Ultravox / Stockholm 1977 / 1CDR

Ultravox / Stockholm 1977 / 1CDR / Uxbridge
Studio 4 of the Radio House, Stockholm, Sweden 19th October 1977 SBD

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ULTRAVOX! In 1977, led by John Foxx, who was also a true pioneer. Introducing the finest live album that has symbolized the dawn era.
What is recorded in this work is “October 19, 1977 Stockholm performance”. That sound board recording. Speaking of 1977, not only were two works, “ULTRAVOX!” And “HA! -HA! -HA!”, Released, but “LIVE AT THE RAINBOW 1977”, which was officially distributed last year, is also new to my memory. What kind of position is this work in such a situation? First, let’s unravel the schedule at that time.

・ January 14-February 19; UK # 1a (5 performances) ← * Official RAINBOW 1977
“February 25,” ULTRAVOX! “Released”
・ February 25-April 16; UK # 1b (20 performances)
・ April 19-27; Europe # 1 (7 performances)
・ May 2nd-July 28th; UK # 2 (18 performances)
・ August 20-27; Europe # 2 (5 performances)
・ September 23-October 9; UK # 3 (13 performances)
“October 14” HA! -HA! -HA! “Released”
・ October 19th-November 12th; Europe # 3 (10 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ December 31: Marquee performance

This is ULTRAVOX! In 1977. The official “LIVE AT THE RAINBOW 1977” was just before the release of the debut work, but the Stockholm performance of this work was just after the release of “HA! -HA! -HA!”. It was the first day performance of “Europe # 3”.
This work, which was recorded at a show that has just hit the world, is a traditional sound board recording that has been said to be “the first thing to say about ULTRAVOX!”. Compared to “LIVE AT THE RAINBOW 1977”, the stereo separate feeling is a step away, but the zero distance feeling unique to the line and the feeling of synchronization with the performance are great, and the balance of the mix is ​​also wonderful. It’s a wonderful sound board that nods to be a historical staple.
The quality that can be said to be “quasi-official” is a show unique to 1977, in which early masterpieces are constantly released. Actually, it is (quite) different from the official “LIVE AT THE RAINBOW 1977”, so let’s organize it while comparing it.

● Ultravox! (6 songs)
・ I Want to Be a Machine / Slip Away (*) / My Sex / Wide Boys (*) / Saturday Night in the City of the Dead (*) / The Wild, the Beautiful and the Damned (*)
● Others (6 songs)
・ HA! HA! HA! : The Frozen Ones / Distant Smile / Artificial Life / ROckWrok / Fear in the Western World
・ Single: Young Savage
* Note: The “*” mark is a song that also suffers from the official “LIVE AT THE RAINBOW 1977”.

…… And it looks like this. Roughly speaking, the concentration and reduction of “ULTRAVOX!” And “HA! -HA! -HA!”. Six songs are selected from both works, and the single song “Young Savage” is added as an accent. It is quite symbolic that “Hiroshima Mon Amour”, which survived until the Midge era, has not been played while acting as a large-scale early song so far. And the content is completely different from “LIVE AT THE RAINBOW 1977”. Normally, songs that are not covered with the comparison target are marked with “★”, but this work is the opposite. Only 4 songs are covered, and the other 8 songs can be enjoyed freshly.
“LIVE AT THE RAINBOW 1977” released last year was a epoch-making shocking work even for unreleased songs, but the content was too core. On the other hand, this work is a sound board album that covers a lot of early masterpieces and explodes with stage tension. A traditional masterpiece that represents the early ULTRAVOX! And has spread its raw charm instead of official works. Please take your time with this product of the highest quality.

★ Sound board recording of “October 19, 1977 Stockholm performance”. It is a famous recording that has been said, “If you say” Early ULTRAVOX! “, This is the first thing to do!”, And if the zero distance feeling and the feeling of synchronization with the performance are great, the balance of the mix is ​​wonderful. The show with the masterpieces of “ULTRAVOX!” And “HA! -HA! -HA!” It is a traditional masterpiece that represents the early ULTRAVOX !.

