Deep Purple / Osaka 1985 2nd Night Definitive Master / 2CD

Deep Purple / Osaka 1985 2nd Night Definitive Master / 2CD Darker Than Blue
Live at Osaka-Jo Hall, Osaka, Japan 9th May 1985

Play sample :

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The 1985 performance in Japan where the “five golden people” came to Japan. A superb master who tells the scene is a miracle new excavation! It’s not just the first appearance, but a shocking live album that updates the highest peak is now available on the permanent preservation press 2CD !!
The performance of “May 9, 1985: Osaka Castle Hall” is engraved in this work. It is the best audience recording that recorded the whole story. This show was a prestigious jackpot day of “the best performance” even on the 1985 tour. This work is a historic archaeological excavation where you can enjoy such a legendary show with the best sound of the highest peak update. Anyway, let’s check the position of the show while organizing our collection by schedule here as well.

・ May 8 “FAR FROM GOD (Osaka)”
・ May 9: Osaka Castle Hall ← ★ This work ★
・ May 11 “FAR FROM GOD (Nagoya)”
・ May 13 “PERFECT GUNNERS (Nippon Budokan)”
・ May 15 “PERFECT MACHINE (Nippon Budokan)”
・ May 16 “THE MAGNIFICENT FIVE (Nippon Budokan)”

[Unusually direct new excavation recording with a feeling of close contact] Above, all 7 performances. The flow was Osaka 2 times → Nagoya 1 time → Budokan 4 times, and while this work was the 2nd day of Osaka as the title suggests, it was the 2nd performance of the entire Japan tour. On this day, not only the 6-disc set “FAR FROM GOD (DTB 117/118)” but also “OSAKA 1985 2ND NIGHT (DTB 268/269)” were well received, but this work is different from both of them. New recording. Moreover, he is the new champion who has renewed the highest peak.
Actually, the sound was shocking, rich and thick anyway. As a matter of fact, the highest peak “FAR FROM GOD” master so far is the best in the current ear, especially the goodness of the high-pitched sound is exceptional. Therefore, it may be easier to hear vocals and keyboard phrases when you listen to it at once, but when the whole band comes in, it reverses at once and this work is overwhelming. The density of the midrange with no squishy feeling, the resolution of the deep bass that is clear even to the attack sound of the bass that is brittle, the glossy sound that can not be seen with aging deterioration (the vocal mic is a little over-input in the first few songs) It seems that this is caused by the on-site PA. In other recordings, the sound was muddy and not so noticeable, but when I listened to it carefully, the same phenomenon occurred. When I approached “A Gypsy’s Kiss” This work also supports the goodness of recording that accurately picks up even such a small distortion).
The feeling of imminence is even stronger. Although it sounds like an audience recording, I can’t feel the hall ringing even when listening with headphones, and the core with a bare feel is vivid. The outline is clear as if it were an outdoor recording with no echo. Even if the recordings so far are clear, there is a sense of space that makes the sound squishy, ​​but the density of this work is just “close”. You can enjoy the notes spun by the “five golden people” with a sense of zero distance, as if you were listening to the PA perfectly (though if you do that, your ears will die in one shot). It is probably the position that creates such a feeling of close contact. I picked up the sound that PA spits out before it spreads, and the direct feeling is amazing. Of course, if you are in the front row to that extent, there is a risk that the sound will wrap around, but it is the equipment and setting skills that cover that. To tell the truth, the one who worked on this sister work is a master who has been making a series of superb recordings up to a tremendous amount recently. Yes, the person who attracted attention as “more than official” in the masterpieces of THE POLICE and WHITE NSKAE, and turned out to be a recording person who worked on the legendary name recording in Jeff Beck’s “YOKOHAMA 1980 (Wardour-467)”. The master was also recording the reunion DEEP PURPLE. What’s more, you can enjoy it with the ultimate Gene transferred from the Omoto cassette that is suddenly out of the gate.

[Live album where you can enjoy the best show in front of you] And, what is drawn with such a direct sound is a famous performance that is called No. 1 even on the 1985 Japan tour. On the first day, I was suffering from PA troubles that made noise, or I could not grasp the condition on the first day, or it was a little incomplete combustion. Angkor was only one song of “Smoke On The Water”. However, this work that dawned overnight showed its true character at once. The riffs are in good condition, the riffs are sharp, and Ritchie Blackmore is in a good mood, and the improvisation flows out really comfortably. Angkor will also perform a full three songs with “Woman From Tokyo” and “Black Night”.
1972, when “MADE IN JAPAN” was created, 1973, which was engraved in rock history with riots and the last brilliance, and 1985, when dreams were spread all over Japan. The performance in Japan with the “five golden people” was always an incident in itself. This work is a live album where you can fully experience the special “1985 Daimyo Performance” in the history of Western music. A shocking new excavation that has completely renewed the highest peak for two days in Osaka. Please experience it with the permanent preservation press title.

★ The best audience recording of the “May 9, 1985: Osaka Castle Hall” performance. It is a brand name that was directly digitized from the Omoto cassette recorded in the “1st floor arena 2nd row”, and has a high density in the midrange and a deep bass. You can enjoy the notes spun by the “five golden people” with a sense of zero distance as if you were listening to the PA. Show is a miracle new excavation live album where you can fully experience the famous performance that is called No. 1 even when you came to Japan in 1985 with the highest peak sound in history.

