Cozy Powell / Over The Top Session – 2nd Press / 2CD+1Bonus DVDR

Cozy Powell / Over The Top Session – 2nd Press / 2CD+1Bonus DVDR / Zodiac
Various studio session & demos compilation. All taken from the original cassette tapes belonged to Cozy Powell plus Ltd Bonus DVDR “OLD GRAY WHISTLE TEST 1980”

Play sample :

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“Cozy Tapes” has produced many masterpieces. Even in that collection, her legendary masterpiece is reprinted. Appeared in renewed artwork.
The legendary board is a sound source collection with the theme of Cozy’s masterpiece 1st solo album “OVER THE TOP”. It is a superb soundboard album that summarizes related sound sources such as demos, rehearsals, and live performances. This work was released in 2010 and was a masterpiece that reigned as a symbol of the Cozy Collection. Its content can be divided into five parts. Let’s introduce each one individually.

● DISC 1 main “OVER THE TOP” session (1979)
(9 tracks, about 49 minutes)
First of all, the recording session of Cozy’s solo masterpiece “OVER THE TOP”. While focusing on “Over The Top” and “El Sid”, which were released for the first time, the existing sound sources are also permanently preserved with the highest quality by meticulous mastering.
Among them, the best listening point is “Over The Top” at the beginning. There are no strings or bell sounds like the finished version, but it enhances the rock feeling. Not only can you listen to the full drum solo in the studio take, but it is also an EL & P type keyboard trio version. Coupled with the official-class sound, it is one take of the gem that represents this work.
Also, the demo take group of “Heidi Goes To Town”, “Sweet Poison” and “The Loner”, which have been remastered and upgraded to official grades, are also excellent. Each production stage is different, and the taste is greatly different depending on the layering and presence of the guitar. The point is that the guitar is Bernie Marsden. In particular, the famous song “The Loner” includes “The Loner #1” with Marsden’s guitar and “The Loner #2” without the guitar. The former can enjoy the unique crying of Marsden, which is different from the official Clem Clemson and the later Gary Moore, and the latter is Don Airey’s keyboard. The keyboard melody that is different from the official final version is a tasteful version.

– DISC 1 bonus “K2” session (1988)
(3 songs, about 10 minutes)
At the end of such DISC 1, an unexpected masterpiece bonus is also included. This is a demo of Don Airey’s first solo album “K2” released nine years after the main OVER THE TOP session. It seems that you can hear the voice saying “It doesn’t matter”, but in fact this is ridiculously superb ….
As the name suggests, “K2” is a concept album with the theme of the world’s second most famous mountain. In this work, we will start from “K2 Overture” before narration and sound effects are entered, but this is a big feature of Cozy and Don. A tense performance is pushed to the front, making it a large spectacle track of 3 minutes and 22 seconds. Moreover, the flow that develops from there to the instrumental version “Whiteout” is a masterpiece. The powerful finish is more dynamic than the overly elaborate final version. And finish with “Close To The Sky” where the atmosphere changes. This song has a wonderfully majestic and majestic mood, and easily overturns the image of “unfinished and shabby” that tends to be seen in demo albums.

◆ DISC 2 first half: Studio rehearsal for BBC (1980)
(7 tracks, about 33 minutes)
DISC 1 was a studio album of “OVER THE TOP session”, but DISC 2 on behalf of is a live edition. In addition to Cozy, we have recorded live performances related to “BBC IN CONCERT” that appeared with super luxurious members such as Jack Bruce, Clem Clemson, Don Airey, and Max Middleton with the highest quality ever.
The first half is the “rehearsal version” ahead of the live performance. Although it is a famous sound source for a long time, it adopted the Cozy Tape version of the highest quality and was further refined with meticulous mastering. Before this work, it was only a hiss-covered and blurry master, but this work has evolved into a magnificent sound that can be called “official excavation class”.
And the live performance that unfolds with that sound is super fierce. As a matter of fact, it is a rehearsal in the studio, but “rehearsal” is only in name. Just like the actual performance … No, if you do not do well, the ensemble that rampages more freely than the actual performance will be poured into your brain with the finest sound.

◆ DISC 2 second half: BBC in concert (1980)
(5 songs, about 32 minutes)
Well, following the rehearsal is the performance of “BBC IN CONCERT”. It is a stereo sound board recording of “January 9, 1980 Paris Theater”. This is also the highest ever version by “Cozy Tape + Meticulous Mastering”, and it is also reprinting the legendary radio program with official quality.
When you listen to the superb sound, you can feel a completely different live performance that you are familiar with. It’s a super band full of virtuosos, but the battle that everyone wants to play and play is ridiculously high tension. It surpasses DISC 1 and the official work “OVER THE TOP” easily, and thanks to the superb sound, you can clearly taste the subtleties of it. On the other hand, “The Loner” overflows with deep, deep flavor and emotion, and Koji also shows off an expressive touch that uses hard and soft. Although he made a name for himself as a power hitter, we are reminded (as it is now) that he was rather a drummer with a rich singing heart.

