Thin Lizzy / Definitive Seattle 1977 / 1CD

Thin Lizzy / Definitive Seattle 1977 / 1CD / Zodiac
Live at Seattle Center Arena, Seattle, WA, USA 13th March 1977

Play sample :

Click image to enlarge

THIN LIZZY in 1977 arrived at the strongest lineup with his sworn friend Gary Moore. The legendary recording that tells the scene is brushed up. A press CD that permanently preserves the detailed mastering sound by “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is now available.
The legendary recording was recorded on “March 13, 1977 in Seattle”. It is the best audience recording. If you express the significance of this work in one word, it is “one of the three major live albums of the Gary era”. In order to explain this meaning to the character, the complicated history of THIN LIZZY and Gary is indispensable. It’s going to be a little long, but please bear with me…
First of all, “THIN LIZZY in the Gary era” has three eras “A: 1974”, “B: 1977”, and “C: 1978/1979”. Since only “A: 1974” is away, let’s omit it, and let’s take a bird’s eye view of “B: 1977” and “C: 1978/1979” here.

“November 1976: Robo injured → Gary participated”
– 1977 [B] * January 3: London performance
*January 18-March 18: North America #1 (37 performances) ← Coco
《March 25: Announcement of Robo’s withdrawal → Formation of a trio》
《Completion of “BAD REPUTATION” in June》
《July 20: Robo’s Return Announcement》
・ August 6-September 4: Europe # 1 (12 performances)
・ September 21-November 5: North America # 2 (32 performances)
・ November 11-December 17: UK (28 performances)
● 1978 [C] ・ March 29-July 6: Europe #3 (16 performances)
《Completion of “BACK ON THE STREETS” in spring》
・ March 29-July 6: Europe # 4 (16 performances: Robo re-exit)
《July 30: Rejoin Gary / Participate in Nowthief》
*August 8-October 15: North America #3 (42 performances) ← *L.A. FORUM 1978
《“BACK ON THE STREETS” will be released on September 30》
* October 20-29: Australia (5 performances) ← * Official Sydney video
* December 17: London performance (Downey return)
● 1979 [C] 《Completed “BLACK ROSE” in February》
* March 2-25: North America #4 (24 performances)
* March 29-May 22: Europe #5 (43 performances)
* June 29-July 4: North America #5 (5 performances)
《July 6th: Gary Re-Leaving》
*Note: Shows marked with “・” are Robo’s, and shows with “*” are Gary’s participation.

This is the outline of the two Gary eras “B: 1977” and “C: 1978/1979”. “A: 1974” was a single guitar, but “B” and “C” after becoming a twin system. “B” joined as a replacement for the injured Robo, and “C” joined as a successor to the officially withdrawn Robo. Speaking of “live with Gary”, the official video of the Sydney performance (recently upgraded) reigns as a symbol, but the highest peak is the two audience recordings. One is Mike Millard’s famous recording “L.A. FORUM 1978: MIKE MILLARD ORIGINAL MASTER TAPES (Zodiac 393)” that was discovered in recent years, and the other is the Seattle recording of this work.
Moreover, this work is a definitive edition that updates the highest peak of such a famous recording. The key is fine mastering by “GRAF ZEPPELIN”, and the effect is tremendous. “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is a style that does not blindly earn sound pressure, but precisely restores the on-site sound like repair work of paintings and cultural assets. Therefore, depending on the recording, there are times when there is almost no change, but this work is splendidly “spooked”. Originally, it was a soundboard-like recording with a strong on-core, but this work has a clear and vivid outline, and the atmosphere has changed to crystal clear. As a result, both the detail and the sense of separation are improved like a different thing. Until now, the ranking was clear, “Mirrored recording ranked 1st by far, Seattle ranked 2nd”, but this work has reached the level of “both giants” that competes with Millard’s super-famous recording for five minutes. is.
“And here’s another point.” While the official Sydney video and mirrored recording were records of “C: 1978/1979”, this work is “B: 1977” and the set is different. Just the other day, the official Sydney video was also upgraded to a longer length, so let’s organize it while comparing it with the longer version.

Jailbreak (5 songs)
・Jailbreak/Emerald (★)/Warriors/Cowboy Song/The Boys Are Back In Town
● Others (3 songs)
・Nightlife: Still In Love With You
・ Heron Master Johnny: Massacre (★) / Don’t Believe A Word
* Note: The “★” marks are songs that could not be heard on the official soundboard of the Sydney performance, which was lengthened.

… and it looks like this. Millard’s “L.A. FORUM 1978” felt like an official Sydney short board, but this work shows the masterpieces “Emerald” and “Massacre”. Gary Moore’s era THIN LIZZY is a valuable treasure even for one song. In this respect alone, this work exceeds mirrored recording, and it is the original Brian Downey who hits the drums in this work. It is exactly the most important live album along with the official Sydney.
His allies Phil Lynott and Gary Moore, who have teamed up many times and left. It was a miraculous combination that created a treasure of rock history every time the road crossed. If their studio masterpieces are “BLACK ROSE” and “BACK ON THE STREETS”, the supreme work of the live is the official Sydney performance and this work. 2022 when both of them have upgraded. It is the birth of a permanent preservation press CD that all British rock fans living now should enjoy.

