Deep Purple / Danish Yodel Reel To Reel Master / 2CDR

Deep Purple / Danish Yodel Reel To Reel Master / 2CDR / Non Label

Translated text:
Live at Vejlby-Risskov Hallen, Arhus, Denmark 24th April 1971



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Than the second quarter DEEP PURPLE is in 1971 that was a string of tremendous great performance as every time live, one of the press CD class is the emergency release determined by the gift title of surprise! From so far of its outstanding sound source of the title, the Danish Ahasu performances of April 24, which is commonly known as “DANISH YODEL” to fans, was digitized directly from the original reel master recording’s public, all of PURPLE is the audience and the source of the fan must listen!

This live is good audience recording is known, various types of its outstanding title of have been released until now. “DANISH YODEL MASTER” which appeared from Darker Than Blue label Among them is to direct use your own get the sound source from overseas taper, best live was revived at a high freshness has stunned all of PURPLE fan.
Of the sound source master, “than it was recorded using a reel tape?” The characteristics of the high sound quality and recording had been imagined. The sound source that appeared abroad this time, just the original reel master! At the stage of “DANISH YODEL MASTER”, clearness and realistic reproduction of the sound, but had been referred to as the “ultra-high sound quality that is comparable to modern DAT recording”, this recording is a natural further does not feel any of the equalization tone and, in a natural sound, such as whole package to the air of the venue, in the splendor of sound with the name board of the original master will be overwhelmed.
In addition, as a major feature of the sound source, in the conventional already issued there was a break, “Child In Time” and there is no break between the songs of “Wring That Neck”, include a point to listen in the series of flow the two songs masu (for this reason, “Wring that Neck” is also recorded on the disk 1). The live at the time more clearly the contents and was revived as a realistic document, the fan in the “I wonder why is this gift?” (In a good way) will give a sense of discomfort and surprise!

As we have also been crowned on the same day the sound source of the title until now, in this time of live-saving beginning, Guillain sing placed on a Swiss folk song style of jam for feeding the band only “Yodel” is a big feature ( “it ish” in different How can the yodel of this type). Kyokuso Impact perfect score by itself to put Broken code of Richie Guillain is idyllic to sing. It places usually there from Kanpatsu Irezu “Speed ​​King” if is to knock out the fans exploded, this day occurs PA trouble just before the rush to the “Speed ​​King”, the laughter of the audience down playing I got invited. Here Pace is quick to show off the drum solo (that should not exist in the plan). The point that maintains the venue of the tension in the accurate assessment of the situation is a performance that truly it can be said that “the second quarter even heyday”.
Here bands marked with breath, it slammed the tremendous performance to the audience from the “Speed ​​King” of refocus. This is too intense play also, in this film you roar with realistic highest sound quality!
In addition the same year new song that has just been announced in February, “Strange Kind Of Woman” is also great to listen to stations. As compared with the ’72 years of playing not fully still lump the pattern of the call-and-response, it is interesting also groping sense of initial unique.
Heavy as from “Into The Fire” is, each song is more than 20 minutes, “Child In Time”, “Wring That Neck” appeared! Draws and the listeners to the frontiers of improvisation and interplay that it can be said that the peak even the second quarter PURPLE. The Ritchie and John of solo a great play full of Clie tee Vie tee, Guillain of vocal screaming juvenile delicacy and madness are crossing is also overwhelming. If the two songs that can be enjoyed on series of flow, is mysterious because further intense feel to the impression of live!
In the disk 2 further “Mandrake Root” is also exploding. “Child In Time” performance that more than 70 minutes in only three songs to the “Mandrake Root” from, it is unlikely in the current live that became a music-driven. Still many of the play to be ever-changing, not feel any of the slump on hand to listen, we will fling up without last be getting tired! Featured in the encore with “Black Night,” “Lucille” will also be paid out in more complete 1970 live. Is DRIVE feeling the best so as to swing even in the hard of. Listening hand also forget too much time is, will would have been drawn into playing heyday PURPLE!

Also live in the second quarter DEEP PURPLE, from the splendor of the performance and its sound quality, is that name recordings obtained exceptionally large support, and revived here in the original master! Even in people who have already issued a variety of titles, should this sound source is not to be missed. If the original is as it is one it is desirable to be pressed on CD, but because this time enjoy the early fans, it became the urgent release of the gift title. Do not miss the opportunity for a limited time to an absolute, please get this work by all means!

第二期DEEP PURPLEが凄まじい名演を毎回のように連発していた1971年のライヴより、プレスCD級の一本が驚きのギフト・タイトルで緊急リリース決定です! これまでの既発音源のタイトルから、ファンに「DANISH YODEL」と通称される4月24日のデンマーク・アーハス公演が、録音者公開のオリジナル・リール・マスターからダイレクトにデジタル化した、全てのPURPLEファン必聴のオーディエンス・ソースです!

