Deep Purple / Live In Japan Complete : 50th Anniversary Edition / 6CD

Deep Purple / Live In Japan Complete : 50th Anniversary Edition / 6CD / Darker Than Blue
Festival Hall, Osaka 15th & 16th August 1972 & Budokan, Tokyo 17th August 1972

Play sample :

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DEEP PURPLE’s first visit to Japan, a major event in the history of Japanese Western music that happened 50 years ago. The 50th anniversary edition of the highest peak in history, where you can experience the “3 days of miracles” that became the stage of the historical daimyo board “MADE IN JAPAN”, is now available. Of course, the miraculous three days are “August 15/16, 1972: Osaka Festival Hall” performance and “August 17: Nippon Budokan” performance. It is a 6-disc set with each full audience recording.

[Carefully selected the best from all existing masters] Speaking of “MADE IN JAPAN”, it’s not only DEEP PURPLE’s masterpiece, but rock music’s masterpiece… no, it’s even a masterpiece in the form of a “live album”. Various items, both official and unofficial, have appeared only for that most important work, but among them, the highest peak unique to the underground is the audience recording at that time. Take a 100% performance of the famous miracle that is said to be a miracle, and share the roar and shock with the customers on the spot. I was able to experience a completely different dimension of experience from official works and sound boards. At our shop, we archive such audience recordings with various titles. Including traditional masters known for a long time, new excavation masters such as another system, complete separate recordings, etc. There are legendary titles that have been out of print for a long time, and current titles that are popular every day.
Under such circumstances, this work will appear on the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of the “50th anniversary”. Re-evaluate all existing audience recordings flat once. It is a 6-disc set that carefully selects the true best masters, polishes them with detailed mastering of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”, and permanently preserves all three performances as a “50-year conclusion”. So which master was the best? Check here.

● August 15: Osaka Festival Hall (first day)
→ “OSAKA 1972 1ST NIGHT”
● August 16: Osaka Festival Hall (Day 2)
→ “LIVE IN JAPAN COMPLETE (Old version DISC 3-4)”
● August 17: Nippon Budokan

… and the result was like this. I’m sure there are people who would suggest a different title here, saying, “Huh? XX sounds better, doesn’t it?” As a matter of fact, this work does not use the above title as it is. The “best” is selected after redoing the mastering by going back to the original master. In other words, the sound order is determined by the “final form”, not the original or already released. If it’s refurbished and it’s big, that’s what it means to be a champion.

[Detailed mastering by GRAF ZEPPELIN] And the mastering is also an important point of this work. Recently, “GRAF ZEPPELIN” has reborn the famous recordings of various bands, but the finish of this work is also really splendid. The method is a natural group that emphasizes “reproduction of on-site sound” without making poor sound pressure gains. Not to mention the pitch, the phase shift is corrected with precision that does not allow deviations of 1/1000 second, and the wow and flutter is also adjusted. Furthermore, the balance is adjusted by band analysis, and the noise for each band is carefully removed. It is important to stop the noise removal at the last minute so that the performance sound itself does not deteriorate, and while it is beautifully brushed up, it never deviates from the realm of “reproduction of the sound on the spot”.
The sound proves its high accuracy. I can’t say enough about the amount of work I’ve done, but if I had to pick one example, would it be ‘Child In Time’? Especially on the first day of Osaka (8/15), it is easy to understand, but the original sound was wow and flutter, and the organ that sounded in the quiet part was twisted. This work is so stable that its shaking is hardly felt. Another example of band balance would be Budokan (8/17). I am strengthening the thin bass, but if I simply emphasize the bass, overpeaking may occur, and if I get scared, the original and child will be lost. Therefore, in this work, while lowering the entire range once so as not to collapse, the bass is enhanced on top of that. It reproduces the original dynamism of the performance while remaining glossy and beautiful.

The revived live was truly a “three miraculous days”. Although it was only for three days, the live performance that has overcome the test of time of half a century and continues to burn the souls of maniacs. Each phrase that has already been engraved at the soul level is vividly and vividly drawn. Yes, what is engraved in this work is exactly “the weight of 50 years”. Sound sources that have remained to the present day because many enthusiasts and countless collectors have continued to pursue them. It is a 6-disc set that has been refined by archive technology that has been constantly advancing for 50 years.
The “sound of 1972” has been passed down because it has been loved, and can only be recaptured in modern times. Please enjoy it anytime, forever with the permanent preservation press 6CD that leaves the shine forever.

A 6-disc full audience recording set that includes the legendary first visit to Japan for three days, “August 15 + 16, 1972: Osaka Festival Hall / August 17: Nippon Budokan”. This is an upgrade board that carefully selected the best quality from all the masters we have handled so far, and refined it with detailed mastering of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”. From pitch/phase adjustment, processing of wow and flutter and various types of noise, to balance adjustment through band analysis, the finish, which is faithful to the basics and polished with unprecedented precision, is truly the highest peak ever. This is the 50th anniversary edition of the crystallization of half a century of collector’s passion and technological progress.

