Joe Walsh / LA Forum 1981 Mike Millard First Generation Tapes / 2CDR

Joe Walsh / LA Forum 1981 Mike Millard First Generation Tapes / 2CDR / Uxbridge

The Forum, Inglewood, CA, USA 18th July 1981

Play sample :

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There was a new development in the JEMS team that released the sound source of the legendary taper Mike Millard. When I hit a person around Millard about a sound source that seems to have lost the master while being on the list of recorded concerts he left behind, 10 performances of the first generation tape copied from his master Was also excavated.
It was a pleasant surprise for enthusiasts all over the world that they seemed to know everything about the Mirrored Master, and that 10 new discoveries were added. Joe Walsh’s 1981 LA Forum was released as the first of the new sound sources found in this way.
Mirrored’s LA Forum performance, which had been established as an artist even before joining the Eagles, and was realized at the best time when the album “Lovely Rogue” released after they stopped working also broke into the top 20 of the chart. He recorded it.

Actually, the tour at this time was done as “NEIGHBORHOOD TOUR” taken from the original title of the album “THE RE GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD”, but there is a strong service spirit to entertain the audience, and the repertoire from the new album. Is limited to two songs, and the entire set list is wonderfully composed as Joe Walsh Greatest Hits.
Partly because of that, the venue was very lively, and by that amount, the audience’s talk was picked up not a little around the mirrored. You may have been frustrated by the forum, which is the venue for your home, in this regard.
Unfortunately, the tape of this 1st gen. Copy was deteriorated, and the sound was slightly uneven around the right channel.
Because of that, it will be released on CD-R this time, but apart from this point, it is also a wonderful mirrored quality and stable LA forum recording.

In addition to an easy-to-understand set list that looks back on his own career, he is supported by the back of the iron wall by musicians who have a long relationship with Walsh such as Russ Kunkel and Joe Vitale, and he makes singing and guitar feel good. ..
Still, it seems that they are keeping an eye on the flow of the 1981 era, and it is no exaggeration to say that “The Bomber” during the James Gang era and “Rocky Mountain Way” is a specialty song of the American rock world in the 70’s. “I will play it in a surprisingly compact way.
Under such circumstances, his active role at that time can be felt in the place where “All Night Long”, which was released in 1980 and became his biggest hit, is showing the most excitement. In addition, since it is a mirrored recording, the call and response with the audience is also a perfect balance. Therefore, it is a level that does not matter even if you hear the deterioration of the tape mentioned earlier, and the classic of his audience album that captured the gokigen rock and roll show like Walsh with the best sound quality was born here. .. And finally, the Beatles’ “Get Back” concludes!

 実際この時のツアーはアルバムの原題「THERE GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD」から取った「NEIGHBORHOOD TOUR」として行われたのですが、そこは観客を楽しませようというサービス精神の強い彼らしく、ニューアルバムからのレパートリーは二曲にとどめ、セットリスト全体は見事なまでにジョー・ウォルシュ・グレイテストヒッツと化した構成がお見事。
 また今回の1st gen.コピーは残念ながらテープに劣化がみられ、若干ながら右チャンネルを中心に音のムラが生じてしまった。
 それでいて1981年という時代の流れもしっかり見据えているのが彼らしいところで、ジェームス・ギャング時代の「The Bomber」、さらには70年代アメリカン・ロック界のお家芸ソングといっても過言ではない「Rocky Mountain Way」も意外なほどコンパクトにまとめて演奏してみせる。
 そうした中、むしろ80年にリリースされて自身最大のヒットとなった「All Night Long」が一番の盛り上がりを見せているところに当時の彼の現役ぶりが感じられます。おまけにミラード録音ですので観客とのコール・アンド・レスポンスも絶妙なバランス。よって先に触れたテープの劣化など聞いていて問題にならなくなるレベルですし、いかにもウォルシュらしいゴキゲンなロックンロール・ショーを極上音質で捉えてくれた彼のオーディエンス・アルバムの定番がここに誕生しました。そして最後はビートルズの「Get Back」で締めくくり!
Disc 1 (48:10)
1. Intro
2. Meadows
3. Over And Over
4. In The City
5. A Life Of Illusion
6. Lady On The Rock
7. The Bomber
8. Dreams
9. Theme From Boat Weirdos
Disc 2 (54:17)
1. Funk #49
2. Turn To Stone
3. You Never Know
4. Life’s Been Good
5. Rocky Mountain Way
6. All Night Long
7. Get Back
Joe Walsh – Guitar, Vocal
George Perry – Bass, Vocal
Russ Kunkel – Drums, Percussion
Joe Vitale – Drums, Percussion
Jay Ferguson – Keyboards


Uxbridge 1630

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