Jeff Beck Group / Bbc Sessions 1967-68 / 1CD

Jeff Beck Group / Bbc Sessions 1967-68 / 1CD / Wardour

Play sample :

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“Saturday Club” Playhouse Theatre, London, UK 7th March 1967
“Monday, Monday” Playhouse Theatre, London, UK 15th May 1967
“Saturday Club” Playhouse Theatre, London, UK 4th July 1967
“Top Gear” Maida Vale 4, London, UK 1st November 1967
“Top Gear” Piccadilly 1, London, UK 17th September 1968

Speaking of the BBC radio live of the Jeff Beck Group, “BBC IN CONCERT”, which captures the stage of the second period, is unwavering as the most classic sound source, but Rod Stewart and Ron Wood are enrolled He was even more active on BBC radio during his first term. Among them, in 1967, the group was just formed, and he left multiple studio live performances at BBC as a sales pitch.
However, JBG in 1967 continued to suffer from the dilemma of not having a fixed drummer. As a result, JBG in 1967 was not determined in terms of musical direction, and the trial and error of the year when the album was not even recorded was captured in the BBC radio recording. A valuable record was left behind.
Regarding those series of BBC sound sources in 1967, they were first summarized on Scorpio’s masterpiece “RETURN OF THE AX MURDERER”, and let us know that many BBC recordings were left in the same way as the Beatles and Rolling Stones. It was Furthermore, in the mid-1980s, the BBC actively rebroadcasted the BBC sound source of the 60’s artists, and the overall sound quality was good, which is why it was called a masterpiece.
After that, Scorpio released “STONE COLD CRAZY”, a sequel to JBG#1’s BBC sound source collection. However, not only was the pitch of most of the sound sources out of order, but after releasing without noticing that the DAT head had deteriorated when making the master, there was a problem that crisp high-frequency noise entered from beginning to end. . This phenomenon was a problem that occurred not a little in the release of Scorpio at the time. The two titles listed here also had the problem of being edited in such a way that the announcements on the BBC-specific intros were cut off.

Since then, no new definitive version of JBG#1BBC has been released, and on the contrary, it has been neglected for more than 10 years. In the meantime, only a few copies of “RETURN OF THE AX MURDERER” appeared. In the 21st century, when sound source trading on the Internet became popular, fans again distributed files that summarized JBG#1’s BBC sound sources. It included a lot of performances that were not covered in the old Scorpio board, and made maniacs around the world groan.
Of course, the title “LOST EARLY SESSIONS” was also released based on this file, but as with the 2006 release, there were parts where there was excessive equalization, and above all, there were problems with the pitch not being able to attack. After that, the culmination of JBG#1’s BBC sound source, which was compiled among enthusiasts, continues to be revised, and now that the sound source has passed 50 years, it becomes a prey to the gray zone CD. However, it seems that it is a half-type item for mass retailers that is sweet at the end, and it cannot be the definitive edition with only appearances in 1967.
Therefore, this time, based on the latest version of the compilation of BBC sound sources by fans, and aiming for the latest definitive version, “GRAF
ZEPPELIN” thoroughly brushed up each sound source. The 1967 appearances, which had variations in pitch and sound quality, were especially thoroughly organized. The culmination of the initial JBG’s BBC sound source literally, which is incomparable to the past releases that had some defects, has finally been completed. The sound source that seems to be a BBC sound source in the 60’s and does not have a master is thoroughly covered by the fan’s air check sound source.

As I said at the beginning, JBG in 1967 had no fixed members or musical direction, and Beck himself was not familiar with composition, so the swing of the repertoire is interesting. While their core songs such as “Let Me Love You” and “I Ain’t Superstitious” have already been featured, it’s refreshing that their arrangements have not yet been finalized.
On the contrary, there are clearly Rod-led covers like “(I Know) I’m Losing You,” which is part of the Faces’ repertoire, and even Buddy Guy’s “Stone Crazy,” with Beck doing his own soulful falsetto vocals in the middle. The attempt to become a singer in his own way, such as listening to the song, is also really interesting.
The ultimate is “You’ll Never Get To Heaven”. A cover of the Bacharach number hit by Dionne Warwick. Here, Beck’s guitar color is completely retreated and rod-based vocal harmony is heard as a regular R & B ballad. It was so much that the song title was credited as “???” In addition, it has now become a valuable cover of an indirect encounter between Beck, who passed away in January, and Burt Bacharach, who passed away this month.
In that respect, the drummer settled on Mick Waller for the performance in 1968, and on top of that, he experienced album recording and tours, so it has a strong rock sound that is exactly like JBG#1. It is also a manifestation of his confidence that he showed off the stage instrumental “Mother’s Old Rice Pudding” (a different song from the later “Rice Pudding”), which was created during the tour, at the BBC recording.
In addition to carefully compiling these precious sound sources and appearance records, the rebroadcast sound source of the 80’s, which was the core of the old SC board “RETURN OF THE AX MURDERER”, is a total recording compared to the broadcast of the 60’s. Since there are places where the time is short, I dared to summarize it in the form of a bonus treatment. In the first place, there were no items that thoroughly summarized the existing JBG # 1 BBC sound source so far, and items that were summarized in accurate pitch and song order. It can be said that this is the definitive version of “GRAF ZEPPELIN” that maniacs all over the world have been waiting for!

