Status Quo / Knebworth 1986 / 1CD+1Bonus DVDR+1Bonus CDR

Status Quo / Knebworth 1986 / 1CD+1Bonus DVDR+1Bonus CDR / Wardour

Live at Knebworth Park, Stevenage, UK 9th August 1986 Bonus DVDR “Knebworth 1986 The Video and  Bonus CDR “Wembley Stadium 1986 2nd Night

Play sample :

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Translated text:

Following the legendary LIVE AID, the British heavyweight sharing stage with QUEEN at Nebworth Park STATUS QUO. The best live album is on permanent storage press CD.
It is indeed Queen’s last day that was included in such a work, “August 9, 1986 Nebworth Show”. They are also known to be opening at “MAGIC TOUR 1986”, but only the 5 UK performances actually accompanied were accompanied. On this day Bellie Sam served as the undercard of QUEEN who played a revival with BIG COUNTRY.
This work, which recorded such a show, is a superb audience recording with a supermarket. This week, QUEEN’s historical masterpiece “DEFINITIVE KNEBWORTH 1986 (Wardour-320)” will appear, but in fact this work is a sister work of that. It is also by Mr. Crazy S. “Mr. Crazy S.” It is continuous recording at the same venue. And this work is also digitized again from original cassette owned by “Crazy S.” like QUEEN ed. Opening scenes that felt tape was felt by the previous episode are gleamingly revitalized in this reproduction. Miracle recording is a masterpiece upgraded.
In fact, the sound leads to the QUEEN edition which was acknowledged as “entering the 5 th finger in all audience recording”. Clearness of zero echoes that made use of outdoor taste, direct feeling which is thought to be close to PA, delicate detail comparable to sound board …… It is suitable for calling everything as a sister version. However, it is not an entire story. As a matter of fact, there is instantaneous noise in “Whatever You Want”, and after that, the sound fluctuation which tries the direction of chatter and microphone just before the overpeak is felt (slightly). However, it is the third track “Roll Over Lay Down”. From that, the balance of miracles is realized, ultra superb sound goes through without stagnation to the last. Perhaps, “Crazy S.” may have tried variously to have QUEEN stage perfect. And it was the 3rd song of this work that decided the position and the direction to be “this!” … I can feel the real of such a recording. What I would not misunderstand here is that it is never a “bad duplicate recording” (in that case I will not press). Even if the first three songs are the same as ordinary record books to the last, they are not enemy level. However, the miracle sounds of the 4th and subsequent songs are just too beautiful with iron walls.
And, it is the paradise of a boogie that fascinates the UK that is drawn with the sound transformed into a miracle level. The set is zero from the 1980s with the masterpiece “PILEDRIVER” as the axis. Rockin ‘All Over The World “,” Do not Waste My Time “,” Caroline “who pushes over with the golden 70’s repertoire big battle and miracles with LIVE AID are playing firmly.
Yes, I can not but remember LIVE AID in this performance. STATUS QUO appeared as the first in Wembley Stadium, and as a matter of course it was a miraculous show and it became a talking grass alongside QUEEN, but in fact the internal circumstances were similar. Although QUEEN was able to endure whispered dissolution theory whispered, they were forced to change members from friction within the band, and finally stopped at “BACK TO BACK” in 1984. Activities in 1985 were the only LIVE AIDs, where they played a miracle revival. They regained their motivation to resume activities with LIVE AID, and in 1986 they started a large-scale European tour and went through for the re-entry board “IN THE ARMY NOW”. The boogie of this work is full of such enthusiasm and the audience of his home country is welcomed with delight.
In particular, “Rockin ‘All Over The World” certainly want to experience. It is a famous song that also became the opening scene of LIVE AID, but the audience of this day definitely reminds that impression. A great big chorus caught up around the edges, the sound of the best performance of the sound board level roars through the violent chorus. Starting with this song, in a few songs it is drawn with transcendental sound that surpasses even QUEEN edits. The QUEEN matrix board released the other day “DEFINITIVE LIVE AID (Wardour – 316)” is a huge hit, but this work depicts a spectacle equivalent to that super masterpiece despite the 100% audience. A band who has revived and a big crowd glowing in its delight. It is exactly the show which burns for more than an hour while the heat of LIVE AID is recovering.

