Brand X / Roxy 1979 2nd Night (Early Show) Mike Millard Master Tapes / 1CDR

Brand X / Roxy 1979 2nd Night (Early Show) Mike Millard Master Tapes / 1CDR / Amity
The Roxy, West Hollywood, CA, USA 22nd September 1979 Early Show

Play sample :

Click image to enlarge

THE ROXY recording series of the GENESIS family, which has a special shine in the mirrored collection. The BRAND X edition, which is the latest bullet, is now available.
“September 22, 1979 West Hollywood Performance (Early Show)” is imbued in this work. It is the transcendental audience recording. Speaking of “THE ROXY”, it is a famous club where rock heroes have left numerous legends, but it is a special venue especially for GENESIS officials. Family bands such as Peter Gabriel, Steve Hackett, and Phil Collins’ BRAND X have all used it, as well as the original GENESIS. Moreover, the scene was recorded by absolute master Mike Millard who is a big fan of GENESIS. We have introduced many masterpieces in our shop. This work is the latest excavation of such BRAND X edition.
As those of you who have read this article will know, “Roxy’s BRAND X” has already become a number of masterpiece live albums, but this is a completely new discovery that is different from them. In order to explain the situation around that, let’s first review the history of BRAND X’s activities.

《April: PRODUCT session》
・ September 12-16: UK (3 performances)
《“PRODUCT” released on September 14th》
・September 20-30: North America (11 performances) ← Coco
・October 9: Appearance at OGWT
・October 28: Uniondale Performance
《November-December “DUKE” Production》

This is Phil Collins in 1979. Immediately after the release of “PRODUCT”, a mini tour “North America” was held, and the first six consecutive performances were “THE ROXY”. From these 6 consecutive performances, the official live album “LIVE AT THE ROXY LA”, Millard’s masterpieces “THE ROXY 1979 (Amity 665)” and “THE ROXY 1979 1ST NIGHT (LATE SHOW) (Amity 707)” were also discovered. Let’s zoom in to a more detailed schedule here and check the positional relationship of each title.

●THE ROXY6 performance details
・September 21: Early ← *Amity 665
・September 21: Late ← *Amity 707
・September 22: Early ← This work
・September 22: Late
・September 23: Early
・September 23: Late←*Official

All 6 performances above. Although it is the third work with a similar title, this work is the third performance that first appeared. And the sound is the best with “super”. Because it is a mirrored recording, it may be thought that it is transcendental and natural, but it is not so. Even the “mirror standard”, which is different from the ordinary, is superb. For those of you who know the two titles mentioned above, it’s “similar”. Of course, although the performance itself is clearly different, it is so similar that even if you mix one song with the above two titles, it will be established as one live album.
For those who don’t know the previous two works, it’s “just like a sound board”. There is no sense of distance in the terribly on core and too vivid details, the separate feeling that each sound stands out beautifully, the feeling in front of the narrow club is sound board class … No, the poor line recording is barefoot. It is terrible to run away with. The amazing taste could be tasted in the original GENESIS and Peter Gabriel recordings, but BRAND X has an even stronger sound board feeling. The music itself is not a hit song, but a jazz rock that depends on the performance tension. Therefore, during the performance, it is quiet as if it was overwhelmed by the powerful ensemble, and only the thick performance sound rampages.
It is the 3rd performance at the same venue that has rapidly become familiar with such a thick and close transcendental sound. The set is the same as the previous “THE ROXY 1979 1ST NIGHT (LATE SHOW)”, but it is slightly different from the other shows, so let’s organize it while comparing.

・Algon/Dance Of The Illegal Aliens(*)/Don’t Make Waves/…And So to F…
・Moroccan Roll: Disco Suicide/Malaga Virgen
・Maks: Access To Data (*)
* Note: “★” marks are songs that could not be heard in the official work “LIVE AT THE ROXY LA” and the day before the early show “THE ROXY 1979 (Amity 665)”. The “*” marks are studio recordings in which Phil did not participate.

… and it looks like this. “Nuclear Burn” was the encore in the official edition and “THE ROXY 1979” on the first day early, but this work has been replaced with “Access To Data”. The set of the late show on the second day and the early show on the third day is still unknown, but probably it will be either.
Since it’s jazz rock, the performance itself is more important than the set. This is really great. As a matter of fact, there are no lost performances in all three performances, but this work is the third performance at the same venue, so there is no movement or fatigue, and only the degree of familiarity with the ensemble has improved. Of course, if you get used to it too much, there is a risk of sagging, but as you can see from the schedule above, the unit itself has just started. You can enjoy the stage break that evolves more and more with one performance and one performance with super-superb sound.
“By the way, one digression here.” As mentioned above, Millard left a large amount of “THE ROXY” recordings of the GENESIS family. Being able to observe projects with different faces and musicality at the same venue and in the same collection of recordings is a pleasure because it is an audience recording. As a guide, we will also list our lineup at the end. All of them have a delicious closed room feeling of the club, so please try a band that you have not experienced.

●Peter Gabriel
・THE ROXY 1977 1ST NIGHT (Amity 659)
・THE ROXY 1977 2ND NIGHT (Amity 660)
・THE ROXY 1978 1ST NIGHT (Amity 640)
・THE ROXY 1979 1ST NIGHT (Amity 665)
・THE ROXY 1979 1ST NIGHT LATE SHOW (Amity 707)
・THE ROXY 1979 2ND NIGHT ← This work
・THE ROXY 1980 (Amity 621)
-Steve Hackett
・THE ROXY 1981 (Amity 634)

★ “September 22, 1979 Roxy performance (early show) transcendence audience recording. It is a live album of another performance with the board “LIVE AT THE ROXY L.A.”, and is a product directly digitized from the newly discovered Omoto cassette.As with the previous two works, the sound board barefoot strong direct sound, 1 You can enjoy the rapidly evolving ensemble of BRAND X in one performance.

