Deep Purple / Definitive Genova 1973 / 1CD

Deep Purple / Definitive Genova 1973 / 1CD / Darker Than Blue
Live at Palasport, Genova, Italy 11th March 1973

Play sample :

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DEEP PURPLE in 1973 was running towards the end of the golden age. The longest and highest peak board of the standard sound source is born. A press 2CD that refined the young Gene Master with detailed mastering of “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is now available.
Engraved in such a work is “Genoa performance on March 11, 1973”. It is the masterpiece audience recording. Speaking of 1973, it was a historical turning point that changed from Phase II to Phase III. First of all, let’s check the position of the show by overlooking the whole activity.

《January 13 “Murasaki no Portrait” released》
・January 16-March 20: Europe (36 performances) ← Coco
・ April 12-June 19: North America (42 performances)
・ June 23-29: Japan (6 performances: Phase II collapse)
《September: Stage III started → Completed “Purple Flame” in November》
・December 9-17: Europe #3 (5 performances)

This is DEEP PURPLE in 1973. Starting with the release of “Murasaki no Portrait”, the first half of the year will be a world tour (Europe/North America/Japan) with the members of Term II. In the second half of the year, we created “Murasaki no Honoo” in Phase III, and the only live performance was “Europe #3” for the purpose of showing off. Under such circumstances, the Genoa performance of this work is the “European” leg, which is the beginning of the end. It was the 30th concert. It is also an important period in the history of purple, and we have archived this “European” leg with many masterpieces. It’s also a good opportunity, so let’s organize that collection here as well.

●European leg details
・January 16 “BERLIN 1973”
・January 17-20 (3 performances)
・January 21 “MUNICH 1973”
・January 23 “MUNSTER MASTER”
・January 24-February 10 (10 performances)
・February 16 “RAINBOW 1973”
・February 19th + 20th (2 performances)
・February 21 “BIRMINGHAM 1973 MASTER”
・February 23-March 10 (8 performances)
・ March 11: Genoa performance ← This work
・ March 14-19 (5 performances)
・March 20 “BRUSSELS 1973”

… and it looks like this. The above is only the current press name board, not all records. While seven live albums are crowded, this work is a late record next to “BRUSSELS 1973 (Darker Than Blue 256)” on the final day. It was a timing that could be described as “the end of the beginning of the end”.
This work, which vacuum-packed such a show, has been known for having left a famous recording for a long time, and the Shades label’s “GENOVA 1973” has been loved as a standard at our shop. While this work is also a classic sound source, it is a decision board that updates the longest and highest peak. “GRAF ZEPPELIN” finely mastered the excavation of the former master whose gene is younger than the Shades board. First of all, “longest update” is cut compensation by tape change. Previously, there was a cut of about 50 seconds between drum solos, but in this work it is patched with a different sound source. It became the first live album in history that can be enjoyed seamlessly.
And more important than that is “updating the highest peak sound”. In fact, what flows out of this work is a different dimension from the Shades board. Of course, the recording itself is the same, so the slightly wild feel does not change, but the freshness is clearly fresh and youthful. As a matter of fact, the Shades board “GENOVA 1973” was also released as the 1st generation, but that means that the master of this time is the original transfer, or it was copied with higher precision in another system, and the preservation state is also good. Is that what you mean….
Anyway, the youthful ringing that cannot be produced by mastering is wonderful. Each sound of all instruments is clearly reborn, and the instruments are beautifully separated without mixing. The direct feeling is increasing as if the recording position itself was several meters in front. Everything is different, but the most obvious is the base. If you have experienced the previous episode, you may remember the unique attack sound “Bing Bing!”, But this is no longer the only attack. In addition, the richness of the sound leaves a “gritty” feeling immediately after “Bing”, and the combination of these creates an indescribable groove. Moreover, because the outline is strangely clear, even if the guitar and keyboard sound at the same time, they will not mix. Especially “Smoke On The Water” is a must listen. The bass is just one example, but for this song, it is a bass song that explodes with a super unique bass that is completely organ / guitar.
“GRAF ZEPPELIN” is further refining such a best master. If you have read this article, you probably already know, but the method of “GRAF ZEPPELIN” can be called “natural reproduction principle”. We do not make flashy creations or blindly increase sound pressure, but restore the “original sound” like repairing a painting or cultural property. Pitch correction, phase correction, band analysis, balance adjustment, noise processing … Each one of them is pierced from the viewpoint of “restoration” and reproduces the live scene itself as much as possible. In this case, the hiss is significantly reduced. The new master itself had less hiss than the conventional version, but it was processed even more beautifully. Of course, it is also a dimensional stop that does not affect the performance sound, realizing a natural, smoother and more glossy performance sound.

