Who / Cincinnati 1975 / 2CD

Who / Cincinnati 1975 / 2CD / Non Label
Live at Riverfront Coliseum, Cincinnati, OH, USA 8th December 1975

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The Who, which has been actively releasing in recent years, is a live sound source from 1975 to 1976. If anything, the latter is more blessed with the sound source, and just recently, “GLAS GOW 1976” was released, which is a new memory. On the other hand, with respect to the 75 years, the release of items has declined in recent years, but it was “STUTT GART 1975” that made a great performance in Stuttgart that made a stone of this situation. Since it was from the European tour in November 1975, it is natural that the maniac next seeks a new sound source from the American tour in December.
Speaking of the United States of this year, I wonder if there is a maniac that nostalgicly remembers that the famous board “PROVIDENCE 1975” was released 10 years ago. However, since the sound source of this period has not been released since then, Cincinnati is a new sound source that will be pleased by enthusiasts who were eager for the release of further sound sources and items. After all, no sound source has been excavated until now, and even the prestigious site “The Who Concert Guide” was “set list unknown”. It was a time when it was already very popular in the United States, so it is taken for granted that the sound source is aside from the sound quality. In such a situation, even the sound source that appeared completely for the first time will attract attention from maniacs all over the world.
This valuable sound source was included in the taper recordings of the 1970s concert in Cincinnati that were released on YouTube one after another. It’s surprising that even sites like “The Who Concert Guide” weren’t aware of this excavation, even though it’s been several years since it first appeared. For that reason, it was left as “unknown set list” for many years.

The sound source of this time that was quietly released, the good sound quality that is not just a new excavation is also a big attraction. Although it is a monaural audience recording with a sense of distance compared to that of “PROVIDENCE 1975”, it has a wonderful listening feeling brought by outstanding freshness. This is a proof that Taper has kept the master cassette in good care until now. Moreover, you can upload the current YouTube without compressing the audio. Is it also a factor that gives off the outstanding freshness of this sound source? It may be a slight problem that the tape change cut occurs before “Sparks” in the “TOMMY” set, and in the latter part of “My Generation” in the final stage of the live performance.
Therefore, it can be said that it is an audience recording that you can enjoy with a really good feeling when you play it from the speaker, but it is also amazing that the sound source in such a wonderful state has been sleeping so far on the day when no sound source was confirmed until now. .. In that case, the release on the limited press CD is a matter of course, but at that time, I adjusted the pitch that was slightly higher this time (this is a phenomenon consistently seen in the Cincinnati sound source released by him). The source is YouTube anyway, so if it’s left as it is, it’s difficult to change the pitch, which hinders viewing.

And the performance of this day is also interesting. It’s the next show of the familiar Pontiac and Silver Dome Kokere performance (December 6th) in that video, so I think it’s a performance that inherits that feeling of runaway, but this is a different thing in a good way. Especially in the first half, it is fresh that Keith in Yak and Pete in Al are devoted to surprisingly neat backing. Did both of them not get drunk? That said, it’s The Who. At that time, it was a neat level for them, and the voltage of the performance was still high. In such a situation, it is a superb item that gently hears “Dreaming From The Waist”.
However, when it comes to “Magic Bus,” it seems that both of them are feeling sick, and the performance that has both momentum and a sense of runaway explodes. Actually, the momentum is tremendous, and it takes longer than usual to reach the development where the performance breaks with Roger’s harmonica as a signal. Furthermore, when the “TOMMY” set was reached, the two began to run out of control, and in “Fiddle About”, Keith escalated the weirdo character in the same song more than usual, and said that strange voice. On the other hand, it’s really interesting that Pete messes up the intro for “Tommy’s Holiday Camp,” as if playing with Keith. The “TOMMY” set from 1975 to 1976, when the movie’s blockbuster hit the scene with excitement, captured some of the most interesting scenes from this part of the time.
Not only is it a historical excavation sound source, but the sound quality is surprisingly easy to hear. In addition, the performance contents with distinctly different expressions in the first half and the second half were plentiful again. Keith’s first appearance audience recording that surprises maniacs all over the world who captured unknown famous performances from the tour that could be called the last peak period from the live career. While excavating, enthusiasts who couldn’t listen to it on YouTube due to pitch problems are now safe!

