Eric Clapton / Royal Albert Hall 1991 10th Night : Complete Broadcast / 2CD

Eric Clapton / Royal Albert Hall 1991 10th Night : Complete Broadcast / 2CD / Beano

Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK 17th February 1991

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Speaking of the Royal Albert Hall performance on February 17, 1991, it was one night of the legendary 24-night performance “24 NIGHTS” that set a British box office record, and was performed by a 9-piece band in its second form. As “Rock Night”, he produced numerous CD items such as “PLAY WITH FIRE”, “PLAY WITH FIRE REVISITED”, and “ZENITH” from the complete air check sound source of the stereo soundboard recording that was broadcast on BBC Radio at the time. It was a great sound source and a great performance. This series of performances was also the final leg of the “Journeyman Tour,” so it was highly acclaimed as the culmination stage of “Rock Night.” As a famous sound source, even if you are not a Clapton fan, it is a classic sound source that is “one for every family” and should be owned as one of his representative sound sources. However, the previously released editions had noticeable hiss noise, and in both cases, cuts during and between songs in the DJ’s comment part on radio broadcasts were processed by fade processing or supplementary from another performance. This time, the famous Graf Zeppelin has remastered this famous sound source from the time of Air Check Master! As a result, hiss noise has been suppressed, the band balance has been optimally adjusted, and the phase has been appropriately corrected, resulting in a brighter sound quality and the highest sound quality ever without the harshness that was felt in the guitar sound at the beginning of Layla. Then, by patching the mid-song/inter-song cuts and replacing the cut-off parts with another stereo soundboard sound source from the same day after adjusting the band, we created the first full-length version without any fakes. All songs have been completely recorded.

The phases backed by ultra-clear sound quality are as follows.

Clapton’s vocals, guitar, East’s bass, Ferron’s drums: center
East vocals, Liber organ, Palmer guitar: Slightly right
Phillinganes vocals, piano & synth, female chorus, percussion: slightly left
You can clearly hear Clapton’s rhythm guitar and Cooper’s conga, which were hard to notice in the original Pretending! The best and final version of the standard sound source has appeared here!

[Record of rock musician Clapton’s heyday]

Now, let’s take a look back at Clapton’s 1991 activity history schedule. This year has been a difficult year.
・January 21st to 25th: 4-piece band rehearsal at The Point Hall in Dublin, Ireland for the upcoming “24 NIGHTS”
・January 26th to 29th: 9-piece band rehearsing at The Point, a hall in Dublin, Ireland, in preparation for the upcoming “24 NIGHTS”
・February 5th to March 9th: 24 consecutive nights of performances “24 NIGHTS” held at the Royal Albert Hall in London. ・Performed in the studio)

Rock Night (4-piece band): February 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th
Rock Night (9 piece band): 13th, 14th, 15th, 17th, 18th, 19th ←★Here★
Blues Night: 23rd, 24th, 25th, 27th, 28th, March 1st
Orchestra Night: March 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th
・September 4, 1991: Attended Buddy Guy’s gig at the Roxy in Los Angeles.
・September 26, 1991: Appeared in a comedy show recorded at The Palace in Hollywood with Nathan East serving as the house band leader. The episode was aired on the FOX channel on Sunday the 29th.
・December 1st to December 17th, 1991: Full support for George Harrison’s Japan tour with his own band.

If you look at this, you can see that he was not active at all from March 10th to September 3rd. Clapton will take a complete break after completing last year’s Journeyman World Tour and two years of strenuous performances at the Royal Albert Hall, and will be taking a full break to start his life with his four-year-old son Connor. It seems that he was planning to enjoy it. However, on March 20th, that incident happened. Due to the shock, he stopped all activities for six months and spent his days introspecting. This work captures the 10th day of “24 NIGHTS”, which had been successful every day before that tragedy, and the 4th day of Rock Night. There was no way he could have predicted what would happen a month later, and he was at the peak of his energy, excited to perform on stage with his reliable backing band, which he himself called “the best in the world.” It was a time when his life was focused on playing, and there was not the slightest negative element in his life. As a rock musician, he was right on the big stage. His guitar playing and singing exude a confident energy. His guitar solo was of course improvised every day, so it’s a different play from the official live version. “Rock Night” can be said to be a luxurious version of the four-piece band that preceded it, and its appeal is that the sound is overwhelmingly thicker than when it was composed of four members (second guitar, Percussion, second keyboard, and backing chorus were added). The live take of the 9-piece band in 1991 released on the official edition “24 NIGHTS” was an official recording of the next day, the 18th, so this work will not be duplicated at all. Therefore, you can enjoy Clapton’s amazing improvisations and solos, which are different from the official version. Rock Night also had a “stage flow” that was missing in the expanded version of the official box “DEFINITIVE 24 NIGHTS” released this year, which was composed of 4-piece and 9-piece takes from 1990 and 1991. You can really feel that in this work. And the performances included are all gems that are as good as the official version, so this work also has the meaning as a masterpiece of “24 NIGHTS”. The set includes six songs from the tour’s album “JOURNEYMAN”: Pretending, No Alibis, Running On Faith, Bad Love, Before You Accuse Me, and Old Love. He is showing off his hard work. His bending in the solo of Bad Love is especially strong. Furthermore, the tearful hand vibrato on Old Love that seems to shake the soul is a must-listen. The ever-changing nature of Before You Accuse Me is reminiscent of the Stones’ Midnight Rambler. Other highlights include the fact that in Badge’s second solo, Palmer completely copies the original version of Cream’s solo played by Clapton, and the Member Introduction is Larry Graham & Central Station’s Thank You. There is also a prologue to Layla’s A Remark You Made by Weather Report’s Joe Zawinul, which is an instrumental that Dire Straits often played live. (Perhaps it was inherited from Alan Clark of The Straits, who had participated in the same performance the previous year), but Sunshine Of Your Love is probably the most spectacular live take of the song. ) You can enjoy the small details such as the drum & percussion solo and the call & response with the audience.