“Mary Long”, which I could not listen to in Japan, is a treasure recording that allows you to experience a delicious full show on site, its longest and highest peak update board. Although it had passed its peak, it was in the “second period of the 70’s”. Both the preciousness and the impact are different from any other era, and even if it is different from “MADE IN JAPAN”, it must be the strongest hard rock band of the time. One of the best ever produced by young Gene Master & detailed mastering. Please enjoy it with a permanent preservation press CD.

★ Masterpiece audience recording of “March 11, 1973 Genoa performance”. “GRAF ZEPPELIN” meticulously masters the new master of Young Gene from the existing Shades label. It is a decision board that updates the longest and highest peak. The freshness is clearly fresh, each note of all instruments is clearly reborn, and the instruments are beautifully separated without mixing. The direct feeling is increasing as if the recording position itself was several meters in front. “Mary Long”, which I could not listen to in Japan, is also a treasure arham where you can experience a delicious full show on site.

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(remastered memo)

★The sound quality is better than the previous release even at this point, using a low gene master that is different from the Shades board.

★ The roughness of hiss is reduced, and the freshness is definitely improved.

★ The cut part (drum solo) is supplemented with another source that has appeared in recent years, and the first complete recording in history!

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黄金時代の終焉に向かってひた走っていた1973年のDEEP PURPLE。その定番音源の最長・最高峰盤が誕生。若ジェネ・マスターを「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の細密マスタリングで磨き上げたプレス2CDが登場です。

《9月:第III期始動 → 11月『紫の炎』完成》

これが1973年のDEEP PURPLE。『紫の肖像』の発売で幕を開け、上半期は第II期メンバーでワールド・ツアー(欧州/北米/日本)。下半期は第III期で『紫の炎』を創り上げ、ライヴはお披露目的な「欧州#3」だけでした。そんな中で本作のジェノヴァ公演は、終わりの始まりにあたる「欧州」レッグ。その30公演目にあたるコンサートでした。パープル史にとって重要な時期でもあり、当店ではこの「欧州」レッグも数々の名作でアーカイヴしてきました。良い機会でもありますので、ここでそのコレクションも整理しておきましょう。

・1月16日『BERLIN 1973』
・1月21日『MUNICH 1973』
・2月16日『RAINBOW 1973』
・3月11日:ジェノヴァ公演 ←★本作★
・3月20日『BRUSSELS 1973』

