Pink Floyd / Definitive Uniondale 1975 2nd Night / 3CD

Pink Floyd / Definitive Uniondale 1975 2nd Night / 3CD / Sigma
Live at Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY, USA 17th June 1975

Play sample :

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Along with “DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1975”, the super-famous recording that has been praised as “the best masterpiece of WISH YOU WERE HERE Tour” has been brushed up. The ultimate version refined by the obsession mastering by “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is now available on Permanent Preservation Press 3CD.
The recording of the masterpiece was “June 17, 1975 Uniondale performance”. It is the super-best audience recording. This show has been known for recording for a long time, and it is a big classic among the classics that have been upgraded many times during the long recording history. Perhaps those who have noticed this article have one that has already been published. This work is also the same large standard recording, but it is one that updates the top.

[Highest peak update board re-polished from Omoto cassette transfer] The key to this upgrade is “re-polishing from the Omoto cassette”. Some people may think “that?” Here. The best version to date is “NASSAU COLISEUM 1975 2ND NIGHT: CASSETTE MASTER (Sigma 175)” released in 2017, and as the title suggests, the Omoto cassette is already familiar. You might be wondering, “Then, is it just a little different from the last time?”, But that’s not the case. Rather, the sound is significantly different from the previous remasters, and the finish is surprisingly different from the one you hear at a glance.
To explain the sound, knowledge of the previous edition “Sigma 175” is also required. Now let’s move the hands of the clock back to 2017. “Uniondale 2nd day” has been upgraded repeatedly, but it was revolutionary in 2017. It was the excavation of the Omoto cassette. The ups in a different dimension was a big jump from the second army to the first army, and it was even the most powerful candidate for the championship at once.
And collectors all over the world are delighted with the big up. In addition, enthusiasts who dare to do their own mastering aiming for the ultimate have also appeared, and not only the Omoto cassette but also several types of mastering versions have been released. And, among them, “NASSAU COLISEUM 1975 2ND NIGHT: CASSETTE MASTER” used the version that was most highly evaluated among collectors. Of course, we also did the final check / finish, but the base was the version that was adjusted by overseas enthusiasts and gained the reputation of “this is the best!” At that time.
On the other hand, the basis of this work is the original “cassette version master”. Going back to the starting point, “GRAF ZEPPELIN” has been refined from the beginning. The difference is clear immediately after playback. This recording starts from the sound check before the performance, but it is completely different from there. In this work, a beautiful and clear cheer is bubbling up, but when I re-listen to the previous edition “Sigma 175”, it becomes a lump like a distant wind noise, which causes a squishy distortion. Accompanied by. This is probably because the previous version was deliberately disappointing. The crackling sounds have been removed one by one, and the whistling has been suppressed. “Audience noise” is literally regarded as “noise”, and it is scraped off so that it can be applied as an unnecessary object. Of course, there is something in itself, but the problem is that it has a feeling of processing. The strangely retracted and swelling cheers make a strange noise as if they were fried with sponge tempura.

[“Sound of brilliance” produced by mastering that is finely worn
Because it was easy to understand, the talk of cheering became long, but this can also be said for the essential performance sound. The previous edition “Sigma 175” boldly narrowed down the midrange and strongly boosted the low range. This created a tremendous amount of power in the performance and was a factor in attracting praise from enthusiasts around the world. However, it was not connected to the brightness. I was surprised that it was an upgrade of the original wake-up, so it was “insanely clear!” In particular, the bass drum was swallowed by the huge whirlpool of the guitar and bass, leaving only the unreliable sound of hitting the cardboard.
Compared to that, this work has a great natural feeling. The silent part that does not cause swell is filled with a transparent feeling like crystal glass, and even if the guitar or bass sounds loudly, other sounds and gaps are beautifully drawn. This does not mean “at the expense of the guitar or bass”. For example, regarding the bass, the previous edition “Sigma 175” extruded the power of the deep bass and was conspicuous at first glance, but in fact the sharpness and outline of the attack sound was fascinated. On the other hand, in the mediocre work, the ruggedness of the attack rises sharply, the sound never wraps around for a long time, and it only gives the core of the playing sound a metallic luster.
This vividness is the result of maximizing the respect for the “natural feeling of the Omoto cassette”, but it does not mean “the original manma”. Rather the opposite. As I mentioned in the previous “GRAF ZEPPELIN” remastered works, the accuracy is not odd. Pitch adjustment that responds tightly to random changes, petit noise processing that repeatedly checks both ears and waveforms, phase adjustment that does not overlook the deviation of 1/1000 second, etc. In fact, in the natural transfer of the Omoto cassette, the phase was (slightly) shifted to the left channel, and there was also high frequency noise, but all those points have been improved. Furthermore, in the previous edition of “Sigma 175”, there was a slight gap (probably born at the stage of mastering by overseas enthusiasts) before “Raving And Drooling” and “Echoes”. Of course, this work is original from Omoto Cassette Lansfer, so there is no such thing.