◆ DISC 2 Bonus: Re-recording Dance With The Devil (1992)
(1 song, about 4 minutes)
A delicious bonus track is also added to such a de-class DISC 2. This is “Dance With The Devil” which is also a representative song of Cozy. However, it is not the original version of 1972, but a reprint version produced on July 3, 1992. After all, it is a take that was also the centerpiece of the masterpiece “BEST OF THE TAPES” of the Cozy Tape Collection, but the source of this work is different. It is woken up from the DAT tape that was excavated after that.
This DAT tape version is of high quality. It is a complete official grade with the best sound in this work, and it is a workmanship that can be added to “THE DRUMS ARE BACK…” as it is.

All 25 tracks, 2 hours 8 minutes 53 seconds long treasure collection. A demo album that can be said to be another version of “OVER THE TOP”, a live album with explosive tension, and a lot of fine and delicious bonuses. It is a press 2CD that permanently preserves all of them with the highest quality ever. A super masterpiece that has been honored as the best masterpiece even in “Cozy Tapes”, which has produced a large number of masterpieces equal to or greater than the official work. Here is a dignified reprint.

★Disc 1 is the demo album of the masterpiece 1st solo album “OVER THE TOP”, and DISC 2 is the live album (rehearsal & performance) of BBC IN CONCERT who appeared at that time. Don Ailey’s “K2” session and the 1992 re-recorded “Dance With The Devil” are also included as bonuses, all of which are official grade highest ever quality. It is a super masterpiece called “Cozy Tapes’ masterpiece”.

