Led Zeppelin / Munich 1973 / 2CD

Led Zeppelin / Munich 1973 / 2CD / Non label

Live at Olympiahalle, Munich, West Germany 17th March 1973

Play sample :

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The 1973 European tour, which is the mass production period of ZEP. Fortunately, the golden age was blessed with sound sources, and there are even PA-out sound boards that are presumed to be for interplay checks of “Dazed And Confused”, which was the height of incandescence in some performances. As far as I am grateful that there are very high quality sound sources for pure audience recording. Munich on March 17th was also a typical day with such a high-quality audience, and the sense of distance of the sound image was exquisite. In addition, the hall echo that does not blur the outline of the performance was combined, and the unique audibility was an attractive monaural audience.
Therefore, many items have been released, and among them, the CD items “STURM UNDDRANG” and “PURE PERCY” are the representatives. However, it seems that the masterpiece “HAVING A PARTY” produced by Graf Zeppelin, released 10 years ago, has become the definitive edition by realizing careful recording with attention to detail in the sound source. Ten years have passed since the release of such a masterpiece, and it is difficult to obtain it, so Graf Zeppelin has started a new release to become the standard of the new era.
Of course, this time as well, the version from the same master as “HAVING A PARTY” (one of the digitalizations from the original master that is distributed multiple times and is currently the best). Although it is a difference in level that can be heard with headphones, in the previous release, there were some variations on the left and right due to the aging of the tape, so this time we realized a clean and stable feeling by making it completely monaural. In addition, the cuts that were conspicuous after the performance of “Bron-Y-Aur Stomp” were also compensated, and the restoration was restored to a smooth state that would make you overheard “Is there a cut?”

More important than those is the cut in the 15-minute range of “Dazed And Confused”, which was the biggest blemishes of this sound source. It was too disappointing to have a defect at the end of the bowing section and when the performance became fierce. Regarding this problem, in the past items, there were many cases where it was left unattended, but the fact that it was also supplemented with a sub source is also “HAVING A PARTY” (hereinafter referred to as “already released board”). There was greatness.
However, the sound quality of the sub-source used there (the same sound source as the main sound source but the sound source was dropped) is rough, and the low range is also squishy, ​​so it is undeniable that the compensation is uncomfortable. Switching the source is very smooth on the already-released board, and the scene where Jimmy finally plays is uncut! And for a while that pleased the mania. It was regrettable that the place where I returned to the sound source of the main part (the scene where Bonzo started to hit the “The Crunge” style rhythm) became like “the sound source has switched!” It will be a point.
The sound quality of the sub-source, which was the biggest cause of this discomfort, was exclusively obtained this time from the original Master original of the same source, which is not on the net. As expected, there is only a better copy, and the sound quality of this part is completely different from the existing board. As a result of careful compensation, I finally became able to listen to the high energy part without any discomfort. Not only does it sound from the speakers, but it’s also surprisingly smooth when you listen carefully with headphones. The biggest problem with this sound source has finally been solved.

The performance was the day after the rare masterpiece Vienna, so it couldn’t be bad. In 73 Europe, which is full of charm, Bonzo’s drumming reverberates with a unique heavyness, which is unique to this tour, and it really vividly conveys that it is a good audience like this sound source. On the other hand, it is valuable that this day was recorded from the opening before the appearance of ZEP, where the so-called “future schedule” is announced. Starting from the traffic, groups such as West Blues & Raying are called, but when EL & P’s name is mentioned, the cheers become louder, which is a smiley and idyllic scene reminiscent of those days.
From there, the opening “Rock And Roll” and “Over The Hills And Far Away” began to be sung by Robert with a lowered melody, but this is the latter half of the live “Stairway To Heaven” and “Heartbreaker”. When it becomes, the feeling that I can’t sing yet is revealed. That is why it is well known that the appeal of this tour is that the inspiration of Bonzo and Jimmy is captured everywhere.
Actually, “Dazed And Confused” is a word of fierceness on this day as well. From the beginning, Jimmy led the band by playing aggressive riffs. At this point, it was enough to shake off, and the explosion after bowing really stood out. It was only a really big stress on listening that the defect occurred in such a situation. For that reason, not only is it compensated, but the finish of this time, which can be heard without any discomfort in editing, completely conveys the awesomeness of the development. It is a development of 73 European sharpness, and it can not be complained as a masterpiece of After Vienna.
In that respect, the final stage of the live was completely turned into Bonzo’s monopoly, and this is also a word of fierce drumming. Speaking of sharp bonzo, the first thing to mention is “Eddie” in 1977, but while that was a high voltage with an activator named drug, he here. Play is naturally clear. It is probably the reason why 73 Europe is said to be at its peak because it was easy to carry out such extra-human drumming every day. The cut that was pouring water into such a high-tension performance has been beautifully restored, and a new definitive edition of Munich where you can listen carefully to the famous performance again!

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★ The same sound source as the previous version “Having A Party” is the base (digitization from Master).

★ It’s actually the latest redone version, so there is no big difference, but compared to the existing ones …

-Since it was originally a monaural recording, this time it was completely monophonized. In the previous board, there were places where the left and right volume balance was different (biased to one side).