このライヴは優良なオーディエンス録音が知られ、今まで各種の既発タイトルがリリースされてきました。その中でもDarker Than Blueレーベルから登場した「DANISH YODEL MASTER」は、海外テーパーより独自入手した音源をダイレクト使用し、高い鮮度で蘇った最高のライヴは、全てのPURPLEファンを驚愕させました。
その音源のマスターは、高い音質と録音の特性から「リール・テープを用いて録音されたのでは?」と想像されていました。今回海外で登場した本音源は、まさにそのオリジナル・リール・マスター! 「DANISH YODEL MASTER」の段階で、サウンドのクリアネスやリアルな再現性は「現代のDAT録音に匹敵する超高音質」と言われていましたが、本録音はさらに一切のイコライズを感じさせないナチュラルな音色や、会場の空気まで丸ごとパッケージしたような自然な音響で、名盤のオリジナル・マスターが持つサウンドの素晴らしさには圧倒されてしまいます。
また、本音源の大きな特徴として、従来の既発では切れ目があった「Child In Time」と「Wring That Neck」の曲間に切れ目が無く、二つの曲を一連の流れで聴ける点が挙げられます(そのため「Wring That Neck」もディスク1に収録)。当時のライヴをより明瞭に、かつリアルなドキュメントとして蘇らせた内容は、ファンに「なぜこれがギフトなのだろう?」と(良い意味での)違和感と驚きを与えるでしょう!

今まで同日音源のタイトルにも冠されてきたとおり、この時期のライヴはショウ冒頭において、バンドの繰り出すスイス民謡風のジャムに乗せてギランが歌う「Yodel」が大きな特徴(”それっぽい”だけで本式のヨーデルとは異なるのですが)。リッチーのブロークンコード乗せてギランがのどかに歌う曲想はそれだけでインパクト満点。通常ならそこから間髪いれず「Speed King」が炸裂してファンをノックアウトする所ですが、この日は「Speed King」に突入する直前でPAトラブルが発生し、演奏がダウンして観客の笑いを誘ってしまっています。ここでペイスがすかさず、(予定に無かったはずの)ドラムソロを披露。的確な状況判断で会場のテンションを維持している点はさすがに「第二期でも絶頂期」といえるパフォーマンスです。
ここで一息ついたバンドは、仕切り直しの「Speed King」から凄まじい演奏をオーディエンスへ叩きつけます。この強烈過ぎるプレイも、本作ではリアルな最高音質で轟きます!
さらに同年2月に発表されたばかりの新曲「Strange Kind Of Woman」も大きな聴き所。’72年の演奏と較べてコール・アンド・レスポンスのパターンがまだ固まりきっておらず、初期ならではの手探り感も興味深いです。
ヘヴィな「Into The Fire」からは、それぞれの曲が20分を越える「Child In Time」・「Wring That Neck」が登場! 聴き手を第二期PURPLEでもピークといえるアドリブとインタープレイの境地へと引き込みます。リッチーとジョンのソロはクリエティヴィティに満ちた素晴らしいプレイで、繊細さと狂気じみた絶叫が交錯するギランのヴォーカルも圧倒的です。この2曲が一連の流れで楽しめると、ライヴの印象までさらに強烈に感じるから不思議です!
ディスク2ではさらに「Mandrake Root」も炸裂。「Child In Time」から「Mandrake Root」まで3曲だけで70分超えという演奏は、楽曲主導となった現在のライヴでは考えにくい事。それでも千変万化するプレイの数々は、聴き手に一切の中だるみを感じさせず、飽きる事無くラストまで突き進んでいきます! アンコールで取り上げられる「Black Night」と「Lucille」も、’70年ライヴ以上の完成度で繰り出されます。ハードさの中にもスウィングするようなドライヴ感が最高です。聴き手は時が過ぎるのも忘れて、絶頂期PURPLEの演奏へ引き込まれてしまうでしょう!

第二期DEEP PURPLEのライヴでも、その音質と演奏の素晴らしさから、ひときわ大きい支持を得ている名録音が、オリジナル・マスターでここに蘇ります! 既発の各種タイトルを持っている人でも、この音源は見逃せないはず。本来ならばそのままプレスCD化されるのが望ましい一本ですが、今回はいち早くファンの皆さんにお楽しみ頂くため、ギフト・タイトルでの緊急リリースとなりました。期間限定のチャンスを絶対にお見逃し無く、ぜひ本作をゲットしてください!

Disc 1(72:53)
1. Intro. 2. Yodel 3. Drum Solo 4. Speed King 5. Strange Kind Of Woman 6. Into The Fire
7. Child In Time 8. Wring That Neck

Disc 2
1. Intro. 2. Mandrake Root 3. Black Night 4. Lucille

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