Rolling Stones / Australian Tour 1966 / 1CD

Rolling Stones / Australian Tour 1966 / 1CD / Dog N Cat Records

Australia Tour 1966

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A CD containing live recordings focusing on the 1966 Australia tour. This tour will be the second tour in the same area following the 1965 tour, and unlike the 1965 tour where no live sound source was left, two concert broadcasts and one TV appearance were recorded. It is left as. This CD is a compilation of the two live recordings on a single CD.

The first one is a recording of all the songs on the stage in Sydney on February 18th. It is a sound source that first appeared in “HE IS NOT DEAD” (VGP-017) before, and this edition will also be recorded from the same source. The VPG board was replaced with a better quality sound source at the time of recurrence, but this new release uses the latest transfer source released by the sound source owner. The sound source recorded by air check from the on-air sound of the radio is the source, and it can not be said that the sound quality is quite high even in the era, but it is the easiest to listen to and in good condition among the CDs of this sound source that have been released so far. It has become. Before the start of the live, the audio report of the arrival at the airport by the local radio station and a short interview at the airport by the interviewer are recorded for the first time. This interviewer is also in charge of the MC at the beginning of the actual live, and it can be said that this local radio station had a considerable backup at the time of the performance.

The songs played were also unique to this period, “THE SPIDER AND THE FLY” which was sealed until STRIPPED in 1995, and “THAT’S HOW STRONG MY LOVE IS” which did not perform at all until the Licks Tour in 2002. , “PLAY WITH FIRE”, which did not appear until the 1989 Steel Wheels Tour, and other rare songs are eye-catching. The sound like the dial tone of the time signal that was covered at the ending of the last “SATISF ACTION” has also been removed cleanly.

The second live was the Melbourne performance on February 24th, when the CD first appeared on VGP-301, and the master tape of the radio station that was relayed remains, and since it was recorded from there, the sound quality is considerably better than in Sydney. go up. Since some editing has been done on the air, the middle part of “SATISFACTION” is missing or DJ comments are sandwiched in several places, but it is nice to be able to listen to the live at this time with such high sound quality. as long as. The live take with good sound quality of “MERCY MERCY” at this time is very valuable that can only be heard with this sound source. This time, the former master used in the VGP board was carefully transferred to monaural, and with the intention of being as faithful to the original as possible, the sound was made straight by eliminating electrical processing such as EQ and compression. increase. The sound is quite different from the officially released EP and LP “GOT LIVE IF YOU WANT IT!”, And this new energetic stage is a youthful stage when all the members were in their early twenties. Please enjoy with remastering.

The artwork uses the actual photos of the day of the live in Sydney. While the paper tape dances, you can see the stage at full throttle during the idol era. The bonus track is a stereo version with the strings of “AS TEARS GO BY” separated to the left and right, and the live performance of “2000 LIGHT YEARS FROM HOME” at the time of the appearance of Top of the Pops on BBC TV in December ’67. Includes two versions of the song. The latter is audio from a video source that has been aired in recent years and has significantly improved sound quality over the previously heard optical recording audio tracks telecine on 16mm film.


1本目は2月18日のシドニーでのステージを全曲収録したもの。以前「HE IS NOT DEAD」(VGP-017)で初登場した音源で、当盤も同じソースからの収録になります。VPG盤は再発時により質の良い音源に差し替えたものが使用されましたが、今回の新しいリリースでは音源の所有者が公開した最も新しいトランスファーのソースが使用されました。ラジオのオンエア音声からエアチェック収録された音源がソースで年代的にもなかなか高音質という訳にはいきませんが、これまで出た本音源のCD化の中では一番聴きやすく状態の良いものとなっています。ライブのスタート前には地元ラジオ局による空港到着のレポート音声、そしてインタビュアーによる空港での短いインタビューが初収録されています。このインタビュアーは実際のライブの冒頭のMCも担当するなど、この地元ラジオ局が公演に際して相当のバックアップをしていたことを伺わせます。

演奏曲もこの時期独特の選曲で、ステージでは’95年のSTRIPPEDまで封印されていた「THE SPIDER AND THE FLY」、’02年のリックス・ツアーまで一切演らなかった「THAT’S HOW STRONG MY LOVE IS」、’89年スティール・ホイールズ・ツアーまで出番の無かった「PLAY WITH FIRE」等々、レア曲が目を引きます。ラストの「SATISFACTION」のエンディングで被っていた時報の発信音のような音も綺麗に取り除かれています。

2本目のライブはやはりVGP-301でCD初登場した2月24日のメルボルン公演で、こちらは中継したラジオ局のマスターテープが残っており、そこからの収録ですのでシドニーに比べると音質はかなり上がります。オンエアに際していくらか編集がなされているため、「SATISFACTION」の中間部分が抜け落ちていたり数カ所でDJのコメントが挟まれていたりしますが、この時期のライブをこれだけの高音質でまとめて聴けるのは嬉しい限り。この時期の「MERCY MERCY」の音質の良いライブテイクは本音源でしか聴けない大変貴重なものです。今回はVGP盤で使用していた元マスターから丁寧にモノラルへトランスファーをし直して、なるべく原本に忠実にという意図のもとにEQ、コンプ等の電気処理を排除したストレートな音造りとなっています。オフィシャル発売されたEP盤、LP盤の「GOT LIVE IF YOU WANT IT!」とはかなり異なった音造りで、メンバー全員の年齢がが20代前半の頃の若々しいエネルギッシュなステージを是非この新リマスターで堪能して下さい。

アートワークにはシドニーでのライブ当日の実際のフォトを使用。紙テープが舞う中、アイドル時代全開のステージの様子が見られます。ボーナストラックには「AS TEARS GO BY」のストリングスが左右に綺麗に分離したステレオバージョン、’67年12月のBBCテレビ、トップ・オブ・ザ・ポップス出演時の「2000 LIGHT YEARS FROM HOME」のライブバージョンの2曲を収録。後者は近年オンエアされたビデオソースからの音声で、これまで聴かれてきた16mmフィルムにテレシネされた光学録音の音声トラックよりも格段に音質が向上しています。

Dog N Cat. DAC-196

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