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(remastered memo)

* From past materials, this is not all, but the number of recorded CDs is larger than that of past CDs.
Eternal edition etc. are recorded only in ’67
“Lost Early Sessions” is not included in the 7th and 10th tracks of this edition, and there are some track credit mistakes.
Yes, there are also unrecorded and duplicate recordings of the same song

* The order of the songs may or may not be in the order of the actual broadcast due to lack of judgment.

There are variations in the sound, and there is a track with a lot of noise (part on November 1, 1967), but I tried to pinpoint it as much as possible.

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ジェフ・ベック・グループのBBCラジオ・ライブと言えば第二期のステージを捉えた『BBC IN CONCERT』が最定番音源としての座を揺るぎないものとしていますが、ロッド・スチュワートやロン・ウッドが在籍していた第一期にはさらに積極的にBBCラジオに出演していました。中でも1967年はグループが結成されたばかりということもあり、売り込みを兼ねて複数回のスタジオ・ライブをBBCで残してくれていたのでした。
それら一連の67年BBC音源に関してはスコルピオの名盤『RETURN OF THE AXE MURDERER』で初めてまとめられ、ビートルズやローリング・ストーンズなどと同じように多くのBBC録音が残されていたことを知らしめてくれたのでした。さらには1980年代半ばになってBBCが60年代アーティストのBBC音源を積極的に再放送してくれた音源を受け、全体的に音質が良かったことも名盤と呼ばれた所以。
その後スコルピオはJBG#1のBBC音源集の続編たる『STONE COLD CRAZY』をリリース。ところが大半の音源のピッチが狂っていただけでなく、マスターを作る際にDATのヘッドが劣化していた事を気付かないままリリースした挙句、終始キリキリとした高周波ノイズが入るという問題を抱えていたのでした。この現象は当時のスコルピオのリリースにおいて少なからず生じていた問題だったのです。ここに挙げた二つのタイトルはBBC特有のイントロに被るアナウンスをばっさりカットした編集という問題もあった。

以降JBG#1BBCの新たな決定版がリリースされることがなく、それどころか10年以上に渡って放置というありさま。その間に現れたのは『RETURN OF THE AXE MURDERER』いくつかのコピー盤という程度。ネット上での音源トレードが盛んになった21世紀を迎えるとファンによって改めてJBG#1のBBC音源をまとめたファイルが流通。古のスコルピオ盤では網羅されていなかった演奏を多数含んでいたとこで世界中のマニアを唸らせてくれたのでした。
当然このファイルを元にした『LOST EARLY SESSIONS』というタイトルもリリースされましたが、2006年のリリースらしくイコライジング過多な個所があったり、何よりピッチが攻め切れていないといった問題を抱えていました。その後マニア間でまとめられたJBG#1のBBC音源の集大成は改訂され続け、音源が50年を経過した昨今はグレーゾーンCD格好の餌食となってしまいます。しかし、そこは詰めの甘い量販店向けハーフ系・アイテムらしく67年の出演分のみで決定版とはなりえない。

