Pink Floyd / Ultimate Millard / 3CD

Pink Floyd / Ultimate Millard / 3CD / Sigma

Live at Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena, Los Angeles, CA, USA 26th April 1975

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Rock history giant PINK FLOYD and audience recording culture great Mike Millard. The super-name recording created by the crystals of two great talents has been brushed up. The ultimate version refined by obsessive mastering by “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is now available on Permanent Preservation Press 3CD.

[History of legendary recording that has evolved in the same way as official works] Of course, what is engraved in this work is “April 26, 1975 Los Angeles performance”. Along with LED ZEPPELIN and YES, it is a super masterpiece audience recording that solidified the fame of the absolute master Mirrored. If you’ve noticed this article, you probably haven’t heard this recording before. It is a masterpiece of Mirrored Ayu, and it is a large standard among the standard that has produced an infinite number of existing groups. However, even if you have heard the contents of the live, there may be some people who do not understand the position of the show unexpectedly. It’s also a good opportunity, so let’s check the position of the show from the overall picture of “WISH YOU WERE HERE Tour”.

・ April 8-21: North America # 1a (8 performances)
・ April 23-27: North America # 1b (LA5 performance) ← ★ Here ★
・ June 7-28: North America # 2 (15 performances)
・ July 5: Appearance at Knebworth Festival
“September 12,” WISH YOU WERE HERE “released”

This is the 1975 PINK FLOYD. Except for Knebworth in July, the April edition “North America # 1” and the June edition “North America # 2” were all held in North America. The last of “North America # 1” was 5 consecutive performances at “Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena”, and this work was recorded on the 4th day.
And, the reason why a large number of existing groups were born from this recording is also because the upgrades have been repeated. For example, the official studio masterpiece has various tastes such as new media and new technology remastering, and it repeats recurrence, but this also requires “ultimate sound”. The same is true for the horizon on which mirrored recordings stand, and all possibilities were tested to open up “further” and “unknown territory beyond the ultimate.” Following that fate, this recording was repeatedly upgraded to run alongside the long history of collectors, and even at our shop, “PINK MILLARD”, “LOS ANGELSE 1975 4TH NIGHT”, “DEFINITIVE MILLARD”, “LOS ANGELES 1975 4TH NIGHT: MIKE MILLARD ORIGINAL MASTER TAPES” Successive groups such as have made progress in evolution. And this work is the latest and most advanced version of 2021.

[Mastering the soul that does not overlook the deterioration over time of the original] Because it is a super-legendary recording that shines in the history of recording, it is meaningless to say that it is “just like an official” and “the core is XX and the sound is ◇◇”. Naturally, it is transcendent, and the question is, “Where was there room for improvement?” The best way to understand it is to talk about what you are doing. Of course, the base of this work is the original Omoto master. It is a master who also has a real voice that Millard himself tests the microphone. On top of that, the point is mastering the soul by “GRAF ZEPPELIN”.
The awesomeness is the obsessive accuracy. The basic pitch adjustment is also rigorous so that random changes are not overlooked, and the leveling of volume and sound pressure is stable in an instant. The noise processing is also determined to the limit that does not affect the playing sound, and the phase shift is also pursued and adjusted to 1/1000 second. And its true essence shines only in the archive of vintage sound sources. The other day, Hakone Aphrodite’s highest peak “HAKONE APHRODITE 1971 2ND NIGHT: 50TH ANNIVERSARY” was very popular, and this is what shows the accuracy of the “GRAF ZEPPELIN” finish.
The biggest point of this work is the replacement of the master. Currently, what is blindly believed in the world is “The original master of Mirrored is the best ever.” It’s true (overall), but it’s not the absolute correct answer. To put it in more detail, the Omoto Master of Mirrored also has aged deterioration (albeit slightly of the phone), and some sound blurring has occurred. Of course, it’s a small thing that you wouldn’t notice if you listened to it with BGM, but the performance and vocals are shaking at the beginning of “Breathe” and the latter half of “Any Color”. Therefore, in this work, such a part is replaced with the conventional “1st Gene Master”. Of course, as a result of the replacement, if the switching is more noticeable than the sound blur, there is neither a former nor a child. The replacement part is kept to a minimum, and it is connected after polishing with the same precision mastering as the main part. It’s a seamless live album that doesn’t feel strange.

