M3 Classic Whitesnake / Lorsch 2005 / 1DVDR

M3 Classic Whitesnake / Lorsch 2005 / 1DVDR / Shades

Musiktheater Rex, Lorsch, Germany 26th January 2005

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そんな本作が撮影されたのは「2005年1月26日ロルシュ公演」。そのマルチカメラ・プロショットです。古き良きWHITESNAKEの復刻プロジェクトと言えば、THE SNAKESやTHE COMPANY OF SNAKESといった名前も聞いたことがあると思います。こうしたバンド群は名前こそ違えど、コンセプトは同じ。さまざまな名シンガー達を迎えつつ、バンド名を変えていった一連のシリーズでもありました。良い機会ですので、その流れとプロ記録、シンガーを整理してみましょう。

●THE SNAKES(1998年―1999年)
・スタジオ作『ONCE BITTEN(1998年)』
・ライヴ盤『LIVE IN EUROPE(1998年)』

・ライヴ盤『HERE THEY GO AGAIN(2001年)』
・スタジオ作『BURST THE BUBBLE(2002年)』

・ライヴ盤『CLASSIC SNAKE LIVE(2003年)』
・ライヴDVD『ROUGH AN’ READY(2004年)』
・ライヴDVD『LORSCH 2005(2005年)』 ←★本作★

そのクオリティで描かれるブルースロックは……もう、絶品! わずか5曲・40分ほどの短いプロショットなのですが、中身は特濃。とにかくディープで、芳醇なブルースが滲み出す。先述の通り、かなり荒っぽく、ややチープなプロダクションなわけですが、これがまるで50年代ブルースのような深みを滲み出している。どうもロックバンドはブルースでもやたら分厚くてゴージャスな音にしたがる傾向にありますが、むしろ“生”をムキ出しにしてくれた方がブルースらしい。シカゴブルースの歴史的大名盤『AND THIS IS MAXWELL STREET』から雑踏感だけを抜いた感じと言いますか……とにかく、えらくリアル。本家を含めても、ここまでWHITESNAKE曲の根底に流れるブルース色を濃厚に感じさせてくれるサウンドは思いつきません。
また、ショウ自体も実に素晴らしい。まず、シンガーのステファン・ベルグレン。歴代シンガーで一番カヴァデールに似ていたのはヨルン・ランデですし、有名なのはドゥギー・ホワイトやトニー・マーティンでしょう。しかし、ベスト・シンガーは間違いなくステファン。彼もまたカヴァデールと同系統ではあるのですが、“モノマネ感”がなく、バツグンに巧い。変に「どれだけ似てるか」を気にせず、それでいて違和感ゼロのディープヴォイスで名曲をたっぷり聞き込めるのです(ちなみに、歌唱力なら元BAD COMPANYのロバート・ハートが一番だと思われますが、彼はあまりにもロジャースそっくりなために白蛇曲もBAD COMPANYに聞こえました)。
そして、わずか5曲ながらセットも美味しい曲の塊。特に「Ain’t No Love In The Heart Of The City」「Crying In The Rain」「Take Me With You」の3曲は貴重すぎる。「Ain’t No Love In The Heart Of The City」「Crying In The Rain」は公式映像『ROUGH AN’ READY』にもありましたが、前者はステファンとドゥギーのデュエット、後者はドゥギーが歌っていた。正直なところ、ドゥギーとWHITESNAKEナンバーは相性が悪く、ブルース色がすっかり落ちてモロのハードロックになっていました。しかし、本作では全編ステファン。「Crying In The Rain」では本家カヴァデールさえも凌駕するブルースを滴らせ、「Ain’t No Love In The Heart Of The City」もボビー・ブランドのオリジナルに肉薄する。さらに最後の「Take Me With You」は『HERE THEY GO AGAIN』『ROUGH AN’ READY』でも聴けなかったレア・ナンバーであり、21世紀WHITESNAKEよりも遙かに「白蛇っぽい」サウンドを轟かせてくれるのです。

たとえ新曲を書かずとも、新作を出さずとも、永遠に続けて欲しかったTHE SNAKES / M3の復刻プロジェクト。その“準公式”とも言える1本です。


Bernie Marsden, Mickey Moody, and Neil Murray were the cornerstones of WHITESNAKE during the blues rock era. The extremely rare professional shot of the project “M3 (named after the initials of the three members)” in which the three of them play WHITESNAKE’s famous songs will be released as a gift.
This work was filmed at the “Lorsch performance on January 26, 2005.” This is the multi-camera pro shot. Speaking of good old WHITESNAKE reprint projects, you may have heard of names such as THE SNAKES and THE COMPANY OF SNAKES. These bands may have different names, but the concept is the same. It was also a series of bands that welcomed various famous singers and changed their band names. This is a good opportunity to take a look at the flow, professional records, and singers.