It became the two major legends of LIVE AID, and QUEEN and STATUS QUO who revived the miraculous resurrection again interfered with Nebworth. STATUS QUO compilation of sisters who recorded the performances with super-superb sound. It is also a sub-text complementing the last show of QUEEN, but a miraculous music album that is overwhelmed by their entertainment that revived more than that. Please enjoy yourselves carefully with a permanent preservation press CD.

★ It is a terrible live board. Even just “Rockin ‘All Over The World” is great impression, no mistake.

伝説のLIVE AIDに続き、ネブワース・パークでもQUEENとステージを分け合った英国の重鎮STATUS QUO。その極上ライヴアルバムが永久保存プレスCDで登場です。
そんな本作に収められているのは、まさしくQUEEN最後の日でもあった「1986年8月9日ネブワース公演」。彼らは“MAGIC TOUR 1986”でオープニングを務めたことでも知られますが、実際に同行したのは本国イギリスの5公演のみ。この日はベルイー・サム、BIG COUNTRYと共に復活を果たしたQUEENの前座を務めたのです。
そんなショウを記録した本作は、まさに超の付く極上オーディエンス録音。今週は、QUEENの歴史的名作『DEFINITIVE KNEBWORTH 1986(Wardour-320)』が登場しますが、実は本作はその姉妹作。同じく名匠“Crazy S.”氏によるもので、同じ会場で連続録音なのです。そして、本作もまたQUEEN編と同様に“Crazy S.”所有のオリジナル・カセットから改めてデジタル化したもの。既発ではテープヨレが感じられたオープニング・シーンも、今回の再生では艶やかに甦っている。奇跡の録音がアップグレードした大傑作なのです。
実際、そのサウンドは「全オーディエンス録音でも五指に入る」と絶賛されたQUEEN編に通じる。野外の旨みを活かしきった反響ゼロのクリアさ、PA間近と想われるダイレクト感、サウンドボードにも匹敵する細やかなディテール……すべてが姉妹編と呼ぶに相応しい。ただし、全編というわけではない。実のところ、「Whatever You Want」では瞬間的なノイズが存在し、その後もオーバーピーク寸前のビビリやマイクの方向を試すような音揺れが(わずかながら)感じられる。しかし、それは3曲目の「Roll Over Lay Down」まで。そこからは奇跡のバランスが実現し、ラストまで淀みなく超極上サウンドが貫くのです。恐らく、“Crazy S.”氏はQUEENのステージを万全に迎えるべく、いろいろと試していたのでしょう。そして、「これだ!」となるポジションと方向を決めたのが本作の3曲目だった……そんな録音のリアルも感じられるのです。ここで誤解しないでいただきたいのは「途中までダメな録音」では決してないこと(それならプレス化は致しません)。冒頭3曲もあくまで並の客録が束になっても敵わないレベル。ただ、4曲目以降の奇跡サウンドがあまりにも鉄壁で美しすぎるだけなのです。
そして、奇跡レベルに変貌したサウンドで描かれるのは、英国を魅了するブギのパラダイス。セットは名作『PILEDRIVER』を軸にしつつ80年代からはゼロ。徹底的に黄金の70年代レパートリーの大盤振る舞いで押しまくり、LIVE AIDで奇跡を起こした「Rockin’ All Over The World」「Don’t Waste My Time」「Caroline」もしっかりと演奏してくれるのです。
そう、この熱演ぶりにはLIVE AIDを思い出さずにはいられない。STATUS QUOはウェンブリー・スタジアムの一番手として登場し、やはり奇跡的なショウを繰り広げてQUEENと並ぶ語り草となったわけですが、実は内部事情も似ていました。QUEENは解散説が囁かれながらも耐えきったものの、彼らはバンド内の軋轢からメンバーチェンジを余儀なくされ、1984年の『BACK TO BACK』で遂に活動停止。1985年の活動はLIVE AIDだけであり、そこで奇跡の復活を果たしたのです。LIVE AIDで活動再開の意欲を取り戻した彼らは1986年に大規模なヨーロッパ・ツアーを開始し、再起盤『IN THE ARMY NOW』に向けて突っ走って行った。本作のブギには、そんな熱気がたっぷりと詰まっており、母国のオーディエンスが歓喜で迎えているわけです。
特に「Rockin’ All Over The World」はぜひご体験いただきたい。LIVE AIDのオープニング・シーンにもなった名曲ですが、この日の観客は間違いなくあの感動を思い出している。端正にして盛大な大合唱が巻き起こり、そのぶ厚い唱和を突っ切ってサウンドボード・レベルの極上の演奏音が轟く。この曲を始め、数曲ではQUEEN編さえも凌駕する超絶サウンドで描かれているのです。先日リリースされたQUEENのマトリクス盤『DEFINITIVE LIVE AID(Wardour-316)』が大ヒットとなっておりますが、本作は100%オーディエンスにも関わらずあの超名作と同等のスペクタクルを描き出している。復活を遂げたバンドと、その歓喜に湧く大観衆。まさにLIVE AIDの熱気が甦りつつ、さらに1時間以上に渡って燃え上がるショウなのです。

