David Bowie / Asylum The Soul Tour 1974 / 2CD

David Bowie / Asylum The Soul Tour 1974 / 2CD / Delden

Translated Text:

Boston Music Hall Boston MA USA November 15,1974 & University Of Wisconsin Madison WI USA October 10, 1974. Digitally Remastered



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Bowie was a huge success was subjected to tour as Ziggy over a period of 1972 and 1973 and two years. Now Ziggy was established as a nickname of Bowie, it has become a thing that fame is sure. But Bowie is not that you follow the Ziggy who achieved commercial success as well, and decided to bury it as a thing of the past. Tour last day Bowie on stage in “This is our last show, again not play future” and there in the sense that there’s a famously said, this is rather than Bowie himself, not stand on stage as Ziggy I wonder was. ‘re Actually Bowie is doing a number of tour then it is as shown history.

In April 1973, recording and sew the interval of the tour has been performed “Aladdin Sane” is the release. Melody has received maybe the American influence which has been conducted tour at the time, dry hard air dominates the album. What songs or of which had been unveiled at even stage early from a previous release. Although unsatisfactory sales in the United States was not a flash, in the United Kingdom it became a hit album. But not deny intense that impression after Ziggy is thin, also, the title “Aladdin Sane (Aladdin Sane)” is an anagram of “(insane young people (A Lad Insane)”, of self-projection followed by Ziggy but was a character, which is also rehash impression of Ziggy can not dispel, Bowie had spent a period of anguish. as Nobuyo Oyama work other than Doraemon was limited, leaving a strong impression character would that be difficult that do a new role after playing a.

So Bowie completely in order to break with the past, but will be immersed in the recording of a cover album return to their origin Paradoxically. The result is a “pinup su” which was released in the same 1973. Love music of others should be, such as want leave decorate as the title Street pinup is an album that was covered with Bowie style. cover songs that later years of Bowie sings is proven by changing the arrangement, such as the Marukkiri original butchery the original song beautifully, rather than destructive to there in this album, leaving the atmosphere of relatively original song, Bowie It seems to be enjoying a purely performance. By the way women are reflected together in the jacket photo is Twiggy.

Tour as Ziggy. And it was recorded during the tour “Aladdin Sane”. And not only to announce on stage, actually leave for cover album bury Ziggy. The three were Bowie movement of 1973. The rest soon, also to embark on next recording of the album soon. However aftermath of Ziggy was bloated big, for Bowie, after another trouble with the staff and back-band, it seems was not a good time of so much mental state. Further vicious cycle Tour of, ingestion of the drug as if drown them, thins the diet along with it, see photos of this time and Bowie lean to skinny, cheeks moss, it looks very unhealthy.

There is a novel called “1984” in the famous novel by George Orwell. Which was published in 1949, the title of “1984” is the distant future of the year at the time this novel was written. At that time is a dawn of the Cold War, the near-future world that is divided governance in totalitarian state reminiscent of the Soviet Union, draw and fear of surveillance society, it is a novel that has been a bible presence for the anti-communist ideology. Bowie is inspired from the “1984” of the George Orwell to the next album concept, lower body is creating a character called a little spooky became a beast, “Diamond Dogs.” Album title is fittingly “Diamond Dogs”, lined with song titles such was directly borrowed from the novels of George Orwell “1984” and “Big Brother” is the album. Initially had eyes the musical of the novel “1984”, there is also a history that permission of the George Orwell survivor was not down, the album begins with the pompous announcement with applause, such as if the stage begins , is led to the clapping has become a dramatic opening of the title song begins. Is further connected by “Sweet Thing” and “Candidate” is a medley, such as they are together again in the reprise of “Sweet Thing”, it looked like part is scattered when the musical is in the base everywhere. And Bowie is exiting this album along with from June 1974 on a new tour.

Rehearsal upon new tour is carried out carefully over about two months, the stage set was also to those large-scale multiplied by the cost, prior to their own, such as appear in television commercials, enthusiasm of Bowie to be applied to this tour is large, tour largely divided into three legs, and was intended to go around to elaborate the US and only 73 show North America. This tour will be officially recorded, has been released as “David Live” after. This live album is composed of live recordings of six consecutive performances in Philadelphia that have been made in the first-leg. Also from the second leg has been flowing out great sound board sound source of “Strange Fascination definitive edition”. Both for the fan is of the must-have, but the sound quality is also the best class, it may be said that unfortunately playing lackluster. the intended and he is an arrangement was, but any song to relax and slow down the tempo, Bowie is singing in the beginning to end whisper such utterance. Backing band can not be said with the good also to compliment, and arrange also is mediocre. Apart from the Bowie of enthusiasm, still can not be felt ambition under the influence of the drug inoculation, he is there in the enthusiastic performance, but far away from the frenzy, state of Bowie that is isolated on stage is a live, such as floating in the eye. Even worse, trouble with the band members over the guarantee is in the dressing room of the concert, seemingly had not been further informed of the recording in advance, it is reported that the trouble has occurred between the even of the band members and Bowie made on the day. Bowie to sing in desperately in such a situation is too lonely.

