Kool & The Gang / OHNE Filter Germany 1986 Japanese Broadcast / 1DVDR

Kool & The Gang / OHNE Filter Germany 1986 Japanese Broadcast / 1DVDR / Uxbridge

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独自のお宝ライヴを残してくれたドイツの伝説番組“OHNE FILTER”。そのKOOL & THE GANG篇が貴重な日本放送バージョンでリリース決定です。

“OHNE FILTER”とは、1983年から2001年にかけてドイツで放送されていた音楽番組。当時はMTVを筆頭とするPVタイプが大全盛だったわけですが、この番組はマイムやPVではなく、独自の生演奏ステージを放送することで人気を博しました。ドイツでこの手の生演奏番組と言えばWDR(西部ドイツ放送)の“Rockpalast”が有名ですが、“OHNE FILTER”はSWF(南西ドイツ放送:現SWR)で放送枠も1回・45分とコンパクト。会場もホール規模の“Rockpalast”とは違い、クラブ規模の密室感がウリでした。
そんな“OHNE FILTER”が終了してから20年以上が経つわけですが、時を重ねるほどにコア人気が高騰。現在では知る人ぞ知る伝説番組になっています。PVとは違って他では観られないわけですし、話題のアーティス/バンドが出演したために旬の時期の生演奏がたっぷり記録された。しかも、現存する“Rockpalast”と違って過去の番組だけに今はもう観られない稀少度も高まるばかり。およそ300回ほど放送され、本作は1987年に出演したKOOL & THE GANG特集回をDVD化したものなのです。

そんな伝説番組は一部の特集回やコンピレーションがオフィシャル商品化もされたのですが、残念ながらKOOL & THE GANGは実現しなかったようです。そこで、本作は当時の放送エアチェックでも極上クオリティのものからDVD化。それも本国ドイツ放送ではなく、日本の某民放局で放送していた深夜番組“ミッドナイト・ライブ・スペシャル”のバージョンなのです。その映像美は、驚異的。もちろん時代柄アナログ感は否めないわけですが、マスター鮮度が異常。画面の端から端までヨレもテープの走行ムラも感じさせない画面は艶やかそのもの。ダビング痕よる色ムラも白線ノイズも見当たらなければ、音声のチリ・ノイズすらないのです。恐らくはエアチェックされた大元マスター起こしなのでしょうが、それにしても35年も経てば経年劣化は起きるもの。下手をすればテープがひっついたり、磁気移りがあってもおかしくないのに、まるで昨日録画したかのように瑞々しいのです。

さらにメタル時代CINDERELLAの再来日が告知され、『あぁ、グッと』時代の近藤○彦氏と鈴木亜○里氏が並んでF3を語っている。商品自体は今と変わらないCMでも、故船戸順氏とまだ30代だった岩井○見さんが胃薬を宣伝していますし、大竹し○ぶさんと結婚したばかりのかまへんライダーがカエルのコロちゃんに喧嘩を売っている。そうしたCM群だけでも懐かしいわけですが、現役感たっぷりなKOOL & THE GANGのパフォーマンスと折り重なる事で時代感が何十倍にも膨れあがるのです。

超豪華なヒット曲群をメドレー・アレンジで濃縮して黄金時代を約45分間に詰め込んだKOOL & THE GANGと、その時代感を倍加させてくれるCM群。1秒たりとも目が離せないタイムマシン映像作品です。部屋中に洋楽ブームとバブルの大気が充満する1枚。二度と還らない1988年の薫り、どうそ本作で胸いっぱいに吸い込んでください。

★伝説番組“OHNE FILTER”に出演した際のマルチカメラ・プロショット。日本放送のエアチェック・マスターからDVD化されており、ダビング痕のない映像美は極上。歴代のヒット曲をメドレーで圧縮したセットは圧巻で、黄金時代を一気に駆け抜けるような特濃ステージが楽しめる。時代感にむせ返る懐かCMの数々も必見です。

OHNE FILTER” is a legendary German program that left us with a unique and treasured live show. The KOOL & THE GANG edition will be released as a rare Japanese broadcast version.