 その伝説盤とは、コージーの名作1stソロアルバム『OVER THE TOP』をテーマにした音源集。デモやリハーサル、ライヴなど、関連音源を総まとめにした超極上サウンドボード・アルバムです。本作は2010年にリリースされ、コージー・コレクションの象徴として君臨した大名盤。その内容は大きく5つに分けられます。それでは、それぞれ個別にご紹介していきましょう。
●DISC 1メイン『OVER THE TOP』セッション(1979年)
 まず登場するのは、コージーのソロ最高作『OVER THE TOP』のレコーディング・セッション。本作が初公開になった「Over The Top」「El Sid」を軸としつつ、既発音源も細心マスタリングによる最高峰クオリティで永久保存されています。
 中でも一番の聴きどころが冒頭の「Over The Top」。完成版のようなストリングスや鐘の音がないのですが、それがかえってロック感を増強。渾身のドラムソロをスタジオ・テイクで聴けるだけでなく、EL&P型キーボード・トリオ・バージョンになっている。オフィシャル級サウンドとも相まって、本作を代表する珠玉の1テイクです。
 また、リマスターでオフィシャル級にアップグレードされた「Heidi Goes To Town」「Sweet Poison」「The Loner」のデモ・テイク群も絶品。それぞれ製作段階が異なり、ギターの重ねや有無によってそれぞれ味わいが大きく違っている。ギターがバーニー・マースデンなのもポイント。特に名曲「The Loner」はマースデンのギター入り「The Loner #1」とギターなしの「The Loner #2」を収録。前者は公式のクレム・クレムソンとも、後のゲイリー・ムーアとも異なるマースデン独特の泣きを楽しめますし、後者はドン・エイリーがキーボードが主役。公式の最終版とは違うキーボードのメロディが味わい深いバージョンです。
●DISC 1ボーナス『K2』セッション(1988年)
 そんなDISC 1の最後には、意外な大傑作ボーナスも収録。メインのOVER THE TOPセッションから9年後にリリースされたドン・エイリーの初ソロアルバム『K2』のデモです。「関係ないやん」という声も聞こえてきそうですが、実はこれがとんでもなく極上……と言いますか、下手をするほど本作で最大の大傑作テイクかも知れません。
 『K2』はその名の通り、世界第2位の名峰をテーマにしたコンセプト・アルバム。本作では、まだナレーションや効果音が入る前の「K2 Overture」からスタートするのですが、これがコージーとドンを大フィーチュア。緊張感ある演奏が前面に押し出され、3分22秒の大スペクタクル・トラックになっているのです。しかも、そこからインストバージョンの「Whiteout」へ展開する流れは圧巻。そのド迫力な仕上がりは、凝りすぎた最終版よりもダイナミックなくらいです。そして、雰囲気が一転する「Close To The Sky」でフィニッシュ。この曲はドンに神々しく荘厳なムードが素晴らしく、デモ・アルバムにありがちな「作りかけでショボい」イメージを軽々とひっくり返してくれます。
◆DISC 2前半:BBC用スタジオ・リハ(1980年)
 DISC 1は「OVER THE TOPセッション」のスタジオ・アルバムでしたが、代わってのDISC 2はライヴ篇。コージーの他、ジャック・ブルース、クレム・クレムソン、ドン・エイリー、マックス・ミドルトンという超豪華メンバーで出演した“BBC IN CONCERT”にまつわる生演奏を史上最高峰クオリティで収録しています。
◆DISC 2後半:BBCイン・コンサート(1980年)
 さて、リハーサルに続くのは“BBC IN CONCERT”の本番。「1980年1月9日パリス・シアター」のステレオ・サウンドボード録音です。これまた「コージー・テープ+細心マスタリング」による史上最高峰版で、これまたオフィシャル級クオリティで伝説のラジオ番組を復刻しています。
 その極上サウンドで聴くと馴染み抜いた生演奏もまる違って感じられる。名手揃いのスーパー・バンドなわけですが、その全員が寄ってたかって弾きまくるバトルは、とんでもなくハイテンション。それこそDISC 1や公式作『OVER THE TOP』も軽々と凌駕しており、極上サウンドのお陰でその機微の機微まで鮮明に味わえる。その一方で「The Loner」は深い深い滋味と情感が溢れ出し、コージーも硬軟を使い分ける表情豊かなタッチを披露。パワーヒッターとして名を馳せた人ではありますが、むしろ豊かな歌心ドラマーだったことを(今さらのように)思い知らされます。
◆DISC 2ボーナス:再録版Dance With The Devil(1992年)
 そんなド級のDISC 2にも美味しいボーナス・トラックが追加収録されています。こちらはコージーの代表曲でもある「Dance With The Devil」。ただし、1972年のオリジナル版ではなく、1992年7月3日に製作された再録版です。やはりコージー・テープ・コレクションの傑作『BEST OF THE TAPES』の目玉でもあったテイクですが、本作はソースが異なる。その後になって発掘されたDATテープから起こされているのです。
 このDATテープ版は、段違いにハイクオリティ。本作でも最も音の良い完全オフィシャル級、このまま『THE DRUMS ARE BACK…』に追加収録できる出来映えです。
 以上、全25トラック・2時間8分53秒に及ぶ秘宝集です。『OVER THE TOP』の別バージョンとも言うべきデモ・アルバムと爆テンションのライヴ・アルバム、さらに細かく美味しいボーナスも盛りだくさん。そのすべてを史上最高峰クオリティで永久保存したプレス2CDです。オフィシャル作品と同等以上の名作を大量に生んできた“コージー・テープス”でも最高傑作の誉れを受けた超傑作。ここに堂々の復刻です。
★名作1stソロアルバム『OVER THE TOP』のデモ・アルバムをDISC 1、当時出演したBBC IN CONCERTのライヴアルバム(リハ&本番)をDISC 2に配したステレオ・サウンドボード集。ドン・エイリーの『K2』セッションや1992年の再録「Dance With The Devil」もボーナス収録し、すべてがオフィシャル級の史上最高峰クオリティ。「コージー・テープスの最高傑作」と呼ばれた超名盤です。

Disc 1 (59:02)
Making Of “Over The Top” Album
Studio demos recorded at Central Sound Studio, London, UK 1979

1.Over The Top
2.El Sid
3. Heidi Goes To Town #1
4. Heidi Goes To Town #2
5.Sweet Poison #1
6.Sweet Poison #2
7.Sweet Poison #3
8.The Loner #1
9.The Loner #2

Cozy Powell – Drums
Jack Bruce – Bass
Don Airey – Keyboards Max
Middleton – Electric Piano
Bernie Marsden – Guitar

Bonus track

Don Airey’s K2 Tales of Triumph and Tragedy Rough Mix & Demos

The original demo tracks recorded at Sarm Studios, London, UK 1988
Taken from the original cassette tapes dated “21st June 1988” as handwritten on the tape box.

