Wishbone Ash / Sellersville 2022 / 2CDR

Wishbone Ash / Sellersville 2022 / 2CDR / Uxbridge

Sellersville Theater, Sellersville, PA, USA 19th March 2022

Play sample :

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WISHBONE ASH in 2022 embarked on an album reproduction tour to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the historic masterpiece “Argus”. The latest live album is here.
It is “March 19, 2022 Cellars Building performance” that is imbued with such a work. It is the transcendental audience recording. Like many bands, they have survived the new corona pandemic and are touring the United States under the name “LATE TO THE PARTY! USA 50TH ANNIVERSARY Tour”. First, let’s take a look at the schedule that has been published so far in order to know the latest situation.

● 2022
《February: Withdrawal from Joseph Club Tree → Join Mike Truscott》
・ February 23-March 23: North America # 1 (24 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ April 3: HRH Prog XI appearance
・ April 21st-May 24th: North America # 2 (24 performances)
・ October 15th-November 19th: UK (31 performances)
● 2023
・ January 10-February 9: Europe (23 performances)
・ March 1st + 9th: North America # 3 (2 performances)

This is WISHBONE ASH in 2022/2023. It has just restarted, so there may be more dates in the future. Anyway, immediately after the restart, the schedule is the same as before the Corona disaster, and it is also a schedule that shows how they were waiting for the tour. Meanwhile, the Cellars Building performance of this work is the final stage of the early stage. It was the 19th performance of “North America # 1”.
This work recorded at such a show has the best sound with “super”, and it makes me want to line up with “super super …”. What do you say, it’s fiercely on, direct, zero distance, glossy and beautiful. Roughly speaking, it’s like a sound board, and while you’re immersed in it, you’ll want to wonder, “Isn’t it really a sound board?” I tried playing it alternately with the official live version “ARGUS” THEN AGAIN “LIVE”, but it was not inferior at all. It doesn’t feel like a mess because it feels different, but I can’t say which one is better. No, just because of the prejudice of “official edition”, I just put my shoulders on “ARGUS” THEN AGAIN “LIVE”, and this work may be better in rich beauty.
There is also a reason why it sounded so much. Actually, this work was done by Mr. “bcironmaiden” who is famous as a modern master. He is also known as a user of the famous machine “Schoeps MK4’s”, and as the name suggests, he is a master of the world who makes the best masterpieces of the latest tour with various artists, mainly HR / HM series. Moreover, this person is by no means specialized in HR / HM, and in fact he is also good at general systems such as Paul McCartney and Billy Joel. The sound of WISHBONE ASH is hard rock, but it also has the delicacy of the general, where the sound of the instrument is important, so “bcironmaiden” is the best fit.
The thick rich sound of such a master is drawn with a full show centered on the daimyo board “Argus, the 100-eyed giant”. The stage consists of two parts, and this work is recorded on one disc each. Let’s organize the contents here.

-DISC 1 “Hundred Eyes Giant Argus” Complete Reproduction
・ Time Was / Sometime World / Blowin’Free / The King Will Come / Leaf And Stream / Warrior / Throw Down The Sword
● DISC 2
・ 70’s: Ballad Of The Beacon / Jail Bait
・ 90’s: Standing In The Rain
・ 21st Century: Bona Fide / Enigma / Eyes Wide Open / Way Down South / We Stand As One

… And DISC 1 is a whole “live performance version of Argus” and DISC 2 is a normal style. In the second half, we will cover classics such as “Ballad Of The Beacon” and “Jail Bait”, but most of them are recent repertoires. The first half is “Argus”, so it’s not strange in terms of balance, but the solidified color makes the active color feel rich, which makes me happy.
Of course, even so, the highlight is the complete reproduction of “Argus, the 100-eyed giant”. It’s a project that has happened several times before, but this is unexpectedly good (excuse me!). Is it enthusiastic about resuming activity, is it thanks to Mike Truscott who just joined, or both? Regardless of the cause, the beat is very powerful and lively. Of course, it is not re-arranged in a modern style, and although it is basically an “Argus” that follows the tradition, the lively and lively ensemble is dazzling.
The 50th anniversary of its formation has passed the 50th anniversary of its debut, and it is a traditional prestigious band that celebrates the 50th anniversary of its masterpiece. It is a live album where you can fully experience the latest stage with a completely official grade sound by a world-famous master. Currently, along with the restart of the scene, audience recordings of “2022 standard” are arriving one after another, but among them, it is a masterpiece that is outstanding. This is British rock, this is WISHBONE ASH, this is 2022 sound. Please get drunk to your heart’s content!
★ The latest live album of the reproduction tour celebrating the 50th anniversary of Argus. It is a transcendental audience recording of “March 19, 2022 Cellars Building Performance”. It is also the latest work of Mr. “bcironmaiden” who is famous as a modern master, and the sound utilizing the famous machine “Schoeps MK4’s” is completely official grade. In fact, it is a terrible recording that is not inferior to the official version “ARGUS” THEN AGAIN “LIVE”. You can fully enjoy the historic masterpiece that has been revived by the drumming of the new member Mike Truscott.