First leg in this way, Bowie was doing the second leg had plagued the head a number of problems to be attacked one after another. And also to undertake the next album soon to sew the interval of the tour. It being released as “The Young Americans” is after, it must wait until January 1975 the year has opened. “The Young Americans” as those made to “Seoul by white” concept as a new attempt of Bowie, welcomed then Carlos Alomar that would support the Bowie over a long time in the guitar, the entire album is Marukkiri Seoul It dyed colors. Became the topic and collaborated “Fame” with John Lennon, is a cover of “Across the Universe,” the Beatles. Indicating the popularity is high, Bowie is for John but rather as a “doss! Na Kai does sung with great soul (Seoul) to here!” Role model in particular, between the stunning break sore Beatles fan of the latter Seoul arrangements It is known to be as is such Meien.

Bowie to completely taken exhausted in a conventional tour, To begin the third leg, try the adventure that would change how To radically the concept in the middle of the tour. Just incorporated into the newly set list the music of “The Young Americans” in the recording, and not only that, arrangements of other music also is somehow was playing in place of the Seoul-style. Tour title is also referred to as the “Diamond Dogs tour” but “Soul Tour”, while is in the same tour has been called by different tour title. It is for it to face the third-leg in a completely different concept from that much First and Second leg. Interest in this time of Bowie moved to Seoul, the album is also in the recording. Principal of might to play in the tour there was a resistance to continue the “Diamond Dogs” that has already become a thing of the past is in. Already Bowie is had advanced earlier than the fan. This work is the third leg, is the title that was recorded two performances than aka Soul tour.

The disk 1 Boston performances November 15, 1974 is, and the disk 2 I have recorded each of the Madison performance of Wisconsin October 10, 1974. It is a coupling of the typical sound of Soul tour. The concert begins with “free festival of memories” flowing to the venue, the curtain in the words of the moderator in the same way as the album. Because of course third-leg of the same tour, but there is also the part that has followed the Diamond Dog tour, as the song selection of unique Soul tour include the first “John I’m Only Dancing”. Studio version but can be heard on (again) and the subtitle is attached officially bonus track now, fans saw at the time of the stage, surprised much skip the waist and listen on the assumption that arrangement of Ziggy era Will. Is are you playing in it much arrange their own sore broke song even be stunning. “Sadness of love” is a cover song recorded in “pinup su”. Other “love of whisper,” “luck of God”, and also a studio version with bonus tracks in “The Young Americans” has been recorded “It’s Gonna Be Me”, rare numbers of whether even this It has been playing much. I want you take a look at the track list for details, but this is in no longer “Diamond Dogs Tour” but it is so defunct “The Young Americans tour” that it Magou.

From Bowie 1974 Diamond Dog tour, if First leg official “David Live”, the second leg is “Strange Fascination definitive edition”, and the third leg is this work sound quality in terms of content and Ketteiban both It is going to be that. Seoul Tour it said that tour which occupies a special position among the Bowie collection. It is this work that it 2 performance was recorded. Permanent Athletic press platen of the beautiful picture disc specification.



1973年4月、ツアーの合間を縫ってレコーディングが行なわれていた『アラジンセイン』がリリースとなる。曲調は当時ツアーを行なっていたアメリカの影響を多分に受けており、乾いた硬質な空気がアルバムを支配している。その内の何曲かはリリース前から早くもステージで披露されていた。アメリカでは今一つセールスはパッとしなかったものの、イギリスではヒット・アルバムとなった。しかし強烈なジギーの後で印象が薄いことは否めず、また、タイトル「アラジンセイン(Aladdin Sane)」は「(非常識な若者(A Lad Insane)」のアナグラムであり、ジギーに続く自己投影のキャラクターであったが、これもジギーの二番煎じ的な印象は払拭できず、ボウイは苦悶の時期を過ごしていた。大山のぶ代がドラえもん以外の仕事が限られていたように、強烈な印象を残すキャラクターを演じた後に新たな役柄をこなすというのは難しいということだろう。