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(remastered memo)

★Adjusted the frequency band slightly.I raised the high frequency mainly (the range is not overdone).

* Diginoise removal

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* Superb audience recording of “March 13, 1977 Seattle performance” with sworn friend Gary Moore. The strongest audience recording alongside Millard’s masterpiece “L.A. FORUM 1978 (Zodiac 393)” has been brushed up with detailed mastering of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”. You can also enjoy “Emerald” and “Massacre” that you can not listen to even on the official sound board of the Sydney performance with the superb sound that has become much more vivid. It is the most important live album of the Gary era.

盟友ゲイリー・ムーアを迎え、最強ラインナップにたどり着いた1977年のTHIN LIZZY。その現場を伝える伝説録音がブラッシュ・アップ。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」による細密マスタリング・サウンドを永久保存するプレスCDが登場です。
その伝説録音が記録されたのは「1977年3月13日シアトル公演」。その極上オーディエンス録音です。本作の意義をひと言で表すなら「ゲイリー時代の3大ライヴアルバムの1つ」。この意味を性格にご説明するには、THIN LIZZYとゲイリーの複雑な歴史が欠かせない。少々長くなりますが、ぜひお付き合いをお願いします……。
まず「ゲイリー時代のTHIN LIZZY」ですが、これは3つの時代「A:1974年」「B:1977年」「C:1978年/1979年」があります。「A:1974年」だけ離れているので割愛しまして、ここでは「B:1977年」「C:1978年/1979年」を全景で俯瞰してみましょう。

*8月8日ー10月15日:北米#3(42公演) ←※L.A. FORUM 1978
《2月『BLACK ROSE』完成》

これが2つのゲイリー時代「B:1977年」「C:1978年/1979年」の概要。「A:1974」はシングル・ギターでしたが、「B」「C」はツイン体制になってから。「B」は負傷したロボの代役として、「C」は正式に脱退したロボの後任として加入しました。「ゲイリー入りのライヴ」と言えば(最近アップグレードされた)シドニー公演の公式映像が象徴として君臨していますが、最高峰は2つのオーディエンス録音。1本は近年発掘されたマイク・ミラードの名録音『L.A. FORUM 1978: MIKE MILLARD ORIGINAL MASTER TAPES(Zodiac 393)』であり、もう1本が本作のシアトル録音なのです。
しかも、本作はそんな名録音の最高峰を更新した決定盤。その要は「GRAF ZEPPELIN」による細密マスタリングでして、その効果は絶大。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」は無闇な音圧稼ぎではせず、絵画・文化財の補修作業のように精密に現場音を復元していくスタイル。そのため、録音によってはほとんど変化がない事もあるのですが、本作はものの見事に「化けた」。元々オンな芯が力強いサウンドボード的な録音でしたが、本作は輪郭がくっきりと鮮やかに切り立ち、空気感もクリスタル・クリアに変貌。その結果、ディテールもセパレート感も別物のように向上しているのです。これまでは「ミラード録音がダントツ1位、シアトルは2位」と順位がハッキリしていましたが、本作はミラードの超名録音と五分に渡り合う「両巨頭」の域に達しているのです。

・Jailbreak/Emerald(★)/Warriors/Cowboy Song/The Boys Are Back In Town
・ナイトライフ:Still In Love With You
・サギ師ジョニー:Massacre(★)/Don’t Believe A Word

……と、このようになっています。ミラードの『L.A. FORUM 1978』は公式シドニーの短尺盤という感じでしたが、本作は名曲「Emerald」や「Massacre」が披露されている。ゲイリー・ムーアの時代THIN LIZZYは、たとえ1曲でも貴重なお宝。この点だけでも本作はミラード録音を超えており、しかも本作でドラムを叩くのは本家本元のブライアン・ダウニー。まさに、公式シドニーと並ぶ最重要ライヴアルバムなのです。
何度も組んでは離れていった盟友フィル・ライノットとゲイリー・ムーア。その道が交錯する度にロック史の至宝を生み出した奇跡のコンビでした。彼らのスタジオ名盤が『BLACK ROSE』と『BACK ON THE STREETS』であるなら、ライヴの至高作は公式シドニー公演と本作です。その両方がアップグレードを果たした2022年。今を生きるすべての英国ロック・ファンに味わっていただきたい永久保存プレスCDの誕生です。







★盟友ゲイリー・ムーアを迎えた「1977年3月13日シアトル公演」の極上オーディエンス録音。ミラードの名作『L.A. FORUM 1978(Zodiac 393)』と並ぶ最強オーディエンス録音が「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の細密マスタリングでブラッシュ・アップ。格段に鮮やかになった極上サウンドで、シドニー公演の公式サウンドボードでも聴けない「Emerald」「Massacre」も楽しめる。ゲイリー時代の最重要ライヴアルバムです。

1. Intro
2. Opening S.E.
3. Jailbreak
4. Massacre
5. Emerald
6. Still In Love With You
7. Warriors
8. Don’t Believe The Word
9. Cowboy Song
10. The Boys Are Back In Town

Philip Lynott – Bass, Vocals
Brian Downey – Drums
Scott Gorham- Guitar
Gary Moore – Guitar

Zodiac 537

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