Colosseum II / Birmingham 1976 / 1CD

Colosseum II / Birmingham 1976 / 1CD / Virtuoso
Barbarella’s Club, Birmingham, UK 16th March 1976

Play sample :

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Guitar Crazy: The famous band COLOSSEUM II, which was also the heyday of Gary Moore. A new shock master who can experience the live that was a fierce battle was newly discovered. It is an emergency release decision with a permanent preservation press CD!
“Birmingham performance on March 16, 1976” is engraved on this work. It is the transcendental audience recording. COLOSSEUM II spread the name of the genius guitarist: Gary Moore, but it was not commercially successful, and his activities at that time were not well known. It’s also a good opportunity (although it’s going to be a little long), so let’s take a bird’s eye view of the activities of the famous band from Gary’s point of view.

● 1975
・ September 18-October 4: Europe # 1 (11 performances)
・ October 29-December 8: UK # 1 (19 performances)
・ December 27th + 28th: West Germany (2 performances)
・January 29-March 28: UK #2 (25 performances) ← Coco
《“STRANGE NEW FLESH” released on April 19》
・ April 22-June 19: Europe #2 (37 performances)
・ August 19-November 13: UK # 3 (5 performances)
・December 27: Ludwigshafen Performance
《“ELECTRIC SAVAGE” released in January》
*January 3-March 18 (THIN LIZZY: 44 performances)
・ March 31: Bad Breisig performance
・ June 18-November 26: Europe #3 (15 performances)
《“WARDANCE” released in November》
*December 11th (THIN LIZZY: 1 performance)
・December 15: Appearance at SIGHT AND SOUND IN CONCERT
*Note: “・” marks COLOSSEUM II performances, and “*” marks THIN LIZZY performances.

This is Gary Moore in 1975-1977. There are many unclear points in the materials at that time, so I can’t assert the number of performances, but I think you can understand the general flow. COLOSSEUM II’s activities were limited to Europe, mainly in the UK, and in the final stage of 1977, he also experienced a North American tour with the help of THIN LIZZY. Under such circumstances, the Birmingham performance of this work is “UK # 2” before the release of the debut work “STRANGE NEW FLESH”. It was a concert that was the 19th performance in the final stage.
This work, which was recorded at such a site, is a superb audience with a very thick core… I don’t want to call this work an “audience recording”. I can’t lie, so I have to write it, but the sound that flows out is completely different from what I imagine with the words “audience recording”. While the snare and vocal tones also have a sense of space, the thick and direct feeling of the on-core is strange, and the vivid details are completely soundboard-class. Between songs, the roaring applause reminded me that it was a concert, but during the performance, I felt as if I was sitting in a small rehearsal room with a live performance.
What’s more, the freshness is outstanding. The recording itself became a hot topic a few years ago, but this work is the 1st Gene Master that appeared very recently, and its upgrade range is “like a different class”. Because the subtleties of the sound of the instrument itself remain clear, the reality that the performance invades the brain is felt, creating a different dimension feeling away from the audience.
And the ultimate is the live performance itself spelled out with transcendental sound. The set is basically “live version STRANGE NEW FLESH”, but that’s not all. Let’s keep things organized here.

●Strange New Fresh (4 songs)
・Dark Side Of The Moog/Down To You/Secret Places/Gemini And Leo
● Others (2 songs + α)
・Walking In The Park/Morning Story/Instrumental

… and it looks like this. “Walking In The Park” is a song by Graeme Bond that was featured in COLOSSEUM’s “THOSE WHO ARE ABOUT TO DIE SALUTE YOU”, and “Morning Story” is a number included in Jack Bruce’s “HARMONY ROW”. .
And the performance is amazing. Too amazing! As can be said for any song, there is a lot of intense interplay. “Secret Places”, which was about 4 minutes in the studio work, has been extended more than twice, and originally 9 minutes “Down To You” played more than 14 minutes. “Walking In The Park” has transformed a song that is less than 4 minutes into a 15-minute masterpiece. Of course, it is meaningless even if it is long, but there is no such worry in this work. A hot battle that doesn’t know how to stop and passion that can’t be contained overflows, and it can’t be helped that it’s going to be long… it’s such a fierce concentration.
All of them are super players, but the ones who are particularly strong are the leader John Heisman and our own Gary Moore. I don’t know how to describe the battle between these two… Gary, who made me listen to hot playing over his entire career, was 24 years old at this time. Not to mention the momentum of passion, the sense of responding to other members’ performances is sharp, and the reaction is quick. This is exactly what it means to be “brilliant” and “divine”.
Also, Neil Murray, who withdrew soon after that, is also amazing. He is also a 26-year-old young warrior, and the line that incorporates phrases as it overflows is colorful, complex, and full of poetry. It is definitely a career high, jumping over the WHITESNAKE era that makes him famous. Of course, I want to continue to praise Heisman, who continues to sing with tremendous effort, Don Airy, who turns into an impromptu machine, and Mike Stars, who has a hot singing voice, forever.
The style and technique are jazz/fusion, while the explosive performance energy and catharsis are hard rock. It is a live album of a different dimension where the live performance of such COLOSSEUM II becomes a tsunami. This kind of music is at its best on stage, but I didn’t expect it to be so intense. A new masterpiece of the 1st Gene that realistically depicts live performances that even remind you of awe. Please experience it with a permanent preservation press CD.

