Michael Schenker Group / Speyer 2022 / 2CDR

Michael Schenker Group / Speyer 2022 / 2CDR / Shades
Halle 101, Speyer, Germany 6th May 2022

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The 2022 MSG touring Europe with Robin McAuley at the front. Introducing a masterpiece live album where you can enjoy the latest stage with superb sound.

[Overview of activities in 2022 where Macquarie / Romero coexist] It was the “Speyer performance on May 6, 2022” that was imbued with this work. It is the transcendental audience recording. Following last year’s “IMMORTAL”, Michael Schenker, who completed the new work “UNIVERSAL” in quick succession, did not go on tour with his new partner Ronnie Romero. His former ally Robin McAuley returns to singer on the current tour. Together with Steve Mann / Baudou Schooff, who was a member in advance, the tour started with a formation called “McAULEY SCHENKER GROUP Reunion”. However, Macquarie is just a pinch hitter. After the album was released, a tour was announced with Romero. To sort out the situation, let’s check their status first.

● 2021
<< January 29, “IMMORTAL” released >>
・ October 27-30: UK # 1 (4 performances) ← * WOLVERHAMPTON 2021
● 2022
* April 27-May 15: Europe # 1 (14 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
“May 27,” UNIVERSAL “released”
・ June 18 + 19: Europe # 2 (2 performances)
* July 31: Appearance at Steelhouse Festival
・ August 26 + 27: UK # 2 (2 performances)
・ September 27-November 6: North America (31 performances)
* Note: The “・” mark is the participation performance of Ronnie Romero, and the “*” mark is the participation performance of Robin McAuley.

This is the schedule that has been announced from the restart of MSG to the present. At one point, a Russian performance (July 16th) was announced, but it has been deleted on the current schedule. Probably it was canceled. The live performance with Romero was very popular as “WOLVERHAMPTON 2021 (Shades 1442)”, but it was a mini tour that was just like a shoulder break. Robin will be the singer for the current tour “Europe # 1” six months later and the “Steelhouse Festival” in July. The Speyer performance of this work was the 8th concert.

[Official live album with Robin finally born! ] This work recorded at such a show is a super-best live album of McAULEY SCHENKER GROUP fan crying things. Currently, collectors all over the world are making a lot of recordings, but the topic is the quality. It’s not the sound that is imagined by the so-called “audience”, but the thick core approaches at zero distance, and the feeling of separation is also great. It’s a transcendental class direct sound that you want to call “like a sound board” or “like an official”.
If you have noticed this article, what does this mean? Yes, the day has finally come when you can enjoy “McCaulejye & Schenker” with official-grade sound! When I was forming a combination, the official live was only acoustic ones, and the very few sound boards were not good. There will be collectors who have been searching for the finest audience recordings to heal the dryness. Of course, it was a treasure, but there has never been a live album that sounds as good as this one and can be declared as an “official substitute” !!
Although the goodness of the sound is the strength of 2022, the performance with age is not the weakness of 2022 ……, so this work is amazing. It’s too amazing! Robin’s singing voice is no different from the heyday, and Michael’s guitar has revived the sweet dew tone of yesteryear. Moreover, the set is also a rich Greatest Hits. Speaking of co-starring with Robin, if you are an avid collector, you may remember the 2012 video work “FEATURING ROBIN McAULEY”, so let’s organize it while comparing.

● 70’s (UFO: 8 songs)
・ Phenomenon: Doctor Doctor / Rock Bottom
・ Force It: Shoot Shoot / Let It Roll
・ New murderous intention: Lights Out / Too Hot To Handle
・ Others: Natural Thing / Only You Can Rock Me (★)
● 80’s (MSG: 6 songs)
・ God: Cry For The Nations (★) / Into The Arena / Armed And Ready
・ Others: Looking For Love (★) / Rock You To The Ground (★) / Red Sky (★)
● After 2018 (8 songs)
・ MS Fest: Ascension (★) / Sleeping With The Light On (★) / Warrior (★)
・ Immortal: In Search Of The Peace Of Mind (★) / After The Rain (★) / Sail The Darkness (★)
・ Universal: Emergency (★) / A King Has Gone (★)
* Note: The “★” mark is a song that could not be heard even in the 2012 video work “FEATURING ROBIN McAULEY”.