“黄金の5人”が揃って日本にやって来た1985年の来日公演。その現場を伝える超極上マスターが奇跡の新発掘! ただの初登場ではなく、最高峰を更新する衝撃のライヴアルバムが永久保存プレス2CDで登場です!!

・5月8日『FAR FROM GOD(大阪)』
・5月9日:大阪城ホール ←★本作★
・5月11日『FAR FROM GOD(名古屋)』
・5月13日『PERFECT GUNNERS(日本武道館)』
・5月14日『THRILL OF THE CHASE(日本武道館)』
・5月15日『PERFECT MACHINE(日本武道館)』

以上、全7公演。大阪2回→名古屋1回→武道館4回という流れであり、本作はタイトル通り大阪2日目でありつつ、ジャパン・ツアー全体でも2公演目でした。この日は6枚組『FAR FROM GOD(DTB 117/118)』だけでなく、『OSAKA 1985 2ND NIGHT(DTB 268/269)』も好評を賜っておりますが、本作はそのどちらもとも異なる新録音。しかも、最高峰を更新してしまった新王者なのです。
実際、そのサウンドは衝撃的で、とにかくリッチで極太。実のところ、これまでの最高峰『FAR FROM GOD』マスターは現在の耳でも極上であり、特に高音のヌケの良さは格別。そのため、パッと聴くとヴォーカルやキーボードのフレーズが聴きやすかったりもするのですが、バンド全体が入ってくると一挙に逆転、本作が圧倒する。スカスカ感のまるでない中音域の密度、ブリブリとしたベースのアタック音まで克明な重低音の解像度、経年劣化のまるで見られない艶やかな鳴り(序盤の数曲でヴォーカル・マイクが少々過剰入力気味に感じますが、これはどうやら現場PAが原因。他録音では音の濁りでそれほど目立っていなかっただけで、よく聴くと同じような現象が発生している。「A Gypsy’s Kiss」に差し掛かる頃には改善されますし、むしろ本作はそんなささやかな歪みまで正確に拾う録音の良さを裏付けにもなっています)。
さらに強烈なのが間近感。音色的にオーディエンス録音とは感じるものの、ヘッドフォンで聴いていてもホール鳴りを感じられず、丸出し感のある芯がやけにビビッド。まるで反響のない野外録音かのように輪郭のクッキリしているのです。これまでの録音はクリアであっても鳴りにスカスカした空間感覚が宿ってきたわけですが、本作の密度はまさに「間近」。まるでPAにピッタリと耳を当てているかのような(そんな事をしたら一発で耳が死にますが)ゼロ距離感で“黄金の5人”が紡ぐノートを綺麗に味わえるのです。それほどまでの密着感を生み出しているのは、恐らくポジション。PAが吐き出す出音を広がる前に拾っており、そのダイレクト感が凄いのです。もちろん、そこまで前列だと音が回り込む恐れもあるのですが、それをカバーしているのが機材とセッティングの腕。実は、今回の姉妹作を手掛けたのは、最近凄まじいまでの超極上録音を連発している達人なのです。そう、THE POLICEやWHITENSKAEの傑作群で「オフィシャル以上」と注目を集め、ジェフ・ベックの『YOKOHAMA 1980(Wardour-467)』で伝説的名録音を手掛けてきた録音家だと判明した人物。その達人が再結成DEEP PURPLEも録音していた。しかも、いきなり門外不出の大元カセットからトランスファーされた究極ジェネで味わえるのです。

そして、そんなダイレクト・サウンドで描かれるのは、1985年のジャパン・ツアーでもNo.1との呼び声高い名演。初日はジリジリとノイズを発するPAトラブルに悩まされたのか、初日で調子が掴めなかったのか、やや不完全燃焼。アンコールも「Smoke On The Water」の1曲だけでした。しかし、一夜明けた本作は一気に本領発揮。ノリも快調でリフもキレよく、リッチー・ブラックモアも機嫌が良いのかインプロヴィゼーションも実に心地よく流れ出る。アンコールも、「Woman From Tokyo」「Black Night」入りのフル3曲を披露してくれるのです。
『MADE IN JAPAN』を生み出した1972年、暴動と最後の輝きでロック史に刻まれた1973年、そして日本中に夢を振りまいた1985年。“黄金の5人”が揃った来日公演は、それ自体が常に事件でした。本作は、そんな洋楽史でも特別な「1985年の大名演」を極上フル体験できるライヴアルバムです。大阪2日間の最高峰を丸ごと更新してしまった衝撃の新発掘。ぜひ、永久保存プレス・タイトルでご体験ください。


Disc 1 (68:02)
1. Intro
2. Highway Star
3. Nobody’s Home
4. Strange Kind Of Woman
5. Blues
6. A Gypsy’s Kiss
7. Perfect Strangers
8. Under The Gun
9. Lazy
10. Drum Solo
11. Child In Time
Disc 2 (54:42)
1. Knockin’ At Your Back Door
2. Difficult To Cure
3. Keyboard Solo
4. Space Truckin’
5. Woman From Tokyo
6. Black Night
7. Smoke On The Water

Ian Gillan – vocals
Ritchie Blackmore – guitar
Jon Lord – keyboards
Roger Glover – bass
Ian Paice – drums

Darker Than Blue 289/290

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