Paul McCartney / Rotterdam 2012 / 3CDR

Paul McCartney / Rotterdam 2012 / 3CDR / Uxbridge

Live AT Ahoy Rotterdam Holland 24th March 2012.

Play sample :

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The 2012 “ON THE RUN” tour that makes me feel nostalgic now. We Japanese are the “OUT THERE” tour generation from the following year, so it can be said that the tours before that were literally out of reach. Eight years have passed since then, and the “ON THE RUN” tour hasn’t been looked back on. As if to support that, recently, the best audience recordings of the Rotterdam performance in March 2012 have been on the net soberly.
In the first place, regarding the Rotterdam performance, an item that made a CD of an audience recording with very good sound quality even in real time was released, but the sound image of this sound source is not so close. However, while the existing version had a digital sound quality that sometimes pierces the ears when it comes to up-tempo songs, the sound source this time is mild and gentle to the ears. The sense of distance of the performance is combined there, and the exquisiteness that the voices of the surrounding audience are hardly picked up.
It seems that many people, even if they are not enthusiasts, like the sound quality of this time, and even though it is released on CD-R, the quality of the sound source is very high.

Also, notice that there was a big crustal movement in the set list between the “ON THE RUN” tour and the “OUT THERE” tour, and now it is full of rare repertoires that could not be heard in Japan. Will be robbed. Many enthusiasts would have wanted to hear the short version of Wings’ medley “Venus and Mars –Rock Show –Jet”, and the album “ELECTRIC” under the name of Fireman, which was surprisingly popular as a song mono album. The song “Sing the Changes” from “ARGUMENTS” was also played actively at that time, but the new album “NEW” appeared at the start of the “OUT THERE” tour, so it’s easy to dismiss it.
The Beatles numbers that were being played at that time were all the repertoires that disappeared after changing to the “OUT THERE” tour, and “The Night Before” and “I Will” want you to do this in Japan. I can’t help but think … Even more amazing are the two exciting medleys, “A Day In The Life –Give Peace a Chance” and “The Word –All You Need Is Love”. The former was played frequently during this period, but the latter had a short life as a repertoire, backfired by the arrangement of minor and major songs together.
And the numbers after the Beatles disbanded, such as “Mrs. Vandebilt”, which is a big chorus of the audience, and “Ram On” of Ukulele, which was dropped from the repertoire and demoted for sound check, are also attractive. In this way, the rare numbers that are not heard on the stage when he came to Japan constantly from 2013 to 2018 are captured with really comfortable sound quality, and it feels fresh in every sense. ..
Regrettably, unlike the existing version, the taper accidentally touched the recorder only for “Golden Slumbers”, or the recording failed due to the deafening level over, but that is it. The mild sound quality other than the above and the extensive set list mentioned earlier are once again full of fresh impact. In addition, the new song “My Valentine” at that time also includes a surprisingly rare scene that the day was the live premiere. The fresh performance that is completely different from the present, which has been completely promised, is also fresh!

今となっては懐かしさすら覚える2012年の「ON THE RUN」ツアー。われわれ日本人は翌年からの「OUT THERE」ツアー世代ですので、それ以前のツアーというのは、文字通り手の届かない存在だったと言えるのではないでしょうか。それから8年もの歳月が経過し、なかなか振り返られることもなくなった「ON THE RUN」ツアー。それを裏付けるかのように、最近になって2012年3月のロッテルダム公演の極上オーディエンス録音が何とも地味にネット上に出回っていました。

また「ON THE RUN」ツアーと「OUT THERE」ツアーの間ではセットリストに大きな地殻変動が起きており、今となっては日本で聞くことができなかったレアなレパートリーだらけであることに目を奪われるでしょう。ウイングスのメドレー「Venus and Mars – Rock Show – Jet」のショートバージョンなどは是非とも聞いてみたかったマニアが多いはずですし、歌モノ・アルバムとして意外なほど好評だったファイヤーマン名義のアルバム「ELECTRIC ARGUMENTS」収録曲「Sing the Changes」も当時は盛んに演奏されていたのに、「OUT THERE」ツアー開始に際してニューアルバム「NEW」が登場したことであっさりお役目御免となってしまいます。
この当時演奏されていたビートルズ・ナンバーというのがまた「OUT THERE」ツアーに変わってから姿を消したレパートリーばかりで、「The Night Before」に「I Will」などは、これを日本でやってほしかった…と思わずにはいられないもの。それら以上に驚くべきは「A Day In The Life – Give Peace a Chance」に「The Word – All You Need Is Love」という二種類の豪快なメドレー。前者はこの時代に頻繁に演奏されていましたが、後者はマイナーソングとメジャーソングを一緒くたにしたアレンジが裏目に出て、レパートリーとしての寿命は短いものでした。
そして観客の大合唱が盛り上がる「Mrs. Vandebilt」、その後レパートリーから落とされてサウンドチェック用に降格してしまったウクレレの「Ram On」といったビートルズ解散後のナンバーもまた魅力的。このように2013年から2018年までコンスタントに来日してくれた時期のステージでは聞かれないレア・ナンバーを実に聞き心地の良い音質で捉えてくれていて、あらゆる意味で新鮮に感じられることかと。
惜しむらくは既発盤と違って「Golden Slumbers」だけテーパーが誤ってレコーダーに触れてしまったのか、耳をつんざくようなレベルオーバーで録音を失敗してしまったのが玉に瑕ですが、それ以外のマイルドな音質と先にも触れた充実のセットリストは改めて新鮮なインパクトに満ちている。おまけに当時の新曲だった「My Valentine」はこの日がライブ初演という意外なレア・シーンまでも収録。完全にお約束化してしまった現在とは違う初々しい演奏がこれまた新鮮!

Disc 1(72:34)
1. Intro
2. Hello Goodbye
3. Junior’s Farm
4. All My Loving
5. Venus And Mars★
6. Rock Show★
7. Jet
8. Drive My Car
9. Sing The Changes★
10. The Night Before★
11. Let Me Roll It
12. Paperback Writer
13. The Long And Winding Road
14. Nineteen Hundred And Eighty-Five
15. My Valentine★初演
16. Maybe I’m Amazed
17. I’ve Just Seen A Face
18. I Will★
19. Blackbird
20. Here Today

Disc 2(62:51)

1. Dance Tonight
2. Mrs. Vanderbilt
3. Eleanor Rigby
4. Ram On★
5. Something
6. Yellow Submarine
7. Band On The Run
8. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
9. Back In The USSR
10. I’ve Got A Feeling
11. A Day In The Life
12. Let It Be
13. Live And Let Die
14. Hey Jude

Disc 3 (32:25)
1. Audience
2. The Word
3. All You Need Is Love
4. Day Tripper
5. Get Back
6. Yesterday
7. Helter Skelter
8. Gold Slumbers
9. Carry That Weight
10. The End

Uxbridge 1365

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