[It was the ultimate himself who could surpass the ultimate] The legendary recording that was revived in this way is truly the highest peak in history. Each work is based on the basics and is not epoch-making, but when dust accumulates, it becomes a mountain. This feeling is like listening to a high-quality sound board of an official work, such as “Mobile Fidelity” or “Nimbus Super Cut”. At the rise of each note, there is a presence that “the strings and skin are trembling”, and it is beautifully left to the end where it disappears into the void. The clear outline is natural because it is not created by digital processing, and the jet-black depth of the silent part shines in contrast.
A journey to explore the ultimate sound that was thought to be settled by the excavation of the original master of Mirrored. However, there was still a “destination”. The “master’s truth” including aging deterioration is engraved in “LOS ANGELES 1975 4TH NIGHT: MIKE MILLARD ORIGINAL MASTER TAPES”, but this work goes up as a “good sounding music work”. The “ultimate beyond the ultimate” created by the work of inspiration. A set of 3 that permanently preserves the cutting edge. Please experience it to your heart’s content.

★ Legendary audience recording of “April 26, 1975 Los Angeles performance” by absolute master Mike Millard. It is the supreme board that the highest peak Omoto master is refined by careful mastering by “GRAF ZEPPELIN”. The basic pitch adjustment is also rigorous so that random changes are not overlooked, and the leveling of volume and sound pressure is stable in an instant. We have also determined the noise processing to the limit that does not affect the playing sound, and pursued the phase shift to 1/1000 second. Another point is that the part that had deteriorated slightly over time is being replaced with the 1st Gene Master. It is blindly believed that “Omoto Master is the best in history”, but it is an “ultimate beyond the ultimate” board that seeks out and corrects even the slightest flaws

ロック史の巨星PINK FLOYDと、客席録音文化の偉人マイク・ミラード。偉大なる2つの才能の結晶が生み出した超名録音がブラッシュアップ。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」による執念マスタリングで磨き込まれた究極盤が永久保存プレス3CDで登場です。

そんな本作に刻まれているのは、もちろん「1975年4月26日ロサンゼルス公演」。LED ZEPPELINやYESなどと並び、絶対名手ミラードの名声を確固たるものにした超名作オーディエンス録音です。本稿に目を留められたのなら、この録音を聴いた事のない方はいらっしゃらないでしょう。ミラード畢生の名作であり、数限りない既発群を生んできた定番中の大定番です。ただライヴ内容は耳にしていても、意外とショウの位置づけまでは把握していない方もいらっしゃるかも知れません。良い機会でもありますので、“WISH YOU WERE HERE Tour”の全体像からショウのポジションも確認しておきましょう。


これが1975年のPINK FLOYD。7月のネブワースを除いてすべて北米で4月篇「北米#1」と6月篇「北米#2」を実施。「北米#1」の最後は“ロサンゼルス・メモリアル・スポーツ・アリーナ”での5連続公演で、本作が記録されたのはその4日目なのです。
そして、この録音から大量の既発群が誕生したのはアップグレードを繰り返してきたからでもある。例えば、公式のスタジオ名盤は新メディアや新技術リマスターなど、さまざまな趣向が凝らされて再発を繰り返しますが、それもこれも「究極の音」が求められるから。ミラード録音が立つ地平もそれと同じであり、あらゆる可能性が試されては「さらに上」「究極を超える未知の領域」が切り拓かれた。この録音もその宿命に従い、長いコレクター史と併走するようにアップグレードを繰り返し、当店でも『PINK MILLARD』や『LOS ANGELSE 1975 4TH NIGHT』『DEFINITIVE MILLARD』『LOS ANGELES 1975 4TH NIGHT: MIKE MILLARD ORIGINAL MASTER TAPES』といった歴代の既発群が進化の歩みを刻んできました。そして本作はその最新にして2021年の最先端盤なのです。

