Kiss / Tokyo Dome 2022 Video Documentary / 3DVDR

Kiss / Tokyo Dome 2022 Video Documentary / 3DVDR / Shades
Live at Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan 30th November 2022

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KISS in 2022 made it possible for us to come to Japan for an encore. A 3-disc video blockbuster that allows you to witness the final scene is now available.
Of course, this work was filmed on “November 30, 2022: Tokyo Dome performance”. It is a 3-disc set in which 3 types of audience shots are arranged on each disc. This work is a video shot by different maniacs, each with a different personality but a wonderful set of superb view shots. Let’s introduce them individually.

[DISC 1: Dynamic shot where direct shot and professional point of view coexist] The first thing that appears is a spectacular video that will wake your eyes. All three images recorded in this work are masterpieces, but this image is the best in terms of visibility if there is no lack.
Although it is captured from a little closer to the arena (closer to Gene Simmons), there are almost no obstacles in the wide open field of view, and you can see as much as you want from end to end of the stage. And the spectacle-oriented camera work that makes use of the superb view is wonderful. After all, there is a big screen in the back of the stage, and there are huge screens like buildings on both sides. This is tremendous force. The screen image is a genuine professional shooting. Therefore, I usually use “direct shot of the members + pro shot of the back”, and when the big stage gimmick becomes a delicious scene, I pull back a little and press it with “direct shot of the whole stage + pro shot of the side screen”. Either way, it is a viewpoint where the direct spectacle and the ease of viewing of the professional shot live together.
What’s more, even the sound of this video is amazing. As expected, it is not as good as the original recording “TOKYO DOME 2022 (Shades 1656)” released at the same time, but if there is no video, it is so clear / clear that I think “Is it really a dome?” To be honest, if the new masterpiece “TOKYO DOME 2022” was not provided, I would have wanted to make a live album of the sound of this work.

[DISC 2: A powerful direct shot with a bold zoom] Next is a shot of a superb view from the arena. The angle and sense of distance are very similar to DISC 1, but it was taken by a completely different person. It is also an original image only for this work handed over from the photographer himself.
The shooting positions are similar, but the performance is completely different. DISC 1 was shot with a focus on spectacle by combining screen images and direct shooting, but this one emphasizes direct shooting with a bold zoom. Let the performance of the latest equipment speak for itself, and press on with pounding pounding. There is a reasonable distance if you pull it as hard as you can, but from there, each member’s waist up gets closer to fill the screen. Moreover, it is beautiful and easy to see. Normally, with such a bold zoom, it wouldn’t be strange for the image quality to be dull or blurry due to camera shake, but this photographer makes it easy to see the highlights with his effort and guts. Hats off to her uninterrupted concentration.
“But, unfortunately, it’s incomplete.” The other 2 images are complete, but only this DISC 2 was taken care of for security, and the shooting was interrupted several times on the way. So, which song is missing? Together with the confirmation of the full set, let’s organize the set list here.

70’s Classics (13 songs + α)
・ Messenger from Hell: Deuce / Cold Gin / 100,000 Years (*) / Black Diamond
・ Hell Corps: Detroit Rock City / Shout It Out Loud / God Of Thunder / Beth (*) / Do You Love Me (*)
・Other: Rock And Roll All Night (*) / Calling Dr. Love / Makin’ Love / Love Gun / I Was Made For Lovin’ You (*)
● Others (6 songs)
・80s: War Machine/I Love It Loud/Lick It Up/Heaven’s On Fire
・After the 90s: Psycho Circus/Say Yeah!
* Note: “*” marks are not included in DISC 2 (only discs 1 and 3 are included).

[DISC 3: Panoramic shot of the latest KISS all to yourself] The last one is also an original master provided by the photographer, but a unique video with a different flavor. Speaking of what is unique, it is a shooting position, it is a panoramic shot from the stand seat.
In terms of angle, it was shot looking down from the left side of the stage, and although I checked the zoom condition at the beginning, I almost fixed it at the best angle overlooking the “whole view of the stage + back screen” from around the second song “Shout It Out Loud”. . And the true value of this video is after fixing it. The detailed seats are unknown, but only the stage occupies the view with a super superb view with absolutely zero obstructions.
“Even if it’s a superb view, it’s fixed…”, but that’s not the case with the latest KISS. As I mentioned earlier, multi-camera images by professional staff on site are projected on the huge screen on the back. Therefore, instead of reducing the power even in the full view, “pro shot + big gimmick” comes into view at once. You can enjoy a variety of viewpoints rather than keeping track of the members with poor direct shooting. It is also a video that you can monopolize the whole of elaborate video production and various tricks.

While it was a miraculous return to Japan, it was also a one-time encore performance. It is a video set that allows you to fully experience the precious last stage from three scenic seats with different personalities. A super-entertainment blockbuster that not only transforms short-lived, short-tempered memories into solid long-term memories, but also fills you with questions such as, “I wonder what it looked like in other seats.” A total of 3 hours, 37 minutes and 6 seconds.

★ Encore visit to Japan for one night “November 30, 2022: Tokyo Dome Performance”. It is a 3-disc set with 3 types of audience shots. Each video was taken by a different photographer, DISC 1 has a wonderful dynamism that skillfully combines direct shots and screen images, and DISC 2 is powerful with a series of bold zooms that focus only on direct shots. And DISC 3 is the exact opposite, with fixed shots of the full view that make use of the stand seats, and the big gimmicks are completely covered. It is a super-entertainment blockbuster where you can experience the last Japanese performance on-site with three unique scenic shots.


