Rolling Stones / Helsinki 1970 / 1CD

Rolling Stones / Helsinki 1970 / 1CD / Non Label
Olympiastadion, Helsinki, Finland 2nd September 1970


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The 1970 European tour was legendary among enthusiasts because Mick was able to easily sing high-tension songs day after day. We have continued to release sound sources that capture the transcendental performance, regardless of the sound board or audience, but this time we will release the Helsinki performance, which is the beginning. This day is the second day of the tour, and the day before they performed the highly popular “MALMO 1970”. In other words, it is inevitable that it will be released as a valuable audience recording that captures the early stage before it rose to the height of great performances such as the later Paris radio broadcast and the Essen of Rubber Dubber LP that quickly made the charm of this tour known.
However, due to the incomplete recording of “Midnight Rambler” in Helsinki, the only item available until now was DAC’s “LIVE IN HELSINKI”. However, the sound image centered on Mick’s singing voice was surprisingly close, and on the contrary, it was a surprising sound source that was recorded in stereo. Speaking of the stereo audience of this tour, it is second only to the second day in Frankfurt, which was recorded in “FRANKFURT 1970”, which is currently on sale, and I was surprised that a stereo audience recording was done in Helsinki.
It’s true that the cheers from the moment the opening “Jumping Jack Flash” started were clearly separated from the left and right, making you realize that this was a groundbreaking stereo recording at the time.

In this way, it was an audience recording that was easy to listen to, but there were some parts that could not be fully exploited with the technology released about 15 years ago when the DAC version (hereinafter referred to as the “already released version”) was released. It is true that at that time it was welcomed by enthusiasts as a valuable 70 year tour sound source that first appeared. However, the level of noise exceeds the hiss throughout the recording. This was mixed in at a level that was comparable to the performance, and it finally reached a jarring level in “Love In Vain” and the two acoustic songs that followed.
The other thing is that it seems to be a vintage audience recording from 1970, and there is a “boo” noise mixed in all the time, and as a result, it has strengthened the impression that it is a “quite a sound source for enthusiasts”. Since the sound image was so close to the recording, it would have been much easier to hear if there were no noise… That’s the impression the maniac audience had in Helsinki.
Therefore, “GRAF ZEPPELIN” took the trouble to thoroughly restore this precious audience with excellent background, going back to the original sound source. The results are amazing, and the harsh noises mentioned above, such as the “shh” and “boo” (lol), are instantly alleviated. The version has been upgraded from the previous “sound source for enthusiasts” to “a sound source that enthusiasts can easily enjoy.” If you are an enthusiast who has the already released version, you will definitely be surprised by this transformation. In addition, the already released version has a high pitch, and “GRAF ZEPPELIN” has adjusted well in that respect.

Since it is the beginning of the tour, it is fascinating to be able to enjoy two acoustic songs that were not played during the period of later famous recordings, and unlike last year, the arrangements in which Keith provides refreshing accompaniment on a 12-string can be enjoyed in this close-up sound image. The slow tempo performance of “Dead Flowers” that followed these songs was really interesting (this was the second time it was performed live), and the speed of the performance gradually increased from the following year onwards. It is also a valuable document of the performance.
As mentioned earlier, the recording ends with “Midnight Rambler”, but the performance is also interesting. In the middle Boston section, the audience cheers every time the performance breaks. This can be said to be the result of the high tension of the performance including Mick, and this unique sense of presence is also conveyed more realistically as the noise is wiped out.
Regarding the part that corresponds to the second half of the live performance, we have compiled it into an edit that allows you to experience the entire live performance by recording the second half of “recorder 1”, which was used as a supplementary staff on the first day of “FRANKFURT 1970” in Frankfurt. This is a maniac’s delight with a different source. The whole thing has been compiled in a maniacal manner, but you’ll definitely be surprised at how easy it is to listen to Helsinki this time!


(Remaster Memo)

★This sound source appears to be stereo.The performance is biased towards the right side from start to finish, but this can’t be helped.
If you think you’re listening to it right next to the stage, you’ll be surprised at how much fun it is.

★By adjusting the band, removing hum noise, and correcting rotational unevenness, it is suddenly easier to listen to than the existing DAC board.
*Intense buzzing noise in the low range is drastically reduced
* Significantly reduced spray noise that does not cause shear or shear (* There is still some hiss, but it is within the acceptable range)
*The sound distortion that was noticeable in delicate scenes such as Love In Vain has been resolved.

★Since the main part is recorded up to Midnight Rambler, the second half includes the Frankfurt performance on October 5th as a bonus.
Contains 4 Rec1 songs (*This is a different source from the one released the other day).Rec1 includes Let It Rock and Little Queenie.
Since it doesn’t originally exist, the following 4 songs are bonuses.You can enjoy almost the full-length live performance with this.

