Miles Davis / Agha Pang Final Concert At Bottom Live Vol 1 / 2CD With OBI Strip

Miles Davis / Agha Pang Final Concert At Bottom Live Vol 1 / 2CD With OBI Strip / Voodoo Down Records

Recorded Live at Bottom Line Club, New York City, NY, June 10, 1975

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This is Electric Miles! “Agartha”, “Pangea”, and “Laurasia”, which was urgently released at the same time as this item. The 1975 Miles Band that produced these. Mixing funk, rock, and jazz elements, they are the strongest band in the history of jazz rock, boasting tremendous rushing power. In June, when the end of the 1975 tour was just around the corner, the sound source on the first day of the bottom line concert held for three days appeared. It is a long version composed of the best sound quality among existing sound sources. The sound source, which is the basis of most of this item, is inferior in stereo feeling compared to the existing ones, but it greatly surpasses it in terms of sound pressure, and the biggest attraction of this band is “overwhelming the listener”. It is the perfect sound quality to convey the power of playing. We have further refined it and upgraded it further. Unfortunately, there were some missing parts, and I had to supplement that point from other sound sources, but the other sound source that complemented it was as close as possible to the tone of the basic master, and it felt uncomfortable as much as possible. It is edited without . Sam Morrison will participate from May in place of Sony Fortune, who served only as a saxophonist until March, from the performance in Japan where the aforementioned “Agartha”, “Pangea” and “Laurasia” were recorded. The melodious masterpieces “MOTHER DEAREST MOTHER” and “LATIN (aka MINNIE)”, which had not been played yet in Japan, are being played and must be heard.
From the same label, the sound source of Avery Fisher Hall, the final performance of the 1975 Miles Band, “Beyond Agartha Pangea” is also on sale. Recommended together.

*** ( VOODOO DOWN Records ) **********
The legendary label “So What”, which has received tremendous trust from Miles Davis enthusiasts and has produced numerous masterpieces. Under the full supervision of the “So What” label, “Voodoo Down Records (hereinafter VDD)” was launched at the end of 2020. You can see the depth of trust from the fact that they were allowed to list the label name of “SO WHAT!” for the first time. Careful mastering, editing, discerning artwork with band, press board of beautiful picture disc. Although it is a new label, it is already attracting attention as a must-have item for Miles collectors.

これぞエレクトリック・マイルス!『アガルタ』『パンゲア』、そして本アイテムと時同じくして緊急リリースされた『ローラシア』。これらを生んだ1975年マイルス・バンド。ファンク、ロック、そしてジャズの要素を混ぜ合わせ凄まじまでの突進力を誇ったジャズ・ロック史上最強のバンドです。そんな1975年ツアーも終幕がすぐそこに迫った6月、三日間行われたボトムライン・コンサートの初日の音源が登場。現存する音源の中で最も音質が良いもので構成されたロング・バージョンです。このアイテムのほとんどを占める基礎になっている音源は、既発のものと比べるとステレオ感が劣りますが、音圧面ではそれを大きく凌駕し、このバンドの最大の魅力である“聴く者を圧倒する迫力”を伝えるのに申し分ない音質です。それに更に磨きをかけ一層のアップ・グレードを図りました。残念ながら数か所の欠けている個所があり、その点は他の音源から補完せざるを得ませんでしたが、補完にあたった別音源も可能な限り基本マスターの音色に近づけ、出来るだけ違和感の無い編集になっています。前述の『アガルタ』『パンゲア』『ローラシア』が収録された日本公演からは、サックス奏者だけ3月まで務めたソニー・フォーチュンに替わり5月からサム・モリスンが参加。日本公演ではまだ演奏されていなかったメロディアスな名曲『MOTHER DEAREST MOTHER』と『LATIN (aka MINNIE)』が演奏されておりいずれも必聴です。

*** ( VOODOO DOWN Records ) **********
マイルス・デイヴィスの愛好家から絶大の信頼を受け、数々の名盤を生み出した伝説のレーベル“ソー・ホワット”。その“ソー・ホワット”レーベルの完全監修を受け、2020年末に発足したのが“ヴードゥーダウン・レコーズ(以後VDD)”です。初めて“SO WHAT!”のレーベル名を記載することを許可されたことからも信頼の厚さがうかがえます。丁寧なマスタリング、編集、こだわりの帯付アートワーク、美麗なピクチャー・ディスクのプレス盤。新鋭レーベルながら早くもマイルス・コレクター必携アイテムとして注目を集めています。


(First Concert / First Set)
1. FUNK [PRELUDE Part 1] 2. LATIN (aka MINNIE)
(First Concert / Second Set)
4. Bnad Warming Up
6. IFE

(Second Concert / First Set)
1. Band Warming Up
4. HIP SKIP (incomplete)

Miles Davis – trumpet, organ
Sam Morrison – soprano saxophone, tenor saxophone, flute
Pete Cosey – guitar, percussion
Reggie Lucas – guitar
Michael Henderson – electric bass
Al Foster – drums
James Mtume Foreman – conga, percussion


Voodoo Down Records (VDD 2022-019)

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