【DISC 1:直写とプロ視点が同居したダイナミック・ショット】
しかも、この映像はサウンドまでもがスゴい。さすがに同時リリースのオリジナル録音『TOKYO DOME 2022(Shades 1656)』には及びませんが、こちらも映像がなければ「本当にドーム?」と思うほどにクッキリ/ハッキリ。正直申しまして、新名盤『TOKYO DOME 2022』が提供されなかったら本作の音声をライヴアルバム化したかったほどです。

【DISC 2:果敢なズームがド迫力の直写ショット】
続いて登場するのもアリーナからの絶景ショット。角度も距離感もDISC 1と酷似していますが、まったくの別人による撮影。撮影者本人から譲られた本作だけのオリジナル映像でもあります。
撮影ポジションは似ていますが、見応えはまったく異なる。DISC 1はスクリーン映像と直写の併せ技でスペクタクル重視に撮影されていましたが、こちらは果敢なズームの直写重視。最新機材の性能にモノを言わせ、ガンガン・グイグイと迫りまくる。思いっきり引くとそこそこ距離もあるのですが、そこから各メンバーのウェスト・アップが画面いっぱいになるほど寄っていくのです。しかも、美しく観やすい。普通、そこまで果敢なズームだと画質が甘くなったり手ブレでグシャグシャになってもおかしくないのですが、この撮影者は努力と根性で見どころを見やすく追いまくる。その途切れない集中力は脱帽モノです。
ただ、惜しいことに不完全。他2映像は完全なのですが、このDISC 2だけはセキュリティに注意でもされたのか、途中で何度か撮影が中断してしまうのです。では、どの曲が撮影漏れなのか。フルセットの確認も合わせ、ここでセットリストを整理しておきましょう。

・地獄からの使者:Deuce/Cold Gin/100,000 Years(*)/Black Diamond
・地獄の軍団:Detroit Rock City/Shout It Out Loud/God Of Thunder/Beth(*)/Do You Love Me(*)
・その他:Rock And Roll All Night(*)/Calling Dr. Love/Makin’ Love/Love Gun/I Was Made For Lovin’ You(*)
・80年代:War Machine/I Love It Loud/Lick It Up/Heaven’s On Fire
・90年代以降:Psycho Circus/Say Yeah!
※注:「*」印はDISC 2には未収録(DISC 1・3のみ収録)。

【DISC 3:最新KISS丸ごと独り占めの全景ショット】
角度的にはステージ左寄りから見下ろしで撮影されていまして、冒頭はズーム具合を確かめるものの、2曲目「Shout It Out Loud」辺りから「ステージ全景+背面スクリーン」を一望するベスト・アングルでほぼ固定します。そして、固定してからがこの映像の真骨頂。詳しい座席は不明なのですが、遮蔽物が完全ゼロの超絶景でステージだけが視界を占領するのです。


★一夜だけ実現したアンコール来日「2022年11月30日:東京ドーム公演」。そのオーディエンス・ショット3種をセットした3枚組です。それぞれ別の撮影者による映像で、DISC 1は直写とスクリーン映像を巧みに組み合わせたダイナミズムが素晴らしく、DISC 2は直写のみにこだわった果敢なズームの連続がド迫力。そして、DISC 3は真逆でスタンド席を活かした全景の固定ショットで大仕掛けも完全網羅している。三者三様の個性的な絶景ショットで最後の日本公演を現場体験できる超・娯楽大作です。

Disc 1(122:30)

Arena #1
1. Introduction
2. Detroit Rock City
3. Shout It Out Loud
4. Deuce
5. War Machine
6. Heaven’s On Fire
7. I Love It Loud
8. Say Yeah
9. Cold Gin
10. Guitar Solo
11. Lick It Up
12. Calling Dr. Love
13. Makin’ Love
14. Psycho Circus
15. Drum Solo
16. 100,000 Years
17. Bass Solo
18. God Of Thunder
19. Love Gun
20. I Was Made For Lovin’ You
21. Black Diamond Intro
22. Black Diamond
23. Beth
24. Do You Love Me
25. Rock And Roll All Nite

COLOUR NTSC Approx.123min.

Disc 2(85:30)

Arena #2
1. Introduction
2. Detroit Rock City
3. Shout It Out Loud
4. Deuce
5. War Machine
6. Heaven’s On Fire
7. I Love It Loud
8. Say Yeah
9. Cold Gin
10. Guitar Solo
11. Lick It Up
12. Calling Dr. Love
13. Makin’ Love
14. Psycho Circus
15. Drum Solo
16. Bass Solo
17. God Of Thunder
18. Love Gun
19. Black Diamond Intro
20. Black Diamond
21. Ending

COLOUR NTSC Approx.86min.

Disc 3(132:06)

1. Pre-show
2. Introduction
3. Detroit Rock City
4. Shout It Out Loud
5. Deuce
6. War Machine
7. Heaven’s On Fire
8. I Love It Loud
9. Say Yeah
10. Cold Gin
11. Guitar Solo
12. Lick It Up
13. Calling Dr. Love
14. Makin’ Love
15. Psycho Circus
16. Drum Solo
17. 100,000 Years
18. Bass Solo
19. God Of Thunder
20. Love Gun
21. I Was Made For Lovin’ You
22. Black Diamond Intro
23. Black Diamond
24. Beth
25. Do You Love Me
26. Rock And Roll All Nite
27. God Gave Rock And Roll To You II (outro)

Shades 1658

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