Jeff Beck / Definitive Toronto 1999 / 2CD

Jeff Beck / Definitive Toronto 1999 / 2CD / Wardour

Massey Hall, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 24th March 1999

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In 1999, Jeff Beck brought an end to the unfortunate 1990s with his ambitious work “WHO ELSE!”. A shocking new masterpiece is born that allows you to experience the revived full show at its finest.
What is inscribed in this work is “March 28, 1999 Toronto performance”. It is a transcendental audience recording. In 1990, Jeff had fallen into a long stagnation period, but he made a sudden comeback with his new album “WHO ELSE!” featuring Jennifer Batten. He has also resumed his full-scale tour activities. First of all, let’s look back at the overall picture of the memorable world tour, which was the first performance in Japan in 10 years.

・July 7th – October 22nd: Europe (20 performances) ← *FREE JAZZ FESTIVAL 1998
[“WHO ELSE!” released on March 16th] ・March 15th – April 18th: North America #1 (22 performances) ←★Here★
・May 23rd – June 3rd: Japan (9 performances) ← *DEFINITIVE TOKYO 1999 and others
・August 13th – September 28th: North America #2 (24 performances)
・October 9th + 10th: UK (2 performances)

This is a panoramic view of the activities associated with “WHO ELSE!” In 1996/1997, there were only a few event appearances and almost no live activities, and they made a long-awaited comeback in the summer of 1998. From this point on, the tour began with the same four members as the tour in Japan. The Toronto performance of this work is the 9th performance in the middle of “North America #1”, which began after the album was released. It was also a concert about two months before I came to Japan.
This work conveys such a show with a transcendent sound that will blow your mind. “WHO ELSE! Tour” is full of masterpieces recorded in Japan, including “DEFINITIVE TOKYO 1999 (Wardour-275)”, so I thought there would be no press for it now, but it’s ridiculous. The sound of this work is not at the level that the performance venue would say. A sense of close contact with absolutely no sense of distance, an extremely thick density when it’s on, a detail that you can feel from the sound of the bass to the vibration of the skin of the drums, and a wonderful sense of separation that doesn’t mix in the slightest even when everyone performs their techniques. It must be a guest recording since the prestigious Krw_co has released it as an audience, but even when listening with headphones, I couldn’t feel any spatial components at all, and I was wondering, “What on earth is this audience recording?” It keeps spinning around in my head.
In fact, even if you play it alternately with the familiar “DEFINITIVE TOKYO 1999”, it doesn’t sound any worse. Normally, no matter how great the audience is, the stereo feeling will be inferior, but even that is only 5 minutes. If you use shuffle playback, you won’t know which song is currently playing.
Moreover, this work is the highest peak updated edition that further refines such a new excavated master. The net sound source was more than press-grade as it was, but the bass was too high and the overall balance was slightly lost. In this work, along with pitch and phase, these ranges are also balanced, raising the level of perfection as a musical work. Another point is the opening scene. In fact, the only drawback of this recording is the delay in the start of recording. I failed to record about 30 seconds at the beginning. In this work, it is patched with a separate recording. We created it so that you can fully enjoy the full show.
In this way, this work has an educational sound comparable to the super masterpiece “DEFINITIVE TOKYO 1999”, but the show content is slightly different from the Japanese performance. Let’s organize the sets while comparing them here.

●Who Else! (9 songs)
・What Mama Said/Psycho Sam/Brush With The Blues/Blast From The East/Declan/THX 138/Space For The Papa/Angel (Footsteps)/Even Odds
●Classics and others (10 songs)
・There and Back: Star Cycle/The Pump/You Never Know
・Guitar Shop: Savoy/Where Were You (★)/Big Block
・Others: A Day In The Life/Led Boots (★)/’Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers/Blue Wind
*Note: Songs marked with “★” cannot be heard on the soundboard super masterpiece “DEFINITIVE TOKYO 1999”.

…and it looks like this. Rather than replacing the songs, the style is to perform all the repertoire heard on “DEFINITIVE TOKYO 1999” and add two more songs. Regardless of the broadcast slot, you can fully enjoy the full show because the audience is recorded consistently from beginning to end. Moreover, the performance that spells out such a stage is also exquisite. It’s not surprising that this is the ninth performance of a new band’s tour, but the ensemble is quite proficient, probably because they played the “European” leg the previous year. On top of that, the excitement of resuming activities has not lost its freshness yet, and you can enjoy a passionate performance that is equal to the Japanese performance… no, even more exciting.
Jeff Beck on the “WHO ELSE! Tour” has made a complete comeback. This is a new masterpiece that allows you to fully experience the scene with a transcendental sound comparable to the super famous album “DEFINITIVE TOKYO 1999”. I can’t stop recording the audience because I suddenly come across recordings like this. This is a press 2CD that has been permanently preserved for collectors. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

★Excellent audience recording of “March 28, 1999 Toronto Performance”. A new master of complete soundboard quality that was recently released. If you play it in shuffle with the actual SBD super masterpiece “DEFINITIVE TOKYO 1999”, you won’t know which one is playing. Moreover, this work has been refined through careful mastering, the missing 30 seconds of recording have been supplemented, and the sound has been improved to be more balanced. This is the birth of a new masterpiece that allows you to experience the full “WHO ELSE! Tour”.