歴史的大名盤『百眼の巨人アーガス』の50周年を迎え、アルバム再現ツアーに乗り出した2022年のWISHBONE ASH。その最新ライヴアルバムが登場です。
そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「2022年3月19日セラーズビル公演」。その超絶級オーディエンス録音です。多くバンドと同じように、新型コロナ・パンデミックを乗り越えた彼らは“LATE TO THE PARTY! USA 50TH ANNIVERSARY Tour”と銘打って全米をツアー中。まずは、その近況を知る意味でも現在までに公表されているスケジュールから見てみましょう。

・4月3日:HRH Prog XI出演

これが2022年/2023年のWISHBONE ASH。まだ再始動したばかりですので、これからもっと日程が増えるかも知れません。ともあれ、再始動直後からいきなりコロナ禍以前と変わらぬ日程を組んでおり、いかに彼らがツアーを待ち望んでいたのかが透けるスケジュールでもあります。そんな中で本作のセラーズビル公演は序盤の終盤。「北米#1」の19公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
そんなショウで記録された本作は「超」付きの極上サウンド、それも「超々々々……」とズラズラ並べたくなるくらいの。何と言いますか、猛烈にオンでダイレクトでゼロ距離で艶やかで美しい。ざっくり言ってしまえば「まるでサウンドボード」ですし、浸っているうちに「本当にサウンドボードじゃないの?」と疑いたくなる。試しに公式ライヴ盤『ARGUS “THEN AGAIN” LIVE』と交互に再生してみたのですが、まったく遜色なし。感触に違いがあるのでゴッチャにはなりませんが、どっちが上とも言えない。いや、「公式盤」という先入観から『ARGUS “THEN AGAIN” LIVE』に肩入れしているだけで、リッチな美しさは本作の方が上かも……。
それほどのサウンドになったのも理由がある。実は本作を手掛けたのは現代の名手と名高い「bcironmaiden」氏。名機「Schoeps MK4’s」の使い手としても知られ、その名の通りHR/HM系を中心に、さまざまなアーティストで最新ツアーの最高傑作をモノにしている世界の達人なのです。しかも、この人物は決してHR/HM専門でもなく、実はポール・マッカートニーやビリー・ジョエル等のジェネラル系も得意。WISHBONE ASHのサウンドはハードロックでありつつ、楽器の鳴りが重要なジェネラルの繊細さも併せ持っていますので、「bcironmaiden」氏はこれ以上ない適役なのです。

●DISC 1『百眼の巨人アーガス』完全再現
・Time Was/Sometime World/Blowin’ Free/The King Will Come/Leaf And Stream/Warrior/Throw Down The Sword
・70年代:Ballad Of The Beacon/Jail Bait
・90年代:Standing In The Rain
・21世紀:Bona Fide/Enigma/Eyes Wide Open/Way Down South/We Stand As One

……と、DISC 1は丸々「生演奏版アーガス」でDISC 2が通常スタイルになっています。後半でも「Ballad Of The Beacon」「Jail Bait」といったクラシックスも取り上げますが、大半は近年のレパートリー。前半が丸々『アーガス』なのでバランス的にはおかしくないのですが、固まっていることで現役カラーも濃厚に感じられ、なんだか嬉しくなってきます。
結成50周年もデビュー50周年もとうに過ぎ、大代表作の50周年を祝うことになった伝統の名門バンド。その最新ステージを世界的名手による完全オフィシャル級サウンドでフル体験できるライヴアルバムです。現在、シーンの再起動と併せて「2022年基準」のオーディエンス録音が次々と到着していますが、その中でもズバ抜けた大傑作。これぞ英国ロック、これぞWISHBONE ASH、これ2022年サウンド。どうぞ、思う存分酔いしれてください!
★アーガス50周年を祝う再現ツアーの最新ライヴアルバム。「2022年3月19日セラーズビル公演」の超絶級オーディエンス録音です。現代の名手と名高い「bcironmaiden」氏の最新作でもあり、名機「Schoeps MK4’s」を活用したサウンドは完全オフィシャル級。実際、公式盤『ARGUS “THEN AGAIN” LIVE』と交互に再生してもまったく遜色のない凄まじい録音です。新加入マイク・トラスコットのドラミングで溌剌と甦った歴史的大名盤を存分に味わえます。

Disc 1(51:20)

1. Intro
2. Time Was
3. Sometime World
4. Blowin’ Free
5. The King Will Come
6. Leaf and Stream
7. Warrior
8. Throw Down the Sword

Disc 2 (51:31)
1. Intro
2. Bona Fide
3. Enigma
4. Eyes Wide Open
5. Way Down South
6. We Stand as One (dedicated to the Ukrainians)
7. Standing in the Rain
8. Encore Break
9. Ballad of the Beacon
10. Jail Bait

Andy Powell – Guitar, Vocals
Bob Skeat – Bass
Mark Abrahams – Guitar
Mike Truscott – Drums

Uxbridge 1632

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