ZZ Top / Hammersmith Odeon 1983 / 1CD

ZZ Top / Hammersmith Odeon 1983 / 1CD / Zodiac
Hammersmith Odeon, London, UK 27th November 1983

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ZZ TOP in 1983, who made a MONSTERS OF ROCK appearance with the astronomical hit of “ELIMINATOR” and realized the biggest UK tour of his career. The original recording that allows you to experience the scene at its best is decided to be permanently preserved!
The engraving on this work is “November 27, 1983 London performance”. It is a superb audience recording that vacuum-packed the night of the traditional famous venue “Hammersmith Odeon”. The essence of this work is that you can fully experience the heyday of Issei with transcendental sound. After all, speaking of their performances in the UK, 1985, when they served as a big bird at MONSTERS OF ROCK, is symbolic, but 1983 is the largest number of performances. In order to know the situation, let’s first unravel the schedule at that time.

● 1983
・ January 1-9: North America # 1 (6 performances)
<< March 23, “ELIMINATOR” released >>
・ May 6th-August 13th: North America # 2 (61 performances)
・ August 18 + 20: UK # 1 (2 performances)
・ September 1st-October 9th: North America # 3 (26 performances)
・ October 16: Marquee performance ← * “MARQUEE 1983 MASTER”
・ October 17th-November 16th: Europe (21 performances)
・ November 19-30: UK # 2 (9 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
● 1984
・ January 12-February 12: North America # 4 (23 performances)

This is ZZ TOP in 1983/1984, which swept the scene with “ELIMINATOR”. In the UK, a total of 12 performances of “UK # 1 / Marquee / UK # 2” have been realized. They have traveled to the UK 20 times so far, but the average number of performances is only 2.3. It was only in 1983 that the double-digit performance was performed in the UK in a year. Among them, the Hammersmith performance of this work is “UK # 2”, which boasts the largest number in history. It was the 7th performance of the concert.
This work, which is a vacuum-packed version of Britain’s popular climax, is a superb item with a “super” sound. It is an original master handed over from the person who recorded it, but this person is a heavyweight who does not know any collector in the UK. If you have noticed this article, you may remember “MARQUEE 1983 MASTER (Shades 1276)”, but he is the recorder who worked on that daimyo board.
In fact, the sound has a core with no sense of distance in front of you, and the details are super vivid. “MARQUEE 1983 MASTER” was a close contact because it was a narrow and narrow club, but Hammersmith Odeon has a scale of 3,500 people. Nevertheless, it has a tight feeling that approaches marquee. Moreover, it is beautiful. What is it from the side that is said to be super tight, but when you listen with headphones, you can also inhale a slight hall sound. It gives the core an indescribable luster, and even dwells in dynamism in a simple ensemble of three people. In terms of quality, despite being FM broadcast sound board grade, the beauty and freshness of the natural sound is because it is a one-shot recording audience. It is a super-name recording with more elegance than a sound board.
The sound of such dignity is drawn with a full show that bites the climax of Britain’s popularity with the whole body. The aforementioned “MARQUEE 1983 MASTER” was a warm-up gig for a full-scale European tour, but the set has changed in this work, which has been touring for about a month since then. Let’s organize by comparing here.

● LONDON record era (8 songs)
Tres Hombres: Waitin’for the Bus / Jesus Just Left Chicago / La Grange
・ Fandango! : Heard It on the X / Tush
・ Tehas: Arrested for Driving While Blind
・ Others: I Love the Woman (Freddie King) / Jailhouse Rock (Elvis Presley)
● Warner Brothers era (12 songs)
・ Degüello: I’m Bad, I’m Nationwide (★) / Manic Mechanic (★) / Cheap Sunglasses (★)
・ El Loco: Ten Foot Pole (★) / Pearl Necklace / Party on the Patio / Tube Snake Boogie
・ Eliminator: Got Me Under Pressure / I Got the Six / Gimme All Your Lovin'(★) / Sharp Dressed Man / TV Dinners (★)
* Note: The “★” mark is a song that could not be heard in “MARQUEE 1983 Master (Shades 1276)”.

