Joe Cocker / Costa Mesa 1991 Mike Millard Master Tapes / 2CDR

Joe Cocker / Costa Mesa 1991 Mike Millard Master Tapes / 2CDR / Uxbridge
Live at Pacific Amphitheatre, Costa Mesa, CA, USA 23rd July 1991

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This week’s Mirrored Master is another amazing Joe Cocker. What’s more, Millard recorded his stage in 1991, another surprising time. It seems that it was the same for JEMS who released it, and it is said that the episode about recording is rarely shortened (laugh).
However, it was an interesting time for Millard to record, and the live album “JOE COCKER LIVE” was released the previous year after the stage in 1989, and the new album “NIGHT CALLS” was about to be released this year. That time. However, the album will be released in the United States a little later.
Therefore, although the rough composition is in line with the live album, it is said that songs from “NIGHT CALLS” such as “Love Is Alive” and Blind Faith’s cover “Can’t Find My Way Home” have already been performed. The offensive composition is fresh now.
Besides, the blockbuster song “Up Where We Belong” is a surprising treatment that is sung smoothly in the first half of the live. If this were a Japanese stage, it would be a big excitement, but here in Costa Mesa, “You Can Leave Your Hat On” used in the nostalgic movie “9 1/2 Weeks”, and more than that, Ray Charles’ “Unchain My Heart” The place that is showing a bigger excitement is the national pattern.

And after all, the sound quality was outstanding, and the mirrored quality, which is the highest peak of audience recording, exploded this time as well. The sound image is extremely on, and you can enjoy not only the enthusiastic singing of Cocker but also the back performance by the gorgeous members like a sound board. It was
In addition, unlike the time of “JOE COCKER LIVE”, John Miles (died last year), who is known to be a vocalist in Jimmy Page’s band as a rock fan, on this tour has a guitar, a keyboard, and a backing chorus. Great success. This probably came from the fact that he participated in the recording of “NIGHT CALLS”.
As for the piano, there is Chris Stainton who has a long relationship with Cocker, so Miles is mainly in charge of the synth. The tone is nostalgic and makes you feel the times, but this is also the vividness of mirrored recording.
In addition, the backing band is a gorgeous rhythm section with former Wings Steve Holly and bassist TM Stevens, and their solo rotation is fully featured in the finale “High Time We Went”. This development was also seen in “JOE COCKER LIVE”, where Stevens’ bass solo was cut off at the time of live album production, where a 10-minute performance and a showcase for each member Is also complete.
And with the support of a talented musician, Cocker sings in a very pleasant way. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the best audience live album that combines the amazing mirrored quality with the set list full of masterpieces that seemed to be defeated by “JOE COCKER LIVE” and summed up his career. Above all, you can enjoy the live version of “Up Where We Belong” with the best quality mirrored recording!

★ As expected mirrored. Astonishing ultra-high sound quality.

しかしミラードが録音してくれたのは面白い時期で、前年には1989年のステージを収めらライブアルバム「JOE COCKER LIVE」がリリースされ、この年はニューアルバム「NIGHT CALLS」がリリースを控えていたという時期。ただしアメリカで同アルバムがリリースされるのは少し先のこと。
よって大まかな構成は同ライブアルバムに沿ったものでありながら、既に「Love Is Alive」やブラインド・フェイスのカバー「Can’t Find My Way Home」といった「NIGHT CALLS」収録曲が演奏されているという攻めの構成が今となっては新鮮。
その上、大ヒット曲「愛と青春の旅立ち」はライブ前半でサラッと歌われるという意外な扱い。これが日本のステージだとしたら大盛り上がりなのでしょうが、ここコスタ・メサではむしろ懐かしの映画「ナインハーフ」に使われた「You Can Leave Your Hat On」、それ以上にレイ・チャールズの「Unchain My Heart」でより大きな盛り上がりを見せているところがお国柄。

おまけに「JOE COCKER LIVE」の時と違い、このツアーではロックファンにジミー・ペイジのバンドでボーカリストを務めたことで知られるジョン・マイルズ(昨年亡くなられました)がギターにキーボード、そしてバックコーラスに大活躍。これは彼が「NIGHT CALLS」のレコーディングに参加した縁から実現したのでしょう。
さらにバックバンドは元ウイングスのスティーブ・ホリーにベーシストがTMスティーブンスという豪華なリズム隊でして、フィナーレ「High Time We Went」では彼らのソロ回しもたっぷりフィーチャー。この展開は「JOE COCKER LIVE」でも見られたものですが、そこではライブアルバム制作時にスティーブンスのベースソロがバッサリとカットされてしまっており、ここでは10分にも及ぶ演奏や各メンバーの見せ場もしっかりコンプリート。
そして有能なミュージシャンに支えられてコッカーは実に気持ち良さそうに歌い上げる。「JOE COCKER LIVE」に負けじと彼のキャリアを総ざらいしたような名曲満載のセットリストはもちろん、そこに驚異のミラード・クオリティが合わさった最高のオーディエンス・ライブアルバムと呼んでも過言ではない。何より「愛と青春の旅立ち」のライブバージョンが極上音質のミラード録音で楽しめるだなんて!


Disc 1 (52:13)
1. Intro
2. Cry Me A River
3. Feelin’ Alright?
4. Hitchcock Railway
5. Can’t Find My Way Home
6. Up Where We Belong
7. Shelter Me
8. Just To Keep From Drowning
9. Guilty
10. Lonely Avenue
11. You Can Leave Your Hat On
12. Band Introductions
13. When The Night Comes

Disc 2 (40:54)
1. Love Is Alive
2. Unchain My Heart
3. With A Little Help From My Friends
4. You Are So Beautiful
5. The Letter
6. High Time We Went

Joe Cocker – vocals
Chris Stainton – keyboards
John Miles – keyboard, guitar, vocals
Phil Grande – guitar
Steve Holley – drums
T. M. Stevens – bass
Deric Dyer – saxophone
Sydney Davies – backing vocals
Maxine Sharp – backing vocals

Uxbridge 1616

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