意欲作『WHO ELSE!』を携えて不遇の90年代に終止符を打った1999年のジェフ・ベック。復活のフルショウを超極上体験できる衝撃の新名盤が誕生です。
そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「1999年3月28日トロント公演」。その超絶級オーディエンス録音です。90年のジェフは長い停滞期に陥っていたわけですが、ジェニファー・バトゥンを迎えた新機軸『WHO ELSE!』で一気に復活。本格的なツアー活動も再開させました。まずは、10年ぶりの来日公演も思い出深いワールド・ツアーの全体像から振り返ってみましょう。

・7月7日ー10月22日:欧州(20公演)←※FREE JAZZ FESTIVAL 1998
《3月16日『WHO ELSE!』発売》
・5月23日ー6月3日:日本(9公演)←※DEFINITIVE TOKYO 1999他

これが『WHO ELSE!』に伴う活動全景。1996年/1997年にはわずかなイベント出演だけでライヴ活動はほとんどなく、1998年夏に満を持しての復活。この時点から来日公演と同じ4人でツアーを開始しました。本作のトロント公演は、その後アルバムがリリースされてから始まった「北米#1」の中盤9公演目。来日の約2ヶ月前のコンサートでもありました。
そんなショウを伝える本作は、ド肝を抜く超絶サウンド。“WHO ELSE! Tour”は『DEFINITIVE TOKYO 1999(Wardour-275)』を筆頭とした来日録音が名作揃いなので、今さらプレスは……と思ったのですが、とんでもない。本作のサウンドは、公演地がどうこう言うレベルじゃない。完全に距離感ゼロなド密着感、オンで極太な密度、ベースのハネやドラムの皮の振動まで感じるディテール、全員が妙技をぶつけ合っても微塵も混じらない見事すぎるセパレート感。名門「Krw_co」がオーディエンスとして公開しているので客録に違いないのでしょうが、ヘッドフォンで耳を澄ませても空間成分がまるで感じられず、「一体、これのどこがオーディエンス録音!?」との疑念が頭の中をグルグルまわってしまう。
実際、お馴染み『DEFINITIVE TOKYO 1999』と交互に再生しても、まったく聴き劣りしない。普通、いくら超極上オーディエンスでもステレオ感ぐらいは負けるものですが、それすら五分。シャッフル再生にすると、今どっちが流れているのか分からなくなるほどです。
このように超名盤『DEFINITIVE TOKYO 1999』にも匹敵する教学サウンドの本作ですが、ショウ内容は日本公演とはやや異なっている。ここで比較しながらセットを整理しておきましょう。

・What Mama Said/Psycho Sam/Brush With The Blues/Blast From The East/Declan/THX 138/Space For The Papa/Angel (Footsteps)/Even Odds
・ゼア・アンド・バック:Star Cycle/The Pump/You Never Know
・ギター・ショップ:Savoy/Where Were You(★)/Big Block
・その他:A Day In The Life/Led Boots(★)/’Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers/Blue Wind
※注:「★」印はサウンドボード超名盤『DEFINITIVE TOKYO 1999』では聴けない曲。

……と、このようになっています。曲の入れ替えではなく、『DEFINITIVE TOKYO 1999』で聴けたレパートリーは全部演奏しつつ、さらに2曲上乗せされたスタイル。放送枠も関係なく、終始一貫で録音されるオーディエンスだからこそのフルショウをたっぷり味わえるのです。しかも、そんなステージを綴るパフォーマンスも絶品。新バンドによるツアー9公演目というと手探りなところがあってもおかしくないのですが、前年に「欧州」レッグをこなしていたせいかアンサンブルも十分に熟達。その上で活動再開の意気上がるテンションはまだ鮮度を失っておらず、日本公演と同等……いや、それ以上の熱演が楽しめるのです。
完全復活を遂げた“WHO ELSE! Tour”のジェフ・ベック。その現場を超名盤『DEFINITIVE TOKYO 1999』に匹敵する超絶サウンドでフル体験できてしまう新名盤です。こんな録音のふっと出逢えてしまうからオーディエンス録音は止められない。そんなコレクター冥利まで永久保存したプレス2CD。どうぞ、心ゆくまで味わい尽くしてください。

★「1999年3月28日トロント公演」の超絶級オーディエンス録音。最近になって公開された完全サウンドボード級の新マスター。実際のSBD超名盤『DEFINITIVE TOKYO 1999』とシャッフル再生するとどっちが流れているのか分からなくなるほどです。しかも本作は細心マスタリングで磨き込み、録音漏れの冒頭部30秒が補完され、サウンドもよりバランス良くブラッシュアップ。“WHO ELSE! Tour”を超絶フル体験できる新名盤の誕生です。

Disc 1 (48:15)
1. What Mama Said ★0:00 – 0:33 DVD音声イコライズして補填。
2. Psycho Sam
3. Brush With The Blues
4. Star Cycle
5. Savoy
6. Blast From The East
7. A Day In The Life
8. Declan
9. THX 138
10. The Pump

Disc 2 (49:31)
1. Led Boots
2. Drum Solo
3. Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers
4. Space For The Papa
5. Angel (Footsteps)
6. Even Odds
7. You Never Know
8. Blue Wind
9. Band Introductions
10. Where Were You
11. Big Block

Jeff Beck – Guitar
Jennifer Batten – Guitar & Guitar-Synthesizer
Randy Hope-Taylor – Bass
Steve Alexander – Drums



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