Queen / Stockholm 1982 / 2CD

Queen / Stockholm 1982 / 2CD / Wardour
Johanneshovs Isstadion, Stockholm, Sweden 10th April 1982

Play sample :

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In contrast to the pros and cons of the studio work, “HOT SPACE Tour” has reached its peak as a live act. Among them, the famous recording that conveys the scene known as “Happening Show” has evolved. It will be an enlarged version and will be permanently preserved!
It was “April 10, 1982 Stockholm performance” that was imbued with such a work. That audience recording. If you’re a collector, you’ll realize that the “HOT SPACE Tour” is at its peak, which is the opposite of the general image, but the whole world tour wasn’t great either. In order to explain the situation in that area, let’s first unravel the schedule at that time and also confirm the position of the show.

<< March “HOT SPACE” completed >>
・ April 9-May 22: Europe (26 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
《May 21st release of “HOT SPACE”》
・ May 29-June 5: UK (4 performances)
-One and a half months later-
・ July 21-September 15: North America (33 performances)
-One month later-
・ October 19th-November 3rd: Japan (6 performances)

[First record of “HOT SPACE Tour” which was a miracle spring] This is 1982 QUEEN. The flow is rather orthodox, “Europe (+ UK)-> North America-> Japan”, but “Europe” and “UK” are given special attention. It was a miracle spring where every day and every night was a great performance. There are various theories as to why this happened, but first of all, it was a period of physical fulfillment. In particular, Freddie’s ability as a vocalist has been reached, and the frequency of favorable days was higher than that of “THE WORKS Tour”, which had been suspended, and the peak was also high.
Secondly, we have a support keyboardist. Spike Edney regularly participates in the restart word, but the first support was “HOT SPACE Tour”. Fred Mandel in North America / Japan and former MOTT THE HOOPLE Morgan Fisher in Europe participated. This gives Freddie more freedom. Not only does he not play the piano, he is also free from the consciousness of “I have to go back to the piano”. He was able to roam the stage freely, creating an explosive tension that made him happy and irresistible, and that explosive Freddie was a virtuous cycle that lifted the tension of the audience and three others.
And the third is confidence in “HOT SPACE”. As you can see above, the “Europe / UK” tour is before and after the album is released. In “Europe” before the release, he showed confidence, and in “UK” after the release, he showed the spirit of repelling the pros and cons. After “North America”, he seemed to be depressed by the decisive unpopularity, but at the time of “Europe / UK”, he was full of vitality to open up a new chapter. And the Stockholm performance of this work is also in the early stages. It is the very early stage of the second performance of the tour, and it is the oldest live album of “HOT SPACE Tour” with a record of sound.

[Overview of the happening show where you don’t know what will happen] Although the introduction has become long, this work that recorded such a show is also the first complete version in history. The recording itself has been known for a long time, but it was an incomplete version with many cuts in the middle. Moreover, it was a disappointing recording that the sound was cut off at the important point of the show (as will be described later). However, recently, another recording different from the conventional one has been newly discovered. Due to the different cut points, I was able to enjoy almost the entire view of the show in combination (however, only the intro of “Now I’m Here” was missed on both sound sources. 99.99 ……% It’s not 100%, so it’s “almost”).
There are enthusiasts who think about the same thing, and the full version of the combination is actually getting a lot of attention on the internet, but this was not good enough. The connection is sloppy, and there is no desire to match the sound. The tone and phase were out of sync, and there was a sense of incongruity just “just connected.” This work appeared there. The two sound sources are traced back to the original and carefully re-edited. As it is a separate recording, I do not say “I do not know the switching at all”, but I realized a natural finish at the level of “unknowingly changed”. It has been sublimated into a musical piece that allows you to immerse yourself in a full show without any discomfort.
The semi-complete version that was reborn in this way is especially gratifying because the show itself is a series of happenings and surprises. The initial performances of the new songs “Action This Day” and “Staying Power” and the dismantling of the medley, which has been a regular practice since their debut, are fresh from the beginning, but as the show progresses, they become more and more thrilling. For example, “We Will Rock You” near the middle stage. This position is rare, but it’s actually unplanned. While Freddie was enjoying the call and response, the audience naturally sang “We Will Rock You”, and Roger suddenly started riding on it. Normally, it seems to end up in a mess, but Freddie’s “Two, three, four !!” count leads to “Fat Bottomed Girls” brilliantly. You can hear the coolness like a miracle because it is a live band at the height.
And it is “Love Of My Life” that maximizes the benefits of the full version. In the conventional recording, the guitar solo was cut at the tip of the moving excitement, and I thought “Why here …”, but this work is perfect after that. You can seamlessly enjoy the finale, which ends with a moving chorus. Speaking of Brian, “Save Me” immediately after that. The audience requested “Mustapha! Mustapha!” In a big chorus, but ignored it and forcibly started “Save Me”. However, the piano didn’t come in, probably because Brian wasn’t ready. Freddie is quoting the lyrics and yelling, “It didn’t start off so fucking well!” Let me do it).
Furthermore, about 10 minutes of “Liar” was bitten, and the intro-rare “Not Fade Away” of “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” was unveiled … It has long been famous as a “show that you can’t miss even for a moment”, but that “moment” is increasing in large numbers.