… And it looks like this. “I Got the Six” and “TV Dinners”, which were played only in the 1980s, also popped out, but the momentum of the show itself is even more delicious. The economy started well with “Got Me Under Pressure”, and the coolness of the early stages of folding with new songs such as “I Got the Six” and “Gimme All Your Lovin'”! The sharpness of the beat and the tension of the shout are in excellent condition, and it is heavy. And the mood of London that welcomes it. If you think about it, it was STATUS QUO who served as the big bird of MONSTERS OF ROCK in 1982 the previous year, and AC / DC in 1984 the following year. It is reasonable that ZZ TOP, which can be said to be the three families of boogie in the 1980s, is very popular. Eventually, “ELIMINATOR” will be a monster hit with a diamond disc in the United States and a platinum disc x 4 in the UK, but the lively boogie that allows you to fully enjoy such a once-in-a-lifetime climax is intense. ..
“Why didn’t you leave the official live version in the heyday?” … This is something that every ZZ TOP fan will think. That dream is still unlikely to come true, but from now on, this work will heal the dryness. This work is a decisive board that stands in such a dimension. A press CD that permanently preserves the historic climax of the scene with the finest sound. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

★ Superb audience recording of “November 27, 1983 Hammersmith Odeon performance”. The original master handed over from the person who recorded it, the core without a sense of distance approaches in front of you, and the details are super vivid. It gives a subtle hall sound and an indescribable luster to the core, and even dwells in dynamism in a simple ensemble of three people. Despite the quality of FM broadcasting, it is a super-name recording that is more than a sound board with the beauty of natural sound and the elegance of one-shot recording. “Why didn’t you leave the official live board in the heyday?” … It is a historic decisive board that heals such dryness.

★ Uses the English taper recording master who is familiar with Clapton’s authority. Super high sound quality.

『ELIMINATOR』の天文学的ヒットによってMONSTERS OF ROCK出演を果たし、キャリア最大の英国ツアーも実現させた1983年のZZ TOP。その現場を極上体験できるオリジナル録音が永久保存決定です!
そんな本作に刻まれているのは「1983年11月27日ロンドン公演」。伝統の名会場“ハマースミス・オデオン”の一夜を真空パックした超極上オーディエンス録音です。本作の真髄は、一世一代の全盛期を超絶サウンドでフル体験できること。何しろ、彼らの英国公演と言えば、MONSTERS OF ROCKで大トリを務めた1985年が象徴的ですが、公演数では1983年こそが最多。その状況を知る意味でも、まずは当時のスケジュールから紐解いてみましょう。

・10月16日:マーキー公演 ←※『MARQUEE 1983 MASTER』

これが『ELIMINATOR』でシーンを席巻していた1983年/1984年のZZ TOP。イギリスでは「英国#1/マーキー/英国#2」の合計12公演が実現しました。彼らは現在までに20回渡英していますが、公演数の平均はわずか2.3回。1年間に英国で2桁公演を行ったのは後にも先にも1983年だけだったのです。そんな中でも本作のハマースミス公演は史上最多を誇る「英国#2」。その7公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
まさに英国人気の絶頂を真空パックした本作は、サウンドも「超」付きの極上品。録音した本人から譲られたオリジナル・マスターなのですが、この人物こそ英国では知らぬコレクターはいないという重鎮。本稿に目を留められた方なら『MARQUEE 1983 MASTER(Shades 1276)』をご記憶かも知れませんが、あの大名盤を手掛けた録音家なのです。
実際、そのサウンドは距離感のない芯が目の前に迫り、ディテールも超鮮やか。『MARQUEE 1983 MASTER』は狭い狭いクラブゆえの密着感だったわけですが、ハマースミス・オデオンは3500人規模。それにも関わらず、マーキーにも迫るタイト感なのです。しかも、美しい。超タイトと言ったそばから何ですが、ヘッドフォンで耳を澄ますとほんのりとしたホール鳴りも吸い込んでいる。それが芯に得も言われぬ艶を与え、3人のシンプルなアンサンブルにダイナミズムまで宿らせている。クオリティ的にはFM放送サウンドボード級にも関わらず、ナチュラルな鳴りの美しさと瑞々しさは一発録りオーディエンスだからこそ。サウンドボード以上の気品を湛えた超名録音なのです。
そんな品格のサウンドで描かれるのは、絶頂の英国人気を全身で噛みしめるようなフルショウ。前述した『MARQUEE 1983 MASTER』は本格的な欧州ツアーに臨むウォームアップ・ギグでしたが、それから約1ヶ月のツアーをこなした本作ではセットも変化。ここで比較しながら整理してみましょう。

