Christine Mcvie / Kansas City 1984 / 2CDR

Christine Mcvie / Kansas City 1984 / 2CDR / Uxbridge
Uptown Theater, Kansas City, MO, USA 30th April 1984

Play sample :

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As a memorial release for Christine McVie, the 1983 live video “COUNTRY CLUB 1983” was followed by the release of “COLUMBUS 1984”, which captures the best audience and happy stage from the tour of the following year. I was.
As with the live video, of course there is nostalgia, but there were voices such as “I didn’t even know that such a solo tour was held, or I forgot…” I wonder if the secret was that the stage was unfolding.
However, more recordings of Christine’s 1984 solo tour are circulating on the Internet, and this time we will release the finest audience recordings from UXBRIDGE without exaggeration.

That was Kansas City on April 30th. What is worth mentioning is the sound quality. Is the press board suitable for the previous “COLUMBUS 1984”? It was a high-quality sound that seems to be, but this time it is an ultra-clear audience recording that surpasses it.
The sound image itself is not as close as a sound board this time, but the outstanding sound quality seems to be working even for that. A moderate sense of distance and clear sound quality convey the enjoyment of Christine’s solo stage, which is now precious. Anyway clear sound quality is excellent.

Therefore, this time as well, it was a superb audience that not only enthusiasts but also beginners can proudly recommend, but the interesting thing is that the live atmosphere is completely different from “COLUMBUS 1984”. Because this is practically the third day of the solo tour.
Unlike Mack’s stage where the front is left to Buckingham & Knicks, this tour has to manage all the shows himself. It is only natural that they would be nervous on the third day of the tour.
Unlike Columbus, where two weeks have passed since the tour started, Christine here has less MC between songs, and she was especially nervous in the first half of the live. Finally, the singing of “Ask Anybody” was unsatisfactory, and the band that tried to follow was stopped.
Backing is a well-trained member, so even in situations like this, she goes through it with a poker face.

And after all, the audience’s reaction was enthusiastic. More than half of the repertoire is composed from the latest album at that time, and it feels good to see the excitement so far.
In front of the reaction of the audience, Christine began to sing freely as the live progressed, and at the end she sang “Songbird” confidently and thanked the audience in Kansas. The second solo tour in 1984, following the popular “COLUMBUS 1984”. Please enjoy the atmosphere unique to the beginning of the tour, which is completely different from Columbus, with the highest sound quality!

クリスティン・マクヴィを追悼するリリースとして1983年のライブ・ビデオ「COUNTRY CLUB 1983」に次いで翌年のツアーからの極上オーディエンス&ご機嫌なステージを捉えた「COLUMBUS 1984」のリリースはびっくりするほどの反応をいただきました。

それが4月30日のカンサス・シティ。特筆すべきは何と言ってもその音質。前回の「COLUMBUS 1984」はそれこそプレス盤が相応しいのでは?と思えるほどの高音質でしたが、今回はそれをも凌いでしまうウルトラ・クリアーなオーディエンス録音。

よって今回もマニアだけでなく初心者まで胸を張って推せる極上オーディエンスとなった訳ですが、面白いことにライブの雰囲気が「COLUMBUS 1984」とはまるで違うのです。というのも、これが実質的にソロ・ツアー三日目のステージだから。
ツアー開始から二週間が経ったコロンバスと違い、ここでのクリスティンは曲間のMCも少なめで、ライブ前半は特に緊張気味。遂には「Ask Anybody」の歌い出しが納得行かず、付いてこようとしたバンドを止めさせる始末。

こうした会場の反応を前にクリスティンもライブが進むにつれてのびのびと歌うようになり、最後は自信たっぷりな様子で「Songbird」を歌い上げ、カンサスの観客に感謝を述べる。大好評「COLUMBUS 1984」に続いて登場する84年のソロ・ツアー第二弾。コロンバスとはまるで違うツアー序盤ならではの雰囲気を最高の音質でお楽しみください!

Disc 1(40:18)
1. Intro
2. Say You Love Me
3. Love Will Show Us How
4. The Challenge
5. So Excited
6. Just Crazy Love
7. Spare Me A Little
8. Ask Anybody
9. Keep Secrets
10. Band Introduction

Disc 2(41:24)
1. MC
2. The Guitar Bug
3. I’m The One
4. One In A Million
5. Hold Me
6. Got A Hold On Me
7. Over My Head
8. You Make Loving Fun
9. Don’t Stop
10. Songbird

Christine McVie – lead vocals, keyboards, percussion
Todd Sharp – guitars
Stephen Bruton – guitars
George Hawkins – bass
Steve Ferron – drums
Eddy Quintela – keyboards

Uxbridge 1811

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