With the success of this rock night, the subsequent blues night and orchestra night were also successful, and Clapton completed 24 consecutive performances with great success. I can imagine that this feeling of satisfaction was probably the greatest of his career. However, one month later, God pushed him to the bottom. Still, Clapton recovered after supporting George Harrison on tour, and through “Unplugged,” he returned to the essence of his origins, the blues. Her appearance changes from a long-haired figure wearing flashy costumes by a famous designer to a simple outfit of T-shirt and jeans, short cut hair, and glasses. It’s as if he’s saying that he’s lost something important in his life and doesn’t need any pretense anymore. Clapton who has reached that state is also great, but it can be said that Clapton, who was “shining brilliantly” and was accomplishing something that no one else could do, was also great, as captured in this work. Without a doubt, this was the peak of “rock musician Eric Clapton”. Please enjoy Clapton, who was at the peak of his abilities as a player, again with this work with the highest sound quality ever.

1991年2月17日のロイヤル・アルバート・ホール公演と言えば、イギリスの興行記録を打ち立てた伝説の24夜連続公演「24 NIGHTS」の一夜であり、2形態目の9ピースバンドで行なわれた「ロックナイト」として、当時BBCラジオにて放送されたステレオ・サウンドボード録音の完全版エアチェック音源から「PLAY WITH FIRE」、「PLAY WITH FIRE REVISITED」、「ZENITH」等数々のCDアイテムを生み出した名音源、名公演でありました。この連続公演は、「ジャーニーマン・ツアー」を締めくくった最終行程でもあったことから、「ロックナイト」の集大成ステージとしても高く評価されたものです。有名音源につき、クラプトンファンならずとも、彼の代表音源の一つとして持っておくべき「一家に一枚」的な定番音源に位置づけられるものでした。しかしながら既発盤はヒスノイズが目立っていた上に、いずれもラジオ放送におけるDJのコメント部分における曲中・曲間カット部をフェード処理や別公演からの補填で処理していました。今回、この名音源をかのGraf Zeppelinが改めてエアチェックマスターの時点からリマスターをしてくれました!その結果、ヒスノイズが抑制され、帯域バランスの最良調整と位相の適正修正が行なわれたため、音質が明るめで、なおかつLayla冒頭のギター音に感じられたような音のざらつきもない過去最高音質となりました。そして曲中・曲間カット部の補填および音切れ部の差し替えを同日の別のステレオ・サウンドボード音源を帯域調整の上でパッチすることにより違和感をなくし、初の一切フェイクのない全長版全曲完全収録を実現しました。




・1月21日~25日:来る「24 NIGHTS」に向けて、アイルランド、ダブリンのホール、ザ・ポイントにて、4ピースバンドのリハーサル
・1月26日~29日:来る「24 NIGHTS」に向けて、アイルランド、ダブリンのホール、ザ・ポイントにて、9ピースバンドのリハーサル
・2月5日~3月9日:ロンドン、ロイヤル・アルバート・ホールにて24夜連続公演「24 NIGHTS」を実施(この間の2月20日には、「ブルースナイト」のリハーサルをバークシャーのブレイ・スタジオにて行なう)

Rock Night(4ピースバンド):2月5日、6日、7日、9日、10日、11日
Rock Night(9ピースバンド):13日、14日、15日、17日、18日、19日 ←★ここ★
Blues Night:23日、24日、25日、27日、28日、3月1日
Orchestra Night:3月3日、4日、5日、7日、8日、9日