そんな本作に記録されているのは「1977年10月19日ストックホルム公演」。そのサウンドボード録音です。1977年と言えば、『ULTRAVOX!』『HA!-HA!-HA!』の2作がリリースされただけでなく、昨年オフィシャル配信された『LIVE AT THE RAINBOW 1977』も記憶に新しいところ。そんな中で本作はどんなポジションにあるのか。まずは、当時のスケジュールから紐解いてみましょう。

・1月14日ー2月19日;英国#1a(5公演)←※公式RAINBOW 1977

これが1977年のULTRAVOX!。公式『LIVE AT THE RAINBOW 1977』はデビュー作のリリース直前というタイミングだったわけですが、本作のストックホルム公演は『HA!-HA!-HA!』の発売直後。「欧州#3」のイの一番となる初日公演でした。
世界に打って出たばかりのショウで記録された本作は「初期ULTRAVOX!と言ったらまずはコレ!」と言われてきた伝統のサウンドボード録音。さすがに『LIVE AT THE RAINBOW 1977』と比べるとステレオのセパレート感で一歩譲りますが、ラインならではのゼロ距離感も演奏とのシンクロ感も絶大でミックスのバランスも素晴らしい。歴史的大定番なのも頷ける見事なサウンドボードなのです。
そんな「準オフィシャル」とでも言えそうなクオリティで描かれるのは、初期の名曲が絶え間なく繰り出される1977年ならではのショウ。実は公式『LIVE AT THE RAINBOW 1977』とも(かなり)異なりますので、比較しながら整理してみましょう。

・I Want to Be a Machine/Slip Away(*)/My Sex/Wide Boys(*)/Satday Night in the City of the Dead(*)/The Wild, the Beautiful and the Damned(*)
・HA!HA!HA!:The Frozen Ones/Distant Smile/Artificial Life/ROckWrok/Fear in the Western World
・シングル:Young Savage
※注:「*」印は公式『LIVE AT THE RAINBOW 1977』とも被る曲。

……と、このようになっています。ざっくばらんに言って『ULTRAVOX!』『HA!-HA!-HA!』の濃縮還元。両作から6曲ずつセレクトされ、そこにシングル曲の「Young Savage」をアクセントに加えたスタイルです。ここまで初期曲を大盤振る舞いしつつ、ミッジ時代まで生き残った「Hiroshima Mon Amour」は演奏していないのもなかなか象徴的です。そして、その内容は『LIVE AT THE RAINBOW 1977』ともまるで違う。普段は比較対象と被っていない曲に「★」印を付けるのですが、本作は逆。被っているのはわずか4曲しかなく、他8曲がフレッシュに楽しめるのです。
昨年リリースされた『LIVE AT THE RAINBOW 1977』は未発表曲も画期的な衝撃作でしたが、その内容はコアすぎでもありました。それに対し、本作は初期の名曲群をたっぷりと網羅し、さらにステージ・テンションで爆上げしたサウンドボード・アルバムなのです。初期ULTRAVOX!を代表し、その生の魅力をオフィシャル作品の代わりに広めてきた伝統の名作。どうぞ、最高峰クオリティの本作でじっくりと噛みしめてください。

★「1977年10月19日ストックホルム公演」のサウンドボード録音。「初期ULTRAVOX!と言ったらまずはコレ!」と言われてきた名録音で、ラインならではのゼロ距離感も演奏とのシンクロ感も絶大ならミックスのバランスも素晴らしい。『ULTRAVOX!』『HA!-HA!-HA!』の名曲が大盤振る舞いのショウは公式『LIVE AT THE RAINBOW 1977』との被りも4曲しかなく、シングル曲「Young Savage」も激レア。初期ULTRAVOX!を代表する伝統の大名盤です。

1 I Want to Be a Machine
3 The Frozen Ones
4 Distant Smile
5 Young Savage
6 My Sex
7 Artificial Life
8 Wide Boys
9 Satday Night in the City of the Dead
10 The Wild, the Beautiful and the Damned
11 ROckWrok
12 Fear in the Western World

John Foxx – vocals
Warren Cann – drums
Chris Cross – bass
Billy Currie – keyboards
Stevie Shears – guitar


Uxbridge 1592

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