David Bowie / Melbourne 2004 / 4CDR

David Bowie / Melbourne 2004 / 4CDR / Uxbridge
Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne, Australia 26th & 27th February 2004

Play sample :

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The Oceania leg of “A REALITY TOUR”, which attracted the attention of collectors with a series of masterpieces, such as the press masterpiece “SYDNEY 2004 2ND NIGHT (Wardour-489)” and the big set “AUSTRALIAN TOUR 2004 (Uxbridge 1501)”. Introducing the finest 4-disc set that is suitable for decorating the shime.
This work contains two consecutive performances at the same venue. This is a recording of a de-class audience of “February 26th + 27th, 2004 Melbourne performance”. This work is also a set, but “AUSTRALIAN TOUR 2004” was also a big work with 3 performance sets. First, let’s check the position of the trilogy from the schedule at that time.

● Oceania leg
・ February 14: Wellington performance
・ February 17, “AUSTRALIAN TOUR 2004 (Brisbane)”
・ February 20 “AUSTRALIAN TOUR 2004 (Sydney)”
・ February 21: Press board “SYDNEY 2004 2ND NIGHT”
・ February 23, “AUSTRALIAN TOUR 2004 (Adelaide)”
・ February 26: Melbourne performance ← ★ This work DISC 1-2 ★
・ February 27: Melbourne performance ← ★ This work DISC 3-4 ★
・ March 1: Perth performance
● Asia leg
・ March 4: Singapore performance
・ March 8-11: Japan (3 performances)
・ March 14: Hong Kong performance

This is Bowie’s last Oceania / Asia leg. The two works “SYDNEY 2004 2ND NIGHT” and “AUSTRALIAN TOUR 2004” were a solid shot of four performances, but the two performances in Melbourne immediately after that. It’s just a series of sequel albums.
And the sound is also suitable to be called a sequel. As expected, it is one step closer to the press board “SYDNEY 2004 2ND NIGHT”, which is the pinnacle of work. Surprisingly, the two performances of this work are the best recordings that are not inferior to that press masterpiece. The clear and clear air is clear and clear, and the core that penetrates the center of the crystal is in close contact with the core without any sense of distance. The ensemble is also neatly separated, and each note is clearly cut to the outline, and Bowie’s singing voice is poured directly into the ear, not only word by word, but also the nuances and breathing of each syllable.
What’s even more shocking is that the sound goes through the entire two performances. Like the previous two works, it is a collection of masterpieces provided by the researcher collection, but perhaps the venue is also a major factor. After all, the site “Rod Laver Arena” is the venue that is famous for the Australian Open center court. The sound is released to the ceiling that opens wide in the sky, and there is no sound trapping or wraparound. You can feel that you are directly picking up the sound of PA.
With such a super direct sound, two performances with a wide variety, which is the strongest in the trilogy, are drawn. Perhaps those who can pay attention to this article have also experienced the press board “SYDNEY 2004 2ND NIGHT”, so let’s organize it while comparing it here.

● Fixed songs for 2 performances
・ 70’s: The Man Who Sold the World / Life on Mars? / Five Years / Ziggy Stardust / Hang On to Yourself / All the Young Dudes / Rebel Rebel / “Heroes”
・ 80’s / 90’s: Ashes to Ashes / Under Pressure / China Girl / I’m Afraid of Americans
・ 2000s; Cactus / Sunday / Heathen (The Rays) (★) / Looking for Water / New Killer Star / Try Some Buy Some (★) / Pablo Picasso (★)
● Songs only for the first day (DISC 1-2)
・ 60’s / 70’s: White Light / White Heat / Quicksand / Suffragette City (★) / Starman (★) / Panic in Detroit (★) / Fame
・ 90’s / 2000’s: Hallo Spaceboy / Slip Away (★) / Days / The Loneliest Guy / Reality (★)
● Song only for the second day (DISC 3-4)
・ 70’s / 80’s: Changes (★) / Always Crashing in the Same Car (★) / Be my Wife (★) / Breaking Glass (★) / Sound and Vision (★) / Fashion (★) / Let’s Dance ( ★)
・ 2000s: I’ve Been Waiting for You (★) / Never Get Old (★)
* Note: “★” marks are songs that cannot be heard on the press board “SYDNEY 2004 2ND NIGHT”.

