Foo Fighters / The Town Festival 2023 / 1DVDR

Foo Fighters / The Town Festival 2023 / 1DVDR / Shades

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全世界を魅了し続けている新生FOO FIGHTERS。その最新ステージを楽しめる極上プロショットが到着です。
そんな本作が撮影されたのは「2023年9月9日サンパウロ公演」。南米最大級の超巨大フェス“THE TOWN”に出演した際のマルチカメラ・プロショットです。今年のFOO FIGHTERSはプロショット大豊作。ジョシュ・フリーズのお披露目となった『PREPARING MUSIC FOR CONCERTS』や変名バンドでのサプライズ出演だった『GLASTONBURY FESTIVAL 2023(Shades 1795)』、フルスケールの決定盤『ROCK AM RING 2023(Shades 1781)』と、節目ごとに名作を残してくれました。まずは、彼らの歩みを今一度スケジュールで振り返り、それぞれの位置関係を確認してみましょう。

《6月2日『BUT HERE WE ARE』発売》
・6月2日+4日:ドイツ(2公演)←※ROCK AM RING 2023
・6月21日+23日:欧州(2公演) ←※GLASTONBURY FESTIVAL 2023

これが現在までに公表されている2023年/2024年のスケジュール。本作は前回『GLASTONBURY FESTIVAL 2023』から約2ヶ月半を経てのプロショット4作目となります。「THE TOWN」とはあまり耳馴染みのない名前ですが、それもそのはず。今年、記念すべき第一回となるロックフェスなのです。かの伝説フェス“ROCK IN RIO”を生み出したブラジルの実業家ロベルト・メディナが創設した音楽祭でして、“THE TOWN”開催のために“ROCK IN RIO”は2024年へ延期。今後は「奇数年=“THE TOWN”/偶数年=“ROCK IN RIO”」と交互に開催されるようです。「1年おきに名前が変わるだけじゃ?」という声も出ているのですが、そういうわけでもない。現在の“ROCK IN RIO”はヨーロッパ篇も開催される世界フェスとなっているわけですが、故郷ブラジルでは2011年の復活以降、隔年で開催されてきました(パンデミック時期を除く)。“THE TOWN”は、そんなスキ間の年に開催される。どちらかと言うと「ROCK IN RIO”が2倍増の毎年開催へ増量した」というのが実情のようです。
ともあれ、“THE TOWN”の規模/クオリティは“ROCK IN RIO”と同一。その配信プロショットである本作も「ROCK IN RIO物」とお考えいただいて間違いありません。ただしフェスが終わって間もない現在、この映像も様々なクオリティのマスターが噴出中でもある。例によってYoutubeにアップされているバージョンが一番有名なのですが、実はこれは結構酷い。画質が甘くボケていますし、何より音声が圧縮でシュワッシュワに歪みまくっているのです。その点、本作は問題なし。出回っているマスターの中でも最高峰クオリティのベスト・マスターを採用しており、まさしく「完全オフィシャル級」と呼ぶに相応しいDVD化を実現してるのです。
そんなベスト・マスターで描かれるのは、場数を踏んで一層バンドらしさが強くなった新生FOO FIGHTERSのフルショウ。前述のように、本作でプロショットは4作目になりますが、フルセットなのは『ROCK AM RING 2023』と本作だけ。最後に、かの名作と比較しながらセットを整理しておきましょう。

・ザ・カラー・アンド・ザ・シェイプ:My Hero/Monkey Wrench/Everlong
・ゼア・イズ・ナッシング・レフト・トゥ・ルーズ:Learn To Fly/Breakout/Generator(★)/Aurora
:その他:This Is A Call/All My Life/Times Like These/Best Of You/The Pretender
・ウェイスティング・ライト:Walk/These Days
・コンクリート・アンド・ゴールド:Run(★)/The Sky Is A Neighborhood
・メディスン・アット・ミッドナイト:No Son Of Mine/Shame Shame
・バット・ヒア・ウィ・アー:Rescued/The Glass(★)
・カバーメドレー:Sabotage(★)/Blitzkrieg Bop(★)/Whip It/March Of The Pigs
※注:「★」印は名作プロショット『ROCK AM RING 2023』で観られなかった曲。

イベント的スタジオライヴ『PREPARING MUSIC FOR CONCERTS』や変名バンドでの『GLASTONBURY FESTIVAL 2023』も面白かったですが、やはり本領発揮の正道フルセット・ライヴの醍醐味には敵いません。本作は『ROCK AM RING 2023』に続く南米編であり、バンドの進化を見せつけるような新名作なのです。またもや飛び出した新生FOO FIGHTERSの絶対映像。どうぞ、ベスト・マスターの本作で存分にお楽しみください。

★「2023年9月9日サンパウロ公演」のマルチカメラ・プロショット。今年初開催となった巨大フェス“THE TOWN”の配信プロショットで、そのクオリティ/テイストは姉妹フェス“ROCK IN RIO”に酷似。特に本作はベスト・マスターからDVD化された完全オフィシャル級の1枚で、Youtube版とは比較にならない素晴らしさ。ジョシュ・フリーズを迎えた新生FOO FIGHTERSの絶対映像です。

The new FOO FIGHTERS continues to fascinate the whole world. The best pro shot that allows you to enjoy the latest stage has arrived.
This work was filmed on “September 9, 2023 in Sao Paulo.” This is a multi-camera professional shot taken when he appeared at “THE TOWN”, one of the largest festivals in South America. This year’s FOO FIGHTERS has a huge harvest of professional shots. “PREPARING MUSIC FOR CONCERTS” was the debut of Josh Freeze, “GLASTONBURY FESTIVAL 2023 (Shades 1795)” was a surprise appearance with a pseudonym band, and the full-scale definitive album “ROCK AM RING 2023 (Shades 1781)”. He left behind masterpieces at each milestone. First, let’s look back at their progress on the schedule and check their respective positions.