…… And it looks like this. Not to mention the representative songs of recent years, there are plenty of delicious classics from the 70’s and 80’s. In particular, the three songs “Looking For Love,” “Rock You To The Ground,” and “Red Sky” are rare songs that were not sung even during the McAULEY SCHENKER GROUP era. On the other hand, it has been zero since the McAULEY SCHENKER GROUP era. Perhaps it was a set prepared for Romero, but I wanted to listen to electric live performances such as “We Believe in Love”, “What Happens to Me” and “When I’m Gone” just for Robin. Aside from the real intention, if you turn the other way around, you can enjoy the “McColly version” of such a masterpiece group.
In fact, this is wonderful again! The throat, which was praised as “the most skillful” at MSF where all the generations met, showed its true character. The husky umami that Michael likes, the sweetness of the tone when singing, and the sense of stability that you can’t imagine singing someone else’s song. Robin is already 69 years old, but nothing has changed from 30 years ago. As expected, the highest note of “Rock You To The Ground” is fake, but if it is a sense of stability, it surpasses even Graham Bonnet’s main hospital. In addition, the new song that Michael Kiske was singing is also sung brilliantly.
“WOLVERHAMPTON 2021”, which became a hot topic last year, was shocked by the miraculous compatibility with Ronnie Romero, but the combination with Robin is also wonderful. I enjoyed the festive feeling of MSF, but the fulfillment of the show is much higher now. I never thought that 2022 Michael Schenker would be so promising. A masterpiece that will be fun to tour with Romero in the future. Please enjoy the loss!

★ A transcendental audience recording of “May 6, 2022 Speyer Performance” with Robin McAuley. The extra-thick core approaches at zero distance, and the sound with a great sense of separation is a transcendent direct feeling that you want to call “like a sound board” or “like an official”. The long-awaited live album where you can enjoy the full show of the famous combination such as “Looking For Love”, “Rock You To The Ground” and “Red Sky”, which you did not do in the McAULEY SCHENKER GROUP era, is finally born!


そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「2022年5月6日シュパイヤー公演」。その超絶級オーディエンス録音です。昨年の『IMMORTAL』に続き、新作『UNIVERSAL』を矢継ぎ早に完成させたマイケル・シェンカーは、さっそく新相棒ロニー・ロメロとツアーに………出なかった。現在行われているツアーでは往年の盟友ロビン・マッコーリーがシンガーに復帰。事前にメンバーとなっていたスティーヴ・マン/ボードー・ショホフと合わせ、ほぼ「McAULEY SCHENKER GROUPリユニオン」という編成でツアーを開始したのです。ただし、マッコーリーはあくまでも代打。アルバム発売後にはロメロともツアーが発表されている。その状況を整理するためにも、まずは彼らの近況をチェックしてみましょう。

・10月27日ー30日:英国#1(4公演)←※WOLVERHAMPTON 2021
*7月31日:Steelhouse Festival出演

これがMSG再起動から現在までに公表されているスケジュール。一時はロシア公演(7月16日)も発表されましたが、現在の日程では削除。恐らくは中止になったのでしょう。ロメロとのライヴは『WOLVERHAMPTON 2021(Shades 1442)』として大好評を博しましたが、それはあくまで肩慣らし的なミニ・ツアー。半年後の現行ツアー「欧州#1」と7月の「Steelhouse Festival」はロビンがシンガーを務める事となりました。本作のシュパイヤー公演は、その8公演目にあたるコンサートでした。

そんなショウで記録された本作は、McAULEY SCHENKER GROUPファン号泣モノの超極上ライヴアルバム。現在、世界中のコレクターが色めき立っている録音なのですが、なんで話題かと言えば、そのクオリティ。いわゆる「オーディエンス」でイメージされる音じゃなく、極太な芯がゼロ距離で迫り、セパレート感も絶大。「まるでサウンドボード」「まるでオフィシャル」と呼びたい超絶クラスのダイレクト・サウンドなのです。
これがどういう意味を持つのか、本稿に目を留められた方ならピンと来るでしょう。そう、遂に「マコーリー&シェンカー」をオフィシャル級サウンドで味わえる日が来たのです! コンビを組んでいた頃は公式ライヴはアコースティック物だけでしたし、極わずかなサウンドボードはロクなもんじゃなかった。その乾きを癒す為に極上級のオーディエンス録音を探索し続けてきたコレクター諸氏もいらっしゃる事でしょう。もちろん、それはそれでお宝もあったものの、本作ほどのサウンド、「公式代わり」と断言できるライヴアルバムは今までなかったのです!!
音の良さは2022年の強みではあるものの、年齢を重ねた演奏は2022年の弱み……になっていないから、本作は凄い。凄すぎる! ロビンの歌声はまるで全盛時代と変わらず、マイケルのギターも往年の甘露のトーンを復活させてきたのです。しかもしかも、セットも濃厚グレイテスト・ヒッツ。ロビンとの共演と言うと、熱心なコレクター諸兄なら2012年の映像作『FEATURING ROBIN McAULEY』もご記憶かも知れませんので、比較しながら整理してみましょう。

