ベック、ミック・ジャガー、ストーンズポール・マッカートニー等々、数々の歴史的な超名録音を大量に残した人物。『THE GREAT GIG IN THE BUDOKAN』は、もはや日本録音史そのものと言っても過言ではない名録音家の最高傑作とも囁かれた超名録音であり、そのマスター・カセットからダイレクトにCD化された銘品中の銘品でした。

実際、そのサウンドは異様。極太な芯には距離感など微塵もなく、ホール鳴りも芯に艶とダイナミズムを与えこそすれ、曇りや濁りを一切起こさない。細やかなディテールを伝えきる透明感はクリスタル・グラスのごとくキラキラと輝き、重低音のヴァイヴからどこまでも伸びる高音に至るまですべてのノートが綺麗にセパレートしている。その美点は姉妹作『DEFINITIVE YOYOGI OLYMPIC POOL 1988』とも通じているのですが、会場音響の関係でダイレクト感は更に上。実は2日目のアンコール(DISC 6)で会話声も記録されており、そこでは「サングラスもってこなきゃダメだ、今度から」「まばたきしなきゃならない、凄い照明だ」「熱いですものね」と話し合っている。これから察するに照明の熱風を直接感じるほどの距離(恐らく最前列)から録音したと思われ、実際そうとしか思えないサウンドでもある。一言で済ますなら「まるでサウンドボード」となるわけですが、それではとても真価を表現し切れていない。サウンドボードどころかオフィシャル作品レベルの美しさを湛えつつ、一発録りだからこそのナチュラル感まで宿っている。一期一会の気品でオフィシャルさえも凌駕する奇跡の録音だったのです。
賛辞を尽くしてしまいましたが、ここまでは『THE GREAT GIG IN THE BUDOKAN』の話。本作は、そんな超名録音をさらにブラッシュ・アップし、頂点超えを果たした6枚組なのです。その要は精度を極めたリマスター。本稿に目を留められた方ならご存知とも思いますが、このところ“A MOMENTARY LAPSE OF REASON Tour”の最高峰録音を「GRAF ZEPPELIN」リマスターで美ラッシュ・アップしておりますが、本作はその最新弾なのです。
「GRAF ZEPPELIN」はヴィンテージ録音のアーカイヴで定評がありますが、その精度は徹底している。マスタリングの基本であるピッチや音量・音圧の平準化も一瞬単位でビシッと安定していますし、位相も1/1000秒まで追究。演奏自体も各帯域でバランスを整え、スプレーノイズやヘッドフォンで耳を澄ませても気づくかどうかレベルの超微細なプチノイズも1つひとつ徹底的に処理……もはや聴覚というより、人間の無意識に作用してくる共振レベルで整えられている。そんな作業1つひとつの効果を聴いて判断できるか微妙なところではあるのですが、トータルで聴くと確かに美しくなっているから凄い。マニアというものはどこか偏執的なところがあるものですが、本作に封じられているのは半ば病的なこだわりだからこそ生み出し得たサウンド。そして、そのこだわりを引き出せるほど、原音も際立った奇跡録音だったわけです。

観客のあまりの集中力に、初日(DISC 1)の「Learning To Fly」後で思わず「God, it’s quiet」とつぶやくギルモア。16年ぶりの来日は、それほどまでの緊張感に包まれ、だからこそ隅々までクリスタル・クリアな音世界が現出しました。本作に封じられているのは、その緊張感まで含めた全事象が折り重なって生まれた奇跡であり、それを余すことなく記録しきった名録音家の手腕であり、オリジナル・マスターの可能性を執念めいたマスタリング作業で引き出し切ったサウンドなのです。
PINK FLOYD三度目の来訪が事件であったように、本作は日本洋楽史が生み出した秘宝。世界に誇る日本発の超名盤です。すべての可能性に挑み、奇跡の輝きを更に高めた永久保存プレス6枚組。どうぞ、心ゆくまで存分にご体験ください。

★「1988年3月2日+3日:日本武道館」公演の超絶級オーディエンス録音。伝説的名録音家によるオリジナル・マスターからデジタル化され、さらに「GRAF ZEPPELIN」による超精度マスタリングで磨き上げられた究極の銘品。実際、極太な芯には距離感など微塵もなく、ホール鳴りも芯に艶とダイナミズムを与えこそすれ、曇りや濁りを一切起こさない。細やかなディテールを伝えきる透明感はクリスタル・グラスのごとくキラキラと輝き、重低音のヴァイヴからどこまでも伸びる高音に至るまですべてのノートが綺麗にセパレートしている。オフィシャル作品レベルの美しさを湛えつつ、一発録りだからこそのナチュラル感まで宿っている。一期一会の気品でオフィシャルさえも凌駕する奇跡のライヴアルバムです。