●Legendary program that gained popularity due to its unique live performance
“OHNE FILTER” is a music program that was broadcast in Germany from 1983 to 2001. At that time, the PV type, led by MTV, was at its peak, but this program gained popularity by broadcasting a unique live performance stage rather than mime or PV. In Germany, the famous live music program of this kind is “Rockpalast” on WDR (West German Radio), but “OHNE FILTER” is broadcast on SWF (South West German Broadcasting: current SWR) and is broadcast once for 45 minutes. compact. The venue was different from the hall-sized “Rockpalast”, and the feeling of being in a club-sized closed room was great.
It’s been more than 20 years since “OHNE FILTER” ended, but its core popularity has soared over time. Nowadays, it has become a legendary program known only to those in the know. Unlike the PV, you can’t see it anywhere else, and since it featured popular artists/bands, there was plenty of live music recorded during the season. Moreover, unlike the existing “Rockpalast”, it is only a past program, so it is becoming more and more rare that you can no longer watch it. It was broadcast approximately 300 times, and this work is a DVD version of the KOOL & THE GANG special episode that appeared in 1987.

●Special hit parade revived with the finest Japanese broadcasting master
Some of the special episodes and compilations of such legendary programs were made into official products, but unfortunately it seems that KOOL & THE GANG never materialized. Therefore, this work was made into a DVD from the highest quality even in the broadcast air check at the time. It is also a version of the late-night program “Midnight Live Special” that was broadcast on a certain commercial station in Japan, not on the home German broadcast. The visual beauty is astonishing. Of course, the analog feel of the era is undeniable, but the freshness of the master is abnormal. The screen is glossy from edge to edge with no wrinkling or uneven running of the tape. If there are no uneven colors or white line noise caused by dubbing, there is no dust or noise in the audio. It is probably caused by the master master who was air checked, but even so, after 35 years, deterioration will occur over time. If you’re not careful, the tape might stick or there might be magnetic transfer, but it’s as fresh and fresh as if it was recorded yesterday.
What is depicted in such time warp visual beauty is a stage filled with famous songs that have taken the scene by storm. At the time of the Japanese broadcast, J.T. Taylor’s withdrawal was supposed to have been reported, but he was still in the group for filming. They will perform plenty of hit songs up to “FOREVER”. Moreover, it is compressed into a medley arrangement, perhaps conscious of the 45-minute broadcast time. It is a special hit parade that includes a repertoire of 12 songs in quick succession.

●Commercials that are all nostalgic
The highlight of this work is the nostalgic commercials inserted between such stages. The main sponsor, Yodobashi Camera, has a series of model numbers that will bring tears to your eyes, such as the Minolta α-70000i, Nikon F801AF, Sony CCD-F300, and Victor GR-S77, alluding to the movie Clash. “Crash sale!” is announced. The movie “Clash” was not Spielberg’s breakthrough work, but more of a historical drama “Shogun Iemitsu’s Madness.” Just the appearance of the late Ken Ogata, who played the lead role, is enough to impress you, but Tetsuro Tamba, Hiroyuki Nagato, Hiroki Matsukata…it’s such a gorgeous cast that you can’t help but notice.
In addition, it was announced that CINDERELLA from the metal era would be returning to Japan, and Mr. Kondo○hiko and Mr. Suzuki A○ri from the “Aa, Gutto” era were sitting side by side talking about F3. The product itself is the same as it is now, but the late Jun Funato and Iwai○mi, who was still in his 30s, are promoting the stomach medicine, and Kamahen Rider, who just married Shi○bu Otake, is promoting the frog. He’s picking a fight with Chan. Those commercials alone are nostalgic, but when combined with KOOL & THE GANG’s performance, which has a real sense of being active, the sense of the times increases tenfold.

KOOL & THE GANG condenses the golden era into a 45-minute medley arrangement of super-luxurious hit songs, and a series of commercials that double the sense of the era. This is a time machine video work that you won’t be able to take your eyes off for even a second. A piece that fills the room with the atmosphere of the Western music boom and bubble. Please breathe in the scent of 1988 that will never return to your heart’s content with this work.

★Multi-camera professional shot when appearing on the legendary program “OHNE FILTER”. It has been made into a DVD from the Air Check Master of Japan Broadcasting System, and the visual beauty is superb with no dubbing marks. The set, which is a medley of all-time hit songs, is a masterpiece, and you can enjoy a special stage that will take you straight through the Golden Age. Don’t miss the many nostalgic commercials that evoke a sense of the times.

1. Intro (Holiday)
2. CM

3. Ladies’ Night
4. Emergency
5. Cherish
6. CM

7. Take My Heart (You Can Have It If You Want It)
8. Tonight
9. You Are The One
10. Get Down On It
11. Stone Love

12. CM
13. Joanna
14. I.B.M.C.
15. CM
16. Peacemaker
17. Celebration
18. CM




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