… And it looks like this. Both the first day (DISC 1-2) and the second day (DISC 3-4) are super profitable in another sense. First of all, on the first day (DISC 1-2), there are a huge number of songs. In the previous two works, there were about 23-26 songs per park, but on this day there are a large number of 30 songs. It covers all the songs shown on the press board “SYDNEY 2004 2ND NIGHT”, and has increased the number of songs by 7 songs.
And on the second day (DISC 3-4) instead, there were as many as 28 songs, and a considerable number were replaced. As you can see above, there are 9 songs in the repertoire that I didn’t play on the first day, but I couldn’t listen to all of them on the press board “SYDNEY 2004 2ND NIGHT”. In other words, 39 songs and 58 takes were performed only in the two performances of this work, and 17 of them did not cover “SYDNEY 2004 2ND NIGHT”.
Anyway, the sound and show contents are amazing. The only inferior point to “SYDNEY 2004 2ND NIGHT” is that the songs are clapping their hands. That is also a beauty depending on your taste, and depending on the song, the superiority or inferiority is reversed. It is a threatening 4-disc set that allows you to enjoy a huge number of famous songs with such press-class sound. If it is true, this work should have been preserved permanently … The more you listen, the deeper the hesitation becomes. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content!

★ The best audience recording set of “February 26 + 27, 2004 Melbourne performance”. The clear and clear air is clear and clear, and the core that penetrates the center of the crystal is in close contact with the core without any sense of distance. The ensemble is also neatly separated, and each note is clearly cut to the outline, and Bowie’s singing voice is poured directly into the ear, not only for each word of the lyrics, but also for the nuances and breathing of each syllable. Although the quality is comparable to the press masterpiece “SYDNEY 2004 2ND NIGHT (Wardour-489)”, there are a lot of masterpieces that cannot be heard there. It is a super-masterpiece where you can fully experience all 39 songs and 58 takes of 2 consecutive performances.

★ Amazing super high sound quality! !! !! The highest sound quality board that I really want you to put out again with the press. Everything is superb, including the content! !! This is recommended.

プレス名盤『SYDNEY 2004 2ND NIGHT(Wardour-489)』やビッグセット『AUSTRALIAN TOUR 2004(Uxbridge 1501)』と、傑作連発でコレクターの注目を集めた“A REALITY TOUR”のオセアニア・レッグ。そのシメを飾るに相応しい、極上の4枚組が登場です。
そんな本作に収められているのは同会場の2連続公演。「2004年2月26日+27日メルボルン公演」のド級オーディエンス録音です。本作もセット物ですが、『AUSTRALIAN TOUR 2004』も3公演セットと大作でした。まずは、当時の日程から三部作のポジションを確かめてみましょう。

・2月17日『AUSTRALIAN TOUR 2004(ブリスベン)』
・2月20日『AUSTRALIAN TOUR 2004(シドニー)』
・2月21日:プレス盤『SYDNEY 2004 2ND NIGHT』
・2月23日『AUSTRALIAN TOUR 2004(アデレード)』
・2月26日:メルボルン公演 ←★本作DISC 1-2★
・2月27日:メルボルン公演 ←★本作DISC 3-4★

これがボウイ最後のオセアニア/アジア・レッグ。『SYDNEY 2004 2ND NIGHT』『AUSTRALIAN TOUR 2004』の2作で4公演の固め撃ちだったわけですが、本作のメルボルン2公演はその直後。まさに連続した続編アルバムなのです。
そして、サウンドも続編と呼ぶに相応しい。さすがに頂点作であるプレス盤『SYDNEY 2004 2ND NIGHT』には一歩及ば……なくない。驚いたことに、本作の2公演はあのプレス傑作を向こうに回してもまったく遜色のない極上録音なのです。スッキリと透き通った空気感はクリスタル・クリアに晴れ渡り、そのド真ん中を貫く芯にはまったく距離感なしのド密着。アンサンブルも綺麗にセパレートして1音1音が輪郭までクッキリと切り立ち、ボウイの歌声は歌詞の一語一語どころか一音節のニュアンスや息づかいまで耳元に直接流し込まれるのです。
そんな超ダイレクト・サウンドで描かれるのは、三部作でも最強となるバラエティ豊かな2公演。恐らく、本稿に目を留められる方ならプレス盤『SYDNEY 2004 2ND NIGHT』も体験されていると思いますので、ここで比較しながら整理してみましょう。