LIVE AIDの2大伝説となり、奇跡の復活に湧いたQUEENとSTATUS QUOが再び相まみえたネブワース。その熱演を超極上サウンドで記録した姉妹作のSTATUS QUO編。QUEENのラストショウを補完するサブテキストにもなりますが、それ以上に復活を果たした彼らの熱演に圧倒される奇跡的な音楽アルバム。どうぞ、永久保存プレスCDでじっくりとお楽しみください。

★凄いライヴ盤です。「Rockin’ All Over The World」だけでも大感動、間違いなし。

1. Intro 2. Whatever You Want 3. Paper Plane 4. Roll Over Lay Down 5. Little Lady
6. Mystery Song 7. Most Of The Time 8. Wild Side Of Life 9. Hold You Back
10. Dirty Water 11. Rockin’ All Over The World 12. Big Fat Mama
13. Don’t Waste My Time 14. Roadhouse Blues incl. Price Of Love 15. Caroline

Francis Rossi – Guitar, Vocal Rick Parfitt – Guitar, Vocal John Edwards – Bass, Vocal
Andy Bown – Keyboards Jeff Rich – Drums

R.I.P. Rick Parfit (12th October 1948 – 24th December 2016)

Special Thanks: Crazy S.



Status Quo / Knebworth 1986 The Video / 1Single DVDR / Non label
Live at Knebworth Park, Stevenage, UK 9th August 1986 PRO-SHOT

Click Image To Enlarge

The main press CD is a live album that captured the legendary Nebworth show lined with LIVE AID with a superb superb sound of a miracle. It is a masterpiece that is not an exaggeration to say that it represents the STATUS QUO of the 1980s. That alone is the best music work, but the spectacle is the best to feel the mood of those days. So we prepared a shot shot of “MAGIC TOUR” sharing stage with QUEEN.
Such movies are contained in two types of TV images. Let’s introduce each one quickly.

【Main: Documentary images of West German production】
The main thing of this work is, of course, the same television picture as the main press press CD “Nebworth show on August 9, 1986” TV picture. “MAGIC TOUR” itself was a tour that made great success across Europe, but Nebworth is a huge concert exclusively to collect 150,000 people among them. It seems that documentary images were produced abroad as well. What is included in this work is the one focusing on STATUS QUO among them, Pro shot which also enters German narration and subtitles. Starting from the STATUS QUO members arriving at the airport, they are in close contact with them traveling by tour bus.
And it is the best since I arrived at Nebworth. People started to flock like idle camps from idyllic countryscape, to the backstage of a mood that was quite festive. The figure waiting for the turn is really relaxing, but as soon as it runs and rushes up to the stage, the ocean of a vast expanse spreads at a stretch so that the end can not be seen there … …. Amazing thing in this spectacle! I intended to know that only 150,000 people are not upright, but it is very different from imagining that the ocean of the wielding person will actually see it. Wembley stadium of LIVE AID is also amazing, but it is literally a difference. “Crazy S.” accomplished super high quality recording just that in this sea … … the weight of the miracle sound packed in the main press CD can be felt many times.
And, STATUS QUO who begins to do “Whatever You Want” swiftly towards such human carpet. The picture will immediately replace the backstage and interview after the performance, and the clip of “Rollin ‘Home”, about 12 minutes in total. The live itself is far from the full performance, but even if it is short, it will repaint the spectacle of the main press CD greatly. It is exactly the picture that “goes seeing one hundred pictures” goes on the ground.