……と、このようになっています。上記はあくまで現行のプレス名盤だけで、全記録というわけではありません。7作のライヴアルバムがひしめく中で本作は最終日『BRUSSELS 1973(Darker Than Blue 256)』に次ぐ後期の記録。言わば「終わりの始まりの終わり」とでも言えるタイミングでした。
そんなショウを真空パックした本作は以前から名録音が残された事でも知られ、当店でもShadesレーベルの『GENOVA 1973』が定番として愛されてきました。本作もその定番音源ながら、最長・最高峰を更新する決定盤。Shades盤よりもジェネが若い元マスターの発掘を「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が細密マスタリングしたものです。まず「最長の更新」ですが、これはテープ・チェンジによるカット補填。従来既発ではドラムソロの合間に約50秒のカットがありましたが、本作では別音源でパッチ。シームレスに楽しめる史上初のライヴアルバムとなりました。
そして、それ以上に重要なのが「最高峰サウンドの更新」。実際、本作から流れ出るのはShades盤とは別次元。もちろん、録音自体は同じですのでややワイルドな感触までは変わりませんが、その鮮度は明らかに瑞々しく、グッと若々しくなっているのです。実のところ、Shades盤『GENOVA 1973』も1stジェネとして公開されていたのですが、ということは今回のマスターが大元トランスファーなのか、もしくは別系統でより高精度にコピーされ、保存状態も良かったと言うことなのか……。
ともあれ、マスタリングでは生み出せない若々しい鳴りが素晴らしい。すべての楽器の1音1音がはっきりクッキリと生まれ変わっており、楽器同士も混じり合わずに見事にセパレート。まるで録音ポジションそのものが数メートル前になったようにダイレクト感が増しているのです。もう全部が違うのですが、一番分かりやすいのはベースでしょうか。既発を体験された方なら、個性的な「ビンビン!」というアタック音をご記憶と思いますが、これがアタックだけではなくなっている。さらに鳴りが豊かに鳴ることで「ビン」のすぐ後に「ゴリッ」とした感触が残り、それが連なることで得も言われぬグルーヴ感を醸している。しかも、その輪郭が異様にクッキリしているため、ギターやキーボードが同時に鳴っても混ざらない。特に「Smoke On The Water」は絶対必聴。ベースはあくまで一例ではあるのですが、この曲に限っては完全にオルガン/ギターとタメを張る超個性ベースが炸裂するベース・ソングとなっているのです。
そんなベスト・マスターをさらに「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が磨き込んでいる。本稿に目を留められた方ならご存知と思いますが、「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の手法は「ナチュラル系復刻主義」とでも呼べそうなもの。派手な作り込みや無闇な音圧稼ぎなどはせず、絵画・文化財の補修の如く「元の音」を復元していく。ピッチ補正・位相修正・帯域分析・バランス調整・ノイズ処理……その1つひとつがすべて「復元」の視点で貫かれ、ライヴ現場そのものを可能な限り再現しているのです。今回の場合は、ヒスの軽減が著しい。新マスター自体、従来盤よりもヒスが少なかったりもしたのですが、さらに綺麗に処理。もちろん、演奏音に影響の出ない寸止めでもあり、ナチュラルでありつつ、より滑らかで、艶やかな演奏音を実現しているのです。

日本では聴けなかった「Mary Long」も美味しいフルショウを現場体験できる秘宝録音、その最長・最高峰更新盤です。ピークを過ぎていたとは言え、そこは「70年代の第II期」。貴重度も迫力も、他のどの時代とも別次元ですし『MADE IN JAPAN』とは違ったとしても、当代最強のハードロックバンドには違いないのです。若ジェネ・マスター&細密マスタリングで生み出された史上最高の1枚。どうぞ、永久保存プレスCDで存分にお楽しみください。

★「1973年3月11日ジェノヴァ公演」の傑作オーディエンス録音。Shadesレーベルの既発よりも若ジェネの新マスターを「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が細密マスタリング。最長・最高峰を更新する決定盤です。鮮度は明らかに瑞々しく、すべての楽器の1音1音がはっきりクッキリと生まれ変わっており、楽器同士も混じり合わずに見事にセパレート。まるで録音ポジションそのものが数メートル前になったようにダイレクト感が増しています。日本では聴けなかった「Mary Long」も美味しいフルショウを現場体験できる秘宝アルハムです。









01. Introduction
02. Highway Star
03. Smoke On The Water
04. Strange Kind Of Woman
05. Mary Long
06. Keyboard Solo
07. Lazy
08. Drum Solo ★1:50-2:41別ソースで補填
09. The Mule
10. Space Truckin’
11. Black Night

Ian Gillan – Vocal
Ritchie Blackmore – Guitar
Roger Glover – Bass
Jon Lord – Keyboards
Ian Paice – Drums

Darker Than Blue 319

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