10. K2 Overture
11. Whiteout (Instrumental) Instrumental version before Genki Hitomi’s vocals
12.Close To The Sky

Don Airey – Keyboards
Cozy Powell – Drums
Keith Airey – Guitar
Laurence Cottle – Bass

Disc 2 (69:51)
Studio live rehearsals
2.Sweet Poison
3. Theme One #1
4. Theme One #2
5. Tickets for Waterfall #1
6. Tickets for Waterfall #2
7.The Loner

BBC In Concert
Recorded Live at Paris Theatre, London, UK 9th January 1980
8. Opening 9. Theme One
10.Sweet Poison
11. Member Introduction
12.The Loner
13. Tickets to Waterfall

Cozy Powell – Drums
Jack Bruce – Bass & Vocals
Clem Clemson – Guitars
Don Airey – Keyboards
Max Middleton – Electric Piano

Bonus track
15.Dance With The Devil

The final track recorded at The Mill Recording Studio, Cookham, Berkshire, UK 1992.
Taken from the master DAT tapes dated “3rd July 1992” as handwritten on the tape box.



Cozy Powell / Old Gray Whistle Test 1980 / 1DVDR / Non Label

BBC Studio, London, UK 8th January 1980 PRO-SHOT

Click Image To Enlarge

The main press 2CD is a decision board that permanently preserves the treasure sound board related to the hero Cozy Powell’s masterpiece “OVER THE TOP” with the highest quality. It is the masterpiece of “Cozy Tapes”, which has released masterpieces equal to or greater than the official work. The DISC 2 was mainly a live sound board featuring “BBC IN CONCERT”, but Cozy and others appeared not only on radio programs at that time. Therefore, a bonus will be added to the pro shot work that will also be the “video version” of the main press 2CD.
Such a work was filmed “January 8, 1980 BBC Studio”. Yes, it is a multi-camera pro shot recorded the day before “BBC IN CONCERT” of the main press 2CD. This studio live is for BBC’s famous TV program “OLD GRAY WHISTLE TEST”. The members were also Cozy, Jack, Clem Clemson, Max Middleton and Don Airey. Of course, this is also not a mime, but the performance take is clearly different from “BBC IN CONCERT”.
The main press 2CD was also an official-grade sound board, but this is also an official-grade superb master. Although it was only 2 songs and 9 minutes of appearance, we are showing off the popular songs “Killer” and “The Loner” that are essential.
And that live performance is a special thing. A row of talented super players with craftsmanship will unfold in an explosive battle. Cozy, the main character, hits jazzy with the same regular grip as in the RAINBOW era. Jack also shows a familiar kick-up action, and it’s nori. Even so, what is rare is the appearance of Cozy who performs MC. It is a scene that can be seen only because it is a main character and a program that only plays instrumentals.
Although it is only about 9 minutes of video, the real thrill of being able to see the same enthusiastic performance as the main press 2CD with a multi-camera professional shot is exceptional. If you look at this work, you can enjoy the main press 2CD and the official “OVER THE TOP” even more vividly. It is a video version of the main press 2CD, and it is also a masterpiece video that will enrich your imagination many times. Please enjoy it together.

本編プレス2CDは、英雄コージー・パウエルの名作『OVER THE TOP』にまつわる秘宝サウンドボードを最高峰クオリティで永久保存した決定盤。公式作と同等以上の名作を連発した“コージー・テープス”の最高傑作です。そのDISC 2は“BBC IN CONCERT”出演のライヴ・サウンドボードがメインとなっていましたが、当時コージー達が出演したのはラジオ番組だけではありませんでした。そこで、本編プレス2CDの「映像篇」ともなるプロショット作品がボーナス付属決定です。
 そんな本作が撮影されたのは「1980年1月8日BBCスタジオ」。そう、本編プレス2CDの“BBC IN CONCERT”の前日に収録されたマルチカメラ・プロショットです。このスタジオ・ライヴは、BBCの名物テレビ番組“OLD GREY WHISTLE TEST”のためのもの。メンバーも同じくコージー、ジャック、クレム・クレムソン、マックス・ミドルトン、ドン・エイリーでした。もちろん、こちらもマイムではなく、演奏テイクも明らかに“BBC IN CONCERT”異なる別ライヴです。
 本編プレス2CDも公式級サウンドボードでしたが、こちらもオフィシャル級の極上マスター。わずか2曲・9分の出演枠でしたが、要となる人気曲「Killer」「The Loner」を披露しています。
 わずか9分程度の映像ではありますが、本編プレス2CDと同等の熱演をマルチカメラのプロショットで見られる醍醐味は格別です。本作をご覧になれば、本編プレス2CDも公式『OVER THE TOP』も、一層色鮮やかに味わえるのです。本編プレス2CDの映像篇であり、イマジネーションを何倍にも豊かに変えてくれる傑作映像でもある1枚。どうぞ、併せて存分にお楽しみください。

3.The Loner

Cozy Powell – Drums
Jack Bruce – Bass
Clem Clempson – Guitar
Max Middleton – Keyboards
Don Airey – Keyboards


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