【Bonus: News picture of Newcastle performance】
Next time it will be a valuable news video of “Newcastle Concert on July 9, 1986” that was held one month before the Nebworth show. STATUS QUO accompanied with “MAGIC TOUR”, but only 5 concerts in the UK, and on this day 4 pairs of INXS, ZENO appeared besides QUEEN, STATUS QUO. This image is about the extent that live scenes of casting bands are displayed for every tens of seconds, but here too we can witness a huge scale feeling with multi camera / pro shot.
STATUS QUO in 1986 that caused miracles with LIVE AID and raised the resurrection loud smoke. The full-stage full stage can be tasted with the main press CD, but how huge is the highlight performance and how many Britons have delighted? It is a valuable professional shot collection that tells us over a hundred faces. Although it is a total of about 13 minutes of video, before and after seeing this work, how to hear the main album live album is completely different. Please enjoy it along with the press CD of super masterpiece by all means.

本編プレスCDは、LIVE AIDと並ぶ伝説のネブワース公演を奇跡の超極上サウンドで捉えたライヴアルバム。80年代のSTATUS QUOを代表すると言っても過言ではない大傑作です。それだけでも十二分に最高の音楽作品なのですが、当時のムードを感じるには、やはり光景が一番。そこで、QUEENとステージを分け合った“MAGIC TOUR”のプロショット集をご用意しました。

本作のメインとなるのは、もちろん本編プレスCDと同じ「1986年8月9日ネブワース公演」のテレビ映像。“MAGIC TOUR”自体がヨーロッパ全土で大成功を収めたツアーでしたが、ネブワースはその中でも15万人を集めるひときわ巨大なコンサート。それだけに海外でもドキュメンタリー映像が製作されたようです。本作に収められているのは、その中でもSTATUS QUOに焦点を充てたもので、ドイツ語のナレーションや字幕も入るプロショット。空港に到着するSTATUS QUOの面々からスタートし、ツアーバスで移動する彼らに密着しています。
そして、ネブワースに到着してからが最高。のどかな田園風景からキャンプ地のように人々が群がり始め、いかにもフェス然としたムードのバックステージへ。出番を待つ姿は実にリラックスしているのですが、いざ出番になってステージに駆け上がると、そこには果てが見えないほど広大な人の海が一気に広がる……。このスペクタクルの凄い事! 15万人という数字だけでもただ事ではない事は分かっているつもりでしたが、蠢く人の海原は実際に見るのと想像するのでは大違い。LIVE AIDのウェンブリー・スタジアムも凄いですが、文字通りケタ違いです。“Crazy S.”氏は、この海の中であれだけの超ハイクオリティ録音を成し遂げた……本編プレスCDに詰まっている奇跡サウンドの重みが何倍にも感じられるのです。
そして、そんな人間の絨毯に向かって威勢良く「Whatever You Want」を始めるSTATUS QUO。映像はすぐに終演後のバックステージやインタビュー、そして「Rollin’ Home」のクリップに代わっていき、全体でも約12分ほど。ライヴ自体はフル演奏とはほど遠いのですが、短くても本編プレスCDのスペクタクルを大きく塗り替えてしまう。まさに「百聞は一見にしかず」を地で行く映像なのです。

続いて登場するのはネブワース公演の1ヶ月前に行われた「1986年7月9日ニューカッスル公演」の貴重なニュース映像。STATUS QUOが同行したのは“MAGIC TOUR”でもイギリス5公演のみで、この日はQUEEN、STATUS QUOの他にINXS、ZENOの4組が出演しました。この映像は出演バンドのライヴ・シーンが数十秒ずつ映される程度のものなのですが、ここでも巨大なスケール感をマルチカメラ・プロショットで目撃できるわけです。
LIVE AIDで奇跡を起こし、復活の狼煙を上げた1986年のSTATUS QUO。その意気上がるフルステージは本編プレスCDで味わえますが、そのハイライト公演がどれだけ巨大で、どれだけの英国人が歓喜したのか。それを百を超える一見で教えてくれる貴重なプロショット集です。トータルで13分あまりの映像ではありますが、本作を見る前と後では本編ライヴアルバムの聞こえ方がまるで違う。ぜひ、超傑作のプレスCDと併せてお楽しみください。
1. Intro 2. Backstage 3. Whatever You Want 4. Go To Airport & Interviews 5. Rollin’ Home (outro)

