Rolling Stones / Street Fighting Men In Milan / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Street Fighting Men In Milan / 2CD / SpeakEzy

Live at Palalido Palazzo Dello Sport, Milan, Italy 1st October 1970 (1st & 2nd show)

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The title that recorded the performance of Milan Italy from the ’70 European tour appeared!
1st show on the first CD and 2nd show on the second.
Limited numbering included (numbering on the outside of the back card).

First is the first 1st show. Analog LP “STREET FIGHTING MEN IN MILAN (1970)” (Claudine Records 181243) has been recorded directly, and the latest remaster has been applied. It seems that the tape version has been distributed on the internet in recent years, but the analog LP board is still the best at present with the best freshness. Moreover, this LP is now difficult to obtain, and even those who have not heard it may be there.
This LP, as you know, is a 56-minute sound source with a lot of cuts (“Live With Me” and “Little Queenie” are partially recorded). It seems to be good, and there is almost no stress except for the problem of cut, and there is a sense of distance of performance, but it is a clear sound that gets used to listening to it unexpectedly. It is a recording that can be recommended as a 70-year Aud recording. Scratch is removed pinpointed even when making a CD, and since the noise reduction system processing that stretches the film throughout is not done, scratch noise is carefully removed without changing the original analog board’s clarity. The The goodness of this freshness is incomparable to the existing CD. Also, the quality difference is clear without any annoying high frequency noise that has been on the CD as seen in some CD titles.
Also, the pitch has been reviewed and revised as a whole, especially in the original LPs and existing titles, which were nearly 2% higher after the “Little Queenie” and were hurriedly adjusted here. In addition, the sound material is deleted regardless of the actual performance seen in the cut part of the original LP, and all the parts before and after the cut part are considered to be able to appreciate as smoothly as possible.

Next is the second 2nd show. In recent years, only 7 songs including fragments were first distributed after being recorded in the film footage of the day, and then upgraded several years ago so that all 14 songs of the 2nd show can be heard (although there are cuts). Again, the latest remastered mainly around the 14 song version that was upgraded several years ago, but we also went back to the first 7 songs version of the sound source and investigated the new facts It has been revised and revised over the whole volume, making it the decision board for the 2nd show.

First of all, it became clear about “Midnight Rambler”, and the same song in the version of only the first 7 songs was cut near the end and suddenly ended in the ending, but the ending part inserted there Actually, the ending of “Sympathy For The Devil” of the same 2nd show was pasted. The 14 songs version and the ending performance do not match. . . To complicate matters, the “Midnight-” of the 14-song version is not perfect, but it is definitely longer than the 7-song version, and the ending part is also supplemented with a sound quality of inferior sound quality and a pseudo-finished version Although it seems to be, the ending of “Stray Cat Blues” was also overdubbed from the same 2nd show from the ending part to the inter-song part. That’s why you can hear the drums and the mysterious guitar that doesn’t match the “Midnight-” ending.

Now, about mastering the 2nd show, all 14 song versions that appeared a few years ago are the main, but there seems to be a mix of multiple sound sources of different genes, and it has various problems. First of all, there was a change in tape at the beginning of each of “Sympathy-” and “Street Fighting Man”, and there was a sudden increase in hiss. In addition, in “Street-“, the CD time is 8 seconds, and hiss suddenly increases in several places, but there are only light processing.

Also, regarding “Stray Cat Blues”, “Dead Flowers”, and “Midnight Rambler”, the 7-song version before the 14-song version was replaced with analog chic and natural sound without any metallic odor in the sound. We are However, as for “Midnight Rambler”, the 7-song version is shorter as mentioned above, so the missing parts are compensated with the 14-song version. In addition, the dropout that occurred in some places was processed as it is by patching the same phrase in the 14 song version, but due to the patch, the lyrics are partly different from the actual part (Stray There was also a little noise due to the poor connection (such as the end of the Cat Blues), but this time, with careful processing, the actual performance is respected as much as possible, and patches with no discomfort are applied in some places. Patching near the end of the “Stray Cat-” is given priority as much as possible, and “Dead Flowers” is a tiny noise due to a poor connection that was heard near the CD time of 3:12 on the CD.
Of course, there was no overlap between the songs after the same song (partially duplicated), and the actual performance was performed without patching around “Midnight-” 6:29 It is treated carefully and quietly. Also, the “Love In Vain” ending cut is a real priority, and there is no compensation for this performance.

The overall pitch was revised and corrected, and it was corrected that it was about 0.5% lower in the first half. On the other hand, “Midnight Rambler” was corrected about 1% higher.

Limited numbering and press 2CD decision board of ’70 Milan performance!

