Led Zeppelin / Hollywood 1971 / 1CD

Led Zeppelin / Hollywood 1971 / 1CD / Non Label

Hollywood Sportatorium, Pembroke Pines, Florida, USA 1st September 1971


Play sample :

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The memory of “PONTIAC 1977: UPGRADE” is also the pace of the new ZEP’s secret sound source excavation team “Dogs of Doom” has come up here. Not only the Pontiac, but also the Denver 72, which was treated as a gift, were enough sound sources to surprise enthusiasts all over the world, but this time we found a surprising excavation suitable for the end of the year. What an unreleased audience recording from the 1971 American Tour!
The excavation this time was familiar with Bob Dylan’s “HOLLYWOOD SPORTATORIUM 1974 REVISITED”, and although the venue name was Hollywood, the show on September 1st when ZEP descended to the arena in Florida. It seems that you can guess from the fact that it is Florida, but yes, it is a complete first appearance audience recording that captured the stage of the next day of “ORLANDO 1971” which is familiar with that PA out sound board recording.
Audience recording, which is a shocking excavation for enthusiasts all over the world without any price, is truly vintage. Although it is a sound image with a sense of distance, the outline of the performance is solid, and Robert’s voice is even easier to hear. You can call it the level of a press CD with a margin. However, since it is a sound source that has been sleeping for 50 years, there are many places where the tape has deteriorated and the sound is in a wow and flutter state where the sound trembles slightly, and in combination with the monaural recording, it sounded from the speaker overwhelmingly than the headphones. Is it a sound quality that people can enjoy?
And in “Dazed And Confused” and “Stairway To Heaven”, there are some dropouts that seem to be caused by the deterioration of the tape. Aside from these problems, it is a new excavation sound source that is fully qualified as a limited press CD, and above all, the value of the first excavation audience that recorded the first appearance live in 1971 is too high.

In addition, unexpected new facts have been revealed by this excavation. “Thank You” from the finale “Organ Solo” heard here was the same performance as Orlando’s PA out sound board. Certainly Orlando’s audience recording was recorded up to “Moby Dick”, so if the sound board excavated in the 21st century contains the performance after that, I think that it is all the same day performance. Is natural. However, it was the same as the performance recorded in this audience recording … So the finale part recorded on the same sound board is not Orlando but this Hollywood Sportatorium.
If you think about it, the recording of Orlando’s sound board was interrupted when the “Whole Lotta Love” medley “Mess Of Blues” was over and it moved to a funky development. It is a recording for checking staff who is not supposed to be released originally. It seems likely that the final part of the live, which was not recorded in Orlando, was recorded from the next day’s show to the rest of the cassette. There is no part that the Orlando and Hollywood soundboards are slacking off, but it is probably in this recording state from the beginning. It can be proved from the situation that the missing part is not newly excavated in other sound boards left from this tour, and in any case, a new fact is discovered.

And the day after Orlando, it’s also a show before the frenzy MSG. Even that alone, the performance content is guaranteed. First of all, there is a surprising scene from the opening. As usual, Bonzo started hitting the opening “Immigrant Song” from the count, but it seemed to be flying, so it’s too interesting to stop immediately and start over from the count. A similar happening is the second day of the LA Forum, which was connected by “Walk Don’t Run”, but it is even more interesting that the performance is being redone unlike that time.
After that, Robert also screamed with the momentum unique to the time to show off the high energy performance easily, which seems to be ZEP in the summer of 1972. “Black Dog” is probably the best example, but his voice at this time is excellent.
However, the ending of “Stairway To Heaven”, where Robert was tired even in Orlando, has a part where his voice is overturned, and the harmful effect of the murder schedule of this tour can be seen. Still, it seems to be 71 years that it is a very wonderful performance in total. One of the charms of this year’s song is that Jimmy’s guitar solo development has not been decided at all, and that was the development as if the phrase had run out at the end of the day before. It seems as if he is looking for a closing with a series of choking on this day.
It was
The songs are mixed up, but “Dazed And Confused” is also interesting. It was impressive that Jimmy played “White Summer” at the ending the day before, but instead, the funky development that makes us foresee the next year escalated. Even with the same song, the expression of the performance changes completely in one day, which is unique to this time.
And the taper that recorded this sound source realized that it was impossible to perform a concert and complete recording after “Stairway To Heaven”, so to save tape, I started stopping the recorder from “That’s The Way”, “Moby Dick” It is said that you can only listen to Robert’s MC and the ending by cutting the performance altogether. In addition, although the subsequent songs could be recorded, many cuts occur. This point is regrettable, but the high-energy performance that seems to be American in the summer of 1971 is still alive throughout the whole story … On the contrary, the shocking first appearance sound source that makes me realize that it was a special time again!