This recording is called a masterpiece because it has a great performance in addition to the good sound. The wonderfulness was fully felt in the previous edition, but this work sounds even more brilliant. Those who place the highest priority on power may like the previous edition “Sigma 175”, but this work has details that have been sacrificed to produce that power. It is an updated version of the masterpiece with overwhelming improvement in the distinctiveness of each note, the natural reality, and the crystal clear vividness. A 3-disc set enclosed in a press CD that will not lose its brilliance forever. Please enjoy the “top sound” to your heart’s content.

★ Super-superior audience recording of “June 17, 1975 Uniondale performance”. It is a traditional masterpiece recording that has been upgraded many times, and this work is the highest peak update board that “GRAF ZEPPELIN” has been re-polished from Omoto cassette transfer. The previous edition “Sigma 175”, which was based on the master produced by overseas enthusiasts, had a powerful sound with deep bass extruded quite vigorously, but this work emphasizes the naturalness and sharpness of the original. On top of that, we have achieved overwhelming vividness with pitch and noise processing, and the most accurate polishing that does not allow a deviation of 1/1000 second. This is an updated version of the tour’s masterpiece, with overwhelming improvements in the distinctiveness of each note, the natural reality, and the crystal-clear vividness.

————————————————– ————————————————– —————- —————-
(Remaster memo)


★ This time, the data digitized from Master is remastered again.
175) ”was based on what is said to be Flying -M- (Dec 2016).

★ The difference between this edition and the previous edition is that the EQ processing is completely different.
The previous edition had a very powerful low-frequency sound, but on the other hand, it had a strange feeling of processing.
This time, the board has been remastered with a focus on low-frequency reinforcement, while also emphasizing the overall balance.
Mastering that respects the atmosphere of the site that originally existed.

★ Phase correction (slightly to the left → closer to the center)
★ High frequency noise removal (left channel only 18khz, 14khz 2
However, it does not affect the sound originally, but just in case)

『DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1975』と並び、「WISH YOU WERE HERE Tourの最高傑作」との賞賛を集める超名録音がブラッシュアップ。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」による執念マスタリングで磨き込まれた究極盤が永久保存プレス3CDで登場です。

今回のアップグレードで要となるのは「大元カセットからの磨き直し」。ここで「あれ?」と思われる方もいらっしゃるかも知れません。現在までのベスト・バージョンは2017年にリリースされた『NASSAU COLISEUM 1975 2ND NIGHT: CASSETTE MASTER(Sigma 175)』でして、そのタイトル通り、大元カセットは既にお馴染みになっている。ここで「じゃあ、前回とちょっと違うだけ?」と思われるかも知れませんが、そうではない。むしろ、これまでのリマスターとは、大幅にサウンドが異なり、パッと聴いて一発で「全然違う!」と驚く仕上がりになっているのです。
そのサウンドをご説明するには、前回盤『Sigma 175』の知識も必要。ここで時計の針を2017年に戻してみましょう。それまでもアップグレードを繰り返してきた“ユニオンデール2日目”ですが、革命的に向上したのが2017年。大元カセットの発掘でした。その次元の違うアップぶりは二軍から一軍に上がったような大ジャンプであり、しかも一気に優勝候補の最有力とさえなるようなものでした。
そして、その大アップに世界中のコレクターが歓喜。さらに究極を目指して独自のマスタリングを敢行するマニアも登場し、大元カセットだけでなく、何種類かのマスタリング・バージョンも公開されました。そして、その中でコレクター間でもっとも評価の高かったバージョンを使用したのが『NASSAU COLISEUM 1975 2ND NIGHT: CASSETTE MASTER』。もちろん、当店でも最終のチェック/仕上げも行っていましたが、ベースとなっていたのは海外マニアによって調整され、当時「これぞベスト!」の評判を集めたバージョンでした。
それに対し、本作の土台となっているのは、大元の「カセット版マスター」。原点に立ち返り、「GRAF ZEPPELIN」がイチから磨き直したものなのです。その違いは、再生した直後から明らか。この録音は開演前のサウンドチェックから録音が始まっていますが、そこからして全然違う。本作では綺麗で細部まで鮮明な喝采がワッと沸き上がるのですが、前回盤『Sigma 175』を聴き直してみると遠くの風音のような塊になっており、それがシュワシュワとした歪みを伴っている。これは恐らく、前回版が意図的に喝采を削っていたのでしょう。パチパチの打音が1つずつ削除され、口笛も抑え込まれている。「オーディエンス・ノイズ」を文字通り「ノイズ」と捉え、不要な物としてカンナをかけるように削りとられているのです。もちろん、それ自体は是非もあるのですが、問題なのは思いっきり加工感が出てしまっていること。妙に引っ込んでゴワゴワとうねる喝采は、まるでスポンジの天ぷらでも揚げているような異音になっているのです。