まずは1枚目1stショーの部分です。アナログLP”STREET FIGHTING MEN IN MILAN (1970)”(Claudine Records 181243)からダイレクトに収録したうえで最新リマスターが施されています。近年ネット上にテープバージョンも流通したようですが、鮮度が今一で抜けも悪く現状ベストなのはこのやはりアナログLP盤でしょう。しかも本LP盤は今では意外と入手困難であり、聞いたことのない方も、もしかしたらおられるかも知れません。
このLP、ご存じのようにカットが多めのトータル56分ほどの音源で(“Live With Me”、 “Little Queenie”は部分収録)終盤元音源の音質も若干落ちますが、幸い盤質そのものは全体的に良いようで、カットの問題以外は概ねストレスなく、若干演奏の距離感はありますが、意外と聞いてるうちに慣れてくるクリアめなサウンド。’70年のAud録音としては十分お勧めできる録音です。CD化に際してもスクラッチはピンポイントで除去され、全体に膜を張るような安易なノイズリダクション系処理はされていませんので、元のアナログ盤の鮮明さはそのままに丁寧にスクラッチノイズが除去されています。この鮮度の良さは既発CDとは比べものにならない良さです。また一部のCDタイトルに見られたようなCD化の際に乗っかってしまった耳障りな高周波ノイズもなくクオリティの差は歴然。
またピッチについても全体的に見直し修正が施されており、特に元LPや既発タイトルでは”Little Queenie”以降で2%近く高くなって急ぎ足だったのが、ここでは的確にアジャストされています。また元のLPのカット部数カ所で見られた実際の演奏とは無関係はサウンド部材は削除し、カット部前後は全てクロスフェード処理が施されなるべくスムーズに鑑賞できるような配慮がなされています。


まず今回判明したのが、”Midnight Rambler”についてで、最初の7曲のみバージョンでの同曲は終盤付近でカットし突然エンディングになだれ込み終了していましたが、そこに挿入されていたエンディング部分、実は同じ2ndショーの”Sympathy For The Devil”のエンディングが貼り付けられていたのでした。どおりで14曲バージョンとエンディング部の演奏が一致しない訳です。。。さらにややこしいことに14曲バージョンの方の”Midnight-“が万全かと言えばそうとも言えず、確かに7曲バージョンよりも間違いなく長くなり、さらにエンディング部分も音質の劣る音源ながら補填され疑似完成版となってはいるようなのですが、そのエンディング部分から曲間部分にかけては、やはり同じ2ndショーから”Stray Cat Blues”のエンディングがオーバーダブされていた、というオチも。ドラムなどがダブって聞こえたり”Midnight-“のエンディングにそぐわない不可思議なギターが聞こえるのはそのため。

さて2ndショーのマスタリングについてですが、数年前に登場した14曲全曲バージョンがメインではありますが、そこではジェネ違いの複数音源の混合となっているようで、さまざまな課題をはらむものでした。まず”Sympathy-“、”Street Fighting Man”それぞれの冒頭でテープの変わり目がありそこで突然ヒスの増加がありましたが、ここはやり過ぎない程度のヒス緩和処理がなされております。また”Street-“ではCDタイム8秒ほか数カ所で突発的にヒスが増えたりもしますがそこは軽い処理に留めております。

また”Stray Cat Blues”、”Dead Flowers”、”Midnight Rambler”に関しては14曲バージョンよりも以前の7曲バージョンの方が音に金属臭もなくアナログチックでナチュラルなサウンドでしたので、差し替えられております。但し”Midnight Rambler”は先述のとおり7曲バージョンの方は短いので足りない箇所は14曲バージョンでの補填となっております。また所々で生じていたドロップアウトが14曲バージョンでは同じフレーズの箇所をパッチする等してそれなりに処理されていましたが、パッチのせいで歌詞が一部実際と異なるなど違和感のある箇所(Stray Cat Blues終盤など)や繋ぎの悪さからプチっというようなノイズもありましたが、今回は丁寧な処理でなるべく実際の演奏を尊重しつつ、違和感のないパッチが所々施されています。”Stray Cat-“終盤付近でのパッチングはなるべく実際の演奏優先で、”Dead Flowers”では本盤CDタイム3:12付近で既発で聞こえた繋ぎ不良によるプチノイズ
は当然なし、また同曲演奏後の曲間が重複していた箇所(一部既発では重複したまま)も丁寧に補正、”Midnight-“6:29 付近のパッチはせずに実際の演奏を優先した補修に留める等々、地味ながら丁寧に処理されています。また”Love In Vain”エンディングのカットはリアル優先で今回別公演での補填はなしとなっております。

ピッチも全体に見直し修正が施され前半で0.5%ほど低かったのが補正され、逆に”Midnight Rambler”では1%程度高かったのが補正されています。


Disc 1 (56:14)
Taken from The Vintage LP “STREET FIGHTING MEN IN MILAN (1970)”(Claudine Records)
01. Introduction
02. Jumpin’ Jack Flash
03. Roll Over Beethoven
04. Sympathy For The Devil
05. Stray Cat Blues
06. Love In Vain
07. Prodigal Son
08. Dead Flowers
09. Midnight Rambler
10. Live With Me
11. Little Queenie
12. Brown Sugar
13. Honky Tonk Women
14. Street Fighting Man

Disc 2 (67:20)
Mono Audience Tape Source
01. Introduction
02. Jumpin’ Jack Flash
03. Roll Over Beethoven
04. Sympathy For The Devil
05. Stray Cat Blues
06. Love In Vain
07. Prodigal Son
08. Dead Flowers
09. Midnight Rambler
10. Live With Me
11. Let It Rock
12. Little Queenie
13. Brown Sugar
14. Honky Tonk Women
15. Street Fighting Man

SpeakEzy. SPE-1070]

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