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Disc1-2: Adjust the hiss component area with EQ, correct wowfla (sound distortion), remove high frequency noise

Disc3-4: Pitch, phase, bandwidth, wowfla (sound distortion) correction

Disc5-6: Band adjustment with EQ centering on low-frequency reinforcement

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今を去ること50年前に実現した日本洋楽史の大事件、DEEP PURPLEの初来日。歴史的大名盤『MADE IN JAPAN』の舞台ともなった「奇跡の3日間」を現場体験できる史上最高峰の50周年盤が登場です。その奇跡の3日間とは、もちろん「1972年8月15日/16日:大阪フェスティバルホール」公演と「8月17日:日本武道館」公演。それぞれのフル・オーディエンス録音をセットした6枚組です。
 『MADE IN JAPAN』と言えば、DEEP PURPLEの最高傑作と言うだけでなく、ロック・ミュージックの……いえ、「ライヴアルバム」という作品形態の最高傑作でさえある。それだけの最重要作だけに、公式/非公式を問わず様々なアイテムが登場してきましたが、その中でもアンダーグラウンドならではの最高峰なのが当時のオーディエンス録音。奇跡と言われる大名演を本生100%で浴び、そのどよめきと衝撃を現場の感貨客と共有する。公式作品やサウンドボードとはまったく別次元の体験感が味わえました。当店では、そんなオーディエンス録音を様々なタイトルでアーカイヴ。古くから知られる伝統マスターをはじめ、別系等の新発掘マスターや完全な別録音等々など。廃盤久しい伝説タイトルもあれば、日々好評が寄せられる現行タイトルもあります。
 そんな中で「50周年」という二度とない機会に登場するのが本作。現存するあらゆるオーディエンス録音を一度フラットに再評価。真なるベスト・マスターを厳選した上で「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の細密マスタリングで磨き上げ、3公演すべてを「50年間の結論」として永久保存した6枚組なのです。では、どのマスターがベストだったのか。ここで確認しておきましょう。
 →『OSAKA 1972 1ST NIGHT』
……と、このような結果になりました。ここで「え? ○○の方が音が良いだろ」と別タイトルを推す方もいらっしゃる事でしょう。実のところ、本作は上記タイトルをそのまま使用しているわけではありません。その元マスターにまで遡ってマスタリングをやり直した上で「ベスト」を選定しています。つまり、大元でも既発でもなく「最終形」でサウンド順位を決定している。磨き直しで大化けしていれば、それが王者という事なのです。
【GRAF ZEPPELINによる細密マスタリング】
 そして、そのマスタリングも本作の重要ポイント。最近ではさまざまなバンドの名録音を生まれ変わらせている「GRAF ZEPPELIN」ですが、本作の仕上がりも実に見事なのです。その手法は下手な音圧稼ぎなどはせず、「現場音の再現」を最重視したナチュラル派。ピッチは言うに及ばず、位相ズレも1/1000秒の狂いまで許さない精度で補整し、ワウフラッターも調整。さらには帯域分析によってバランスも整え、各帯域ごとのノイズも丁寧に除去している。そのノイズ除去も演奏音そのものが変質しないギリギリの寸止めがキモでして、綺麗にブラッシュアップされつつ、あくまでも「その場の音の再現」の域からは決して外れないのです。
 その精度の高さは、音が証明している。あまりに多くの作業はとても語り尽くせないのですが、1つ例を挙げるなら「Child In Time」が良いでしょうか。特に大阪初日(8/15)は分かりやすいと思いますが、原音ではワウフラッターで音揺れを起こしており、静かなパートで鳴るオルガンがヨレていました。本作は、その揺れがほとんど感じられないほど安定しているのです。もう1つ、帯域バランスの例で言うなら武道館(8/17)でしょうか。細かった低音を増強しているのですが、単に低音を強調してしまうとオーバーピークを起こしかねず、もしビビってしまえば元も子もなくなってしまう。そこで本作では、一度全音域を崩れないように下げつつ、その上で低音を増強。艶やかに美しいまま、演奏本来のダイナミズムをきっちり再現しているのです。
3日間に及ぶ伝説の初来日「1972年8月15日+16日:大阪フェスティバルホール/8月17日:日本武道館」を完全収録したフル・オーディエンス録音セット6枚組。これまで当店で扱ってきた全マスターからベスト・クオリティを厳選し、「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の細密マスタリングで磨き直したアップグレード盤です。ピッチ/位相補整、ワウフラッターや各種ノイズの処理、帯域分析によってバランス調整に至るまで、基本に忠実ながらかつてない精度で磨かれた仕上がりは、まさに史上最高峰。半世紀に及ぶコレクターの情熱と技術の進歩が結晶となった50周年盤です。
★★This is a great 6-disc set. The strongest and highest quality “LIVE IN JAPAN” document ever! !
★★これは凄い6枚組です。史上最強・最高品質の「LIVE IN JAPAN」ドキュメント!!
Live at Festival Hall, Osaka, Japan 15th August 1972
Disc 1 (46:24)
1. Introduction
2. Highway Star
3. Smoke On The Water
4. Child In Time
5. The Mule 
6. Strange Kind Of Woman
Disc 2 (52:50)
1. Tuning/MC
2. Lazy 
3. Space Truckin’ 
4. Black Night
5. Speed King
Live at Festival Hall, Osaka, Japan 16th August 1972
Disc 3 (53:28)
1. Introduction
2. Highway Star
3. Smoke On The Water
4. Child In Time
5. The Mule
6. Strange Kind Of Woman
Disc 4 (46:25)
1. Tuning/MC
2. Lazy
3. Space Truckin’
4. Black Night
5. Lucille
Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 17th August 1972
Disc 5 (52:29)
1. Introduction
2. Highway Star
3. Smoke On The Water
4. Child In Time
5. The Mule
6. Strange Kind Of Woman
Disc 6 (52:29)
1. Tuning/MC
2. Lazy
3. Space Truckin’
4. Black Night
5. Speed King
6. Outro.
Ian Gillan – Vocal
Ritchie Blackmore – Guitar
Roger Glover – Bass
Jon Lord – Keyboards
Ian Paice – Drums
Darker Than Blue 309/310/311/312/313/314

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