Steve Hackett / Collingswood 2022 / 2CDR

Steve Hackett / Collingswood 2022 / 2CDR / Amity
Scottish Rite Auditorium, Collingswood, NJ, USA 7th April 2022

Play sample :

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Steve Hackett, who has decided to recreate “SECONDS OUT” in Japan, has suddenly become enthusiastic. His latest live album is here. Just the other day, the masterpiece “RIDGEFIELD 2022 (Amity 669)” has just received a great reputation, but once again a powerful new masterpiece has been born.
It was “April 7, 2022 Calling Swood Performance” that was imbued with such a work. It is a transcendental audience recording that vacuum-packed the whole story. This work is the second report following “RIDGEFIELD 2022” mentioned above. I told you about the recent situation of Hackett last time, but I can’t say that it has penetrated yet, so let’s review it again.

● 2022
・ March 6-17: Europe # 1 (9 performances)
・ April 2nd-May 19th: North America # 1 (32 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ June 17-26: Oceania (6 performances)
・ July 8-10: Japan (3 performances)
・ July 20-August 1: Europe # 2 (9 performances)
* August 12: Appearance at Cropredy Festival
* August 17-30: STEVE & DJABE (4 performances)
・ September 9th-October 12th: UK (25 performances)
・ November 29-December 4: North America # 2 (4 performances)
● 2023
* January 21 + 22: UK (Ako 2 performance)
* April 14-16: Germany (co-starring with orchestra)
* Note: “・” marks are usually GENESIS REVISITED performances, and “*” is other performances.

This is the 2022/2023 schedule that has been announced so far. Currently, “North America # 1” is being carried out across the ocean, and in three months it will come from Oceania to Japan. The Collingswood performance of this work is the 5th performance of such “North America # 1”. It was a concert three days after the previous work “RIDGEFIELD 2022”.
This work recorded at such a show is wonderful as if the “best” was drawn in a picture. As expected, it is not as good as the previous work “RIDGEFIELD 2022” which was a super masterpiece. Rather, it’s better!?!? As anyone who has experienced the previous work will understand, “RIDGEFIELD 2022” is also a masterpiece that is not a humper. “Is the audience recording in 2022 evolved so far …” and he was relieved, “The preparation board is already decided by this.” However, this work has already surpassed even that masterpiece. Compared to those who have experienced the previous work, the point is thickness. The hole sound that is surely present treats the core while being so natural and modest that even if you listen carefully with headphones. It creates exquisite luster, thickness and dynamism without degrading the clarity and separation. It’s completely soundboard grade … no, it’s an official grade sound.
It was a completely surprising transcendental sound, but there was also a reason for that. In fact, this work was created by a modern master and a prestigious master. That is Mr. “Tapehead 2”. A master among the masters who are sending out the latest tour masterpieces of various bands one after another, centering on progressive rock. We have introduced many collections in our shop, and we cannot give an example. However, what you should know when recommending this work is the GENESIS 4-disc set “MADISON SQUARE GARDEN 2021 (Amity 656)”. The other day, the head family fell asleep forever, and it was one of the best masterpieces in the world on the last tour. “Tapehead 2” also worked on that great masterpiece. As expected, the scale of the show is completely different, but it is also a sister work where you can listen to and compare the Hackett show and the original show, which has not been different for half a year, in the same recorder collection.
Anyway, what is drawn by the master sound is the latest full show centered on the reproduction of “SECONDS OUT”. The current tour has roughly two patterns that are carried out on a daily basis, one is [Knight of the Moon and English + Seconds Out (Tsukikagekyoku Nuki)], and the other is [Solo + Seconds Out]. This day was the latter. Let’s review the contents once again.

