Yngwie Malmsteen / Fort Lauderdale 2019 / 1DVDR

Yngwie Malmsteen / Fort Lauderdale 2019 / 1DVDR / Shades

Culture Room, Fort Lauderdale FL USA 27th December 2019. NTSC

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Yngwie Malmsteen, the new champion, remembers his performance in Japan at GENERATION AX. Introducing the latest and finest footage of the recital show he performed after leaving Japan.
Some people may be surprised by the “recital” that we don’t use much, but it’s not a mistake of “solo”. Actually, the current Yngwie show is diverse. There are project participation types such as GENERATION AX, solo concert types where you lead your own band, and “recital” types where you stand alone on stage without a band. This work is a video work that allows you to enjoy such a recital-style full show from a superb view.
This work was shot at “December 27, 2019 Fort Lauderdale Performance”. It is the best audience shot that recorded the whole story. First of all, let’s start with the activity outline of 2019 in order to know the latest situation of Yngwie.

・ April 13-June 15: North America # 1 (41 performances)
・ November 8 + 9: North America # 2 (2 performances)
・ November 23: Seoul (GENERATION AX1 performance)
・ November 25-29: Japan (GENERATION AX4 performance)
・ December 6-27: North America # 3 (5 performances) ← ★ Coco ★

This is Yngwie in 2019. As a matter of fact, this year’s GENERATION AX has only 5 performances in Korea and Japan. Other than that, there were only performances in the name of an individual in North America. It’s unclear which of them have a band and which is a recital, but the Fort Lauderdale performance of this work was also the last stage of the recital in 2019.
This work that recorded such a show is truly superb and superb. It seems that the picture was taken from the second floor on the right side of the stage, but there are no obstacles anyway. The image quality is super clear, probably because it is close to the stage, and even if you zoom in boldly from there, it is super beautiful. It’s a one-camera, and I will never forget the feeling of an audience shot from the camera work that seems to be freehand, but the visual beauty itself is no different from one angle of a professional shot. I mean, there is no need for a multi-camera in the first place. Since he is a person who always plays the leading role, any type of show will be shot in the main, but in this recital work, only Yngwie is on the stage. There is no need to move other members by switching, and just by continuing Yngwie in the middle of the screen, the image quality of the pro shot level is directly linked to the appearance of a pro shot.
It is a recital only if Yngwie is drawn with such a superb visual beauty. Usually, when I say “guitar recital”, I imagine playing with an acoustic guitar, but he is different. Record the backing of a rock band and play it down as usual. The action and playing are as usual. What’s more, Yngwie in recent years monopolizes half of the stage, even with a band, and his audience shots are occupied by him. Despite the recital, there is no sense of discomfort. As expected, it is Virtuoso of Yuigadokuson.
However, there are also decisive differences from usual. It’s vocal. It’s been a long time since he himself sang in the main, but this work is completely instrumental. Looking at the songs, although the vocal numbers of the past such as “Never Die”, “Seventh Sign” and “Rising Force” are lined up, they are also played by excerpting only the phrase parts of solo and texture. He doesn’t sing, he just shoots the guitar. “Yngwie’s instrumental live” is something that fans once imagine, but you can actually witness it. Also, as you can see in the screen capture on the right, there is also a microphone stand in the middle of the stage, but this is a pick holder for MC. This MC is also unique, and we will proceed with the show while asking and answering questions (?) With the audience. Although the performance itself and the scene are as usual, it is a show that is somewhat strange.

Yngwie Malmsteen has always been the protagonist, singing himself, and finally taking the stage alone. However, even if the form of the show changed, the music was immovable neo-classical, and its purity reached the ultimate level. It’s a little different from the usual Yngwie with the band, and the so-called guitar solo performance is also different. It is a masterpiece video that allows you to fully experience the recital from a superb view if you become the champion. 74 minutes of bliss where his guitar dominates everything. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

GENERATION AXEでの来日公演も記憶に新しい王者イングヴェイ・マルムスティーン。そんな彼が離日後に行ったリサイタル・ショウの最新・極上映像が登場です。
 当店ではあまり使わない「リサイタル」に驚かれる方もいらっしゃるかも知れませんが、「ソロ」の間違いではありません。実は現在のイングヴェイのショウは多彩。GENERATION AXEのようにプロジェクト参加型もあれば、自身のバンドを率いたソロ・コンサート型、バンドもなしに独りでステージに立つ「リサイタル」型も行っています。本作は、そんなリサイタル形式のフルショウを絶景から堪能できる映像作品なのです。
・11月23日:ソウル(GENERATION AXE1公演)
・11月25日-29日:日本(GENERATION AXE4公演)
 これが2019年のイングヴェイ。実のところ、今年のGENERATION AXEは、韓国と日本の5公演だけ。その他は北米での個人名義の公演ばかりでした。その中のどれがバンド付きで、どれがリサイタルなのかは判然としていませんが、本作のフォート・ローダデール公演は、リサイタルで2019年最後のステージでもありました。
 とは言え、普段とは決定的な違いもある。それはヴォーカル。彼自身がメインで歌うように久しいですが、本作は完全にインスト。曲目を見ると「Never Die」「Seventh Sign」「Rising Force」といった往年のヴォーカル・ナンバーも並んでいるものの、それらもソロやキメのフレーズ・パートだけを抜粋して演奏するのみ。彼自身は歌うことなく、ただひたすらにギターを速射していく。「イングヴェイのインスト・ライヴ」というのはファンなら一度は思い描くものですが、それを現実に目撃できるわけです。また、右に掲載した画面キャプチャーをご覧の通り、ステージの真ん中にはマイク・スタンドも設置されているのですが、これはピック置きでありMC用。このMCがまた独特でして、観客との質疑応答(?)しながらショウを進めていく。演奏そのものや光景はいつも通りなのに、何となく不思議でもあるショウなのです。
1. Intro
2. Baroque & Roll
3. Heavy E Phrygian
4. Never Die
5. No Rest for the Wicked
6. Overture
7. Badinerie
8. Spellbound
9. Trilogy
10. Top Down, Foot Down
11. Blue
12. Seventh Sign
13. Black Star
14. Fugue
15. Arpeggios From Hell
16. MC
17. Far Beyond the Sun
18. Rising Force
COLOUR NTSC Approx.74min.

Shades 1139

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