Heart / California Jam 2 Soundboard / 1CD

Heart / California Jam 2 Soundboard / 1CD / ZODIAC
The Ontario Motor Speedway, Ontario, CA, USA 18th March 1978

Play sample :

Click image to enlarge

HEART in 1978 achieved a breakthrough with the big hits of “LITTLE QUEEN” and the single “Barracuda”. The sound board album that pours the live performance of its prime into the brain is brushed up. It is a press CD that permanently preserves the supreme sound that has undergone detailed mastering of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”.
Of course, “March 18, 1978 Ontario Motor Speedway” is engraved on this work. It is a soundboard recording when they appeared in the historic huge festival “CALIFORNIA JAM 2” that mobilized 350,000 people. Speaking of HEART in 1978, in response to the hit of “LITTLE QUEEN”, “MAGAZINE” was repartitioned and released, and it was the peak era when “DOG & BUTTERFLY” was folded as if to push further. First, let’s look back on its glorious walk and check the position of the show.

・ February 13-March 24: North America # 1 (3 performances)
《First release of “MAGAZINE” on April 19》
・ April 28-May 12: North America # 2 (4 performances)
《“LITTLE QUEEN” released on May 14th》
・ May 21-December 31: North America # 3 (55 performances)
● 1978
・ January 1 + 2: North America # 4 (2 performances)
・ March 10-April 2: North America #5 (5 performances) ← Coco
《“MAGAZINE” official release on April 22nd》
・ June 11-October 6: North America # 6 (32 performances)
《“DOG & BUTTERFLY” will be released on October 7》
・ October 7-December 31: North America # 7 (36 performances) ← * LARGO 1978

This is HEART in 1977/1978. Before and after 1976, there was a European tour, and in 1979 there was also a first visit to Japan, but these two years were only in North America. Under such circumstances, the appearance of “CALIFORNIA JAM 2” of this work is part of the “LITTLE QUEEN Tour”. It was the 4th performance of “North America # 5” just before the official release of “MAGAZINE”.
There are many records of this century’s big event, but the soundboard recording that leaked over 30 years ago was particularly outstanding. All the songs on the day are fully recorded with a vivid sound board that is clearly directly connected to the mix desk. The hypertension of witnessing the momentum of the band ensemble and the large crowd like the sea jumps directly into your brain… No, you can enjoy the perfect synchronization feeling as if the golden six are in your head. It was.
And this work is a detailed reproduction of such a leaked sound board sound source. Furthermore, it is the highest peak update board that has been refined with “GRAF ZEPPELIN” mastering. In fact, its precision is unprecedented. It was in the very early 90’s that it leaked out, and at that time it was an era when original mastering was uncertain. Although I am grateful that there was a natural sound without strange sound pressure gain, the editing is sloppy. As usual, the monaural soundboard was recorded on both the left and right channels, but the phase was shifted, and the same part was repeated at the tape change between songs. Although it did not defile the transcendental quality in the outline, it was also too rough for the treasure record of rock history.
In this work, such erratic corrections are made one by one. The phase is adjusted without a 1/1000 second shift, and the balance is adjusted by band analysis. Duplicate parts are also neatly arranged. As expected, there is roughness only in the outflow system (because it is also a beauty), but it has greatly improved the completeness as a musical work and as a record that conveys history.
With such a brushed-up sound, young HEART’s big performance on the big stage of a lifetime is depicted. Speaking of 1978 (although the time is a little different), our standard professional shot “LARGO 1978” is also familiar, so let’s organize it while comparing.

● Little Queen (6 songs)
・Sylvan Song (★)/Dream Of The Archer (★)/Love Alive/Kick It Out/Little Queen (★)/Barracuda
● Others (8 songs)
・Dreamboat Annie: White Lightning & Wine/Dreamboat Annie (★)/Magic Man/Crazy On You
・Other: Heartless/Devil Delight/Silver Wheels/Mistral Wind
* Note: “★” marks are songs that cannot be heard in the standard pro shot “LARGO 1978”.

… and it looks like this. Just before the release of “DOG & BUTTERFLY”, the new song was “Mistral Wind”, and the big hit “LITTLE QUEEN” number was played on a large scale. The extremely rare “Sylvan Song / Dream Of The Archer” reminiscent of ZEP is also delicious, and the deadly songs such as “Barracuda”, “Kick It Out” and “Love Alive” will be shown with the original six band potentials. .
HEART in the 70’s was called “female voice ZEP” with its delicate and dynamic hard rock. It is a soundboard album that screws into the brain the legendary stage that can be said to be the climax of the climax. A press CD that permanently preserves the highest peak sound. It is a masterpiece of one band, and one piece that is also a sound evidence that testifies to one page of rock history at the same time. Please enjoy it anytime, forever.

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* Phase correction
★Restored to uncut by deleting duplication of sound in 2 duplicate cuts.
As a result, almost non-stop complete recording (only the gap between songs after “Love Alive” is played) is realized!
★Slightly corrects high frequencies in terms of bandwidth (no unnecessary EQ processing).

