Earth, Wind & Fire / California Jam 1974 Reel To Reel Soundboard / 1CDR

Earth, Wind & Fire / California Jam 1974 Reel To Reel Soundboard / 1CDR / Uxbridge

“California Jam I”, Ontario Motor Speedway, CA, USA 6th April 1974 STEREO SBD

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A new excavation soundboard master of “California Jam” that is shocking collectors all over the world. The EARTH, WIND & FIRE version is here.
Anyway, this new excavation is a shock. Even though 2022 has just begun, I think the next year will be boring. This week, it will appear as a press title for DEEP PURPLE and BLACK SABBATH, but in fact, soundboard recordings of other bands have been unearthed one after another. All bands except EL & P, which was declared “not recorded”, popped out. This work is the EARTH, WIND & FIRE version of such a shock master.
Of course, what is recorded in this work is “April 6, 1974 Ontario Motor Speedway Park Performance”. It is the best stereo sound board recording. At that time, EARTH, WIND & FIRE was running up the stairs of success, but had not yet reached the breakthrough of “THAT’S THE WAY OF THE WORLD”. Let’s first look back on the schedule at that time to see what kind of position the legendary festival was for them.

・ February 23-March 9: USA # 1 (4 performances)
“March 25,” OPEN OUR EYES “released”
・ March 31-April 14: USA # 2 (4 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ May 10 + 11 / June 1: USA # 3 (3 performances)
・ June 22nd-August 16th: USA # 4 (13 performances)
“September 16-October 2” THAT’S THE WAY OF THE WORLD “production”
・ October 24-November 29: USA # 5 (9 performances)

This is 1974 EARTH, WIND & FIRE. There are some vague points in the records at that time, so please do not believe the details such as the number of performances, but I think you can understand the general flow. “OPEN OUR EYES”, which was completed in August of the previous year, was released in 1974 after about half a year. The appearance of California Jam in this work was the stage that was the second performance of “USA # 2” immediately after that.
Broadcasting on TV and radio is also realized only for the huge festival famous in history. EARTH, WIND & FIRE are also famous for their professional shots for several songs, but unlike that, you can enjoy a full set of about 42 minutes. Moreover, the sound is intense and unrivaled. In this new excavation, a microphone is set up in front of the amplifier on the stage, and the sound emitted by the on-site PA is recorded exactly. While DEEP PURPLE / BLACK SABBATH was the 1st gene copy of the reel tape, EARTH, WIND & FIRE was the 2nd gene, so I hesitated to press it, but the transcendent direct feeling is exactly the same. The breath of great cheers is like a whisper in the distance, and only the intensely separated and fierce live performance is poured directly into the brain. Moreover, the vividness of the details and the strength of the push are not comparable to FM broadcasts and official works. The vividness that I didn’t pay attention to, such as playback on home audio, is tremendous, and of course there is no processing to produce a concert experience. The appeal of a live album is ten people and ten colors, but it is an unparalleled piece in terms of “tasting live music.”
And it’s irresistible because the main performer of the live performance is EARTH, WIND & FIRE, which is in an upbeat tone. The standard that will be played until later is about “Evil”, and the rest is full of repertoire because it is early. Maybe some of you may have learned for the first time in this work that “Energy” was being played live. Furthermore, jams centered on Verdine White’s bass and the precious song “People” are also really flexible and goovi.
1974 EARTH, WIND & FIRE was full of young ambition and band potential to produce the masterpiece “THAT’S THE WAY OF THE WORLD” six months later. It is a transcendental stereo sound board album with 100% synchro feeling that the fierce live unfolds in the brain. A new masterpiece that seems to crystallize the taste of the sound board and the real thrill of the live album. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

★ The best stereo sound board recording of “April 6, 1974 California Jam Performance”. A microphone is set up in front of the amplifier on the stage, and the sound emitted by the on-site PA is recorded exactly. Only the intensely separated and fierce live music is poured directly into the brain, which is unmatched in the real thrill of “tasting the live music”. The EW & F ensemble, which was on the verge of breakthrough, is awesome, and there are plenty of valuable songs because it was in the early days. A transcendental stereo sound board album with 100% synchronization that unfolds a fierce live in your brain.

