Jeff Beck / Wallingford 1999 Soundboard / 2CDR

Jeff Beck / Wallingford 1999 Soundboard / 2CDR / Uxbridge
SNET Oakdale Theatre, Wallingford, CT, USA 21st March 1999

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Jeff Beck in 1999 raised the signal of revival with the long-awaited masterpiece “WHO ELSE!”. A soundboard album that will pour the live performance of the spirit into your brain is now available.
Such a work is recorded in “Wallingford performance on March 21, 1999”. It is the stereo sound board recording. “WHO ELSE!” itself was an original album after a long time, but in fact, 1999 was a revival period in terms of live performances. In order to explain the meaning, let’s look back on the schedule at that time a little wider.

● 1996/1997: No tour
● 1998
・ July 7-October 22: Europe (20 performances)
● 1999
《“WHO ELSE!” Released on March 16》
・March 15-April 18: North America #1 (22 performances) ← here
・ May 23-June 3: Japan (9 performances)
・ August 13-September 28: North America # 2 (24 performances)
・ October 9th + 10th: UK (2 performances)

This is the live performance from 1996 to 1999 (one-off event appearances omitted). In 1995, we did a medium-sized North American tour, but after that we were silent on a yearly basis. With the European tour in 1998 as an opportunity, they resumed their activities and went into a storm of “WHO ELSE!”. In addition, since the beginning of the 2000s, live activities have continued constantly. There are waves in the number of venues, but I continued to do some kind of stage every year until the new corona pandemic. It is clear from the schedule how the late 90’s was a time of hesitation for Jeff’s career, and the revival of 1998/1999 was a big turning point.
In any case, the Wallingford performance of this work is the beginning of such a revival. It was a concert that was the 6th performance of “North America # 1”. If you are an avid collector, you may remember “WHO ELSE! IN USA”, but this work is completely different. While “WHO ELSE! IN USA” was an audience recording, this work is a gorigori sound board sound representation.
And what’s more, the quality is amazing. What is most intense is the direct feeling of a class that has been thrust into the brain. Even if you say “sound board” in one word, there are various types, but this work is a so-called “mix desk direct connection system”. Unlike official live albums and FM broadcasts, the mix is not prepared with home audio in mind, and there is no overdubbing of cheers to create the mood of the venue. A vivid mix for the on-site PA is recorded as it is unreservedly / unprocessed.
For this reason, the degree of perfection as a musical work does not match that of official works, but on the contrary, it is superior in the powerfulness of the 100% raw performance and the sense of synchronism that integrates the live performance with the whole body. Since the vibration of the string being plucked is recorded without any output, the sound that is running through the inside of the PA system is injected into the brain. This real thrill is something that can never be tasted even in official works (although it is not as beautiful). It is a pleasure that grabs the hearts of soundboard maniacs. And this work is the far north of the directly connected sound board. There are scenes that are too vivid and even noise that makes contact with the peak of the electronic sound is bad, but we have treated it as much as possible with meticulous mastering. The low temperature that is too strong is also organized, and the vivid guitar is finished with a sound that stands out even more.
A full show that has just been revived is depicted with such a high-class direct sound. Speaking of Jeff in 1999, the broadcast pro shot of the performance in Japan is the standard, so let’s organize it while comparing it at the end.

– Who Else! (9 songs)
・What Mama Said/Psycho Sam/Brush With The Blues/Blast From The East/Declan/THX 138/Space For The Papa/Angel (Footsteps)/Even Odds
● Classics, etc. (10 songs)
・Blow By Blow: ‘Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers
・Wired: Led Boots (★) / Blue Wind
・There and Back: Star Cycle/The Pump/You Never Know
・Guitar shop: Savoy/Where Were You (★)/Big Block
・Other: A Day In The Life
* Note: “★” marks are songs that cannot be heard in the standard professional shots of the Tokyo performance.