録音史に輝く超・伝説録音ですから、今さら「まるでオフィシャル」だの「芯が○○で鳴りが◇◇」だのと語っても意味がない。超絶なのは当然でして、問題なのは「どこに向上の余地があったのか」。それをご理解頂くためには、作業内容をお話しするのが一番でしょう。本作のベースになっているのは、もちろんオリジナルの大元マスター。ミラード本人がマイクをテストする肉声も残されたマスターです。その上でポイントは「GRAF ZEPPELIN」による入魂のマスタリングです。
その凄みは、執念めいた精度。基礎であるピッチ調整もランダムな変化を見逃さない厳密さですし、音量・音圧の平準化も一瞬単位でビシッと安定。ノイズ処理も演奏音に影響が出ないギリギリ寸止めまで見極めていますし、位相ズレも1/1000秒まで追究して調整している。そして、その本領はヴィンテージ音源のアーカイヴでこそ輝く。先日も箱根アフロディーテの最高峰盤『HAKONE APHRODITE 1971 2ND NIGHT: 50TH ANNIVERSARY』が大好評を博しましたが、これこそ「GRAF ZEPPELIN」仕上げの精度を物語るものだったのです。
また本作最大のポイントとも言えるのが、マスターの差し替え。現在、世界で盲目的に信じられているのは「ミラードの大元マスターこそ史上最高」。それは(全体的には)真実でもあるのですが、絶対の正解でもない。もう少し詳しく言いますと、ミラードの大元マスターにも(ホンのわずかながら)経年劣化が現れており、部分的に音ブレが起きている。もちろん、BGMで聴き流しては気がつかない程度のささやかなものですが、「Breathe」冒頭部や「Any Colour」後半などで演奏やヴォーカルが揺れているのです。そこで本作では、そうしたパートを従来の「1stジェネ・マスター」で差し替えている。もちろん差し替えた結果、切り替えが音ブレ以上に目立っては元も子もない。差し替えパートは最小限に抑えられていますし、本編と同じ精度のマスタリングで磨き込んでから接続。違和感のないシームレスなライヴアルバムに仕上げられているのです。

ミラードの大元マスター発掘によって決着と思われていた究極サウンドの探求旅。しかし、まだ「先」があったのです。経年劣化も含めた「マスターの真実」は『LOS ANGELES 1975 4TH NIGHT: MIKE MILLARD ORIGINAL MASTER TAPES』にこそ刻まれていますが、「良い音の音楽作品」としては本作が上を行く。入魂の作業によって生み出された「究極を超える究極」。その切っ先を永久保存する3枚組。どうぞ、心ゆくまで存分にご体験ください。

★絶対名手マイク・ミラードによる「1975年4月26日ロサンゼルス公演」の伝説オーディエンス録音。最高峰の大元マスターを「GRAF ZEPPELIN」による入念マスタリングで磨き込んだ至高盤です。基礎であるピッチ調整もランダムな変化を見逃さない厳密さですし、音量・音圧の平準化も一瞬単位でビシッと安定。ノイズ処理も演奏音に影響が出ないギリギリ寸止めまで見極めていますし、位相ズレも1/1000秒まで追究。さらにポイントなのがわずかに経年劣化していたパートを1stジェネ・マスターに差し替えているところ。盲目的に「大元マスターこそ史上最高」と信じられているわけですが、わずかな欠点まで探り出して補整した「究極を超えた究極」盤です。


Disc 1 (63:14)
01. Millard Mic Test
02. Introduction
03. Raving And Drooling
04. You Gotta Be Crazy
05. Shine On You Crazy Diamond Part 1-5
06. Have A Cigar
07. Shine On You Crazy Diamond Part 6-9

Disc 2 (56:34)
The Dark Side Of The Moon
01. Speak To Me
02. Breathe
03. On The Run
04. Time
05. Breathe (Reprise)
06. The Great Gig In The Sky
07. Money
08. Us And Them
09. Any Colour You Like
10. Brain Damage
11. Eclipse

Disc 3 (24:34)
01. Audience / MC
02. Echoes

Sigma 286

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