Liam Gallagher / Lowlands Festivals 2022 / 1DVDR

Liam Gallagher / Lowlands Festivals 2022 / 1DVDR / Uxbridge
Lowlands Festival, Biddinghuizen, Netherlands 19th August 2022

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Liam Gallagher, who is energetically performing live activities in support of his new album “C’MON YOU KNOW”, ironically has not been able to broadcast live performances as much as a year ago at the same time. Hmm. As early as 2022, the legendary Knebworth was barely broadcast on the radio, but the live footage has not changed since this time last year.
However, in August, Liam’s latest stage was finally broadcast on TV. It was the Lowlands Festival in Holland on the 19th.
Since it was a short set for the festival on that day, all the songs were broadcast. Liam on this day appeared on the stage with a deep straw hat and looks reminiscent of Oasis 2005 Manchester.
The stage from June to July started with “Hello” as in the previous year, but in August it was dropped from the set list and suddenly evolved into a kick-ass opening with “Morning Glory”.
The raw sound mix that overwhelms you from such an opening. Liam’s singing voice has a texture that seems to be an illusion as if it were a live voice itself, and the stereo feeling that the back guitarist’s play is divided into left and right is also exquisite. You can imagine it as if it were the Liam version of Rolling Stones “WILTERN 2002”.

With such a vivid balance, the condition of Liam’s voice is exposed, but to my surprise, it was in perfect condition on this day. If you look at how the voice stretches from the two oasis numbers at the beginning and sings exactly, there is no doubt about this day.
The point of capturing Liam’s appearance in such excellent condition with the best image quality and sound quality is too high, but after all, the professional shot video take of “Roll It Over” that finally appeared!
This song can be said to be the biggest highlight of Liam’s repertoire this year. Here he starts by asking, “Is there anyone who likes Oasis here?”, But Liam started singing this maniac song.
Since it was a summer festival stage, there was an air of “What is this song?” So playing is the best. Finally, the pro shot video of this song appeared.

On the other hand, while “Slide Away”, which is far more major, shows great excitement, there is an incident that the guitar sound does not sound after the interlude. Hats off to the craftsmanship of the band members who keep playing without changing their facial expressions.
And in the repertoire from the new album, the live performance of “More Power”, which decorated the opening of the album, is truly wonderful. From that impressive chorus intro, it has more impact than the album, and above all, the venue is showing great excitement. And the feeling of active duty that the latest song excites is also impressive. Similarly, “Diamond in the Dark” from the new album has been cut on YouTube, or it has been uploaded in a mysterious state of recording only MC, but of course it is recorded firmly here.
It is the latest live video that must be talked about among maniacs all over the world just by being able to see the super rare repertoire “Roll It Over” with the highest image quality, but above all, Liam is doing great!

 ニューアルバム「C’MON YOU KNOW」を引っ提げて精力的なライブ活動を行っているリアム・ギャラガーですが、皮肉なことに一年前の同じ時期ほどライブの模様を捉えた放送が実現していません。早くも2022年の伝説と化したネブワースがかろうじてラジオで放送されてはいたものの、ライブ映像の方は昨年の今頃とは打って変わってご無沙汰。
 6月から7月までのステージでは前年同様「Hello」で幕を開けていましたが、8月に入るとセットリストから落とされ、いきなり「Morning Glory」から始まるというブチ上げオープニングへと進化。
 そんなオープニングから圧倒させられるのは何とも生々しいサウンド・ミックス。リアムの歌声はまるで生声そのものかと錯覚しそうな質感ですし、バックのギタリストのプレイが左右に分かれたステレオ感がまた絶妙。それはまるでローリング・ストーンズ「WILTERN 2002」のリアム版とでも例えれば想像してもらえるかと。
 そんな絶好調なリアムの姿を最高の画質&音質で捉えてくれたというポイントはあまりにも高いのですが、何と言っても遂に登場しました「Roll It Over」のプロショット映像テイク!
 その点はるかにメジャーな「Slide Away」では大きな盛り上がりを見せる一方、間奏の後でギターの音が鳴らなくなってしまうというハプニングが起きてしまいます。それでも表情一つ変えずに弾き続けるバンドメンバーの職人ぶりには脱帽。
 そしてニューアルバムからのレパートリーではアルバムのオープニングを飾った「More Power」のライブ映えが実に素晴らしい。あの印象的な合唱のイントロからしてアルバム以上にインパクトを与え、何より会場も大きな盛り上がりを見せている。そして最新曲が盛り上がるという現役感も感動的。同じようにニューアルバムからの「Diamond in the Dark」がYouTube上ではカットされていたり、あるいはMCだけの収録という謎編集な状態でアップされていますが、もちろんここではしっかり収録。
超レア・レパートリー「Roll It Over」が最高画質で見られるというだけでも世界中のマニアの間で話題となること必須の最新ライブ映像ですが、何よりリアムが絶好調!
1. Fuckin’ in the Bushes
2. Morning Glory
3. Rock ‘n’ Roll Star
4. Wall of Glass
5. C’mon You Know
6. Better Days 
7. Roll It Over
8. Slide Away
9. Soul Love
10. More Power
11. Diamond in the Dark
12. Once
13. Cigarettes & Alcohol
14. Wonderwall
15. Champagne Supernovan

Uxbridge 1729

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