Van Der Graaf Generato / New York 1976 / 2CDR

Van Der Graaf Generato / New York 1976 / 2CDR / Amity
Beacon Theatre, New York City, NY, USA 18th October 1976

Play sample :

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The reunion VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR in 1976, which had been gaining momentum with a series of historic masterpieces. Introducing the finest live album where you can experience their first performance in the United States.
It is “October 18, 1976 New York City performance” that is imbued with such a work. It’s a legendary audience recording. The reason why this recording is legendary is that the show is so special. After all, this day was VDGG’s first performance in the United States. Moreover, the US tour was not held after that, and it was a unique US performance until 2009. It’s a heavy show, but what kind of position will it be based on VDGG’s thirst history? Speaking of 1976, it was also the time when “STILL LIFE” and “WORLD RECORD” were released in quick succession, so let’s take a look at the schedule at that time, including those areas.

“April 15” STILL LIFE “release”
・ April 18th-May 9th: UK # 1 (6 performances)
“May 10-30” WORLD RECORD “production”
・ May 31st-June 12th: Europe # 1 (8 performances)
・ July 27-August 12: Europe # 2 (5 performances)
・ August 28-October 2: UK # 2 (10 performances)
・ October 6-18: North America (8 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
“October” WORLD RECORD “release”
・ November 8th-December 9th: Europe # 3 (24 performances)

This is the 1976 VDGG. The landing on the new continent was in October, when “WORLD RECORD” was being produced and was about to be released. Actually, it was a total of 8 mini tours, but most of them were performed in Canada. Only the last day, “October 18th,” was USA.
This one-time vacuum-packed work is a wonderful recording even if you ignore the preciousness of the class. When you play it, it starts with the introduction of the band by DJ, but you can hear all the historical words beautifully word by word. That alone is surprising, but I was surprised twice when the performance started. Its core is extremely thick and powerful, and there is almost no sense of distance. And the freshness of the freshness that you can not feel the crushing even in the fine parts. Although it was released as “LOW Gene” although the generation is unknown, it is still not the origin … Speaking of vintage recordings of the 70’s, it can’t be helped even if it’s stiff and boring, but this work has a sharp outline and is much clearer than FM broadcasts there.
The most valuable site in the history of VDGG is drawn with such a rare and beautiful sound. Speaking of the stage of the 70’s, the official board “MAIDA VALE” is popular, so let’s organize the set while comparing.

● Classics
・ Creation of heaven and earth: Killer (★)
・ Pawn Hearts: Lemmings (★) / Man-Erg
・ Others: Gog (★)
● After restart
・ God Bluff: Arrow (★) / The Sleepwalkers
・ Still Life: La Rossa / Still Life
・ World Records: When She Comes / Meurglys III, The Songwriter’s Guild (★) / Masks
* Note: “★” marks are songs that cannot be heard in “MAIDA VALE”.

…… And it looks like this. From the masterpiece “H TO HE WHO AM THE ONLY ONE” to “WORLD RECORD”, which was about to be released, a wide selection of 5 masterpieces has been selected. This set has been the “unique US VDGG” for over 30 years. And the content of the show is also very wonderful. Although the ensemble is similar to “MAIDA VALE”, the tension is high probably because of the landing in the United States, and Peter Hammill’s illusionary vocalization is also clear.
What is even more surprising is the goodness of the customers. The audience at the scene would not have known that it would be a once-in-a-lifetime meeting, but it was a great success from the start of the performance, and the band introduction alone was a great cheer. The feeling of waiting for an audience like Japan, who is welcoming the band to Japan for the first time, overflows. Of course, the reaction is also fed back to VDGG on the stage, further raising the temperature of the enthusiasm. It’s strange that the North American tour wasn’t realized until 1976, but it’s a mysteriously successful live that it didn’t return until 2009.
Anyway, the historical value is heavier than this and the super clear sound that is out of the common sense of the 70’s audience. It is an important work that is indispensable in the VDGG collection. One that allows you to experience a historic show in the middle of hospitality. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

★ Legendary audience recording of the one-time US performance “October 18, 1976 New York City” realized in the 70’s. It is a wonderful recording even if you ignore the preciousness of the class, the core is very thick and powerful, and there is almost no sense of distance. And the freshness of the freshness that you can not feel the crushing even in the fine parts. Speaking of vintage recordings of the 70’s, it can’t be helped even if it’s stiff and boring, but this work has a sharp outline and is much clearer than FM broadcasts there. It is a cultural heritage album that sighs in the historical weight of each song, as well as the famous songs that cannot be heard in “MAIDA VALE”.