ミックが連日に渡ってハイテンションな熱唱をやすやすと繰り広げていたことでマニアには伝説化されていた1970年ヨーロッパツアー。その超絶パフォーマンスの模様を捉えた音源をサウンドボード、オーディエンス問わずリリースし続けてまいりましたが、今回はその序盤であるヘルシンキ公演をリリース。この日はツアー二日目であり、前日は大好評発売中の『MALMO 1970』。つまり後のパリラジオ放送やこのツアーの魅力をいち早く知らしめたラバーダバーLPのエッセンといった名演の高みへと上り詰める前の序盤の模様を捉えた貴重オーディエンス録音となればリリースは必然。
そんなヘルシンキですが、録音が「Midnight Rambler」までという不完全収録が仇となって、アイテムは現代までDACの『LIVE IN HELSINKI』だけでした。しかしミックの歌声を中心とした音像は驚くほど近く、それどころかステレオ録音されていたという驚きの音源であったのです。このツアーのステレオ・オーディエンスと言えばこれまた大好評発売中『FRANKFURT 1970』に収録されたフランクフルト二日目に次ぐものであり、ヘルシンキでステレオのオーディエンス録音が敢行されていたとは驚き。
確かにオープニング「Jumping Jack Flash」が始まった瞬間の歓声がはっきり左右から分かれて飛び交っており、なるほど当時としては画期的なステレオ録音であったことを実感させられるかと。

このように十分聞きやすい素性のオーディエンス録音だったのですが、DAC盤(以下“既発盤”と称します)がリリースされた約15年前のテクノロジーでは攻め切れていない部分があった。確かに当時は貴重な初登場の70年ツアー音源としてマニアには歓迎されたのも事実。しかし録音全体を通してのヒスノイズを超えた「シー」というレベルのノイズ。これが演奏に負けない大きさで混入してしまっており、それが「Love In Vain」や続くアコースティック二曲ではいよいよ耳障りなレベルとなってしまっていた。
そこでせっかく素性の優れた貴重オーディエンスの徹底レストアを「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が元音源に遡って敢行。その成果は凄まじいものがあり、ここまで挙げた「シー」に「ブー」という(笑)耳障りなノイズが一気に緩和。これまでの「かなりマニア向けな音源」から「マニアなら余裕で楽しめる音源へと」バージョンアップ。既発盤をお持ちのマニアなら、この変貌ぶりには驚かされること間違いなし。おまけに既発盤はピッチが高く、その点も「GRAF ZEPPELIN」はしっかりアジャスト。

ツアー序盤ということもあり、後の有名音源の時期には演奏されなくなったアコースティック二曲、しかも前年と違いキースが12弦でさわやかに伴奏するアレンジがこの近めな音像で楽しめるとは魅力的。それらに続いた「Dead Flowers」の他に類をみないスローなテンポの演奏がまた実に面白く(これでライブ披露二回目ですし)、翌年以降どんどん速度が上がってゆく演奏も当初はこんなに慎重に演奏されていたのだという貴重なドキュメントでもある。
先に触れたように録音は「Midnight Rambler」で終わってしまうのですが、その演奏がまた面白い。中盤ボストンのくだりでは演奏がブレイクする度に観客がキャアキャアと歓声を上げているのです。それはミックを始めとした演奏のテンションの高さに煽られた結果ともいえ、この他にないユニークな臨場感もノイズが一掃されたことでよりリアルに伝わってくるのです。
そしてライブ後半に該当するパートに関しては『FRANKFURT 1970』のフランクフルト初日で補填要員として使われていた「recorder 1」の後半部分を収録することでライブ全体が疑似体験できる編集にまとめています。ここは別ソースというマニアックなお楽しみ。全体的にもマニアックな編集でまとめられていますが、今回のヘルシンキの聞きやすさマシマシ具合には絶対に驚かされること間違いなし!




*Love In Vainなどでの繊細な場面で気になった音ヨレが解消

★本編がMidnight Rambler迄の収録なので、後半にボーナスとしてフランクフルト10月5日公演の
Rec1を4曲収録(*先日リリースのとは別のソースです)。Rec1はLet It RockおよびLittle Queenieが


01. Introduction
02. Jumping Jack Flash
03. Roll Over Beethoven
04. Sympathy For The Devil
05. Stray Cat Blues
06. Love In Vain
07. Prodigal Son
08. You Gotta Move
09. Dead Flowers
10. Midnight Rambler

Bonus Tracks: ★ボーナスでフランクフルト初日から

Festhalle, Frankfurt, Germany 5th October 1970 (Recorder 1)

11. Live With Me
12. Brown Sugar
13. Honky Tonk Women
14. Street Fighting Man

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