近年リリースを活発に続けているザ・フー1975年から76年にかけてのライブ音源。どちらかといえば後者の方が音源に恵まれていることもあり、つい最近でも「GLASGOW 1976」がリリースされたのは記憶に新しいところ。その反面75年に関しては近年アイテムのリリースがめっきり減ってしまいましたが、そんな状況に一石を投じてくれたのがシュツッドガルトでの名演を収めた「STUTTGART 1975」でした。それが75年11月のヨーロッパ・ツアーからでしたので、次にマニアが求めるのは12月のアメリカ・ツアーからの新たな音源というのは当然のこと。
この年のアメリカといえば10年前に名盤「PROVIDENCE 1975」がリリースされたことを懐かしく思い出されるマニアがおられるかと。しかし、以降この時期の音源がリリースされずじまいでしたので、さらなる音源やアイテムのリリースを渇望されていたマニアに喜んでいただけるであろう新たな音源が今回のシンシナティ。何しろこの日は今まで一切の音源が発掘されておらず、権威あるサイト「The Who Concert Guide」ですら「セットリスト不明」とされていた日。既にアメリカで大きな人気を獲得していた時期ですので、音質はともかくとして音源があって当たり前とされる。そんな中で完全初登場の音源というだけでも世界中のマニアから注目を浴びることでしょう。
この貴重な音源は近年において1970年代シンシナティでのコンサートを録音したテーパー自身がYouTube上にて続々と公開した中に含まれていたもの。既にその登場から数年が経過していたのにもかかわらず、「The Who Concert Guide」のようなサイトですら、この発掘に気付いていなかったというのが驚き。そのせいで長年「セットリスト不明」のままになってしまっていた訳です。

そんなひっそりと公開されていた今回の音源、ただ新発掘というだけにとどまらない音質の良さも大きな魅力。あの「PROVIDENCE 1975」と比べると音像に距離感のあるモノラル・オーディエンス録音ではあるのですが、何しろ抜群の鮮度がもたらす聞き心地は素晴らしいものがある。これはテーパーが今までマスターカセットを大事に保管していた証でしょう。しかも現在のYouTubeは音声だけならそれほど圧縮せずにアップロードできる。それもまた今回の音源が放つ抜群の鮮度を放つ要因かと。この聞き心地のよさの前ではテープチェンジによるカットが「TOMMY」セットの「Sparks」の前、さらにライブ終盤「My Generation」の後編で生じるのも微塵な問題でしょう。

そしてこの日の演奏がまた面白い。あの映像でもおなじみポンティアック、シルバードームこけら落とし公演(12月6日)の次のショーですので、あの暴走感をそのまま引き継いだ演奏かと思いきや、これがいい意味で違っているのです。特に前半はヤク中のキースとアル中のピートが意外なほど端正なバッキングに徹しているのが新鮮。両者ともに酔いが回っていなかったのでしょうか?とはいってもそこはザ・フー。当時の彼らからすれば端正というレベルであって、それでも演奏のボルテージはかなり高い。こうした中で「Dreaming From The Waist」をしっとり聞かせてくれるのが絶品。
しかし「Magic Bus」になると二人とも酔いがイイ感じに回ってきたのでしょう、勢いと暴走感を兼ね備えた演奏が炸裂。実際にその勢いが凄まじく、ロジャーのハーモニカを合図に演奏がブレイクする展開に到達するまでがいつもより長いのです。さらに「TOMMY」セットになると二人が暴走し始め、「Fiddle About」ではキースがいつも以上に同曲での変人キャラをエスカレート、あの奇声をこれでもかとあげている。一方ピートはそんなキースをからかうかの如く「Tommy’s Holiday Camp」のイントロをじらすというのがまた実に面白い。映画の大ヒットによって毎回が盛り上がりをみせた75年から76年にかけての「TOMMY」セットですが、この時期の同パートの中でも特に面白い場面が捉えられているのです。


Disc 1 (46:24)
1. Intro
2. I Can’t Explain
3. Substitute
4. My Wife
5. Baba O’Riley
6. Squeeze Box
7. Behind Blue Eyes
8. Dreaming from the Waist
9. Boris the Spider
10. Magic Bus

Disc 2 (55:58)
1. MC
2. Amazing Journey
3. Sparks
4. The Acid Queen
5. Fiddle About
6. Pinball Wizard
7. I’m Free
8. Tommy’s Holiday Camp
9. We’re Not Gonna Take It
10. See Me, Feel Me
11. Summertime Blues
12. My Generation
13. Road Runner
14. Won’t Get Fooled Again

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