Iron Maiden / Zagreb 2022 / 2DVDR

Iron Maiden / Zagreb 2022 / 2DVDR / Shades

Arena Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia 22nd May 2022

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After a blank of two and a half years, the “LEGACY OF THE BEAST World Tour” has finally restarted. Introducing the finest video that allows you to fully experience the first day of the tour, which has undergone a major renewal including the new work “Tactics”.
Of course, this work was shot at “May 22, 2022 Zagreb Performance (Croatia)”. It is a 2-disc set with 2 types of superb view audience shots arranged on each disc. Speaking of “LEGACY OF THE BEAST World Tour”, the official live album “NIGHTS OF THE DEAD” has already been released, and the masterpiece pro shot “ROCK IN RIO BRASIL 2019 (Zodiac 353)” is also familiar. This is also the first report of the resumption of the tour, so let’s start with a review of the entire tour.

● 2018
・ May 26-August 11: Europe # 1 (38 performances)
● 2019
・ July 18-September 30: North America # 1 (38 performances) ← * Official CD
・ October 6-15: South America (6 performances) ← * Pro shot
● 2022
・ May 22nd-July 31st: Europe # 2 (29 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ August 27-September 7: Brazil / Mexico (5 performances)
・ September 11-October 27: North America # 2 (24 performances)

[Two sets of superb view full video] This is the whole view of “LEGACY OF THE BEAST World Tour”. The original plan was to have a world tour that included Oceania and Japan, but as a result, it became a style of going around “Europe, North America, South America” ​​before and after the interruption. The Zagreb performance of this work was the first day of “Europe # 2” which will be such a re-kick-off. By the way, in this “Europe # 2”, Kyiv performance and Moscow performance were also planned, but of course it was canceled. IRON MAIDEN’s first performance in Ukraine has become an illusion.
Anyway, this tour is the first live after the release of “Tactics”, so the whole world is paying attention. This work is a video work that reports the whole story as soon as possible. As mentioned above, this work is a set of two types of images, and the main “RECORDER 1 (Disc 1)” is literally a superb view. At an oblique angle from the stand seat on the left side of the stage (Dave Murray side), only the stage occupies the field of view with no obstruction, probably in the front row. Moreover, even though it is a stand seat, it is not looking down, but the height of the line of sight is almost the same as the members on the stage. You can enjoy it as if you were looking at Bruce Dickinson and Steve Harris.
The alternative “RECORDER 2 (Disc 2)” is also a multi-camera edit that uses various images while being a full audience shot. However, it is a little different from the type called “Pro Shot”. Basically, it’s the main camera that looks straight ahead at the stage, and a little different angle is inserted into it. Perhaps the enthusiast who produced this video was enthusiastic about making it a multi-camera work, but couldn’t wait until the material footage was available. Maybe you wanted to release it while it had an impact only on the first day of the world tour. In fact, it’s also a worthwhile view.

[Full show of the new “LEGACY OF THE BEAST”] The two spectacular views are the renewed “LEGACY OF THE BEAST World Tour”, which has been renewed while retaining the taste of two years ago. Let’s organize the set of interest here.

● Continued songs from before the break (11 songs)
・ The Number of the Beast / Run To The Hills
・ Piece of Mind: Revelations / Flight Of Icarus / The Trooper
・ Others: Iron Maiden / Aces High / Fear Of The Dark / Sign Of The Cross / The Clansman
● New material songs (4 songs)
Brave New World: Blood Brothers
・ Tactics: Senjutsu / Stratego / The Writing On The Wall