“Anyway, it’s a super direct sound.” It is one that is full of the charm of a “directly connected sound board” that is different from an official live work that aims to be a music work, and an audience recording that is full of the experience of a concert. When listening with headphones, it was a sound board album that could be integrated with the guitar as if a plug was stuck in the ear, and its owner was Jeff Beck, who was expecting a revival. It is a shocking work that I would like his brothers who want to engrave his life into their hearts to experience.

* Stereo sound board recording of “March 21, 1999 Wallingford performance”. It’s directly connected to the mixing desk, and has a strong direct feeling as if a plug was stuck in your ear. Furthermore, in this work, the original sound has been polished by mastering, and the guitar has been finished with a sound that stands out even more. Including “Led Boots” and “Where Were You” that can not be heard in the Japanese performance pro shot, it is a de-class sound board album in which Jeff’s live performance, which has been revived with “WHO ELSE!”, is poured into the brain.

久々の力作『WHO ELSE!』と共に復活の狼煙を上げた1999年のジェフ・ベック。その気迫の生演奏を脳みそに流し込んでくれるサウンドボード・アルバムが登場です。
そんな本作が記録されているのは「1999年3月21日ウォーリングフォード公演」。そのステレオ・サウンドボード録音です。『WHO ELSE!』自体が久しぶりのオリジナル・アルバムでもありましたが、実はライヴの面でも1999年は復活期でした。その意味をご説明する為にも、ちょっと広めに当時のスケジュールを振り返ってみましょう。

《3月16日『WHO ELSE!』発売》

これが1996年ー1999年のライヴ活動(単発のイベント出演は省略)。1995年には中規模の北米ツアーを行いましたが、その後は年単位で沈黙。1998年の欧州ツアーを契機に活動を再開し、『WHO ELSE!』へと雪崩れ込んでいったわけです。なお、2000年代に入ってからはコンスタントにライヴ活動も継続。場数に波こそありますが、新型コロナ・パンデミックまで毎年何らかのステージを続けていました。ジェフのキャリアにとっていかに90年代後半が雌伏の時であり、1998/1999年の復活が大きいターニング・ポイントだったかがスケジュールの面からも透けるのです。
ともあれ、本作のウォーリングフォード公演は、そんな復活間もない序盤。「北米#1」の6公演目にあたるコンサートでした。熱心なコレクター諸兄なら『WHO ELSE! IN USA』を思い出されるかも知れませんが、本作はまったくの別物。『WHO ELSE! IN USA』がオーディエンス録音だったのに対し、本作はゴリッゴリのサウンドボード音現なのです。

・What Mama Said/Psycho Sam/Brush With The Blues/Blast From The East/Declan/THX 138/Space For The Papa/Angel (Footsteps)/Even Odds
・ブロウ・バイ・ブロウ:’Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers
・ワイアード:Led Boots(★)/Blue Wind
・ゼア・アンド・バック:Star Cycle/The Pump/You Never Know
・ギター・ショップ:Savoy/Where Were You(★)/Big Block
・その他:A Day In The Life


★「1999年3月21日ウォーリングフォード公演」のステレオ・サウンドボード録音。ミックス卓直結系で、耳にプラグを突っ込まれたようなダイレクト感が強烈。さらに本作では原音をマスタリングで磨き込み、ギターがより一層浮き立つサウンドに仕上げました。日本公演プロショットでは聴けない「Led Boots」「Where Were You」も含め、『WHO ELSE!』で復活を果たしたジェフの生演奏が脳みそに流し込まれるド級のサウンドボード・アルバムです。

Disc 1 (57:47)
1. What Mama Said
2. Psycho Sam
3. Brush With The Blues
4. Star Cycle
5. Savoy
6. Blast From The East
7. A Day In The Life
8. Declan
9. THX138
10. The Pump
11. Led Boots
12. Drum Solo

Disc 2 (45:39)
1. Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers
2. Space For The Papa
3. Angel (Footsteps)
4. Even Odds
5. You Never Know
6. Where Were You?
7. Big Block
8. Blue Wind

Jeff Beck – guitar
Jennifer Batten – guitar, guitar synthesizer
Randy Hope-Taylor – bass
Steve Alexander – drums

Uxbridge 1826

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