● Part 1: Solo
・ Samurai Festival Trip: Shadow Of The Hierophant
・ Rainbow Morning: Clocks –The Angel of Mons / Every Day
・ SURRENDER OF SILENCE: Held In The Shadows / The Devil’s Cathedral

● Part 2: “SECONDS OUT” reproduction
・ The Musical Box
・ Foxtrot: Supper’s Ready
・ Selling England by the Moon: Firth Of Fifth / I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) / The Cinema Show / Aisle Of Plenty
・ The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway: The Carpet Crawlers / The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway
・ Trick of the Tale: Squonk / Robbery, Assault & Battery / Dance on a Volcano / Los Endos
・ Storm of silence: Afterglow

…… And it looks like this. Basically, the whole reproduction of “SECONDS OUT” of the second part is the main, and although the solo section is the first part, it is treated as a dewdrop. The time balance is not (naturally) half and half, and the first part is about 35 minutes (first half of CD1), while the second part is about 1 hour and 52 minutes (second half of CD1 + all of CD2).
Even so, it’s really wonderful. The head family GENESIS has finally fallen asleep, and Peter Gabriel hasn’t toured for six years and has no plans for the future. In 2022, “the only real thing” that continues to sing the famous songs of the history of progressive rock. That is the current Hackett, and the music that is packed into this work. Nad Sylvain, who was born to sing GENESIS songs, is still wonderful, and the singing voice that has been in the GENESIS REVISITED project for 10 years is more authentic than anyone else in the world. It’s probably the GENESIS version of Jon Davison. This work is a live album where you can enjoy such a latest full show with a world-famous sound that can be called “modern mirrored”. Needless to say, it’s perfect for preparation, but it’s a two-disc set that shines even more. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

★ A transcendental audience recording of “April 7, 2022 Callingswood Performance”. This is the latest work by “Tapehead 2”, a recording artist who is renowned as a modern master, and has an on-direct feeling, fine details, and glossy thickness at the official work level. It is a progressive blissful music work that allows you to experience the latest full show composed of “Part 1 = Solo song (about 35 minutes) / Part 2 = SECONDS OUT reproduction (about 1 hour 52 minutes)”.

『SECONDS OUT』再現来日も決定し、にわかに熱気を帯びてきたスティーヴ・ハケット。その最新ライヴアルバムが登場です。つい先日も大傑作『RIDGEFIELD 2022(Amity 669)』が大評判を賜ったばかりですが、またもや強烈な新名盤が誕生してしました。
そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「2022年4月7日コーリングスウッド公演」。その一部始終を真空パックした超絶級オーディエンス録音です。本作は先述した『RIDGEFIELD 2022』に続くレポート第二弾。ハケットの近況は前回もお伝えしましたが、まだ浸透しているとは言えませんので、今一度おさらいしておきましょう。

*8月12日:Cropredy Festival出演
*8月17日ー30日:STEVE & DJABE(4公演)
※注:「・」印は通常GENESIS REVISITED公演で、「*」はそれ以外の公演。

これが現在までに公表されている2022年/2023年のスケジュール。現在は大洋を渡った「北米#1」を実施中で、あと3ヶ月もすればオセアニア→日本とやって来てくれます。本作のコーリングスウッド公演は、そんな「北米#1」の5公演目。前作『RIDGEFIELD 2022』の3日後にあたるコンサートでした。
そんなショウで記録された本作は、「極上」を画に描いたような素晴らしさ。さすがに超傑作だった前作『RIDGEFIELD 2022』にはお及ば……なくない。むしろ上回ってる!?!? 前作を体験された方ならおわかりになると思いますが、『RIDGEFIELD 2022』もハンパではない名作。「2022年のオーディエンス録音はここまで進化したか……」とタメ息が漏れ、「もう予習盤はコレで決まりだな」と安堵してもいました。ところが、本作はあの名作さえ早くも超えているのです。前作を体験された方向けに比較しますと、ポイントは厚み。ヘッドフォンで耳を澄ませても聞き分けられないほど自然でささやかながら、確実に存在しているホール鳴りが芯をトリートメント。クリアさやセパレート感をまったく汚すことなく、絶妙な艶と厚み、ダイナミズムを生み出している。完全にサウンドボード級……いや、オフィシャル級のサウンドなのです。
まったくもって驚きの超絶サウンドなのですが、それには理由もありました。実は、本作を手掛けたのは現代の名手と誉れ高き達人。かの「Tapehead2」氏なのです。プログレ系を中心に、さまざまなバンドの最新ツアー最高傑作を次から次へと送り出している達人中の達人。当店でも数多くのコレクションをご紹介しており、とても例を挙げきれない。しかし、本作をお薦めするにあたってぜひ知っておいていただきたいのは、GENESISの4枚組『MADISON SQUARE GARDEN 2021(Amity 656)』でしょうか。本家は先日 、永遠の眠りに就いたわけですが、そのラストツアーでも世界屈指の名作でした。あの大傑作を手掛けたのも「Tapehead2」氏。さすがにショウの規模はまるで違いますが、半年も違わない本家とハケットのショウを同録音家コレクションで聴き比べられる姉妹作でもあるのです。
ともあれ、その達人サウンドで描かれるのは『SECONDS OUT』再現を軸とした最新のフルショウ。現在のツアーはざっくり2種のパターンが日替わりで実施されており、1つが【月英の騎士+セカンズ・アウト(月影曲ヌキ)】、もう1つが【ソロ+セカンズ・アウト】。この日は後者でした。その内容も今一度おさらいしておきましょう。