ミラード・コレクションでも特別な輝きを放っているGENESISファミリーのTHE ROXY録音シリーズ。その最新弾となるBRAND X篇が登場です。
そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「1979年9月22日ウェストハリウッド公演(アーリーショウ)」。その超絶級オーディエンス録音です。“THE ROXY”と言えば、ロックの英雄達が数々の伝説を残してきた名クラブなわけですが、特にGENESIS関係者達には特別な会場。本家GENESISはもちろんのこと、ピーター・ガブリエルやスティーヴ・ハケット、さらにはフィル・コリンズのBRAND Xといったファミリー・バンド達もこぞって利用してきた。しかも、その現場をGENESISの大ファンである絶対名手マイク・ミラードが記録。当店でも数々の名作をご紹介してきました。本作は、そんなBRAND X篇の最新発掘なのです。
本稿を目に留められた方ならご存知と思いますが、「ロキシーのBRAND X」はすでに幾つもの名作ライヴアルバムになっていますが、本作はそれらとは異なる完全新発掘。その辺の状況をご説明するためにも、まずはBRAND Xの活動歴からおさらいしておきましょう。


これが1979年のフィル・コリンズ。『PRODUCT』の発売直後からミニツアー「北米」を行ったわけですが、その序盤の6連続公演が“THE ROXY”でした。この6連続公演からは公式ライヴアルバム『LIVE AT THE ROXY L.A.』をはじめ、ミラードの名作『THE ROXY 1979(Amity 665)』『THE ROXY 1979 1ST NIGHT (LATE SHOW)(Amity 707)』も発掘。ここでさらに詳細な日程にズームし、各タイトルの位置関係を確認しておきましょう。

●THE ROXY6公演の詳細
・9月21日:アーリー ←※Amity 665
・9月21日:レイト ←※Amity 707
・9月22日:アーリー ←★本作★
・9月23日:レイト ←※公式

前2作をご存じない方のために申しますと「まるでサウンドボード」。凄まじくオンな芯と鮮やかすぎるディテールには距離感など微塵もなく、1音1音がキレイに浮き立つセパレート感も、狭いクラブの目の前感もサウンドボード級……いや、下手なライン録音が裸足で逃げ出す凄まじさです。そのスゴ味は本家GENESISやピーター・ガブリエル録音でも味わえましたが、BRAND Xはさらにサウンドボード感が強烈。音楽自体がヒット曲でノセる歌物ではなく、演奏テンションに依存するジャズロック。そのため、演奏中はド迫力なアンサンブルに圧倒されたかのように静まり返っており、極太な演奏音だけが暴れまくるのです。
そんな極太・ド密着な超絶サウンドで画かれるのは、急速にこなれてきた同会場の3公演目。セットは1つ前の『THE ROXY 1979 1ST NIGHT (LATE SHOW)』と同一ですが、他のショウとは微妙に異なっていますので、比較しながら整理してみましょう。

・Algon/Dance Of The Illegal Aliens(*)/Don’t Make Waves/…And So to F…
・モロッカン・ロール:Disco Suicide/Malaga Virgen
・マスクス:Access To Data(★*)
※注:「★」印は公式作『LIVE AT THE ROXY LA』や前日アーリーショウ『THE ROXY 1979(Amity 665)』で聴けなかった曲。「*」印はスタジオ録音でフィルが参加していない曲。

……と、このようになっています。公式盤や初日アーリーの『THE ROXY 1979』では「Nuclear Burn」がアンコールでしたが、本作は「Access To Data」に替わっている。2日目レイトショウや3日目アーリーショウのセットはまだ不明ですが、恐らくはどちらかになるのではないでしょうか。
さて、ここで余談を1つ。前述した通り、ミラードはGENESISファミリーの“THE ROXY”録音を大量に遺してくれました。メンツも音楽性も異なるプロジェクトを同会場・同録音コレクションで定点観測できるのもオーディエンス録音だからこその愉しみ。そのガイドとして、最後に当店ラインナップもせいりしておきます。いずれもクラブの密室感が美味しい銘品揃いですので、ぜひ未体験のバンドにも挑戦してみてください。

・THE ROXY 1977 1ST NIGHT(Amity 659)
・THE ROXY 1977 2ND NIGHT(Amity 660)
・THE ROXY 1978 1ST NIGHT(Amity 640)
・THE ROXY 1979 1ST NIGHT(Amity 665)
・THE ROXY 1979 1ST NIGHT LATE SHOW (Amity 707)
・THE ROXY 1979 2ND NIGHT ←★本作★
・THE ROXY 1980(Amity 621)
・THE ROXY 1981(Amity 634)

★「1979年9月22日ロキシー公演(アーリーショウ)の超絶級オーディエンス録音。似たタイトルの『THE ROXY 1979(Amity 665)』『THE ROXY 1979 1ST NIGHT (LATE SHOW)(Amity 707)』や公式盤『LIVE AT THE ROXY L.A.』とも別公演のライヴアルバムで、新発掘の大元カセットからダイレクトにデジタル化された銘品。前2作と同様にサウンドボード裸足の強烈なダイレクト・サウンドで、1公演1公演で急速に進化していくBRAND Xのアンサンブルを楽しめます。

01 Fanfare
02 Disco Suicide
03 Algon (Where An Ordinary Cup Of Drinking Chocolate Costs L8,000,000,000)
04 Dance Of The Illegal Aliens
05 Don’t Make Waves
06 Malaga Virgen
07 …And So To F…
08 Access To Data

John Goodsall – guitar
Percy Jones – bass
Robin Lumley – keyboards
Phil Collins – drums
Peter Robinson – keyboards
Amity 722

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