全世界のコレクターに衝撃を振りまいている“カリフォルニア・ジャム”の新発掘サウンドボード・マスター。そのEARTH, WIND & FIRE篇が登場です。
とにかく、今回の新発掘は衝撃。2022年も始まったばかりだというのに、これから1年がつまらなく感じてしまうんじゃないかと思うほどです。今週はDEEP PURPLE篇とBLACK SABBATH編のプレス・タイトルとして登場しますが、実は他の出演バンドのサウンドボード録音も続々と発掘。「録音されなかった」と断言されているEL&P以外の全バンドが飛び出してきました。本作は、そんな衝撃マスターのEARTH, WIND & FIRE篇なのです。
そんな本作に記録されているのは、もちろん「1974年4月6日オンタリオ・モーター・スピードウェイ・パーク公演」。その極上ステレオ・サウンドボード録音です。当時のEARTH, WIND & FIREは成功の階段を駆け上がりつつ、まだ『THAT’S THE WAY OF THE WORLD』のブレイクスルーには至っていない段階。彼らにとっての伝説フェスがどんなポジションだったのか、まずは当時のスケジュールを振り返って確かめてみましょう。

《3月25日『OPEN OUR EYES』発売》
・3月31日ー4月14日:米国#2(4公演) ←★ココ★
《9月16日ー10月2日『THAT’S THE WAY OF THE WORLD』制作》

これが1974年のEARTH, WIND & FIRE。当時の記録には曖昧な点も見受けられるので公演数などの細部は信じないで頂きたいのですが、大まかな流れはご理解頂けるのではないでしょうか。前年8月には完成していた『OPEN OUR EYES』は約半年を経て1974年にリリース。本作のカリフォルニア・ジャム出演はその直後である「米国#2」の2公演目にあたるステージでした。
歴史に名高い巨大フェスだけにテレビやラジオでの放送も実現。EARTH, WIND & FIREも数曲分のプロショットが有名ですが、本作はそれとは異なり約42分のフルセットが楽しめる。しかも、そのサウンドが強烈無比。今回の新発掘はステージ上にあるアンプの前にマイクを立てており、現場PAが吐き出すサウンドをそっくり録音されているのです。DEEP PURPLE/BLACK SABBATH篇がリール・テープの1stジェネ・コピーだったのに対してEARTH, WIND & FIREは2ndジェネだったためにプレス化も躊躇われましたが、超絶なダイレクト感はまったく同じ。大歓声の息吹も遠く遠くの囁き声のようであり、強烈にセパレートした苛烈な生演奏だけが脳みそに直接流し込まれる。しかも、その細部の鮮やかと押しの強さはFM放送やオフィシャル作品の比ではない。家庭用オーディオでの再生など気にも留めていない生々しさが凄まじく、当然コンサート体験を演出する加工もゼロ。ライヴアルバムに求める魅力は十人十色ですが、「生演奏を味わう」という点においては比類ない1枚なのです。
そして、その生演奏の主が上り調子のEARTH, WIND & FIREなのですからたまらない。後々まで演奏される定番は「Evil」程度で、あとは初期だからこそのレパートリーが満載。「Energy」がライヴ演奏されていたという事実自体を本作で初めて知ったという方もいらっしゃるのではないでしょうか。さらにヴァーダイン・ホワイトのベースを軸としたジャムや貴重曲「People」も実にフレキシブルでグーヴィなのです。
半年後には名作『THAT’S THE WAY OF THE WORLD』を生み出すバンド・ポテンシャルと若き野心が滾っていた1974年のEARTH, WIND & FIRE。その苛烈なライヴが脳内で繰り広げられるシンクロ感100%の超絶ステレオサウンドボード・アルバムです。サウンドボードの旨味とライヴアルバムの醍醐味が結晶化したかのような新名盤。どうぞ、存分にご堪能ください。


1. Energy
2. People
3. Time Is on Your Side
4. Bass Solo
5. Evil
6. C’mon Children
7. Event Announcement

Maurice White – vocals, kalimba, percussion
Verdine White – bass, percussion, vocals,
Larry Dunn – keyboards
Ralph Johnson – percussion
Philip Bailey – vocals
Johnny Graham – guitar
Al McKay – guitar
Andrew Woolfolk – saxophone
Fred White – drums

Uxbridge 1572

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