分かりやすいので喝采の話が長くなってしまいましたが、これは肝心の演奏音にも言える。前回盤『Sigma 175』は中音域を大胆に絞り込み、低域を強力にブーストした仕上がりになっていました。これが演奏に凄まじい迫力を生み出し、世界中のマニアから賞賛を集める要因ともなっていたのです。しかし、それが明度に繋がってはいなかった。大元起こしのアップグレードだから「めちゃくちゃ鮮明!」と驚きましたが、ヘッドフォンで耳を澄ませ得ると鳴りが「ゴー」といううねりを起こしており、微細部を曇らせていた。特にバスドラはギターとベースの巨大な渦に飲み込まれ、ポコポコと段ボールを叩くような頼りない音だけが残っていたのです。
それに比べ、本作は本来のナチュラル感が絶大。うねりを起こすことのない無音部はクリスタル・グラスのような透明感を湛え、ギターやベースが盛大に鳴っても他の音やスキマが綺麗に描かれている。これは「ギターやベースを犠牲にしている」という意味ではありません。例えばベースですが、前回盤『Sigma 175』は重低音の迫力を押し出して一聴目立っていましたが、実はアタック音の鋭さや輪郭は惚けていました。それに比べ、凡作はアタックのゴリゴリ感は鋭く立ち上がり、鳴りも決して長く回り込まず、演奏音の芯に金属光沢の輝きを与えるだけに留まっているのです。
この鮮やかさは「大元カセットのナチュラル感」を最大限に尊重した結果ではありますが、決して「元のまんま」という意味ではありません。むしろ逆。これまでの「GRAF ZEPPELIN」リマスター作品でも触れてきましたが、その精度は半端ではない。ランダムな変化にもキッチリ対応するピッチ調整や、耳でも波形でもチェックを重ねるプチノイズ処理、1/1000秒のズレも見逃さない位相調整などなど。実際、大元カセットのナチュラル・トランスファーでは位相が左チャンネルへ(わずかに)寄っており、高周波ノイズもありましたが、そうしたポイントはすべて改善されている。さらに言いますと、前回盤『Sigma 175』では「Raving And Drooling」や「Echoes」の前に(海外マニアがマスタリングした段階で生まれたのであろう)わずかなギャップがありました。もちろん、本作は大元カセット・ランスファーからオリジナルで作業していますので、それもありません。

この録音が最高傑作と呼ばれるのは、音の良さに加えて名演ぶりもあります。その素晴らしさは前回盤でもたっぷり感じられましたが、本作はさらに一層輝いて聞こえるのです。ド迫力最重視派の方なら前回盤『Sigma 175』を好まれるかも知れませんが、その迫力を演出するために犠牲になってきたディテールが本作にはある。1音1音の際立ちも、自然なリアリティも、クリスタル・クリアな鮮やかさも圧倒的に向上した最高傑作の更新盤です。その輝きを永久に失わないプレスCDに封じ込めた3枚組。どうぞ、心ゆくまで「てっぺんの音」をご堪能ください。

★「1975年6月17日ユニオンデール公演」の超・極上オーディエンス録音。何度もアップグレードしてきた伝統の名録音で、本作は大元カセット・トランスファーから「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が磨き直した最高峰更新盤です。海外マニア制作のマスターを元にした前回盤『Sigma 175』は重低音がかなり豪快に押し出された迫力サウンドでしたが、本作は大元のナチュラルさと鮮明さを最大限に重視。その上でピッチやノイズ処理、1/1000秒のズレも許さない最精度の磨き込みで圧倒的な鮮やかさを実現しました。1音1音の際立ちも、自然なリアリティも、クリスタル・クリアな鮮やかさも圧倒的に向上したツアー最高傑作の更新盤です。



175)』はFlying -M- (Dec 2016)とされるものが元になっていた。


★高周波ノイズ除去 (左chのみ 18khz、14khz の2本



Disc 1(59:01)
1. Introduction
2. Raving And Drooling
3. You Gotta Be Crazy
4. Shine On You Crazy Diamond Part 1-5
5. Have A Cigar
6. Shine On You Crazy Diamond Part 6-9

Disc 2(58:19)
The Dark Side Of The Moon

1. Speak To Me
2. Breathe
3. On The Run
4. Time
5. Breathe (reprise)
6. The Great Gig In The Sky
7. Money
8. Us And Them
9. Any Colour You Like
10. Brain Damage
11. Eclipse

Disc 3(29:37)
1. Audience
2. Echoes

Sigma 294

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