Grateful Dead / Long Beach Arena 1980 Mike Millard First Generation Tapes / 2CDR

Grateful Dead / Long Beach Arena 1980 Mike Millard First Generation Tapes / 2CDR / Uxbridge
Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, CA, USA 13th December 1980

Play sample :

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Mike Millard’s recording released this week is the Grateful Dead 1980 Long Beach Arena. Speaking of the sound source that Millard caught the dead, “LOS ANGELES 1991: MIKE MILLARD MASTER TAPES” released from UXBRIDGE last year is also a new place in memory, but this time it was a dead stage that goes back 10 years. In 1980, and in the second half of the same year, it was also the time when it was recorded for the prestigious live album “DEAD SET”, which is an immortal masterpiece, and it was one of the peaks with many dead.
At this time, it seems that the release is concentrated on “DEAD SET” and related recorded sound sources, and the various official live archive collection series that started after the band was disbanded will also be released on “DAVE’S PICKS VOLUME 8”. The last one in Atlanta on November 30th.
However, this time Millard recorded a long beach two weeks after Atlanta. There is no doubt that it is the first sound source that attracts attention from enthusiasts all over the world just because he recorded this period, but the sound quality is really wonderful.
An on-sound image and a delicate sense of presence without sarcasm, that is exactly what you want to call a mirrored clause. Thanks to this, the combination of Jerry Garcia’s lead guitar and Bob Weir’s rhythm guitar can be clearly distinguished.

With this quality, it wouldn’t be strange if it was released on a press CD, but unfortunately the tape on the cassette used during “To Lay Me Down” seems to have loosened, and throughout the song. The number of revolutions becomes slightly unstable. This is a flaw in the ball, but fortunately it didn’t fall to an unbearably unstable level.
The other is that this version is based on the first generation cassette that Millard copied from the master to a friend, and at that time the drum solo by Bill Kreutzmann and Mickey Hart who are familiar at the live. -The time “Drums / Space” was cut and copied.
Thanks to that, it’s not complete, but ironically, the fact that the drum solo was omitted made it easier to hear because it fits on two discs. If it had been stored, it would have been three discs.

And as for the performance, in addition to the previous live album, only after the recording of the live video “DEAD AHEAD” has been completed, the dead best performance that survived the fat is heard throughout the whole volume. There, they started the first half slowly, and the engine was fully opened from around “Minglewood Blues”.
And in “Playing In The Band”, Bill and Mickey’s twin drums are folded and climbed up. After all, the sound is outstanding, so you can hear their play clearly, and the reaction to the performance, for example, the big chorus that occurs from the audience in “Not Fade Away” is an exquisite balance that you can hear from behind. It’s literally another side of “DEAD SET” recorded by the master Millard!

今週公開されたマイク・ミラード録音はグレイトフル・デッド1980年のロングビーチ・アリーナ。ミラードがデッドを捉えた音源と言えば昨年UXBRIDGEからリリースされた「LOS ANGELES 1991: MIKE MILLARD MASTER TAPES」も記憶に新しいところですが、今回発掘されたのは時代を10年遡ったデッドのステージ。1980年、さらに同年の下半期と言えば不朽の名作との誉れ高きライブアルバム「DEAD SET」用の収録があった時期でもあり、デッドの数多いピークの一つでもありました。
となるとこの時期はリリースが「DEAD SET」と関連の収録音源に集中している感があり、バンド解散後から始まったオフィシャルの各種ライブ・アーカイブ蔵出しシリーズに関しても「DAVE’S PICKS VOLUME 8」でリリースされた11月30日のアトランタが最後期のもの。

これほどのクオリティであればプレスCDでのリリースだとしてもおかしくなかったのですが、残念なことに「To Lay Me Down」の間で使用したカセットのテープが緩んでしまったらしく、曲の間中で回転数が微妙に不安定となってしまうのです。ここが玉に瑕ですが、聞くに堪えないほど不安定なレベルへと堕ちなかったのは不幸中の幸いでした。
もう一つは今回のバージョンはミラードが友達にマスターからコピーしてあげたファースト・ジェネレーションのカセットが元になっているのでして、その際にライブではおなじみビル・クロイツマンとミッキー・ハートによるドラムソロ・タイム「Drums / Space」がカットされてコピーされたという事。

そして演奏の方は先のライブアルバムに加え、ライブビデオ「DEAD AHEAD」の収録までも済ませた後というだけあって、全編を通して脂の乗り切ったデッド最高の演奏が聞かれます。そこはいかにも彼らしく前半をゆったりと始め、「Minglewood Blues」辺りからエンジン全開。
そして「Playing In The Band」ではビルとミッキーのツイン・ドラムも折り重なって昇り詰めるような素晴らしい演奏が。何しろ抜群に音がイイので、彼らのプレイもクリアーに聞き取れますし、演奏に対する反応、例えば「Not Fade Away」で客席から起こる大合唱も後ろから聞こえてくるような絶妙なバランス。名手ミラードが録音してくれた、文字通りのアナザーサイド・オブ「DEAD SET」です!

Disc 1 (75:04)
1. Feel Like A Stranger
2. Sugaree
3. C.C. Rider
4. To Lay Me Down
5. Minglewood Blues
6. Ramble On Rose
7. Lost Sailor
8. Saint Of Circumstances
9. Deal

Disc 2 (67:20)
1. Scarlet Begonias
2. Fire On The Mountain
3. Playing In The Band
4. Not Fade Away
5. Black Peter
6. Sugar Magnolia
7. One More Saturday Night

Jerry Garcia – lead guitar, vocals
Bob Weir – rhythm guitar, vocals
Brent Mydland – keyboards, vocals
Phil Lesh – bass, vocals
Bill Kreutzmann – drums
Mickey Hart – drums

Uxbridge 1600

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