「PONTIAC 1977: UPGRADE」の記憶も新しいZEPの秘匿されていた音源の発掘チーム“Dogs of Doom”のペースがここにきて上がってきました。そのポンティアックはもちろん、惜しくもギフト扱いだったデンバー72など、それらだけでも世界中のマニアを驚愕させるに十分な音源ばかりでしたが、今回は年末に相応しい驚きの発掘が。何と1971年アメリカ・ツアーからの未発表オーディエンス録音なのです!
今回発掘されたのはボブ・ディランの「HOLLYWOOD SPORTATORIUM 1974 REVISITED」でおなじみ、会場名がハリウッドながらフロリダにあるアリーナにZEPが降臨した9月1日のショー。フロリダと言うことからも察しがつくかと思われますが、そう、あのPAアウトのサウンドボード録音でおなじみ「ORLANDO 1971」の翌日のステージを捉えた完全初登場オーディエンス録音。
そして「Dazed And Confused」や「Stairway To Heaven」ではテープの劣化から生じたと思われるドロップアウトが散見されます。こうした問題を差し置いても十分に限定プレスCDの資格十分な新発掘音源であり、何より1971年の初登場ライブを収録した初発掘オーディエンスという価値はあまりに高い。

また今回の発掘で思わぬ新事実も判明しています。ここで聞かれるフィナーレ「Organ Solo」からの「Thank You」が何とオーランドのPAアウト・サウンドボードと同じ演奏だったのです。確かにオーランドのオーディエンス録音は「Moby Dick」までの収録でしたので、21世紀を迎えて発掘されたサウンドボードにそれ以降の演奏が収録されているとなれば、すべて同日の演奏だと考えるのが自然。ところが今回のオーディエンス録音に収められている演奏と同じだった…ということで同サウンドボードに収録されていたフィナーレのパートはオーランドでなく今回のハリウッド・スポータトリアムという訳。
考えてみればオーランドのサウンドボードは「Whole Lotta Love」メドレーの「Mess Of Blues」が終わってファンキーな展開に移ったところで録音が途切れていました。もともとリリースを前提としないスタッフのチェック用収録です。オーランドで録音しなかったライブ終盤パートを翌日のショーからカセットの余ったところに録音した…という公算が強いのでは。決してオーランドとハリウッドそれぞれのサウンドボードが出し惜しみしているパートがあるのではなく、元からこうした録音状態なのでしょう。それはこのツアーから残されている他のサウンドボードにおいても欠損部分が新たに発掘されないという状況から証明できるもので、いずれにせよ新事実が発覚したことになります。

そしてオーランドの翌日にして狂乱のMSGの前のショーでもある。それだけでも演奏内容は保証されたようなもの。まずオープニングからして驚きの場面が。いつものようにボンゾがカウントからオープニング「Immigrant Song」を叩き始めたもののフライング気味だったのか、すぐに止めてもう一度カウントからやり直すのが面白すぎる。これに似たハプニングとして「Walk Don’t Run」で場つなぎしたLAフォーラム二日目が挙げられますが、その時と違い演奏をやり直しているというのがさらに面白い。
その後は71年の夏のZEPらしい、やすやすとハイエナジー・パフォーマンスを披露する時期ならではな勢いに乗ってロバートもスクリームしまくり。「Black Dog」がその最たる例でしょうが、それにしてもこの時期の彼の声というのは絶品。
とはいえオーランドでもロバートの疲れが出てしまった「Stairway To Heaven」のエンディングはここでも彼の声がひっくり返ってしまう箇所があり、本ツアーの殺人スケジュールの弊害が見て取れるもの。それでもなおトータルでは非常に素晴らしい演奏なのが71年らしい。この年の本曲はジミーのギター・ソロの展開がまったく決まっていないのも魅力の一つで、それこそ前日などは終盤でフレーズが尽きてしまったかのような展開となってしまいましたが、この日はチョーキングの連発で締めくくりを模索しているかのよう。

曲が前後しますが「Dazed And Confused」も面白い。前日はエンディングで「White Summer」をジミーが弾き出したことが印象的でしたが、この日は代わりに翌年を予見させるようなファンキーな展開がエスカレート。同じ曲でも一日で演奏の表情がガラリと変わってしまうところもこの時期ならでは。
そして今回の音源を録音したテーパーは「Stairway To Heaven」の後でコンサートと完全収録は不可能と悟ったのか、テープの節約を兼ねて「That’s The Way」からレコーダーを止め始め、「Moby Dick」などは演奏を丸々カットしてロバートのMCとエンディングしか聞けないという。さらに以降の曲も録音出来たもののカットが多発してしまいます。この点は惜しまれますが、それでも全編を通して71年夏のアメリカらしいハイエナジーな演奏ぶりは健在…それどころか改めてスペシャルな時期だったのだと痛感させられる衝撃の初登場音源!


01. Intro
02. Immigrant Song
03. Heartbreaker
04. Since I’ve Been Loving You
05. Black Dog
06. Dazed and Confused
07. Stairway To Heaven
08. That’s The Way
09. What Is And What Should Never Be
10. Moby Dick
11. Whole Lotta Love
12. Organ Solo
13. Thank You


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