・トラック振り直し(“Round And Round”にチャプター振りました)


・トラック振り直し(“Round And Round”にチャプター振りました)

Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 2nd March 1988

Disc 1 (65:43)
01. Shine On You Crazy Diamond
02. Signs Of Life
03. Learning To Fly
04. Yet Another Movie
05. Round And Round
06. A New Machine Part 1
07. Terminal Frost
08. A New Machine Part 2
09. Sorrow
10. The Dogs Of War
11. On The Turning Away

Disc 2 (67:31)
01. One Of These Days
02. Time
03. The Great Gig In The Sky
04. Wish You Were Here
05. Welcome To The Machine
06. Us And Them
07. Money
08. Another Brick In The Wall Part 2
09. Comfortably Numb

Disc 3 (16:58)
01. Audience
02. One Slip
03. Run Like Hell

Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 3rd March 1988

Disc 4 (65:45)
01. Shine On You Crazy Diamond
02. Signs Of Life
03. Learning To Fly
04. Yet Another Movie
05. Round And Round
06. A New Machine Part 1
07. Terminal Frost
08. A New Machine Part 2
09. Sorrow
10. The Dogs Of War
11. On The Turning Away

Disc 5 (70:40)
01. One Of These Days
02. Time
03. The Great Gig In The Sky
04. Wish You Were Here
05. Welcome To The Machine
06. Us And Them
07. Money
08. Another Brick In The Wall Part 2
09. Comfortably Numb

Disc 6 (17:03)
01. Audience
02. One Slip
03. Run Like Hell

Sigma 282


Pink Floyd / Budokan 1988 The Video / 1DVDR / Non label
Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 2nd March 1988

Click Image To Enlarge

The main press 6CD is truly a treasure in the history of Japanese Western music. It’s a brilliant musical masterpiece created by the combination of the show scene, the recorder, and the mastering. However, the better the live album, the more you care about the “other side”. Therefore, we have also prepared valuable images taken at the site of the Nippon Budokan performance.
You can witness such a performance at “March 2, 1988: Nippon Budokan”. That audience shot. Its quality is … hard to express in a bite. This work is not a single through video, but a video work produced by a maniac by making full use of several videos. However, it is not the type called “multi-camera”. A type that mainly focuses on the image looking down from the stand seat on the right side of the stage, and connects the missing parts from other angles. Although it is still incomplete, it is a video work designed so that you can experience the scene of the performance in Japan for about 97 minutes.
And the taste is superb. Although the main camera is a distant view, it looks directly at the stage without any obstruction, and the sense of stability is outstanding. You may not be able to see the zoom so that you can see the facial expressions of the members, but it is easy to see because you are not forcibly zooming. The “A MOMENTARY LAPSE OF REASON Tour” was a hot topic at the time, and the vivid light dance was beautiful and vividly projected.
In addition, the sound is also wonderful. The audio is not a single recording, and the enthusiast who produced it has not disclosed the details, but the audio used in most scenes is at the highest level. Although it is not as good as the main press 6CD, it can usually be called a “sound board”. In fact, until the vivid cheers boiled up, I thought, “Maybe I’m stacking sound boards !?” (Actually, it was the performance on the first day of the Nippon Budokan, and it was recorded by Odin), and how the sound of the scene was a miracle again. You can feel it.

While immersing yourself in the wonderful sound and performance, staring at the light show of the current generation …… It is a video work that tells us the “other side” of the main press 6CD, although it is a little atmospheric. One piece that vividly revives the memory of those who have experienced it and stimulates the imagination of those who have not experienced it. Please fully enjoy it together so that you can enjoy the big 6-disc set more deeply.

そして、その旨みは絶景。メインカメラは遠景ながら遮蔽物なしにステージを直視しており、安定感もバツグン。メンバーの表情が分かるほどのズームは望めなかったりもしますが、無理にズームしていないからこそ観やすい。“A MOMENTARY LAPSE OF REASON Tour”は当時最先端のライト・ショウが話題を呼んだわけですが、その鮮やかな光の乱舞が美しく、ビビッドに映し出されているのです。


1. Pre-Show
2. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts I-V)
3. The Dogs Of War
4. One Of These Days
5. Time
6. The Great Gig In The Sky
7. Wish You Were Here
8. Welcome To The Machine
9. Us And Them
10. Money
11. Another Brick In The Wall Part 2
12. Comfortably Numb
13. One Slip
14. Run Like Hell

COLOUR NTSC Approx.97min.

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