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* Sound board recording of “March 18, 1978 California Jam II”. Full recording of all songs on the day of the set, with a freshness that is directly connected to the mix table. The hypertension of witnessing a band ensemble that is gaining momentum and a large crowd like Kaibara jumps directly into your brain. This work is the highest peak update board that refinished such an intense sound board with “GRAF ZEPPELIN” mastering. It is a cultural heritage site where you can enjoy a group of famous songs from the 70s and a big performance on a once-in-a-lifetime stage.

『LITTLE QUEEN』とシングル『Barracuda』の大ヒットでブレイクスルーを果たした1978年のHEART。その全盛の生演奏を脳みその流し込むサウンドボード・アルバムがブラッシュアップ。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の細密マスタリングを経た至高サウンドを永久保存するプレスCDで登場です。
そんな本作に刻まれているのは、もちろん「1978年3月18日オンタリオ・モーター・スピードウェイ」。35万人を動員したという歴史的な巨大フェス“CALIFORNIA JAM 2”に出演した際のサウンドボード録音です。1978年のHEARTと言えば、『LITTLE QUEEN』のヒットを受けて『MAGAZINE』が仕切り直しリリースされ、更にダメ押しするかのように『DOG & BUTTERFLY』を畳みかけていった絶頂時代。まずは、その栄光の歩みを振り返り、ショウのポジションを確かめてみましょう。

《5月14日『LITTLE QUEEN』発売》
《10月7日『DOG & BUTTERFLY』発売》
・10月7日ー12月31日:北米#7(36公演)←※LARGO 1978

これが1977年/1978年のHEART。前後の1976年だと欧州ツアー、1979年には初来日もあったりしましたが、この2年間はひたすら北米のみでした。そんな中で本作の“CALIFORNIA JAM 2”出演は、“LITTLE QUEEN Tour”の一環。『MAGAZINE』正式盤リリースの直前である「北米#5」の4公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
そして、本作はそんな流出サウンドボード音源を精緻に復刻。さらに「GRAF ZEPPELIN」マスタリングで磨き直した最高峰更新盤なのです。実際、その精度はかつてない。流出したのは90年代も極々初期でして、当時は独自マスタリングもおぼつかない時代でした。妙な音圧稼ぎのないナチュラルなサウンドが残っていたのは有り難い反面、編集は雑。例によってモノラル・サウンドボードが左右2chの両方に記録されていたわけですが、その位相がズレていたり、曲間でのテープ・チェンジで同じパートが繰り返されていたり。大筋で超絶なクオリティを汚すものではなかったとは言え、ロック史の至宝記録に対して、あまりの大雑把でもありました。
そんなブラッシュアップ・サウンドで画かれるのは、一世一代の大舞台に臨む若きHEARTの大熱演。1978年と言えば(時期はチョット違いますが)当店定番のプロショット『LARGO 1978』もお馴染みですので比較しながら整理してみましょう。

・Sylvan Song(★)/Dream Of The Archer(★)/Love Alive/Kick It Out/Little Queen(★)/Barracuda
・ドリームボート・アニー:White Lightning & Wine/Dreamboat Annie(★)/Magic Man/Crazy On You
・その他:Heartless/Devil Delight/Silver Wheels/Mistral Wind
※注:「★」印は定番プロショット『LARGO 1978』で聴けない曲。

……と、このようになっています。『DOG & BUTTERFLY』リリース以前だけに新曲は「Mistral Wind」に留め、大ヒット中の『LITTLE QUEEN』ナンバーを大盤振る舞い。ZEPを思わせる激レアな「Sylvan Song/Dream Of The Archer」も美味しいですし、「Barracuda」「Kick It Out」「Love Alive」といった必殺曲もオリジナル6人のバンド・ポテンシャルで披露されるのです。



これによりほぼノンストップ完全収録(“Love Alive”演奏後の曲間のみ若干欠落のまま)を実現!


★「1978年3月18日カリフォルニア・ジャムII」のサウンドボード録音。ミックス卓直結な生々しさ全開で、当日セットを全曲フル収録。勢いに乗るバンド・アンサンブルや海原のような大群衆を目の当たりにしたハイパーテンションが脳内に直接飛び込んでくる。本作は、そんな強烈サウンドボードを「GRAF ZEPPELIN」マスタリングで磨き直した最高峰更新盤。70年代の名曲群と一世一代の大舞台に臨む大熱演が楽しめる文化遺産です。

01. Introduction
02. Sylvan Song
03. Dream Of The Archer
04. Love Alive
05. Heartless
06. White Lightning & Wine
07. Kick It Out
08. Silver Wheels
09. Dreamboat Annie
10. Mistral Wind
11. Little Queen ★演奏後曲間重複カットをノーカット復旧
12. Devil Delight ★演奏後曲間重複カットをノーカット復旧
13. Magic Man
14. Barracuda
15. Crazy On You

Ann Wilson – Vocals
Nancy Wilson – Guitars & Vocals
Roger Fisher – Lead Guitar
Michael Derosier – Drums
Steve Fossen – Bass & Vocals
Howard Leese – Keyboards, Guitars & Vocals


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