・ Reduction of hum noise (low frequency noise). It is refreshing between songs, and the feeling of quietness in quiet places has increased.

・ Compensation with the sub source in the illusion song (CD time of illusion 15: 05-15: 44) is compensation from the master original that is almost the same as the main source, and there is almost no discomfort at the time of compensation compared to the existing one. ¡The difference is clear compared to the previous edition.
There have been uncut titles in the past for this part, but the sound of the entire live performance was very bad.
In other words, this is the first time that the title has a good sound as a whole, and the supplement part also has a good sound. This supplement part is not a net (there is no corresponding part of this supplement part on the net).
・ The cut between the Daincing Days and the Bron-Y-Aur Stomp song has been exquisitely compensated this time, and there is almost no problem.

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★ Great sound quality and content.

ZEPの名演量産期である1973年ヨーロッパ・ツアー。その黄金期は幸いにも音源に恵まれており、いくつかの公演では白熱の極みであった「Dazed And Confused」のインタープレイ・チェック用と推測されるPAアウトのサウンドボードまで存在する程ですが、ピュア・オーディエンス録音に関しても非常にクオリティの高い音源が居並んでいるのは有難い限り。3月17日のミュンヘンもそんな上質オーディエンスが残された典型的な一日でして、音像の距離感が絶妙。おまけに演奏の輪郭をぼやけさせないホールエコーが合わさって独特な聞きやすさが魅力のモノラル・オーディエンスでした。
それ故いくつものアイテムがリリースされ、中でもCDアイテム「STURM UNDDRANG」や「PUREPERCY」などがその代表格かと。しかし10年前にリリースされたGraf Zeppelinプロデュースの名盤「HAVING A PARTY」が音源を細部までこだわった丁寧な収録を実現させて決定版となったように思えます。そんな名盤のリリースからも10年が経過して入手も困難、そこでGraf Zeppelinが新時代のスタンダードとなるべく新たなリリースに着手してくれました。
もちろん今回も基になったのは「HAVING A PARTY」と同じマスター(複数流通する、オリジナルマスターからのデジタル化のうちの一つで現状ベスト)からのバージョン。ヘッドフォンで聞いて分かるレベルの違いではあるものの、前回のリリースではテープの経年による左右のばらつきが散見されましたので、今回は完全モノラル化によってすっきりとした安定感を実現。さらに「Bron-Y-Aur Stomp」終演後で目立っていたカット個所も補填し、パッと聞いた感じでは「カットあった?」と聞き過ごしてしまいそうなほどなめらかな状態へとレストア。

それら以上に重要なのは、本音源最大の汚点であった「Dazed And Confused」15分台におけるカット。というのもボウイング・セクションが終わって演奏が激しくなったところでの欠損という興ざめな状態が残念過ぎたのです。この問題に関して過去のアイテムでは放置プレイだった場合も多かったのですが、そこもサブソースにて補填してみせた点にもまた「HAVING A PARTY」(以下“既発盤”と称します)の偉大さがあった。
ところが、そこで使われたサブソース(メインと同じ音源だがジェネ落ち音源だった)の音質が粗く、低域もスカスカのため補填の違和感がどうにも否めない。既発盤においてソースの切り替えこそ非常になめらかで、遂にジミーが弾きまくる場面がノーカットで!とマニアを喜ばせたのもつかの間。音質の違和感は仕方ないとして、本編の音源に戻るところ(ボンゾが「The Crunge」風リズムを叩き始めた場面)がいかにも「音源が切り替わりました!」的になってしまったのが惜しまれた点でしょう。

そこからのオープニング「Rock And Roll」や「Over The Hills And Far Away」などはロバートもメロディを下げた歌い方が板につき始めてきたのですが、これがライブ後半の「Stairway To Heaven」や「Heartbreaker」になるとまだまだ歌えてない感が露呈してしまう。だからこそボンゾやジミーの奮起が随所で捉えられているのが本ツアーの魅力であることは良く知られたところかと。
実際この日も「Dazed And Confused」は壮絶の一言。序盤からジミーはアグレッシブなリフを弾いてバンドをリード。この時点で十分に振り切れていただけに、ボウイングの後の爆発ぶりが本当に際立っていた。そんな中で欠損が生じていたことはリスニング上において本当に大きなストレスでしかない。それだけに、単に補填されただけでなく、編集の違和感なしで聞き通せる今回の仕上がりが展開の凄まじさを完全に伝えきってくれる。正に73ヨーロッパらしいキレッキレの展開であり、なおかつアフター・ウィーンの名演としても文句のつけようがない。



★前回版「Having A Party」と同じ音源がベース(Masterからのデジタル化)です。




・Daincing DaysとBron-Y-Aur Stomp曲間にあったカットも今回は絶妙な補填がなされ、殆ど問題なし



Disc 1 (57:35)
1. Introduction
2. Rock And Roll
3. Over The Hills And Far Away
4. Black Dog
5. Misty Mountain Hop
6. Since I’ve Been Loving You
7. Dancing Days
8. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
9. The Song Remains The Same
10. The Rain Song

Disc 2 (75:24)
1. MC
2. Dazed And Confused ★15:05-15:44サブソースで補填
3. Stairway To Heaven
4. Whole Lotta Love
5. Heartbreaker

Non label

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