Among the climax “HOT SPACE Tour” that is not known to the general public, only enthusiasts knew about the happening show. This is the birth of a semi-complete version with a greatly increased amount of the real thrill. A full-live album like the beginning of a miracle spring, like the incarnation of collectors. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content with the permanent storage press 2CD!

★ Audience recording of the second day of the “HOT SPACE” tour, “April 10, 1982 Stockholm performance”. Based on the conventional master with many cuts in the middle, it is complemented with another recording of new excavation. You can now enjoy almost the entire view of the show (only the intro of “Now I’m Here” is not recorded with both sound sources). The editing is much more complete than the online version, and Freddie’s mistake is the complete form of “We Will Rock You” that starts improvised from a call with the audience and “Love Of My Life” that ended in the middle. You can enjoy a panoramic view of a happening show where you don’t know what will happen, such as “Save Me”, which is cut off, and “Not Fade Away”, which is extremely rare. It’s a full-live album like the incarnation of collectors.

スタジオ作の賛否両論とは対照的に、ライヴアクトとしては絶頂期を迎えていた“HOT SPACE Tour”。その中でも「ハプニング・ショウ」として知られる現場を伝える名録音が進化。拡大版となって永久保存決定です!
そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「1982年4月10日ストックホルム公演」。そのオーディエンス録音です。一般イメージとは真逆な「“HOT SPACE Tour”が絶頂期」というのもコレクターの方なら実感されると思いますが、ワールド・ツアー全体が素晴らしかったというわけでもありません。その辺の事情をご説明するためにも、まずは当時のスケジュールから紐解き、併せてショウのポジションも確かめておきましょう。

《3月『HOT SPACE』完成》
《5月21日『HOT SPACE』発売》

【奇跡の春だった“HOT SPACE Tour”最初の記録】
これが1982年のQUEEN。「欧州(+英国)→北米→日本」というわりとオーソドックスな流れですが、この中で特別視されているのは「欧州」と「英国」。連日連夜が名演ばかりという奇跡の春でした。なぜそうなったのかは諸説あるところですが、第一に肉体的な充実期であった事。特にフレディのヴォーカリストとしての能力を迎えており、活動休止を経た“THE WORKS Tour”より好調な日の頻度も多ければ、ピークも高かったのです。
第二に、サポート・キーボーディストを迎えた事。再始動語はスパイク・エドニーがレギュラー参加しますが、最初にサポートを帯同させたのは“HOT SPACE Tour”。北米/日本ではフレッド・マンデル、欧州では元MOTT THE HOOPLEのモーガン・フィッシャーが参加しました。これにより、フレディの自由度が爆増。単にピアノ演奏をしないだけでなく、「ピアノに戻らなくては」の意識からも開放。ステージを自在に闊歩することができるようになり、その自由が嬉しくてたまらないという爆テンションを生み出し、その爆裂フレディが観客や他3人のテンションまでグイグイと引き上げる好循環だったのです。
そして、第三が『HOT SPACE』への自信。上記をご覧の通り「欧州/英国」ツアーはアルバム発売前後。発売前の「欧州」では自信を覗かせ、発売後の「英国」では賛否両論を跳ね返さんとする気概を見せた。その後の「北米」以降では決定的な不評に意気消沈していったようですが、「欧州/英国」の時点では新章を切り拓く活力に漲っていたのです。そして、本作のストックホルム公演は序盤も序盤。ツアー開始2公演目の極初期であり、音の記録が残る“HOT SPACE Tour”最古のライヴアルバムなのです。