Bonus Track
Newcastle 1986
Live at St. James Park, Newcastle, UK 9th July 1986

6. Mystery Song 7. A Kind Of Magic (Queen)


Status Quo / Wembley Stadium 1986 2nd Night / 1Single CDR / Non label
Live at Wembley Stadium, London, UK 12th July 1986 STEREO SBD

Click Image To Enlarge

LIVE AID, STATUS QUO which was accompanied by a highlight show remaining in the history of Nebworth and QUEEN. However, the two girls during this period shared sharing stages with other special shows. One of them is ‘Wembley Stadium Performance’ on July 12, 1986. This work is its sound board album.
This is a famous concert as QUEEN’s official live album “LIVE AT WEMBLEY ’86”. This work is the STATUS QUO edition. I mentioned in the commentary on the main press CD, but STATUS QUO accompanied me only with 5 shows even at “MAGIC TOUR”. First of all, let’s organize the main press press CD and the position of this work on that date.

· July 9: Newcastle
· July 11: Wembley
· July 12: Wembley 【this work】
· July 16: Manchester
· August 9: Nebworth ← ※ Main Press CD

This is the 5 performances where the two men were arranged side by side. At that time, STATUS QUO had its own Europe tour and participated only in the UK show of “MAGIC TOUR”. Speaking of Wembley Stadium, that live aid site. QUEEN is also regarded as the highlight performance of his home country, and it was carried out in 4 groups of festival format which also participated in THE ALARM, INXS in addition to Botho.
Such a show broadcasts only on the highlights on the radio. This work is its FM sound board sound source. That quality is exquisite. Although it is Pinkili even if it says FM broadcasting, the sound of this work can be called “Official grade” without hesitation. Although it is the master released by overseas mania, neither receive noise nor master deterioration is found, the mix is ​​also beautiful. It is a wonderful quality as if the radio wave of the time arrived directly.
However, the perfect thing is about sound. Actually, this broadcast is also known to have habit in editing, some songs will be faded out early. End of the day “Do not Waste My Time” and “Roadhouse Blues” are also outrageous dragonflies, but the trouble is the opening “Whatever You Want”. It faded out so early that I was scrapping the momentum of the opening. Therefore, the mania who produced this master supplemented the missing part with another Milton Keynes performance. Although I can not go to the complete form of the show, I am considerably eliminating the disappointing feeling that I had suddenly had.
Despite these disadvantages, the show which can be tasted with the finest quality of the sound board is wonderful as well. The set closely resembles the main press CD, but it is slightly different. The full-length Nebworth show was full of 70s number, but this work additionally added “Do not Drive My Car” of “JUST SUPPOSIN ”. Conversely, there is no song that was reduced (Caroline played in Encore is not recorded, sorry!), I am happy that it is increasing. Speaking of STATUS QUO in the 1980’s, it’s familiar to the official live work “LIVE AT THE NEC” just before the suspension, but you can enjoy “Paper Plane” and “Mystery Medley” with official-class sounds that can not be heard there is.
And the performance that spells such a set is wonderful. Speaking of Wembley Stadium in 1986, the scene where live performance representing late QUEEN lined with LIVE AID, Nebworth was born. The special feeling seems to be very similar to STATUS QUO who served as an undercard, and the motivation recovered and the momentum of resurrection overflowed from this work, and a cuddly boogie draws the show as a quick guy. You can enjoy yourself with the superb crisp soundboard until the details are detailed.