・侍祭の旅:Shadow Of The Hierophant
・虹色の朝:Clocks – The Angel of Mons/Every Day
・SURRENDER OF SILENCE:Held In The Shadows/The Devil’s Cathedral

●第二部:『SECONDS OUT』再現
・怪奇骨董音楽箱:The Musical Box
・フォックストロット:Supper’s Ready
・月影の騎士:Firth Of Fifth/I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)/The Cinema Show/Aisle Of Plenty
・眩惑のブロードウェイ:The Carpet Crawlers/The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway
・トリック・オブ・ザ・テイル:Squonk/Robbery, Assault & Battery/Dance on a Volcano/Los Endos

……と、このようになっています。基本的には第二部の『SECONDS OUT』の丸ごと再現がメインで、ソロ・セクションは第一部ではあるものの、露払い的な扱い。時間バランスも(当然)半々ではなく、第一部が約35分(CD1の前半)なのに対し、第二部は約1時間52分(CD1後半+CD2全部)となっています。
それにしても、本当に素晴らしい。本家GENESISは遂に眠りに就きましたし、ピーター・ガブリエルももう6年もツアーを行わず、これからの予定もない。そんな2022年に、プログレ史の名曲を歌い継ぐ「唯一の本物」。それが今のハケットであり、本作に詰まった音楽なのです。GENESISの曲を歌うために生まれてきたようなナッド・シルヴァンも相変わらず素晴らしく、GENESIS REVISITEDプロジェクト歴10年を経た歌声は世界中の誰よりも本物感たっぷり。もはやGENESIS版のジョン・デイヴィソンでしょう。本作は、そんな最新のフルショウを「現代のミラード」とも言うべき世界的名手サウンドで楽しめるライヴアルバムです。予習にぴったりなのは言わずもがなですが、それ以上の輝きを放つ2枚組。どうぞ、胸いっぱいにご堪能ください。

★「2022年4月7日コーリングスウッド公演」の超絶級オーディエンス録音。現代の名手との誉れ高き録音家「Tapehead2」氏の最新作で、オンなダイレクト感も、細やかなディテールも、艶やかな厚みもオフィシャル作品レベル。「第一部=ソロ曲(約35分)/第二部=SECONDS OUT再現(約1時間52分)」で構成された最新のフルショウを超極上体験できるプログレ至福の音楽作品です。

Disc 1 (69:34)
1. Intro
2. Clocks-The Angel of Mons
3. Held in the Shadows
4. Every Day
5. The Devil’s Cathedral
6. Shadow of the Hierophant
7. Intro
8. Squonk
9. The Carpet Crawlers
10. Robbery, Assault & Battery
11. Afterglow
12. Firth of Firth

Disc 2 (78:19)
1. I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)
2. The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
3. The Musical Box
4. Supper’s Ready
5. The Cinema Show
6. Aisle of Plenty
7. band intros
8. Dance on a Volcano
9. drum solo
10. Los Endos/Slogans/Los Endos

Steve Hackett: Guitar, vocals
Nad Sylvan: Vocals
Roger King: Keyboards
Rob Townsend: Sax, flute, percussion, keyboards, vocals
Jonas Reingold: Bass, twelve string, vocals
Craig Blundell: Drums

Amity 670

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