* Superb audience recording of “March 16, 1976 in Birmingham”. It is a newly discovered 1st Gene Master, and the extremely thick and direct feeling of the on-core is amazing, and the vivid details down to the fine details are soundboard-class. The live performance is approaching with a sense of proximity as if you were sitting in a small rehearsal room. Moreover, the live performance is fierce, and the “STRANGE NEW FLESH” number is transformed into a long one with a fierce inter-play exchange. In the history of Gary Moore, it is a new masterpiece that allows you to experience the scene of the most severe era.

ギター・クレイジー:ゲイリー・ムーアの絶頂期でもあった名バンドCOLOSSEUM II。苛烈なバトルだったライヴを現場体験できる衝撃マスターが新発掘。永久保存プレスCDで緊急リリース決定です!
そんな本作に刻まれているのは「1976年3月16日バーミンガム公演」。その超絶級オーディエンス録音です。COLOSSEUM IIは天才ギタリスト:ゲイリー・ムーアの名を広めたわけですが、商業的に成功を収めたわけではなく、当時の活動もあまり知られていない。良い機会でもありますので(ちょっと長くなりますが)ゲイリー視点で名バンドの活動全景を俯瞰してみましょう。

*1月3日ー3月18日(THIN LIZZY:44公演)
*12月11日(THIN LIZZY:1公演)
※注:「・」印はCOLOSSEUM II、「*」印はTHIN LIZZYの公演。

これが1975年ー1977年のゲイリー・ムーア。当時の資料には不明瞭な点も多いので公演数などは断言できませんが、おおよその流れはご理解頂けるのではないでしょうか。COLOSSEUM IIの活動はイギリスをメインとした欧州に限られ、終盤の1977年にはTHIN LIZZYのヘルプで北米ツアーも体験していました。そんな中で本作のバーミンガム公演はデビュー作『STRANGE NEW FLESH』リリース前の「英国#2」。その終盤19公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
そして極めつけなのが、超絶サウンドで綴られる生演奏そのもの。セットは基本的に「ライヴ版STRANGE NEW FLESH」ですが、それだけでもない。ここでカンタンに整理しておきましょう。

・Dark Side Of The Moog/Down To You/Secret Places/Gemini And Leo
・Walking In The Park/Morning Story/Instrumental

……と、このようになっています。「Walking In The Park」はCOLOSSEUMの『THOSE WHO ARE ABOUT TO DIE SALUTE YOU』でも取り上げていたグレアム・ボンドの曲で、「Morning Story」はジャック・ブルースの『HARMONY ROW』に収録されていたナンバーです。
そして、その演奏ぶりがスゴい。スゴすぎる! どの曲にも言える事ですが、とにかく苛烈なインター・プレイがてんこ盛り。スタジオ作では4分ほどだった「Secret Places」も2倍以上に伸長されていますし、元々9分の「Down To You」は14分以上も演奏。「Walking In The Park」に至っては4分に満たない曲を15分の大作に変貌しているのです。もちろん、ダラダラ長くても意味がないわけですが、本作にその心配はない。止まることを知らない熱いバトルと収まりきれないパッションが溢れ出し、どうしても長くならざるを得ない……そんな猛烈な濃度なのです。
スタイルと技術はジャズ/フュージョンで、爆発するような演奏エネルギーとカタルシスはハードロック。そんなCOLOSSEUM IIの生演奏が津波となって押し寄せてくる異次元のライヴアルバムです。この手の音楽はステージこそが本領ではありますが、ここまで強烈というのは想定外でした。畏怖まで憶える生演奏をリアルに描き出す1stジェネの新名盤。永久保存プレスCDでぜひご体験ください。

★「1976年3月16日バーミンガム公演」の超絶級オーディエンス録音。新発掘の1stジェネ・マスターで、オンな芯の極太感やダイレクト感が凄まじく、細部の微細部まで鮮やかなディテールもサウンドボード級。狭いリハーサル・ルームに同席しているような間近感で生演奏が迫ってきます。しかも、その生演奏が苛烈で『STRANGE NEW FLESH』ナンバーも猛烈なインター・プレイの応酬で長大に変貌。ゲイリー・ムーア史上、もっとも苛烈な時代の現場を極上体験できる新名盤です。


1. Soundcheck & Tunes Up
2. Dark Side Of The Moog
3. Walking In The Park
4. Morning Story
5. Down To You
6. Instrumental (incl. Drum Solo)
7. Secret Places
8. Gemini and Leo
9. Band Introductions

John Hiseman – Drums
Gary Moore – Guitar
Don Airey – Keyboards
Neil Murray – Bass
Mike Starrs – Vocals

Virtuoso 488



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