歴史に残る名作を連発し、勢いに乗っていた1976年の再結成VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR。そんな彼らの初アメリカ公演を体験できる極上ライヴアルバムが登場です。
そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「1976年10月18日ニューヨーク・シティ公演」。その伝説的オーディエンス録音です。なぜこの録音が伝説かと言えば、ショウがあまりにも特別だから。何しろ、この日はVDGGにとって初めてのアメリカ公演。しかも、その後も米国ツアーは行われず、2009年に至るまで唯一無二のアメリカ公演だったのです。あまりにも重いショウではありますが、VDGGの渇仰歴からすると、どのようなポジションになるのでしょうか。1976年と言えば、『STILL LIFE』『WORLD RECORD』が立て続けにリリースされた時期でもありますので、その辺も含めて当時のスケジュールから紐解いてみましょう。

《4月15日『STILL LIFE』発売》
《5月10日ー30日『WORLD RECORD』制作》

これが1976年のVDGG。新大陸へ上陸したのは『WORLD RECORD』が制作されつつ、発売を目前に控えていた10月のことでした。実は全8回のミニツアーでもあったのですが、そのほとんどがカナダ公演。最終日の“10月18日”だけがUSAだったのです。
その類い希なる美麗サウンドで描かれるのは、VDGG史上でもっとも貴重な現場。70年代のステージと言えば、公式盤『MAIDA VALE』がポピュラーですので、比較しながらセットを整理してみましょう。

・ゴッドブラフ:Arrow(★)/The Sleepwalkers
・スティル・ライフ:La Rossa/Still Life
・ワールド・レコード:When She Comes/Meurglys III, The Songwriter’s Guild(★)/Masks
※注:「★」印は『MAIDA VALE』で聴けない曲。

……と、このようになっています。大名盤『H TO HE WHO AM THE ONLY ONE』から発売目前であった『WORLD RECORD』まで、極めつけの名作5枚から幅広くセレクトされている。このセットこそ、30年以上も「唯一無二の米国VDGG」であったわけです。そして、ショウ内容もすこぶる素晴らしい。アンサンブルは『MAIDA VALE』にも通じるものながらアメリカ上陸のせいかテンションも高く、ピーター・ハミルの変幻自在なヴォーカリゼーションも冴えに冴えまくる。

★70年代に実現した、ただ1回だけの米国公演「1976年10月18日ニューヨーク・シティ」の伝説的オーディエンス録音。ド級の貴重度を無視しても素晴らしい極上録音で、芯は極太で力強く、距離感もほとんどない。そして、微細部まで潰れが感じられない鮮度の瑞々しさ。70年代のヴィンテージ録音と言えば、ゴワゴワ・ボワボワでも仕方ないところですが、本作は輪郭までキリッとしていてそんじょそこらのFM放送よりもよほどクリアなくらいです。『MAIDA VALE』でも聴けない名曲群もさることながら、1曲1曲に宿る歴史的な重みに溜息が漏れる文化遺産アルバムです。

Disc 1(62:08)
1. Intro.
2. When She Comes
3. Lemmings
4. La rossa
5. Arrow
6. Still life

Disc 2(77:16)
1. MC
2. Meurglys III (The Songwriter’s Guild)
3. Gog
4. The sleepwalkers
5. Man-erg
6. Killer
7. Masks

Peter Hammill – vocals, guitar, keyboards
Hugh Banton – organ, bass pedals, bass
Guy Evans – drums
David Jackson – saxophone, flute

Amity 650

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