ジョージ・オーウェルの有名な小説に『1984』という小説がある。1949年に発表されたもので、タイトルの『1984』はこの小説が執筆された時点では遠い未来の年号である。当時は冷戦の黎明期であり、ソ連を連想させる全体主義国家に分断統治されている近未来世界、監視社会の恐怖などを描き、反共思想にとってバイブル的存在となっていた小説である。ボウイは次のアルバムのコンセプトにこのジョージ・オーウェルの『1984』から着想を得て、下半身が野獣と化した少し不気味な「ダイアモンドの犬」というキャラクターを作り出す。アルバム・タイトルはズバリ『ダイアモンドの犬』で、アルバムにはジョージ・オーウェルの小説からそのまま拝借した『1984』や『ビッグブラザー』といったタイトルの曲が並ぶ。当初は小説『1984』のミュージカル化を目していたが、ジョージ・オーウェルの遺族の許可が下りなかったという経緯もあり、アルバムはまるで舞台が始まるかのような仰々しいアナウンスと拍手で始まり、その拍手に導かれてタイトルソングが始まるという劇的なオープニングとなっている。さらに「Sweet Thing」と「Candidate」がメドレーで繋がっており、それらが再び「Sweet Thing」のリプライズでまとめられるなど、随所にミュージカルがベースになっていると思しき箇所が散見される。そしてボウイは、このアルバムを伴い1974年6月から新たなツアーに出るのである。

新しいツアーに際しリハーサルは約2か月に渡って念入りに行なわれ、ステージセットも費用をかけ大がかりなものにし、事前に自らテレビ・コマーシャルに出るなど、このツアーにかけるボウイの意気込みは大きく、ツアーは大きく三つのレグに別れ、北米のみで73公演と全米を念入りにまわるものであった。このツアーは公式にレコーディングされ、後に『David Live』としてリリースされている。このライヴ・アルバムはファースト・レグで行なわれたフィラデルフィアにおける6連続公演のライヴ音源から構成されている。またセカンド・レグからは『Strange Fascination definitive edition』という素晴らしいサウンドボード音源が流出している。いずれもファンにとっては必携のものであり、音質も最高の部類であるが、残念ながら演奏は精彩を欠くと言ってよい。意図したアレンジであるのだが、どの曲もテンポをゆったりと遅くし、ボウイは終始囁くような発声で歌っている。バックバンドはお世辞にも上手いといえず、かつアレンジも平凡なものである。ボウイの意気込みとは別に、やはり薬物接種の影響で覇気が感じられない、熱演ではあるのだが熱狂とは遠く離れ、ステージで孤立しているボウイの様子が目に浮かぶようなライヴである。さらに悪い事に、コンサートの楽屋ではギャラを巡るバンド・メンバーとのトラブル、さらにレコーディングを事前に知らされていなかったらしく、当日になってすらバンド・メンバーとボウイの間でトラブルが生じたと伝えられる。そのような状況の中で必死で歌うボウイはあまりにも孤独だ。




ボウイ1974年ダイアモンド・ドッグ・ツアーより、ファースト・レグがオフィシャル『David Live』なら、セカンド・レグは『Strange Fascination definitive edition』、そしてサード・レグは本作が音質的にも内容的にも決定盤ということになるだろう。ソウル・ツアーはボウイのコレクションの中でも特殊な位置を占めるツアーと言える。それを2公演収録したのが本作である。美しいピクチャー・ディスク仕様の永久保存がっちりプレス盤。


01. Memory Of A Free Festival
02. Rebel Rebel
03. John I’m Only Dancing
04. Sorrow
05. Changes
06. Young Americans
07. 1984
08. Foot Stompin’
09. Rock And Roll With Me
10. Love Me Do – The Jean Genie
11. Moonage Daydream
12. Can You Hear Me
13. Somebody Up There Likes Me
14. Suffragette City
15. Rock ‘N Roll Suicide
16. Diamond Dogs


01. Memory Of A Free Festival
02. Rebel Rebel
03. John I’m Only Dancing
04. Sorrow
05. Changes
06. 1984
07. Moonage Daydream
08. Rock And Roll With Me
09. Love Me Do – The Jean Genie
10. Diamond Dogs
11. Young Americans
12. Can You Hear Me
13. It’s Gonna Be Me
14. Somebody Up There Likes Me
15. Suffragette City
16. Rock’n’roll Suicide
Delden. DEN-033/034

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