●THE SNAKES (1998-1999)
・Studio work “ONCE BITTEN (1998)”
・Live album “LIVE IN EUROPE (1998)”
Vo: Jorn Lande

Vo: Robert Hart
・Live album “HERE THEY GO AGAIN” (2001)
・Studio work “BURST THE BUBBLE (2002)”
Vo: Stefan Berggren
(Note: Gary Burden is also present)

●M3 (2003-2006)
・Live album “CLASSIC SNAKE LIVE (2003)”
Vo: Tony Martin
・Live DVD “ROUGH AN’ READY (2004)”
Vocals: Stefan Berggren & Dougie White
・Live DVD “LORSCH 2005 (2005)” ←★This work★
Vo: Stefan Berggren

…We have been active like this for about 9 years. Most of the above are official works, but the only exception is this work. It is the last professional shot of the last band “M3”.
The first unofficial pro shot was discovered, and its quality approaches that of the official product. It seems to have been recorded on Lokal TV in Germany, but rather than being made for TV, it feels like it was leaked and “recorded”. There were a lot of cameras for the small venue, smaller than a club, and the close-up shots were so close that their faces, let alone their expressions, couldn’t fit on the screen, and even their hands were visible. Perhaps it was intended for showcase material, and the visual beauty is a combination of the handmade feel of a home video and the high quality of a professional shot.
The blues rock drawn with that quality…is simply exquisite! It’s a short pro shot of only 5 songs and about 40 minutes, but the content is special. Anyway, the deep, mellow blues oozes out. As mentioned earlier, the production is quite rough and somewhat cheap, but this exudes a depth similar to 50’s blues. Rock bands tend to want to make blues sounds too thick and gorgeous, but it’s more like blues music that brings out the “liveness”. You could say it’s like the classic Chicago blues album “AND THIS IS MAXWELL STREET” minus the hustle and bustle…anyway, it’s very real. Even including the original, I can’t think of any sound that so deeply conveys the blues color that underlies WHITESNAKE’s songs.
Also, the show itself is really wonderful. First, singer Stefan Berggren. Of all the singers of all time, the one most similar to Coverdale is Jørn Lande, and the most famous ones are Dougie White and Tony Martin. However, the best singer is definitely Stefan. He is also in the same lineage as Coverdale, but he lacks the “impersonation” and is extremely skillful. Strangely enough, you can listen to a lot of famous songs with a deep voice that doesn’t make you feel strange, without worrying about how similar they are (by the way, Robert Hart of the former BAD COMPANY seems to be the best in singing ability (He looked so much like Rodgers that even the White Snake song sounded like BAD COMPANY).
And although it was only 5 songs, the set was packed with delicious songs. In particular, the three songs “Ain’t No Love In The Heart Of The City,” “Crying In The Rain,” and “Take Me With You” are too precious. “Ain’t No Love In The Heart Of The City” and “Crying In The Rain” were also in the official video “ROUGH AN’ READY”, but the former was a duet between Stefan and Dougie, and the latter was sung by Dougie. To be honest, Dougie and the WHITESNAKE number didn’t go well together, the blues color had completely faded and it became a solid hard rock. However, in this work, the entire story is played by Stefan. “Crying In The Rain” drips blues that surpasses even the original Coverdale, and “Ain’t No Love In The Heart Of The City” also comes close to Bobby Bland’s original. Furthermore, the last song “Take Me With You” is a rare number that could not be heard in “HERE THEY GO AGAIN” or “ROUGH AN’ READY”, and it has a much more “white snake-like” sound than 21st Century WHITESNAKE. It is.

This is a reprint project of THE SNAKES/M3 that I wanted to continue forever, even if I didn’t write new songs or release new ones. This is one that can be said to be “semi-official”.
Among the many great singers, why is Stefan said to be the best? A masterpiece professional shot that explains the reason more eloquently than a thousand words. Only Barney & Mickey, who was the source of the blues at the old WHITESNAKE, inherited the “authentic flavor.” Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

★Multi-camera professional shot of “Lorsch performance on January 26, 2005”. Although it was recorded on Germany’s Local TV, the rawness of the recording is also interesting. Perhaps it was intended for use as showcase material, and the video is beautiful, with a handmade feel on the verge of a home video, and the high quality of a professional shot. You can enjoy a collection of famous WHITESNAKE songs revived with the deep voice of Stefan Berggren, who is said to be the best of all time by enthusiasts.

1. Ready An’ Willing
2. Ain’t No Love In The Heart Of The City
3. Crying In The Rain
4. Fool For Your Loving
5. Take Me With You

Stefan Berggren – Vocals
Bernie Marsden – Guitar, Vocals (RIP)
Micky Moody – Guitar, Vocals
Neil Murray – Bass
Jimmy Copley – Drums (RIP)



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