前置きが長くなってしまいましたが、そんなショウを記録した本作は史上初の完全版でもある。録音自体は以前から知られてきたのですが、途中カットの多い不完全版でした。しかも(後述しますが)ショウの重要ポイントで音が切れてしまう残念な録音だったのです。しかし、最近になって従来とは異なる別録音が新発掘。カット・ポイントが異なることもあり、組み合わせてショウのほぼほぼ全景が楽しめるようになったのです(ただし「Now I’m Here」のイントロのみ両音源で録音漏れ。99.99……%ではあっても100%ではないので「ほぼほぼ」なのです)。
そうして生まれ変わった準・完全版が殊更嬉しいのも、ショウ自体がハプニングとサプライズの連続だからこそ。新曲「Action This Day」「Staying Power」の初期演奏やデビュー以来の定例だったメドレーの解体など序盤からフレッシュですが、ショウが進むほどどんどんスリリングになっていく。例えば、中盤に差し掛かったところ辺りの「We Will Rock You」。この位置というのも珍しいですが、実はこれは予定外。フレディがコール&レスポンスを楽しんでいたところ、観客側が自然に「We Will Rock You」を歌い出し、ロジャーもそれに乗っかって唐突に始まってしまう。普通ならグダグダに終わりそうなところですが、フレディの「Two, three, four!!」のカウントで見事に「Fat Bottomed Girls」へ繋がっていく。まさに絶頂のライヴバンドだからこその奇跡のようなカッコ良さを聴かせるのです。
そして完全版の恩恵が最大限に発揮されるのが「Love Of My Life」。従来録音ではギターソロが感動的に盛り上がってきた矢先にカットしてしまい「なぜ、ココで……」と歯がゆい想いをしましたが、本作はその後もばっちり。感動の大合唱と共に締めくくられるフィナーレまでシームレスに楽しめるのです。ブライアンと言えば、その直後の「Save Me」。観客が「Mustapha! Mustapha!」と大合唱で要求しつつ、それを無視して強引に「Save Me」をスタート。ところが、ブライアンの準備ができていなかったのかピアノが入らない。フレディは歌詞を引用しつつ、「It didn’t start off so fucking well!(アタマからトチるのかよ!)」と怒鳴っているのです(もちろん、すぐに再スタートして大感動の演奏を聴かせてくれます)。
さらにさらに、約10分に及ぶ「Liar」がブチかまされたり、「Crazy Little Thing Called Love」のイントロ的に激レアな「Not Fade Away」が披露されたり……。以前から「一瞬も聴き逃せないショウ」として有名でしたが、その「一瞬」が大量増加しているのです。

一般には知られていない絶頂の“HOT SPACE Tour”の中でも、マニアだけが知っていたハプニング・ショウ。その醍醐味が大幅増量した準・完全版の誕生です。奇跡の春の幕開けにして、コレクター冥利の権化のようなフルライヴアルバム。どうぞ、永久保存プレス2CDで心ゆくまでお楽しみください!

★「HOT SPACE」ツアー2日目、「1982年4月10日ストックホルム公演」の全景オーディエンス録音。途中カットの多い従来マスターをベースに、新発掘の別録音で補完。ショウのほぼほぼ全景(「Now I’m Here」のイントロのみ両音源で録音漏れ)が楽しめるようになりました。ネット版よりも格段に完成度の高い編集が素晴らしく、観客とのコールから即興的に始まる「We Will Rock You」や途中で終わっていた「Love Of My Life」の完全形、ブライアンのミスにフレディがブチ切れる「Save Me」、超激レアな「Not Fade Away」等々、何が起こるか分からないハプニング・ショウを全景で楽しめる。コレクター冥利の権化のようなフルライヴアルバムです。


Disc 1 (53:06)
1. Flash ★0:00 – 0:11 補填
2. The Hero
3. Tie Your Mother Down
4. Action This Day
5. Play The Game
6. Somebody To Love
7. Staying Power ★3:59 – 4:05 補填
8. Get Down, Make Love
9. We Will Rock You (improvisation)
10. Fat Bottomed Girls
11. Love Of My Life ★2:39 – 3:44 補填
12. Save Me

Disc 2 (60:33)
1. Keyboard/Guitar Solo
2. Liar
3. Not Fade Away
4. Crazy Little Thing Called Love
5. Bohemian Rhapsody
6. Under Pressure
7. Now I’m Here ★冒頭欠落 – ソース2も欠落なので補填無し。
8. Dragon Attack
9. Now I’m Here (reprise) ★0:57 – 3:12 補填
10. Another One Bites The Dust
11. Sheer Heart Attack
12. We Will Rock You
13. We Are The Champions
14. God Save The Queen


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