これを見ていただくと、3月10日から9月3日まで、一切活動していなかったことがお分かりでしょう。クラプトンは、前年の「ジャーニーマン・ワールドツアー」と2年続いてこなしたハードなロイヤル・アルバート・ホール連続公演が終了すれば、完全休養に入り、4歳になった幼い息子コナー君との生活をエンジョイするつもりだったそうです。ところが、その矢先の3月20日、あの事件が起こってしまいました。そのショックから、彼は6か月間一切の活動を停止し、内省の日々を送っていたのです。本作はあの悲劇に遭遇する前、連日成功を収めていた「24 NIGHTS」が佳境に入った10日目、ロックナイトの4日目を捉えたものです。この一ヶ月後に起こる事など彼に予想できるはずもなく、信頼できる「世界最高」と彼自ら称するバックバンドとのステージに奮い立っていた絶頂期にありました。プレイに集中する彼の人生にはネガティヴ要素など微塵もなかった時期でした。ロックミュージシャンとして、まさに最高の舞台に立っていたのです。彼のギタープレイ、歌からは自信に満ち溢れたエネルギーが迸ります。ギターソロはもちろん連日アドリブでしたので、オフィシャルライブ盤とは異なるプレイです。「ロックナイト」は、その前段階で行なわれた4ピースバンドを豪華にしたもの、と言ってよく、4人編成時よりも圧倒的に分厚くなったサウンドが魅力となっています(セカンドギター、パーカッション、セカンドキーボード、バックコーラスが加わりました)。オフィシャル盤「24 NIGHTS」でリリースされた91年の9ピースバンドのライブテイクは、翌日の18日を公式レコーディングしたものでしたので、本作はそれとは一切ダブらないことになります。従ってオフィシャル盤とは異なる、凄まじいクラプトンのアドリブ、ソロが楽しめるというわけです。同じロックナイトでも4ピースと9ピース、90年と91年のテイクを寄せ集めて構成していた、今年リリースされた拡大版のオフィシャルボックス「DEFINITIVE 24 NIGHTS」では欠けていた「ステージの流れ」というものが、本作ではしっかり味わえます。そして収められているパフォーマンスも、オフィシャル盤に優るとも劣らない珠玉のテイクばかり、とくればやはり本作は「24 NIGHTS」の代表作としての意味合いも有しています。ツアー対象アルバム「JOURNEYMAN」からは、Pretending、No Alibis、Running On Faith、Bad Love、Before You Accuse Me、Old Loveの6曲がセットイン。バリバリ、ギンギンのプレイを披露しています。特に Bad Loveのソロでのチョーキングは強烈。さらにOld Loveでの魂を揺さぶるかのような泣きのハンドビブラートは必聴。 Before You Accuse Meでの変幻自在ぶりはストーンズのMidnight Ramblerを彷彿させます。他にもちょっとした聴きどころを挙げますと、Badgeのセカンドソロではパーマーが、クラプトンが弾いたクリームのオリジナルバージョンのソロを完コピしていたり、Member Introductionは、ラリー・グラハム&セントラル・ステーションのThank Youを演奏しながらのものであったり、Laylaのプロローグであるウェザー・リポートのジョー・ザビヌル作のA Remark You Madeにはさらにプロローグがあり、これはダイアー・ストレイツがよくライブで演奏していたインストであったり(恐らく前年の同公演に参加していたストレイツのアラン・クラークが持ち込んだものが継承されたのでしょう)、Sunshine Of Your Love では、恐らく同曲のライブテイクでは最も壮大な(壮絶な?)ドラム&パーカッションソロとオーディエンスとのコール&レスポンスが聴けたり、と細かな点も楽しめます。


Disc 1 (75:32)
01. DJ Intro
02. Layla Orchestral Intro
03. Pretending
04. No Alibis
05. Running On Faith
06. I Shot The Sheriff
07. White Room
08. Can’t Find My Way Home ★6:49-6:51 補填
09. Bad Love
10. Before You Accuse Me
11. Old Love

Disc 2 (72:06)
01. Badge
02. Wonderful Tonight
03. Member Introduction ★0:01-0:04 補填
04. Cocaine
05. A Remark You Made
06. Layla
07. Crossroads
08. Sunshine Of Your Love ★1:17-1:20 音切れ部差替え / 11:39-11:41 補填
09. DJ Outro


Eric Clapton – Guitar, Vocals
Phil Palmer – Guitar
Nathan East –
Bass Steve Ferrone – Drums
Greg Phillinganes – Keyboards
Chuck Leavell – Keyboards
Ray Cooper – Percussion
Katie Kissoon – Backing Vocals
Tessa Niles – Backing Vocals




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