Randy Rhoads / A Private Lesson With Randy Rhoads / 1CDR

Randy Rhoads / A Private Lesson With Randy Rhoads / 1CDR / Non Label
Recorded at Musonia School of Music, North Hollywood, CA, USA 5th July 1978

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A treasure where you can experience the existence of Randy and the guitar with your skin. It is neither a live performance nor a studio work that is imbued with such a work. Recording at the guitar class that Randy was doing before he met Ozzy. It’s a secret recording of the “July 5, 1978 lesson” that his students had recorded for home practice.
Randy started playing the guitar when he was seven, partly because his parents were music teachers. At the beginning of his teens, he was showing the heavens so much that the instructor who was teaching the lesson at that time said, “There is nothing to be taught anymore.” Inspired by Alice Cooper, she stepped into the world of rock in earnest, and even after starting band activities with his brother and friends, he continued to practice classically rooted guitars, almost self-taught.
It was in 1975 that Randy began teaching at the North Hollywood music school Musonia, run by his mother Dolores Rose. Randy’s students later included Joe Holmes (LIZZY BORDEN / DAVID LEE ROTH BAND / OZZY OSBOURNE) and Brent Woods (VINCE NEIL BAND). It wasn’t Joe or Brent who recorded this film, but they can experience Randy’s private lessons (one-on-one tutoring) that they would have taken for about an hour.
The lesson seems to be dizzy with a rich private feeling. From the beginning, Randy’s model performance and guidance voice are vivid. Above all, it is amazing that Randy can be felt up close. In the explanation of the live album, I sometimes write “The band is in front of me”, but in the case of this work, it is completely different. That’s what Randy Rhoad is really in front of. At a distance where the breath of the voice is likely to hit your face! “Dee” was also quite private, but this work goes beyond that.
And not only is it close, but the content is also super private. Randy’s real voice can be heard clearly, and he kindly treats me like “OK, that’s how it is” or “Let’s play like this”. People who know him in his lifetime speak of his gentle personality, but that is exactly what he says. Later, Ozzy recalled, “He patiently faced me when writing songs,” but his gentle look clearly shows his voice.
Because it was a lesson, the sound of the guitar played by the students was included, but of course Randy’s performance was perfect. The well-organized performance is like a teacher, and he carefully teaches rock famous phrases and riffs as teaching materials. According to Rudy Sarzo’s autobiography, Randy taught students who wanted to play famous hits to “do their homework properly,” while teaching students who cleared the task what song they wanted. That’s right, the situation is recorded in this work as well. The selections include “Same Old Song And Dance” by AEROSMITH, “Brown Sugar” by THE ROLLING STONES, “Pinball Wizard” by THE WHO, and “Tie Your Mother Down” by QUEEN. The songs that you can never listen to at QUIET RIOT or Ozzy are delicious.

We Japanese could not experience the stage of Randy Rhoad, and even individual lessons were beyond imagination. This work is a time capsule that allows you to experience such a private space. Unlike studio works and live performances, it’s not the perfection of music art, but that’s why it’s more impressive than any other album. Please fully chew the feeling that “Randy is there”.

★ High-quality live recording for about 1 hour. It’s a great record.

そのランディが母ドロレス・ローズの経営するノース・ハリウッドの音楽スクール“ムソニア”で講師を務めるようになったのは1975年のこと。ランディの教え子には後にジョー・ホームズ(LIZZY BORDEN/DAVID LEE ROTH BAND/OZZY OSBOURNE)やブレント・ウッズ(VINCE NEIL BAND)もいました。本作を録音したのはジョーやブレントではありませんが、彼らも受けていたであろうランディの個人レッスン(1対1の個別指導)を約1時間にわたって体験できるのです。
そのレッスンは濃厚なプライベート感覚に目眩がしそう。冒頭からランディの模範演奏や指導の声が生々しい。何よりランディが間近に感じられるのが凄い。ライヴアルバムの解説で「バンドが目の前」と書いたりもしますが、本作の場合は全然違う。それこそ、本当にランディ・ローズそのひとが「目の前」にいる。話し声の息づかいが顔に罹りそうな距離で! 「Dee」もかなりのプライベート感覚でしたが、本作はそれさえも超えるものなのです。
レッスンなので生徒が弾くギターの音も入っていますが、もちろんランディの演奏もばっちり。その整った演奏ぶりはさすがに教師らしく、ロックの有名フレーズやリフを教材にていねいに教えていく。ルディ・サーゾの自伝によれば、ランディは有名ヒット曲を弾きたがる生徒に対して「宿題をちゃんとやれ」と指導する一方、課題をクリアした生徒には希望している楽曲を教えていたそうで、本作でもその様子が記録されている。そして、そのセレクトはAEROSMITHの「Same Old Song And Dance」やTHE ROLLING STONESの「Brown Sugar」、THE WHOの「Pinball Wizard」、QUEENの「Tie Your Mother Down」など。QUIET RIOTやオジーでは絶対に聴けない曲の数々が何とも美味しいのです。



1. Track #1
2. Track #2
3. Track #3
4. Track #4

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