・May 24th-30th: North America #1 (4 performances)
《“BUT HERE WE ARE” released on June 2nd》
・June 2nd + 4th: Germany (2 performances) ← *ROCK AM RING 2023
・June 14th-18th: North America #2 (3 performances)
・June 21st + 23rd: Europe (2 performances) ← *GLASTONBURY FESTIVAL 2023
・July 8th-15th: North America #3 (4 performances)
・July 29th: Performance at Fuji Rock
・August 4th – September 3rd: North America #4 (6 performances)
・September 7th + 9th: Brazil (2 performances) ←★Here★
・September 13th – October 14th: North America #5 (13 performances)
・November 26th: Abu Dhabi performance
・November 29th – December 12th: Australia (6 performances)
・January 20th-27th: New Zealand (3 performances)
・June 13th-27th: UK (7 performances)

This is the schedule for 2023/2024 that has been announced so far. This work is the fourth professional shot work, about two and a half months after the previous “GLASTONBURY FESTIVAL 2023”. “THE TOWN” is a name that may not be familiar to most people, but that’s not surprising. This is the first rock festival to be held this year. A music festival founded by Roberto Medina, the Brazilian businessman who created the legendary festival “ROCK IN RIO,” “ROCK IN RIO” has been postponed to 2024 to accommodate “THE TOWN.” From now on, it seems that the event will be held alternately with “THE TOWN” in odd-numbered years and “ROCK IN RIO” in even-numbered years. Some people say, “Isn’t it just that the name changes every other year?”, but that’s not the case. The current “ROCK IN RIO” is a world festival that also includes a European edition, but in its homeland of Brazil, it has been held every other year since its revival in 2011 (excluding the pandemic period). “THE TOWN” will be held in the year of Sukima. If anything, the reality seems to be that “ROCK IN RIO” has doubled in size to be held every year.
In any case, the scale/quality of “THE TOWN” is the same as “ROCK IN RIO”. There is no doubt that this work, which is a professional shot of the distribution, is also considered a “ROCK IN RIO product”. However, now that the festival has just ended, masters of various quality of this video are also being released. As usual, the version uploaded to Youtube is the most famous, but it’s actually quite bad. The image quality is poor and blurry, and above all, the audio is distorted due to compression. In that respect, this work has no problems. We have adopted the best master of the highest quality among the masters on the market, and have realized a DVD that is worthy of being called “completely official grade”.
What is depicted in such a best master is a full show of the new FOO FIGHTERS, which has become even more band-like over time. As mentioned above, this is the fourth professional shot, but “ROCK AM RING 2023” and this work are the only full sets. Finally, let’s organize the set while comparing it with the famous masterpiece.

・The Color and the Shape: My Hero/Monkey Wrench/Everlong
・There Is Nothing Left to Loose: Learn To Fly/Breakout/Generator (★)/Aurora
:Others: This Is A Call/All My Life/Times Like These/Best Of You/The Pretender
●After 2010s
・Wasting Light: Walk/These Days
・Concrete and Gold: Run (★) / The Sky Is A Neighborhood
・Medicine at Midnight: No Son Of Mine/Shame Shame
・But Here We Are: Rescued/The Glass (★)
・Cover medley: Sabotage (★) / Blitzkrieg Bop (★) / Whip It / March Of The Pigs
*Note: “★” marks are songs that could not be seen in the masterpiece pro shot “ROCK AM RING 2023”.

The event-like studio live “PREPARING MUSIC FOR CONCERTS” and the pseudonymous band “GLASTONBURY FESTIVAL 2023” were interesting, but nothing can beat the thrill of a full-set live show where Masamichi shows his true potential. This work is the South American edition following “ROCK AM RING 2023”, and is a new masterpiece that shows off the evolution of the band. Absolute video of the new FOO FIGHTERS that has jumped out once again. Please enjoy this work of the best master to the fullest.

★Multi-camera professional shot of “September 9, 2023 Sao Paulo Performance”. This is a professional shot of the huge festival “THE TOWN” which was held for the first time this year, and its quality/taste is very similar to its sister festival “ROCK IN RIO”. In particular, this work is a completely official DVD made from the best master, and it is incomparable to the Youtube version. This is an absolute video of the new FOO FIGHTERS with Josh Freeze.

1. Intro
2. All My Life
3. The Pretender
4. No Son Of Mine
5. Learn To Fly
6. Rescued
7. Walk
8. Times Like These
9. Breakout
10. Run
11. Guitar Solo
12. My Hero
13. This Is A Call
14. The Sky Is A Neighborhood
15. Shame Shame
16. These Days
17. Generator
18. Aurora (Dedicated to Taylor Hawkins)
19. The Glass
20. Monkey Wrench
21. Best Of You
22. Everlong


Shades 1851

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