…… And it looks like this. The songs taken over from two years ago are all classics before leaving the blues, and the newly introduced songs are the first three songs of “Tactics” and “Blood Brothers”. The point is that it is not just a replacement. The beginning of the show is the “Tactical” world. Three new songs are folded, and the stage set is Japanese style (Chinese style with different cans?). Samurai Eddie (stilts) rampages as early as the first song.
However, such a world view changed completely from the 4th song “Revelations”. We will return to the world of “LEGACY OF THE BEAST World Tour” at once. After that, there are plenty of props such as costumes, glowing crosses, flamethrowers, giant Icarus, sabers, etc. that were familiar two years ago. Giant Eddie is also a Lucifer type that is a symbol of “LEGACY OF THE BEAST” (By the way, Eddie also appeared in “The Trooper”. It may be the first time in history that Takema Eddie appears twice).
And the biggest highlight is the last minute. Churchill’s speech was played on the 2nd encore, and the deadly “Aces High”! Of course, the spit fire licks the audience around. I used to do “Aces High” in an encore at the “MAIDEN ENGLAND World Tour” 10 years ago, but this is the first time for a big show. It was expected that the popular Spit Fire would not be removed, but it was never used like this … It is the best ending to end with a big excitement.

The visit to Japan was canceled 3 years ago, which I will never forget even if I don’t think I can remember it anymore. That regret is revived, and it is a video masterpiece that I can not stay without praying for the next visit to Japan. In 2022, it is a remarkable work that you can fully experience the amazing IRON MAIDEN. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content!

★ Audience shot of “May 22, 2022 Zagreb Performance” on the first day of the tour. It is a 2-disc set with 2 types of multi-camera editing and a superb view image with zero obstruction arranged on each disc. While Japanese-style sets featuring “tactics” and Samurai Eddie are also appearing, giant Icarus, spit fire, and numerous props that are typical of “LEGACY OF THE BEAST Tour” are also concentrated. In addition, you can experience the gorgeous full show in the special seats.

2年半のブランクを経ていよいよ再起動した“LEGACY OF THE BEAST World Tour”。新作『戦術』も盛り込んで大幅リニューアルしたツアー初日をフル体験できる極上映像が登場です。
そんな本作が撮影されたのは、もちろん「2022年5月22日ザグレブ公演(クロアチア)」。その絶景オーディエンス・ショット2種をディスク1枚ずつに配した2枚組です。“LEGACY OF THE BEAST World Tour”と言えば、すでに公式ライヴアルバム『NIGHTS OF THE DEAD』もリリースされ、最高傑作プロショット『ROCK IN RIO BRASIL 2019(Zodiac 353)』もお馴染み。今回はツアー再開の第一報でもありますので、まずはツアー全体像のおさらいから初めてみましょう。


これが“LEGACY OF THE BEAST World Tour”の全景。当初の計画ではオセアニアや日本(ちくしょう)も含めたワールド・ツアーとなるはずでしたが、結果的に中断前と再開後に「欧州・北米・南米」を一周ずつするスタイルとなりました。本作のザグレブ公演は、そんな再キックオフとなる「欧州#2」の初日でした。ちなみに、この「欧州#2」ではキーウ公演やモスクワ公演も予定されていましたが、当然の事ながら中止。IRON MAIDEN初のウクライナ公演は幻となってしまいました。
ともあれ、今回のツアーは『戦術』リリース後の初ライヴという事もあって全世界が注目。本作は、その一部始終をいち早くレポートする映像作です。前述のように、本作は映像2種セットでして、メインの「RECORDER 1(Disc 1)」は文字通りの超・絶景。ステージ左側(デイヴ・マーレイ側)のスタンド席からの斜めアングルで、最前列なのか遮蔽物ゼロでステージだけが視界を占領している。しかも、スタンド席とは言っても見下ろしではなく、ステージ上のメンバー達とほぼほぼ同じ目線の高さ。まるでブルース・ディッキンソンやスティーヴ・ハリスと目が合いそうな感覚で楽しめるのです。
代わっての「RECORDER 2(Disc 2)」もフルのオーディエンス・ショットながら、様々な映像が使用されたマルチカメラ編集もの。ただし「まるでプロショット」と言うタイプとはちょっと違う。基本はステージを真正面に見すえたメイン・カメラであり、そこにちょいちょい別アングルが差し込まれている……という感じ。恐らく、この映像を制作したマニアはマルチカメラ作品にしようと意気込みつつ、素材映像が出揃うまで待てなかったのでしょう。ワールド・ツアー初日だけにインパクトがあるうちに公開したくなったのではないでしょうか。実際、その甲斐のある絶景ぶりでもあります。