・70年代:The Man Who Sold the World/Life on Mars?/Five Years/Ziggy Stardust/Hang On to Yourself/All the Young Dudes/Rebel Rebel/“Heroes”
・80年代/90年代:Ashes to Ashes/Under Pressure/China Girl/I’m Afraid of Americans
・2000年代;Cactus/Sunday/Heathen (The Rays)(★)/Looking for Water/New Killer Star/Try Some Buy Some(★)/Pablo Picasso(★)
●初日(DISC 1-2)だけの曲
・60年代/70年代:White Light/White Heat/Quicksand/Suffragette City(★)/Starman(★)/Panic in Detroit(★)/Fame
・90年代/2000年代:Hallo Spaceboy/Slip Away(★)/Days/The Loneliest Guy/Reality(★)
●2日目(DISC 3-4)だけの曲
・70年代/80年代:Changes(★)/Always Crashing in the Same Car(★)/Be my Wife(★)/Breaking Glass(★)/Sound and Vision(★)/Fashion(★)/Let’s Dance(★)
・2000年代:I’ve Been Waiting for You(★)/Never Get Old(★)
※注:「★」印はプレス盤『SYDNEY 2004 2ND NIGHT』で聴けない曲。

……と、このようになっています。初日(DISC 1-2)も2日目(DISC 3-4)も別の意味で超お得。まず初日(DISC 1-2)ですが、こちらは曲数が膨大。前2作では1公園につき23-26曲ほどだったのですが、この日は大量30曲に及ぶ。プレス盤『SYDNEY 2004 2ND NIGHT』で披露された全曲を網羅し、その上に7曲も増量しているのです。
そして、代わっての2日目(DISC 3-4)も28曲と多く、しかも相当数入れ替えられている。上記をご覧の通り、初日に演奏しなかったレパートリーが9曲も取り上げられているのですが、これ全部がプレス盤『SYDNEY 2004 2ND NIGHT』でも聴けなかった。つまり、本作の2公演だけで39曲・58テイクも披露され、そのうち17曲が『SYDNEY 2004 2ND NIGHT』と被っていないのです。
とにもかくにも驚きのサウンドとショウ内容です。『SYDNEY 2004 2ND NIGHT』より劣っている点と言えば、曲によって大きめに手拍子を拾っていることくらい。それも好みによっては美点ですし、曲によっては優劣が逆にもなる。そんなプレス級サウンドで膨大な名曲が楽しめてしまう脅威の4枚組なのです。本当なら本作の方を永久保存すべきだったのかも知れない……聴けば聴くほどそんな迷いまで深まってくる超大作。どうぞ、思う存分たっぷりとご堪能ください!

★「2004年2月26日+27日メルボルン公演」の極上オーディエンス録音セット。スッキリと透き通った空気感はクリスタル・クリアに晴れ渡り、そのド真ん中を貫く芯にはまったく距離感なしのド密着。アンサンブルも綺麗にセパレートして1音1音が輪郭までクッキリと切り立ち、ボウイの歌声は歌詞の一語一語どころか一音節のニュアンスや息づかいまで耳元に直接流し込まれる。プレス名盤『SYDNEY 2004 2ND NIGHT(Wardour-489)』にも負けないクオリティながら、そこでは聴けない名曲も山盛り。2連続公演の全39曲・58テイクをたっぷり丸ごと極上体験できる超大作です。


Disc 1(79:52)
1. Intro
2. Rebel Rebel
3. New Killer Star
4. Fame
5. Cactus
6. Reality
7. All the Young Dudes
8. China Girl
9. Hang On To Yourself
10. The Loneliest Guy
11. The Man Who Sold the World
12. Pablo Picasso
13. Hallo Spaceboy
14. Sunday
15. Heathen (The Rays)
16. band Introductions
17. Under Pressure
18. Life on Mars?

Disc 2(69:29)
1. Slip Away
2. Looking for Water
3. Starman
4. Quicksand
5. Days
6. White Light/White Heat
7. Ashes to Ashes
8. Panic in Detroit
9. I’m Afraid of Americans
10. “Heroes”
11. Try Some, Buy Some
12. Five Years
13. Suffragette City
14. Ziggy Stardust

Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne, Australia 27th February 2004

Disc 3(76:05)
1. Intro
2. Rebel Rebel
3. New Killer Star
4. Fashion
5. Cactus
6. I’ve Been Waiting For You
7. All The Young Dudes
8. China Girl
9. The Man Who Sold The World
10. Pablo Picasso
11. Sound and Vision
12. Always Crashing In The Same Car
13. Breaking Glass
14. Be My Wife
15. Let’s Dance
16. Sunday
17. Heathen (The Rays)

Disc 4(59:34)
1. Silly Twaddle & Band Introductions
2. Under Pressure
3. Life On Mars
4. Looking For Water
5. Changes
6. Ashes To Ashes
7. I’m Afraid Of Americans
8. “Heroes”
9. Never Get Old
10. Try Some, Buy Some
11. Five Years
12. Hang On To Yourself
13. Ziggy Stardust

Uxbridge 1534

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