最初に申しましたように67年のJBGはとにかくメンバーも音楽の方向性も定まっておらず、なおかつベック自身が作曲を身に着けていなかったこともあってレパートリーの振れ幅がとにかく面白い。既に「Let Me Love You」や「I Ain’t Superstitious」といった彼らの中核をなす曲が取り上げられている一方で、そのアレンジがまだ固まっていないのが新鮮。
それどころかフェイセズのレパートリーとなる「(I Know) I’m Losing You」のような明らかにロッド主導のカバー、さらにはバディ・ガイの「Stone Crazy」ではベックが途中で彼なりにソウルフルな裏声ボーカルを聞かせるなど、彼なりにシンガーになろうとしていた試みがまた実に面白い。
極めつけは「You’ll Never Get To Heaven」。ディオンヌ・ワーウィックがヒットさせたバカラック・ナンバーをカバー。ここではベックのギター色が完全に後退して正調R&Bバラードとしてロッド主体のボーカルハーモニーが聞かれる。あまりにJBGらしかぬ演奏からスコ盤『STONE COLD CRAZY』においては曲名が「????」とクレジットされたほどでした。それに今となっては1月に亡くなられたベックと今月天寿を全うされたバート・バカラックの間接的な邂逅という貴重カバーにもなってしまった。
その点68年の出演分はドラマーがミック・ウォーラーに落ち着き、その上でアルバムのレコーディングやツアーも経験したことから正にJBG#1らしい力強いロック・サウンドが刻まれている。ツアーを重ねる内に生み出されたステージ用インストゥルメンタル「Mother’s Old Rice Pudding」(後の「Rice Pudding」とは別の曲)をBBCの収録で披露してみせたのもその自信の現れ。
こうした貴重な音源や出演記録を丁寧にまとめ上げただけでなく、古のスコ盤『RETURN OF THE AXE MURDERER』の中核をなした80年代の再放送音源は60年代の放送と比べてトータルの収録時間が短い個所が随所で見られることから敢えてボーナス扱いという形でまとめました。そもそも現存するJBG#1のBBC音源をここまで徹底的にまとめたアイテム、さらに正確なピッチや曲順にてまとめ上げたアイテムは皆無でした。これぞ世界中のマニアが待ち望んだ「GRAF ZEPPELIN」入魂の決定版と言えるでしょう!




「Lost Early Sessions」は、今回盤の7、10トラック目が未収録のほか、一部曲目クレジットミスが





“Saturday Club” Playhouse Theatre, London, UK 7th March 1967

01. Let Me Have You Baby ★Buddy Guyのカバー。「Truth」では改作して”Let Me Love You”
02. Stone Crazy ★Buddy Guyのカバー
03. I Ain’t Superstitious ★ライン録りではない
04. Jeff Beck interview ★ライン録りではない
05. Hi Ho Silver Lining
06. (I Know) I’m Losing You ★The Temptationsのカバー

Jeff Beck – guitar
Rod Stewart – vocals
Ron Wood – rhythm guitar
Dave Ambrose – bass
Mick Waller – Drums

“Monday, Monday” Playhouse Theatre, London, UK 15th May 1967

07. All Night Long (Rock My Plimsoul) ★”Rock My Plimsoul”の初期バージョン

Jeff Beck – guitar
Rod Stewart – vocals
Ron Wood – bass
Aynsley Dunbar – drums

“Saturday Club” Playhouse Theatre, London, UK 4th July 1967

08. Rock My Plimsoul (Rebraodcast version) ★再放送版
09. Tallyman (Rebraodcast version) ★再放送版
10. This Morning ★未発表曲と思われる

Jeff Beck – guitar
Rod Stewart – vocals
Ron Wood – bass
Aynsley Dunbar – drums

“Top Gear” Maida Vale 4, London, UK 1st November 1967

11. I Ain’t Superstitious ★良好ソースへ差し替え
12. Beck’s Bolero
13. You’ll Never Get To Heaven ★Dionne Warwickのカバー
14. You Shook Me
15. Loving You Is Sweeter Than Ever ★Four Topsのカバー

Jeff Beck – guitar
Rod Stewart – vocals
Ron Wood – bass
Mick Waller – Drums

“Top Gear” Piccadilly 1, London, UK 17th September 1968

16. You Shook Me
17. Rock My Plimsoul
18. Shapes Of Things
19. Mother’s Old Rice Pudding
20. Sweet Little Angel ★BB Kingのカバー / 最新良好ソースへ差し替え

Jeff Beck – guitar
Rod Stewart – vocals
Ron Wood – bass
Mick Waller – Drums

Bonus Tracks ★Rebroadcast Version

★Re-broadcast version.
In addition, the 8th and 9th songs are also rebroadcast versions, but they are used in the main part because of the same length and the CD recording time.
★再放送バージョン。 Hi Ho以外は前後が短かったりするので、本編へ無理に入れ込むことをせず。

“Saturday Club” Playhouse Thetre, London, UK 7th March 1967
21. Hi Ho Silver Lining
22. (I Know) I’m Losing You

“Top Gear” Piccadilly 1, London, UK 17th September 1968
23. Rock My Plimsoul
24. Shapes Of Things ★本編よりも短いエディットバージョン


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