そんな2つの絶景で描かれるのは、2年前の旨みを残しながらリニューアルした新生“LEGACY OF THE BEAST World Tour”。ここで注目のセットを整理しておきましょう。

・魔力の刻印:Hallowed Be Thy Name/The Number Of The Beast/Run To The Hills
・頭脳改革:Revelations/Flight Of Icarus/The Trooper
・その他:Iron Maiden/Aces High/Fear Of The Dark/Sign Of The Cross/The Clansman
・ブレイヴ・ニュー・ワールド:Blood Brothers
・戦術:Senjutsu/Stratego/The Writing On The Wall

……と、このようになっています。2年前からの引き継ぎ曲は、すべてブルース脱退前のクラシックスで、新たに導入されたのは『戦術』冒頭の3曲と「Blood Brothers」でした。ただの入れ替えではないのもポイント。ショウの冒頭はズバリ『戦術』ワールド。新曲3つを畳みかけ、ステージ・セットも和風(カン違い中華風?)。1曲目から早くも侍エディ(竹馬)が大暴れします。
ところが、そんな世界観は4曲目の「Revelations」からガラッと変貌。一気に“LEGACY OF THE BEAST World Tour”の世界へ回帰します。その後は2年前にもお馴染みだった衣装や光る十字架、火炎放射器、巨大イカロス、サーベル等々の小道具もたっぷり。巨大エディも“LEGACY OF THE BEAST”の象徴であるルシファー・タイプです(ちなみに「The Trooper」でもエディが登場。竹馬エディが2回も出てくるのは史上初かも知れません)。
そして、最大の見どころは最後の最後。2ndアンコールにチャーチルの演説が流れ、必殺の「Aces High」! もちろん、スピット・ファイアがぐりぐりと観客を舐めまわすのです。10年前の“MAIDEN ENGLAND World Tour”でもアンコールで「Aces High」をやっていましたが、ショウの大ラスは今回が初めて。大人気のスピット・ファイアは外さないだろうと予想はされていましたが、まさかこんな使い方があったとは……。盛大な大盛り上がりで終演を迎える最高のエンディングなのです。

もう思い出すまいと思っても忘れられない3年前の来日中止。あの悔しさが甦り、今度こその来日を祈らずには居られない映像傑作です。2022年もやっぱり凄いIRON MAIDENをフル体験できる注目作。どうぞ、存分にお楽しみください!

★ツアー初日「2022年5月22日ザグレブ公演」のオーディエンス・ショット。遮蔽物ゼロの絶景映像と、マルチカメラ編集の2種をディスク1枚ずつに配した2枚組です。『戦術』をフィーチュアした和風セットや侍エディも登場しつつ、“LEGACY OF THE BEAST Tour”らしい巨大イカロスやスピット・ファイア、数々の小道具群も濃縮披露。さらに豪華絢爛になったフルショウを特等席体験できます。

Disc 1(101:01)
Recorder 1

1. Senjutsu
2. Stratego
3. The Writing On The Wall
4. Revelations
5. Blood Brothers
6. Sign Of The Cross
7. Flight Of Icarus
8. Fear Of The Dark
9. Hallowed Be Thy Name
10. The Number Of The Beast
11. Iron Maiden
12. The Trooper
13. The Clansman
14. Run To The Hills
15. Aces High

COLOUR NTSC Approx.101min.

Disc 2(97:53)
Recorder 2

1. Senjutsu
2. Stratego
3. The Writing On The Wall
4. Revelations
5. Blood Brothers
6. Sign Of The Cross
7. Flight Of Icarus
8. Fear Of The Dark
9. Hallowed Be Thy Name
10. The Number Of The Beast
11. Iron Maiden
12. The Trooper
13. The Clansman
14. Run To The Hills
15. Aces High

COLOUR NTSC Approx.98min.

COLOUR NTSC Approx.199min.(TOTAL)

Bruce Dickinson – Vocals
Steve Harris – Bass, Backing Vocals
Dave Murray – Guitar
Janick Gers – Guitar
Adrian Smith – Guitar, Backing Vocals
Nicko McBrain – Drums

Shades 1532

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