Although it was introduced as a bonus due to inappropriate broadcast editing, permanent preservation is appropriate along with the main volume Nebworth performance in terms of sound quality. It is an official grade live album that you can enjoy the performance of symbolic Wembley Stadium with such exquisite inscription sound board. Delicious one of the first time limited. Please, please enjoy plenty of “continuation of that LIVE AID” along with this press press CD.
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LIVE AID、ネブワースとQUEEN史に残るハイライト・ショウに華を添えていたSTATUS QUO。しかし、この時期の両雄は、他にも特別なショウでステージを分け合っていました。その1つが「1986年7月12日ウェンブリー・スタジアム公演」。本作は、そのサウンドボード・アルバムです。
この日は、QUEENの公式ライヴアルバム『LIVE AT WEMBLEY ’86』としても有名なコンサート。本作はそのSTATUS QUO編となるものなのです。本編プレスCDの解説でも触れましたが、STATUS QUOが同行したのは“MAGIC TOUR”でも5公演のみ。まずは、その日程で本編プレスCDと本作のポジションを整理しておきましょう。

・7月12日:ウェンブリー 【本作】
・8月9日:ネブワース ←※本編プレスCD

これが両雄が並び立った5公演。当時のSTATUS QUOは独自に欧州ツアーを行っており、“MAGIC TOUR”の英国ショウにのみ参加した形です。そして、ウェンブリー・スタジアムと言えば、あのLIVE AIDの現場。QUEENも母国のハイライト公演と位置づけており、両雄の他にTHE ALARM、INXSも参加した4組のフェスティバル形式で実施されました。
ただし、完璧なのはサウンドに関して。実は、この放送は編集にクセがある事でも知られており、一部の曲が早めにフェイドアウトしてしまうのです。終盤「Don’t Waste My Time」や「Roadhouse Blues」も尻切れトンボなのですが、困るのはオープニングの「Whatever You Want」。あまりにも早くフェイドアウトしてしまい、せっかくのオープニングの勢いを削いでいたのです。そこで、このマスターを製作したマニアは欠けたパートを別のミルトン・キーンズ公演で補完。ショウの完全形とまではいきませんが、いきなりのカマされていたガッカリ感をかなり解消しているのです。
そんな欠点はありつつも、やはりサウンドボードの極上クオリティで味わえるショウは素晴らしい。セットは本編プレスCDに酷似していますが、微妙に違う。本編のネブワース公演は全編70年代ナンバーで埋め尽くしていましたが、本作はさらに『JUST SUPPOSIN’』の「Don’t Drive My Car」が追加。逆に減らされた曲はなく(アンコールに演奏された「Caroline」は未収録。残念!)、増量になっているのが嬉しい。また、80年代のSTATUS QUOと言えば、活動停止直前の公式ライヴ作『LIVE AT THE N.E.C.』でもお馴染みですが、そこでも聴けない「Paper Plane」や「Mystery Medley」も公式級サウンドで楽しめるのです。
そして、そんなセットを綴る演奏こそが素晴らしい。1986年のウェンブリー・スタジアムと言えば、LIVE AID、ネブワースと並ぶ後期QUEENを代表する名演が生まれた現場。その特別感は前座を務めたSTATUS QUOにとっても同じだったらしく、本作からは取り戻した意欲と復活の勢いが溢れ出し、やたらとキレの良いブギがショウをグイグイと引っぱっていく。その機微がディテールまで超鮮明なサウンドボードでじっくり楽しめるのです。

気の効かない放送編集のせいでボーナスでのご紹介となりましたが、サウンド・クオリティの面では本編ネブワース公演と共に永久保存が相応しい。そんな極上の銘品サウンドボードで象徴的なウェンブリー・スタジアムの熱演を楽しめるオフィシャル級ライヴアルバムです。初回限定の美味しい1枚。どうぞ、本編プレスCDと併せて“あのLIVE AIDの続き”をたっぷりとお楽しみください。

1. Intro 2. Whatever You Want 3. Paper Plane 4. Roll Over Lay Down 5. Little Lady
6. Mystery Medley 7. Hold You Back 8. Don’t Drive My Car 9. Dirty Water
10. Rockin’ All Over The World 11. Big Fat Mama 12. Don’t Waste My Time
13. Roadhouse Blues

Francis Rossi – Guitar, Vocal Rick Parfitt – Guitar, Vocal John Edwards – Bass, Vocal
Andy Bown – Keyboards Jeff Rich – Drums


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