・現象:Doctor Doctor/Rock Bottom
・フォース・イット:Shoot Shoot/Let It Roll
・新たなる殺意:Lights Out/Too Hot To Handle
・その他:Natural Thing/Only You Can Rock Me(★)
・神:Cry For The Nations(★)/Into The Arena/Armed And Ready
・その他:Looking For Love(★)/Rock You To The Ground(★)/Red Sky(★)
・MSフェスト:Ascension(★)/Sleeping With The Light On(★)/Warrior(★)
・イモータル:In Search Of The Peace Of Mind(★)/After The Rain(★)/Sail The Darkness(★)
・ユニヴァーサル:Emergency(★)/A King Has Gone(★)
※注:「★」印は2012年の映像作『FEATURING ROBIN McAULEY』でも聴けなかった曲。

……と、このようになっています。近年の代表曲はもちろんのこと、70年代/80年代の美味しいクラシックスもたっぷり。特に「Looking For Love」「Rock You To The Ground」「Red Sky」の3曲はMcAULEY SCHENKER GROUP時代にも歌っていなかったレア曲なのです。その一方、McAULEY SCHENKER GROUP時代からはゼロ。恐らくはロメロ用に準備してきたセットという事なのでしょうが、せっかくのロビンだけに「We Believe in Love」や「What Happens to Me」「When I’m Gone」などのエレクトリック・ライヴも聴きたかった……という本音はさておき、逆を返せばこれだけの名曲群の「マッコーリー・バージョン」が楽しめるわけです。
実際、これがまた素晴らしいのなんの! 歴代が一同に会したMSFで「一番巧い」と絶賛されたノドが本領発揮。いかにもマイケル好みなハスキーな旨み、歌い上げた際のトーンの甘み、そして他人の曲を歌っているとは思えない安定感。ロビンもすでに69歳なのですが、30年前と何も変わらない。さすがに「Rock You To The Ground」の最高音はフェイクしていますが、安定感ならグラハム・ボネット本院さえも凌駕。さらにマイケル・キスクが歌っていた新曲も見事に歌いこなしています。
昨年話題になった『WOLVERHAMPTON 2021』もロニー・ロメロとの奇跡相性が衝撃でしたが、やはりロビンとのコンビネーションも素晴らしい。MSFのお祭り感も楽しかったですが、ショウの充実感は現在の方が遙かに上です。まさか、まさか2022年のマイケル・シェンカーがこれほど期待を掻き立ててくれようとは思いませんでした。今後のロメロとのツアーも愉しみになってくる大傑作。どうぞ、思う損お楽しみください!

★ロビン・マッコーリーを迎えた「2022年5月6日シュパイヤー公演」の超絶級オーディエンス録音。極太な芯がゼロ距離で迫り、セパレート感も絶大なサウンドは「まるでサウンドボード」「まるでオフィシャル」と呼びたい超絶のダイレクト感。McAULEY SCHENKER GROUP時代にもやらなかった「Looking For Love」「Rock You To The Ground」「Red Sky」など、名コンビのフルショウをオフィシャル級サウンドで味わえる待望のライヴアルバムが遂に誕生です!

Disc 1 (61:00)
1. Intro
2. Ascension
3. Cry For The Nations
4. Doctor Doctor
5. Sleeping With The Light On
6. Looking For Love
7. Warrior
8. Into The Arena
9. In Search Of The Peace Of Mind
10. Red Sky
11. Emergency
12. Lights Out
13. After The Rain

Disc 2 (60:00)
1. Armed And Ready
2. Sail The Darkness
3. Rock You To The Ground
4. A King Has Gone
5. Rock Bottom
6. Shoot Shoot
7. Let It Roll
8. Natural Thing
9. Too Hot To Handle
10. Only You Can Rock Me

Michael Schenker – Lead Guitar
Robin McAuley – Vocals
Steve Mann – Guitar / Keyboards
Barend Courbois – Bass
Bodo Schopf – Drums

Shades 1522

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