Karla Bonoff / Tokyo 2018 / 1CDR

Karla Bonoff / Tokyo 2018 / 1 CDR / Non Label
Tokyo Japan 29th August 2018.

Play sample :

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Karla Bonoff announces the new studio work “CARRY ME HOME”, which is the first solo in 16 years since BRYNDLE’s “HOUSE OF SILENCE” and the first solo in 30 years. Her latest and finest live album will be released as a gift.
This work was recorded on “August 29, 2018”. I came to Japan as a duo with Nina Gerber, and it seems that the performance in Tokyo was held during that time. In recent years, she has come to Japan almost every other year, but this time it’s time to bring her new work for the first time in 30 years. First of all, let’s check the position of the show in such a 2018 schedule.

・ January 11 + 12: North America # 1 (2 performances)
・ February 18-June 8: North America # 2 (28 performances)
・ July 22-August 10: North America # 3 (3 performances)
・ August 29-September 1: Japan (6 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
<< September “CARRY ME HOME” released >>
・ September 20-23: North America # 4 (4 performances)
・ November 9: Sheridan performance

This is the officially announced 2018 tour outline. I’ve been touring North America for several performances, but I came to Japan just before the release of “CARRY ME HOME”. In Japan, there were 4 performances in 2 days in Tokyo and 2 performances in 1 day in Osaka, and this work was the second performance.
This work, which includes such a show, is an audience recording with a beautiful voice. Although it is an original master handed over from the recorder himself, the feeling of close contact is overwhelming, probably because the site is small. It is a direct sound that jumps straight into the core of the singing voice and Nina’s electric guitar. However, it is different from a sound board that is not so tasty even if it is thick. The venue has a high ceiling, and even if the core is direct, a faint sound extends upward from there. This gives a beautiful voice a luster and sparkle, and also has plenty of random natural feeling that is different from the effect. This beauty can never be experienced on soundboards and broadcasts everywhere. You can immerse your whole body in the beauty of the on-site sound and the natural voice that can be achieved only by the audience.
The sound of beauty is drawn as if it were the original version of “CARRY ME HOME”. You may have heard it because direct sales from the official website have already started, but most of the new works for the first time in 30 years are reprints of the past repertoire, and there are new songs “Carry Me Home” and Jackson Browne. A work covered with the cover “Something Fine”. This work follows that trend, and 7 of the 13 songs that will be shown are included in “CARRY ME HOME”. Of course, I will sing the above two songs, as well as “Home” provided to Bonnie Raitt, “All My Life” famous for Linda Ronstadt, “All The Way Gone” by BRYNDLE, and “Restless Nights”. ..
And the other half is also a representative song & cover. Especially from the 2nd album “RESTLESS NIGHTS”, “Trouble Again”, “Only A Fool”, “Baby Don’t Go” and “When You Walk in the Room” were performed on a large scale, and there were debut works “Falling Star” and John Lennon. Lennon’s “Imagine” will also be performed. “Imagine” is Nina’s acoustic solo, and you can enjoy the exquisite guitar that cultivates the mood while slightly drifting her original melody.

The stage was really like Carla, with the direction of “CARRY ME HOME” for the first time in 30 years, as if it had expanded further. It is one that you can fully experience the scene with a wonderful sound. Beautiful voice, beautiful sound, and beautiful melody. A musical evening that slowly spreads in your heart. Please enjoy the long autumn nights.

BRYNDLEの『HOUSE OF SILENCE』以来16年ぶり、ソロとしてはなんと30年ぶりとなるスタジオ新作『CARRY ME HOME』を発表するカーラ・ボノフ。そんな彼女の最新・極上ライヴアルバムがギフト・リリース決定です。
 これが公式にアナウンスされている2018年のツアー概要。北米を数公演ずつ細かく巡っていますが、『CARRY ME HOME』リリースの直前に来日。日本では東京2日間で4公演、大阪1日で2公演を行いましたが、本作はその2公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
 その美の音で描かれるのは、まるで本生版『CARRY ME HOME』。すでに公式サイトからの直販は始まっているので聴いた方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、30年ぶりの新作はほとんどが過去レパートリーの再録で、そこに新曲「Carry Me Home」やジャクソン・ブラウンのカバー「Something Fine」をまぶした作品。本作もその流れを汲んでおり、披露される13曲中7曲が『CARRY ME HOME』の収録曲。もちろん上記2曲も歌いますし、ボニー・レイットに提供した「Home」やリンダ・ロンシュタットで有名な「All My Life」、BRYNDLEの「All The Way Gone」、そして「Restless Nights」も披露するのです。
 そして、残り半分も代表曲&カバー。特に2ndアルバム『RESTLESS NIGHTS』からは「Trouble Again」「Only A Fool」「Baby Don’t Go」「When You Walk in the Room」と大盤振る舞いされ、そこにデビュー作の「Falling Star」やジョン・レノンの「Imagine」も演奏する。「Imagine」はニナのアコギ・ソロで、オリジナルのメロディをほんのりと漂わせながらムードを醸成していく絶品のギターがタップリ味わえます。
 30年ぶりの『CARRY ME HOME』の方向性そのままに、さらに拡大したような実にカーラらしいステージ。その現場を素晴らしいサウンドでフル体験できる1枚です。美しい声、美しいサウンド、そして美しいメロディ。じんわりと胸の中に広がるような音楽の夕べ。どうぞ、秋の夜長にじっくりとお楽しみください。
1. Intro 2. Trouble Again 3. Home 4. Something Fine 5. Only A Fool 6. Carry Me Home
7. Restless Nights 8. All The Way Gone 9. Tell Me Why 10. Imagine
11. Baby Don’t Go 12. Falling Star 13. When You Walk in the Room 14. All My Life
Karla Bonoff – vocals, acoustic guitar, piano
Nina Gerber – electric guitar, acoustic guitar


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