・トレス・オンブレス:Waitin’ for the Bus/Jesus Just Left Chicago/La Grange
・ファンダンゴ!:Heard It on the X/Tush
・テハス:Arrested for Driving While Blind
・その他:I Love the Woman(フレディ・キング)/Jailhouse Rock(エルヴィス・プレスリー)
・皆殺しの挽歌:I’m Bad, I’m Nationwide(★)/Manic Mechanic(★)/Cheap Sunglasses(★)
・エル・ロコ:Ten Foot Pole(★)/Pearl Necklace/Party on the Patio/Tube Snake Boogie
・イリミネイター:Got Me Under Pressure/I Got the Six/Gimme All Your Lovin’(★)/Sharp Dressed Man/TV Dinners(★)
※注:「★」印は『MARQUEE 1983 Master(Shades 1276)』では聴けなかった曲。

……と、このようになっています。80年代当時にしか演奏していない「I Got the Six」「TV Dinners」も飛び出すわけですが、それ以上に美味しいのがショウの勢いそのもの。「Got Me Under Pressure」で景気よくスタートし、さらに「I Got the Six」「Gimme All Your Lovin’」と新曲で畳みかける序盤の格好良さ! ビートのキレもシャウトの張りも絶好調でヘヴィにブチかます。そして、それを大歓待するロンドンのムード。思えば、この前年1982年にMONSTERS OF ROCKの大トリを務めたのはSTATUS QUOであり、翌1984年はAC/DCでした。80年代ブギの御三家とも言えるZZ TOPが大人気なのも道理。最終的に『ELIMINATOR』は米国でダイヤモンド・ディスク、英国でプラチナ・ディスク×4というモンスター・ヒットとなるわけですが、そんな生涯一度の絶頂を全身で満喫するような溌剌としたブギが強烈なのです。
「なぜ全盛期に公式ライヴ盤を残してくれなかったのか」……これは ZZ TOPファンなら誰しもが思う事でしょう。その夢は未だに叶えられそうにありませんが、これからは本作がその乾きを癒してくれる。本作は、そんな次元に立つ決定盤なのです。歴史的な絶頂の現場を極上サウンドで永久保存するプレスCD。どうぞ、胸いっぱいにご堪能ください。




1. Intro
2. Got Me Under Pressure
3. I Got The Six
4. Gimme All Your Lovin’
5. Waitin’ On The Bus
6. Jesus Just Left Chicago
7. I’m Bad I’m Nationwide
8. Sharp Dressed Man
9. Ten Foot Pole
10. TV Dinners
11. Manic Mechanic
12. Heard It On The X
13. I Love the Woman
14. Pearl Necklace
15. Cheap Sunglasses
16. Arrested For Driving While Blind
17. Party On The Patio
18. Tube Snake Boogie
19. Jailhouse Rock
20. La Grange
21. Tush

Billy Gibbons – Guitar & Vocal
Dusty Hill – Bass & Vocal
Frank Beard – Drums


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